Tried looking elsewhere, there's nothing like CoH (or better)
After the initial shock I told myself "calm down it's just a game, there is probably something to replace it..."
No, there isn't, CoH is unique in every way, even being outdated, deprecated combat system, blurry textures that looks horrible in 1080p and a lot of 7-8 years old content in need of an serious overhaul. Tried Champions Online, didn't like it, it failed to make me feel a super hero, I don't like the overall character building and it's "Free to Play" model kinda sucks and makes you feel left out. Maybe the game IS better if I sub but I'm afraid this one might disappoint me especially in the long run. I did like DCUO but it's a game I'm probably going to play like a console title for a couple of months and forget about it after a while. Don't get me wrong, feels like a great game but still feels more like a console title than a true MMORPG. NCSoft has to blame itself if CoH was not performing as great as it was supposed to, lack of marketing, investments or even a sequel. It had potential... And still has. I am so sad to see it go. They're venturing in a over-saturated Asian market without any differential in their hands, no secret weapons, no reserves... Most of these Asian games feels like the same to me, I have a couple of 60s in Aion but really, it has never been so fun, just kept me busy. I guess I'll have to play CoH while it lasts and a bit of Tera which has been holding my interest. Not sure where to go... Maybe Marvel Heroes will be fun but I'm kinda hopeless at the moment. |
Real life. 20x better (as long as you do it right)
Real life. 20x better (as long as you do it right) |
How 'bout you stop trolling. I am getting really tired of you people who have nothing to say but many variations of "get over it." If your life is so magnificent, why are you here rubbing salt in people's wounds.
Get a life.
Yes there is.
Real life. 20x better (as long as you do it right) |
Nearly die in a fire, (the traditional die in a fire would make it impossible for further communications), then decide if you wish to say that.
Played Issue #1 through Issue #12. Occasional play for a couple more issues, then gone.
Back now till the end. One 50: Ella Tundra, Earth/Ice Tank.
If you can say that then you've never likely experienced real life.
Nearly die in a fire, (the traditional die in a fire would make it impossible for further communications), then decide if you wish to say that. |
"To the Pain".

After the initial shock I told myself "calm down it's just a game, there is probably something to replace it..."
No, there isn't, CoH is unique in every way, even being outdated, deprecated combat system, blurry textures that looks horrible in 1080p and a lot of 7-8 years old content in need of an serious overhaul. Tried Champions Online, didn't like it, it failed to make me feel a super hero, I don't like the overall character building and it's "Free to Play" model kinda sucks and makes you feel left out. Maybe the game IS better if I sub but I'm afraid this one might disappoint me especially in the long run. I did like DCUO but it's a game I'm probably going to play like a console title for a couple of months and forget about it after a while. Don't get me wrong, feels like a great game but still feels more like a console title than a true MMORPG. NCSoft has to blame itself if CoH was not performing as great as it was supposed to, lack of marketing, investments or even a sequel. It had potential... And still has. I am so sad to see it go. They're venturing in a over-saturated Asian market without any differential in their hands, no secret weapons, no reserves... Most of these Asian games feels like the same to me, I have a couple of 60s in Aion but really, it has never been so fun, just kept me busy. I guess I'll have to play CoH while it lasts and a bit of Tera which has been holding my interest. Not sure where to go... Maybe Marvel Heroes will be fun but I'm kinda hopeless at the moment. |
Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars

After the initial shock I told myself "calm down it's just a game, there is probably something to replace it..."
No, there isn't, CoH is unique in every way, even being outdated, deprecated combat system, blurry textures that looks horrible in 1080p and a lot of 7-8 years old content in need of an serious overhaul. Tried Champions Online, didn't like it, it failed to make me feel a super hero, I don't like the overall character building and it's "Free to Play" model kinda sucks and makes you feel left out. Maybe the game IS better if I sub but I'm afraid this one might disappoint me especially in the long run. I did like DCUO but it's a game I'm probably going to play like a console title for a couple of months and forget about it after a while. Don't get me wrong, feels like a great game but still feels more like a console title than a true MMORPG. NCSoft has to blame itself if CoH was not performing as great as it was supposed to, lack of marketing, investments or even a sequel. It had potential... And still has. I am so sad to see it go. They're venturing in a over-saturated Asian market without any differential in their hands, no secret weapons, no reserves... Most of these Asian games feels like the same to me, I have a couple of 60s in Aion but really, it has never been so fun, just kept me busy. I guess I'll have to play CoH while it lasts and a bit of Tera which has been holding my interest. Not sure where to go... Maybe Marvel Heroes will be fun but I'm kinda hopeless at the moment. |
Justice Server Global Name Elfin and Elfin Too #savecoh
I could name my 50s but why? Universal Heroes SG I love this game.

