Tried looking elsewhere, there's nothing like CoH (or better)




Gave up on voice chat when no matter what I did, I kept echoing back. Lost the mic, never found it worth replacing.

Voice chat may not be immerssion breaking for all, but it is for quite a few people.

As for CO, I tab target, and go to town. Only the AOEs don't really need targets, but when using single target attacks, it's tab target.

Go to options get rid of the black outline. Personally, I've always prefered CoH's much more comic book style art than COs more cartoon looking art, but CO has some good points.

I don't really see the downside to CO's F2P model though. Freeform is best for sure, but you're playing for free. I remember a time with CoH that not paying meant you got nothing.

Also, you don't have to subscribe to get freeform, you can just buy a freeform slot. Works for only one character, but you're not subscribed.

Still hoping a miracle happens for CoH myself. Just have to wait it out and see.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Dr Harmony View Post
Or you can subscribe for 15 bucks for a month and get a greater degree of customisation than City of Heroes offered.
Just in case some people missed it, and in the interest of saving any interested parties some money, I'll point out again that time cards are currently $12.56 for two months on Amazon. I've gotten them for as low as $10/2 months, too.

Sorry to be repetitive. I'm not pimping the game, either. It is what it is, and you'll like it or not. Just wanted to make sure people know there's a cheaper option to get the freeform goodness available.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Also, you don't have to subscribe to get freeform, you can just buy a freeform slot. Works for only one character, but you're not subscribed.
It's about fifty bucks in real money for the slot. If you're inclined to only play one character, or just want the one freeform, then it's not a terrible deal. It costs less than the box cost did when the game was new.

You can also unlock them in game, but it's a very low chance. You can also earn store points in game, but it'd take a while to earn enough to unlock a freeform slot.

One thing to keep in mind is that if you have a subscription, another perk is that if you hit 40 when you're subbed, you unlock a free character slot. So, it may be worth it to get all of your slots almost to cap, sub with a time card, and unlock your free slots.



Originally Posted by Bantar View Post
Typing!?! Come on, I've been gone a few years and you're still stuck in the stone age of online gaming?!? Mumble, TS, Ventrillo, sheesh folks even a private MSN channel or something. That's got to be the #1 negative to coming back to CoH--for the awesome community, there's no community! Grabbed my headset on Saturday night...that was a wasted effort, there was no voice. Did an entire TF, and there is maybe a whole 3 window of text the whole time. I might as well have been playing a 1P game with incredibly smart team AI's. Maybe everyone was talking to their SG's or other friends,that's understandable...then play with them.
Do people with speech impediments really need another venue to be ostracised in? Type "NO" to voice communication! If we wanted to talk to someone, we'd not be sitting alone in front of my computer in the first place, thankyouverymuch.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
Yep. It's one thing to tout the increased efficiency of voice chat for the purpose of coordinating a team or whatever.
It's great when I'm playing something with my friends, it's at least useful in a fast-paced FPS team setting, but it drives me *crazy* in games like this one.

My daily real world routine delivers my full daily allowance of small talk and banter- it's one of the things I log in here to escape from.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



well i reinstalled CO the other nite to check it out again.
im one of the ones with a lifetime sub there.
ill be playing that off and on, but mostly im just gonna stick with WoW, Rift, SWTOR and D3 for my gaming needs.
but they will never replace COH imo.

@Eternal Twilight
Friends don't let friends buy an NCSoft controlled project.
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Petition to end shutting down CoH:



I know the feeling. Tried STO

And OMG, I must not try to play that game ever again as. The frustration level is immense. Every mission, you are plagued with totaly garbage information that keeps you searching forever, lack of clickable zones that make you click anything in hopes to make things go and fights that lasts forever. Gave up the game in disgust

Utterly rubbish.



i know how you feel gun bunny.
i bought a lifetime sub for STO cause im huge ST fan myself.
but after bout 2wks of playing to really get to know it, i just stayed aggravated with it.
STO could have been alot better than it is.
plus imo i didnt enjoy on alot of missions because you are forced to team and im usually a solo person when it comes to gaming.
but imo STO just doesnt have the ST feel to.

@Eternal Twilight
Friends don't let friends buy an NCSoft controlled project.
Save Paragon one more time!,4877.0.html

Petition to end shutting down CoH:



Originally Posted by Remidi View Post
The problem with voice chat is that there are too many people who can't tolerate silence. So they have to fill it, and fill it, and fill it with inane garbage.
In some game a few months ago I listened to a guy talking to his wife about some bill they were supposed to have paid. I forget the pointless details, but there was no way to turn off the damn voice chat, so I had to listen to that stupid chatter for 20 minutes.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Nethergoat
point two: there is a vast difference between text and the spoken word. In the context of a game, I can ignore any volume of text without distraction. Someone or several someones yapping in my ear is an entirely different proposition.
Originally Posted by Bad_Influence
No they did not: if you were not on Vent, you did that TF or whatever in a total vacuum of information. NICE.
Not for me, that sucked. BO-RING. A blurry of powers going off repetatively on this mob spawn and then that, travel to next mission location, repeat. Without communication, that's all there is, and frankly that's not worth signing petitions to save. That makes no sense to me. If I wanted to play by myself, I'd play a 1P game, not an MMO. So no, there is no difference between text and spoken word, cause either way I'm trying to play with you and paying attention to you. If I don't want to hear/read what you have to say, I'll get a different teammate.

Originally Posted by Bad_Influence
Since I was there for years before the Ventrilo crowd showed up, IMO that wasn't the right group for THEM, perhaps.
And I'd agree.

Must be the quality of players you decide to have as teammates, cause I don't have that problem, and I'm on a game with a much worse community.

Originally Posted by Electric-Knight
The only thing I didn't see mentioned is that some of us don't want to make that much noise while playing.
Of coarse that's valid; RL-first and all. That's just when you type "Yes I do have {blank}, but I can't get on right now."
Originally Posted by Ironik
In some game a few months ago I listened to a guy talking to his wife about some bill they were supposed to have paid.
You tell him to make his setup push-to-talk, duh. And a mod can mute him until he does if he won't listen to your request. Come on people, your problems aren't with voice, it's with who you are with.

Originally Posted by Electric-Knight
Oh dear, I left the rpg in mmo! I like it there.
Like it all you want, I do too actually. It's just not accurate nor true.

Originally Posted by Slaunyeh
Do people with speech impediments really need another venue to be ostracised in? Type "NO" to voice communication! If we wanted to talk to someone, we'd not be sitting alone in front of my computer in the first place, thankyouverymuch.
Oh good lord....Is the problem the voice venue or that you play with a-holes? I think the answer is clear. Get friends who don't give a flying squirrel poop how you talk and this isn't a problem. You shouldn't be concerned with your speech impediment both because they shouldn't make you feel bad about it, and because you shouldn't feel bad about it.

To summarize the anit-voice crowd, I've heard:
1) There are sometimes logicistical concerns.
2) I am pretending in my head and voice breaks my immersion.
3) I play with people I don't like or don't like me.
#3 is totally under your power to change.
Every single one of you has completely skipped by this point I made: Chat with those you're playing with. Or to say it a different way, be friendly with those you are playing with. Voice or text, I don't care. If you can only stand to communicate with your sg, then don't pug. Simple solution to me.

Different people have different immersion requirements, and I can understand that. But then understand this: Some people aren't playing an MMO as a messenger-video game hybrid, but a multi-player video game. You know, where you actually acknowledge that you are playing with real people with real lives and real feelings and not objectifing them as AI NPC you can ignore. That's what I'm hearing from you.



Originally Posted by Bantar View Post
You tell him to make his setup push-to-talk, duh. And a mod can mute him until he does if he won't listen to your request. Come on people, your problems aren't with voice, it's with who you are with.
I would if I could, but I didn't have a mic. My only options were to turn the sound off -- which would have been deadly to my character -- or to quit the game when we were already 2/3 of the way through it, losing everything I'd acquired up to that point.

It's super great that you like voice chat. Many of us don't. Stop trying to foist your wants and desires on the rest of us and let us play the way we like to play. Is that so hard for you?