I agree. Nothing can replace COH. NOTHING. Marvel is a hope but not if they follow DCUO's model. I am a huge Superman fan, and I still didn't like DCUO.
Don't look to Marvel. It basically looks like a generic fighting game. You can team up with 15 other Wolverines... or forced to play something else if there's already a Wolverine on your team. I can't tell how that particular mechanic works.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
I haven't even looked at other games. I'm just not interested. I didn't get into City of Heroes because I was looking for an MMO and it seemed like the best one at the time. I got into it because it a friend introduced City of Heroes to me and it seemed like an awesome amount of fun despite the fact that I wasn't really into MMOs. When it goes away I'll probably find something else to occupy my time. But probably not another MMO.
Yes there is.
Real life. 20x better (as long as you do it right) |
So back on the subject, I did take a look at The Secret World and I'm considering trying it out, sounds interesting and quite different.
What I really enjoyed about CoH was the fact no matter how busy I was in RL, if I had just some spare time to log on a character, quickly find a team and run a couple of mishes it was fun, or even solo and read through story arcs I haven't done previously.
It was easy going and casual friendly, not to mention the fact I could make a hundred of different characters and try them out quite easily. Customization is also unbeatable in CoH.
50 Ice/Ice/Force Blaster *
50 Ice/Fire/Fire Tanker
50 Kin/Sonic/Power Defender
50 Ice/Storm/Psi Controller
50 Stone/WP/Soul Brute
50 Spines/SR Stalker
Pinnacle | Virtue
@Black Heart
Like Red_Raccoon, I wasn't looking to get into an MMO, and the only reason I played COH was my love of comic books and super heroes.
The Marvel MMO looks a little ill-fated to me
A Diablo style MMO by the creator of Diablo is a little on the nose. What if people in Beta decide they don't like the whole set-up, too late. Which is how I felt when I joined the CO beta, too late to make the real changes it needed (for one thing those graphics, bleh).
I've been playing DCUO lately, it's an amazing looking game, sound and music? great, missions? dynamic and fun, gear and loot? not so much.
...but I'll pretty much give any new mmo that comes along in this genre a fair chance, even the Marvel one.
Don't mess with Texas!
I tried CO:
* Hate the graphics... to me the art is something that looks like it was made by a talented kid with crayons who loves outlining things in black just a bit too much
* I much, much, MUCH prefer RPGs to Action games and the very concept of having a "Block" button turns me off utterly...
* Do NOT tell me what powers I HAVE to choose... this is MY character... that was the most wonderful thing about CoH... the pure myriad of choices that made your character unique.
I tried DCU:
* The costume creator has no right to be called such (Hence my refusal to capitalize the C's) Far too limited. And don't tell me "it gets better if you sub"... CoH Free to Play version STILL lets you make practically any character concept.
* I can't say much else because (to be honest) I only played about 5 minutes into the tutorial... but here's a suggestion to the DCU staff... in your tutorial... instead of saying "Go over and beat up that guy there"... why don't assume the player needs to be TUTORED and tell them HOW to walk over there in the first place...?
So... I'm letting my game obsession stay with Diablo 3 for now... and when I say obsessed... I mean obsessed... I bought it Saturday morning and beat Diablo the first time by Monday night...
Now if I could just figure out how to apply Spreadsheets and a Tournament to the danged thing everything would be fine...
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
From my understanding Marvel wants to make an MMO where you're forced to play as their IP characters instead of making your own, which utterly kills any potential interest I'd have in a Marvel-setting super MMO.
Playing City of Wolverines and Iron Men would be super lame--wolfereen DPS + Dr. Strange Healz0r looking for Colossus tank!!1eleventy. And the Spider-Man clones...the horror
I share your pain. There's no MMO out there right now that could fill the same role as CoH in my eyes. It's a shame.

I tried CO:
* Hate the graphics... to me the art is something that looks like it was made by a talented kid with crayons who loves outlining things in black just a bit too much |
It makes the game look a million times better.
Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.
Hero 50's - 25
Villain 50's - 1
From my understanding Marvel wants to make an MMO where you're forced to play as their IP characters instead of making your own, which utterly kills any potential interest I'd have in a Marvel-setting super MMO.
Playing City of Wolverines and Iron Men would be super lame--wolfereen DPS + Dr. Strange Healz0r looking for Colossus tank!!1eleventy. And the Spider-Man clones...the horror |
I have a feeling this game may never actually make it to launch.... I don't know, I just have a funny feeling. Mrvel doesn't seem to understand the MMO mindset too well.
So... I'm letting my game obsession stay with Diablo 3 for now... and when I say obsessed... I mean obsessed... I bought it Saturday morning and beat Diablo the first time by Monday night... |
A. Weapon with high dps /Crit damage / Open socket / Life on hit
B. Armor with Main stat + vit + all resists + Crit chance + crit damage.
There is a little bit of variety available when you reach godly gear levels, but to get there in any reasonable time be prepared to open your wallet. (and dig deep, people sell gear for as high as 250 dollars per item)
Oh, also if things fall through with CoH, I'm going to send my sub to CO for now and see how it goes. I hear they have power armor, which I've always wanted (powerset wise) for COH. How awesome would asault bots swarm missiles be for a player.
there's nothing like CoH out there, sorry.
I find DCUO unplayable, it's barely more than a console port.
the Marvel MMO sounds more like Diablo than any sort of real game, so that's off my radar as well.
CO has its problems, but I've level'ed a Goat clone up to 8 without uninstalling in a fit of rage, which gives it the edge over every other MMO I've played other than this one and WoW. And as noted, you can turn off the stupid outlining. Things still look cheesy to eyes adapted to CoH, but it is a major improvement.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
To be completely fair to DCUO - it's a good game, for what it is.
I don't consider it a viable option for translating existing characters over from COH or setting up RP groups. Their chat system has improved since launch and they have some more body scaling and proportion options as well. But you still should never start a new character with the intent of RPing a specific concept from the start, and there are no options for writing bios to display in your character sheet.
That said - as a casual game, it IS a lot of fun. I spent a couple of months with it during one of my occasional "burn out" breaks from COH. And I wrote a lengthy review of it. Here's the link:
Some excerpts:
Right up front I want to mention that there are both graphical and gameplay elements that make it very clear this was a game designed for a console gaming system first, and PC second. I'm going to be coming back to that from time to time and pointing it out as a reason for many of the things I'll be describing. I want to start off with some praise for the world in general. Both Gotham City and Metropolis are FANTASTICALLY BEAUTIFUL. Absolute masterworks of design. And I don't say that lightly. Right from the start, they feel perfect and 100% true to the original source material. The shine of the skyscrapers and soaring arches of the skybridges in Metropolis, the grime in the alleyways and the steam rising from subways of Gotham. It's perfect. Throwing in little touches like billboards with Booster Gold hawking for "Bibbos! You'll love their buns!" - or a pair of roses laid on the concrete sidewalk under a lone streetlight behind the old Monarch theater... These are just sublimely geeky touches of awesomeness. |
There's a stylistic thing going on in regards to day/night cycles too. They don't have any. Metropolis is perpetual mid-morning/late afternoon. And Gotham is perpetually midnight to 4 AM. But I think it works. Who'd want to see Gotham in the daylight anyway? ^_^ They also have applied a neat little visual "trick" for long distances. On the streets, up close and into medium distance, you can see individual cars and other vehicles. But - say you have a flying character or one that has ascended to the top of a building, and you look around - off in the distance, between the buildings, (night or day) you can see headlights and taillights of cars in traffic moving. Now the reason I call this a "neat trick" is this: At distances beyond medium distance - the actual models of the cars etc, are no longer drawn. And it "fades" out into this generalized "traffic lights" pattern. The lights are actually just an effect and not tied to anything physical. But at those ranges, they look perfectly natural. In COH or CO, you'd simply lose the feel that there's any traffic in the city beyond what you can immediately see drawn in the short range. But in DCUO, you look far in the distance, and there's all this visible traffic going on. It really adds to the feel of a bustling city that way. Like I said - it's a neat visual trick. |