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Tally me as not pro-voice. My computer is located in my family room, and I play with my wife and kids in the room, with the tv on, etc. I would likely not be able to concentrate on voice chat (which is fleeting, as opposed to lingering text), nor would I really like to introduce the extra noise (the content of which I can't control) into my family room. Headphones aren't an option, as that would serve as a communication barrier between my family and me. I wouldn't want to be speaking into the microphone, either.

I mostly solo anyway, but it would be a consideration for the times I do team.

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i wont be going to CO because i absolutely cannot stand the graphics (as steelclaw put it they look like they were drawn by a 10 year old)

i wont be going to DCUO because ive not heard many good things about it, mostly that it is too console like and not well designed as an MMO (if it only has like 40 hours of content in it what good is it compared to say any other console game?)

ive never been interested in WoW and i dont much care for many of the f2p options out there

if we cant save coh then i will most likely just be playing games on my steam games list that i havent had time to play cause i was playing coh lol (the first 2 on my list are borderlands 2 and torchlight 2)



DCUO was very nice to look at, not very good to paly. Champions Online was bad, art wise and awful in it's lack of choices in player creation. They say it gives you more choices after level 10 but I'm no that intrested in jumping thru hoops after playing COH.
I'm only intrested in a Superhero game so when this one is done so am I.



Originally Posted by Optimus_Dex View Post
DCUO was very nice to look at, not very good to paly. Champions Online was bad, art wise and awful in it's lack of choices in player creation. They say it gives you more choices after level 10 but I'm no that intrested in jumping thru hoops after playing COH.
I'm only intrested in a Superhero game so when this one is done so am I.
Because CO and DCUO are unworthy, there will be an attempt to create some kind of online sueperhero experience if NCSoft refuses to be reasonable.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I'll probably try Champions Online mainly because I prefer the superhero genre. I'll even give it the benefit of the doubt and pay for the gold subscription (been doing a little research). I have looked at other types of games and nothing else at all really interests me.



Tried CO last night.

I can deal with the line art, didn't even bother to turn it off. The permanent "surprise rectal exam" facial expression and imitating a monkey having a seizure when moving might take awhile to get used to. From what little I've read there's also a gear grind. On the positive side the controls seemed responsive enough, being able to charge attacks seems neat (so far, level 4).

I use skype with friends, I hate typing and playing. Strangers? Text only.

Much like how the soloists just want to be left alone and it's always the groupers that need to extoll the wonders of teaming no matter how many times you tell them to shove off, the chatterboxes need to understand that not everyone is going to want to talk with you just to validate your self worth.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
It's super great that you like voice chat. Many of us don't. Stop trying to foist your wants and desires on the rest of us and let us play the way we like to play. Is that so hard for you?
My original comment was: A critism of another game was that you couldn't really type and play at the same time given their mechanics. My counter to that was that that isn't indeed a problem because there is voice chat. Then I voiced my frustration/surprise with a team that neither voice-chatted nor considerably text-chatted (everyone seems to be skipping that point in their anti-voice protesting).
Originally Posted by Ogi
I use skype with friends, I hate typing and playing. Strangers? Text only.
Which, if one reads my comments carefully, I think is totally fine. Text or voice, you are still communicating, still interacting. And I'm not seeking to validate my self-worth. Mostly, because I don't believe in any, secondly because it is not (general)you who validates it. That doesn't mean that chatting with people around you and acknowledging them as individuals isn't important.

You don't want to use voice programs for logistical concerns, that's cool.
You don't want to share your deepest feelings and life events with complete strangers, that's cool.
You want to talk about how cool a community CoH has and how that can't be replaced in any other current MMO, while you go around ignoring the people you are with thus treating them like digitized objects, or not caring enough about people in general to ask them how their day was(text or voice, don't care,) I'm calling b.s. You can go to any MMO out there and find that kind of dismissal, it won't be that hard to replace, I promise. I know I encountered it in WoW.



Note the "and". It's important.

If I'm doing a task force, I'm not sitting around chatting.

If I'm sitting around chatting, I'm not doing a task force.