You've probably heard (the character creator is) very limited. It is - at the start when you first create your character. In terms of body customization, it actually has fewer options than City of Heroes did during it's first 3-4 years! There are no sliders for body proportions at all! You have set body types and about 3-4 faces or "skins" per body type. (at least for normal human skin tones - there's a lot of options for "glowing" or crystal or rock skins etc. Yes - you can make cat-girls...) You do get 3 body proportion types per gender, and 3 sizes for your character to be within those models. You could choose to be the biggest, burliest male character. Who would have proportions similar to the "Huge" body type in COH. You could use the same proportions, but make him a little guy. You could be a short, medium or tall version of the standard male or female bodytype. Or you could choose a "sprite" version of same. I will say that the "sprites" make good adolescent or teen characters. So yes, you could make one character the "teen sidekick" of your buddy. But all of these are static choices. Not on a sliding scale. I feel this is due to the "Console" nature of the game. The graphics probably needed to be limited so that the PS3 console wouldn't have to deal with a million different body types and tweaks for the game engine to render. It also has a tendency to ... I'm not sure if this is the right word, but I'll use it anyway - It has a tendency to "channel" design into something that looks like it belongs in the DC Universe. You likely will wind up with a character that looks far more "silver age" to start with than what you might have wanted. This is offset by getting loot once you start playing. Now this is an interesting system. It's not like WoW loot where your character is forced to wear something that might not go with their ensemble simply because you can't argue with the numbers. In fact, you can "lock" your characters style if you have an outfit you like and then the costume loot simply changes your stats and NOTHING ELSE has to change! But once you have collected a piece of gear, you will always and forever have the option to use the look of that gear if you so choose, even if you get RID of the actual item in your inventory! As you gain more pieces, creating a unique look for your character becomes easier and easier. So character creation in terms of design isn't a one time deal at the start. It's a process that continues as you play. I wouldn't recommend having a tight "concept" driven character that you try to build right from the start. Have a general idea, then see where it goes once you start playing. |
Now we get into some of the weirdness of the combat system in general, and how VERY different it is from City of Heroes and Champions both. Powers with effects are triggered by a press of a numbered button from 1-6. Yes - ONLY 6. Button 7 is used exclusively for consumable healing "potions" and button 8 is used for trinkets that have power effects. You can buy more powers than you'll be able to use on the bar. But that's okay, because you can have multiple roles that you can switch to with their own load-outs. For example, my "Supergirl" inspired character is mainly melee with fire. But as DPS, she has a slightly different load-out of powers on the bar than as a tank. And here's where we part company completely with what you may be familiar with in terms of control schemes in MMOs. Because everything I outlined above is for what I would liken to your Secondary power sets, in comparison with COH. Your Primary powers are what you'll use more often. And they don't use a power button tray at all. You use your mouse button for them. ONLY your mouse buttons. In various combinations of button tap and hold combos like a fighting game. Let me back up a moment and explain - DCUO does not use a "conventional" MMO control set-up. And apparently that's not even an option. How it IS set up in terms of the controls, is more of a "shooter" style. I initially had a terrible learning curve during the tutorial and my first couple of levels. Until it "clicked" for me: "Hey - this isn't an MMO control setup. This is more like Mass Effect!" THEN it became much easier to "grok". You don't even have an individual mouse pointer on-screen unless you go to a menu. When you are in combat you point your character direction by means of the mouse. Look up - look down - turn all via direct mouse control. You do have keys for forward/backward movement and strafing. But if you play it, think of first person shooters BEFORE you think "MMO". And it becomes much more clear what you should be doing. If you're melee, you use the mouse buttons to punch, haymaker, kick etc. If you're a blaster, archer, twin pistols, they become your "triggers" for your weaponry. And the various combos let you do different things. Different punches, kicks, PBAO damage. Charged shots. Once again - console gameplay. The reason you only have 6 Power Effect buttons (+2 for "potions" and "Specials). The combos allow you to do more with a gamepad. In fact, I wager that if you have a PS3 Style game controller linked via USB, this will work out even better. |