Haven't had it happen here but more than once the (random) tank and (random) healer decided to stop everything and have a 5+ minute discussion on the finer points of old Slipknot vs. new Slipknot. It's nice they found fellow fans but they didn't need to grind the instance to a halt.



Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
I for one, HATE voice comm. At least for my MMO experience. It ruins all immersion in a game.
I'm cherry-picking this on purpose, so bear with me.

My first RPG experience (like many) was with pen-and-paper RPGs. It was entirely face-to-face voice chat. A male voice for a female character and vice versa never really bothered me. It's what the person did with that character in reflecting their personality that made it RP, not the voice itself. So unless the person making the comment has never played anything but a text-based online RPG, I've never really understood that position on voice chat.

To me, *specifically when playing with close family/friends*, voice chat greatly *enhances* immersion. Especially in a superhero game. It allows conversions, situation-appropriate one-liners, etc., to be far more spontaneous and flowing. It allows for more personality with voice inflection and so forth.

I am not a fast typist and by this point in my life (45) probably never will be. It's disappointing at times to have a comment half typed only to find that we're already on the move or the topic has shifted so that the comment no longer fits.

But also note my disclaimer: With close family/friends. I generally do not voice chat with people I don't know.



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
I tried CO:

* Hate the graphics... to me the art is something that looks like it was made by a talented kid with crayons who loves outlining things in black just a bit too much
Turn off the outlining in the options. Though, the graphics still look too "plastic-y", that does help

* I much, much, MUCH prefer RPGs to Action games and the very concept of having a "Block" button turns me off utterly...
...The ability to block makes it not an "RPG"? RPG and Action aren't mutually exclusive anyway.

* Do NOT tell me what powers I HAVE to choose... this is MY character... that was the most wonderful thing about CoH... the pure myriad of choices that made your character unique.
Gold membership gives you access to create freeform characters - not only do you get to pick which powers you want, you can mix and match from different sets. So you can have a character that has ice, fire, and electric attacks. A Silver ( free ) account can buy freeform slots, too.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Bantar View Post
Not for me, that sucked. BO-RING. A blurry of powers going off repetatively on this mob spawn and then that, travel to next mission location, repeat. Without communication, that's all there is, and frankly that's not worth signing petitions to save. That makes no sense to me. If I wanted to play by myself, I'd play a 1P game, not an MMO. So no, there is no difference between text and spoken word, cause either way I'm trying to play with you and paying attention to you. If I don't want to hear/read what you have to say, I'll get a different teammate.
Whatever dude.

You like it, you use it.

Stop trying to convince me it's super duper and anyone who doesn't use it is just missing the whole point of an MMO.

If I want to listen to a bunch of nerds talking to loud and being socially awkward in a group setting I'll hit the local comic shop.

When I log into a game, I'm there to play the game not sit in on a geek sewing circle.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Currently I amtrying CO for various reasons.

1) and most important one is I have lifetime sub since launch in CO so even if it turns out bad I can give it a rest and check later on.

2) as important as first one. Their community is welcoming especially those in CoX channel are helping alot eventhough there is not much teaming going on.

3) It is PUG friendly just like CoH. True in some alerts you may fail depending on teams structure but it is fun most of the time and I yet to get yelled in any channel for being noobish

4) Its new fuse and mod system is interesting although I hate hunting items in most games what makes it interesting is that items does not change your apperance and it is a big plus.

5) Currently it is only game that I know, you can in someway make your character as you like (both apperance and powers etc). I am sure there are others but either they are old games or fantasy games which neither appeal to me. Closest one (and probably better) should be Eve Online but I don't like just controlling a vehicle instead of character I made.

6) and probably one of selling points for me that it does not require voice over. I hate voice over with a passion it kills game atmosphere for me and trying to get through other people dialect is a hastle that is not happen in texting.



In Champions Online I believe you get a free Free Form slot now I know they will soon. So you should give it another go it is fun.



Having checked into CO the past few days, I can say it has improved vastly from the early days after launch. It's still not up to CoH level, but I suppose it'll be a passable replacement when it comes time.

Virtue Server
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