Which brings me to the chat system, such as it is. If there's ONE thing DCUO Desperately, desperately needs, it's an overhaul to their chat system. You can do basic communication with it. You can talk to teammates on private channels. It does have "tells". But... Oh my god is it clunky. It feels "tacked on". And maybe it was! It limits DCUO drastically, I think. What is a fun game solo and a decent one in small groups (who do NOT talk in combat, at ALL, because you can either move and act, or you can type, and neither shall the twain meet!) becomes almost unworkable from an RP standpoint. In fact, I don't know if there even is much RP in this game at all. People are friendly enough and willing to help out. (though you do still get Trolls. But that's going to happen) But I don't think I've seen anyone even attempt RP in this game. There's no provision for writing a background bio for your character that people can read. |
Speaking of voices - every NPC character you interact with, from the vendors up to Superman, has a voice. Some of the voice acting is outstanding (Kevin Conroy as Batman, Mark Hamill as the Joker - how could you POSSIBLY go wrong?), some is good, if undistinguished (neither Supes or Lex is from DC Animated, but both actors in the game are decent to good) to cringe-worthy bad (Supergirl... augh... just... Supergirl... I LIKED her in the DCAU. I tolerate her here. Barely), to head-cockingly bizarre (Dwight Shultz ("Howling Mad" Murdoch from the original "A" Team and Reginald Barclay from Star Trek) does the Martian Manhunter AND APPARENTLY HAS NO INDOOR VOICE AT ALL. EVER.) Special note: Not only did Mark Hamill return to do the Joker, but Arleen Sorkin came back to do Harley Quinn! And She. Is. A. RIOT!!! If you make a villain in this game, do NOT pass up a chance to go see her at the Hall of Doom. Most "stand around" NPCs in both the Watchtower and Hall of Doom have only 2-3 "canned" responses. Harley Quinn seems to have at LEAST 15 if not more! And every single one of them makes me laugh out loud - and cringe in the "should I be laughing at this?" variety. HARLEY: (Starting off Chirpily cheerful) "Hey! You can trust me! (voice changes to evil Mua ha ha) I'm a DOCTOR!" Never has adorable and malevolent inhabited the same frame so seamlessly... Ahem... Moving along... |
A commenter at the above linked forums had this to say:
"Adam Baldwin as Superman is...well.....Supes! The man they call..Supes!"
So - Bottom line. Worth it? Well it IS free-to-play now. I'd say it's worth at least trying out, maybe as a change of pace. I think it's a very fun game. It's a VERY pretty game. But it's not a "deep" game. The RP potential is slim to nearly non-existent at present due to the clunky chat system. But the plots and story of the game are well done and I've been engrossed in them while playing. Would it have made more sense as a stand-alone game like Batman: Arkham Asylum or KOTOR or Mass Effect? Maybe. But then you wouldn't be able to team up at all. And you can sit around and talk to people. You just can't do it AND play your character effectively at the same time. I think the game still has potential to survive and thrive if they'll iron out the various clunky bits. As to actually spending money on it? Well I plunked down 5 dollars for some goodies in their market so I could bump to "premium" status and get 6 instead of 2 character slots. But that's really all I think I'll need. Other than the Green Lantern (GL and Sinestro Corp powers and costumes) and recent "Lightning Strikes" (Lightning powers, Central City. Flash villains) DLC packs, I can't really think of anything in their market that one would really need to have fun in the game. And if I really felt I needed more characters, I could always open new accounts. CoH and CO I've spent a LOT more money on and foresee spending a lot more. But if you're a fan of DC (even just a casual one like me whose main exposure over the last 20 years has been the Animated Universe) and you want to play in that world, even if only for a little while, I'd say it's worth it right now to at least download it and give it a try. |
So - to re-iterate. It is a good game. It is a fun game. A pretty game. But it's not a DEEP game. And it will never be any kind of replacement for City of Heroes.
Still - worth trying as a change of pace now and then.

There was a lot of innovated things this game did that hadn't made it into other games. First and foremost that the look of your character is everything and it doesn't change because you equipped dropped loot. You change your look because you want to change your look, not because you do more damage or are better protected.
Second for me was the simple tab to target, auto turn to center while power is triggering. I'm not an action gamer, if I select an opponent to attack and he runs behind me, turn me to fact them. I hate games where I swing my sword but because I not quite lined up right or my mouse cursor is not quite on them, I won't hit them regardless of my attack stats. If I use an attack power while I have an enemy targeted and they are in range, assume my intention is using that attack on the enemy I've targeted damn it. Sure, cone based AoE attacks require a bit of alignment but not single target melee attacks. Space/vehicle combat is a different case as well.
The ability to routinely attack and survive groups of enemy. I tried WoW once and while one even con wolf was easy, two were nearly always fatal.
Sidekicking was interesting, solving the problem of uneven leveling among a group of friends where one can only play a few hours a night versus another who pulled an all night gaming session.
Lastly the vast majority of the game is soloable besides the obvious special group missions which are optional.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Typing!?! Come on, I've been gone a few years and you're still stuck in the stone age of online gaming?!? Mumble, TS, Ventrillo, sheesh folks even a private MSN channel or something. That's got to be the #1 negative to coming back to CoH--for the awesome community, there's no community! Grabbed my headset on Saturday night...that was a wasted effort, there was no voice. Did an entire TF, and there is maybe a whole 3 window of text the whole time. I might as well have been playing a 1P game with incredibly smart team AI's. Maybe everyone was talking to their SG's or other friends,that's understandable...then play with them.
Okay, time to be mean to the wonderful CoH community for a moment...
Typing!?! Come on, I've been gone a few years and you're still stuck in the stone age of online gaming?!? Mumble, TS, Ventrillo, sheesh folks even a private MSN channel or something. That's got to be the #1 negative to coming back to CoH--for the awesome community, there's no community! Grabbed my headset on Saturday night...that was a wasted effort, there was no voice. Did an entire TF, and there is maybe a whole 3 window of text the whole time. I might as well have been playing a 1P game with incredibly smart team AI's. Maybe everyone was talking to their SG's or other friends,that's understandable...then play with them. |
I for one, HATE voice comm. At least for my MMO experience. It ruins all immersion in a game.
And that's another nice thing about COH - the pacing of the game and combat is such that you can run an entire Task Force and never NEED voice comm. You can even run a Task Force or even a Mothership Raid IN CHARACTER.
Some games you can't do that. You are forced to break immersion in the game in order to achieve certain goals.
That's BAD DESIGN for an MMO.
It might be just fine for a game like Team Fortress 2 (and I use it there)
But for an MMO? It should always be OPTIONAL to your game experience.

After the initial shock I told myself "calm down it's just a game, there is probably something to replace it..."
No, there isn't, CoH is unique in every way, even being outdated, deprecated combat system, blurry textures that looks horrible in 1080p and a lot of 7-8 years old content in need of an serious overhaul.
Tried Champions Online, didn't like it, it failed to make me feel a super hero, I don't like the overall character building and it's "Free to Play" model kinda sucks and makes you feel left out. Maybe the game IS better if I sub but I'm afraid this one might disappoint me especially in the long run.
I did like DCUO but it's a game I'm probably going to play like a console title for a couple of months and forget about it after a while. Don't get me wrong, feels like a great game but still feels more like a console title than a true MMORPG.
NCSoft has to blame itself if CoH was not performing as great as it was supposed to, lack of marketing, investments or even a sequel. It had potential... And still has. I am so sad to see it go. They're venturing in a over-saturated Asian market without any differential in their hands, no secret weapons, no reserves...
Most of these Asian games feels like the same to me, I have a couple of 60s in Aion but really, it has never been so fun, just kept me busy.
I guess I'll have to play CoH while it lasts and a bit of Tera which has been holding my interest.
Not sure where to go... Maybe Marvel Heroes will be fun but I'm kinda hopeless at the moment.
50 Ice/Ice/Force Blaster *
50 Ice/Fire/Fire Tanker
50 Kin/Sonic/Power Defender
50 Ice/Storm/Psi Controller
50 Stone/WP/Soul Brute
50 Spines/SR Stalker
Pinnacle | Virtue
@Black Heart