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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    From what I've read of late posts, Zwill and BaBs posts simply say that they haven't heard anything that supports that rumor and that it was most likely just a rumor.
    Actually BaBs posted later on these forums that Jack Emmert said it was licensed to CoH in perpetuity.
  2. lionheart_fr

    Where to now?

    Originally Posted by Eldagore View Post
    II am also going to try LOTRO. I was in early beta on that game. I stopped playing it in late beta when they changed it from a blended offensive(all types could solo and hold there own on dmg output) to an extreme triforce style because tank/mage/healer just was terrible out of place in tolkien. I was however very involved in the early beta stuff- In fact, (if they still are using it) the weopon crafting bit where you make your own legacy sword or whatever(I forget what they called it officially) was 100% my idea. I should probably go try the system out to see if they implemented it correctly or not at the least. The wording in the announcement they used when introduced with the Moria expansion was almost word for word from my beta post, but I guess that doesnt mean it got put into the game right. Now my interest is peaked.
    There are no characters that can't be soloed well. My highest level character is a Guardian (main tank) that only duos with my wife. My second highest soloer is also a Guardian.

    My brother's highest level character (at the cap) is a Minstrel (healer) who was done mostly solo. My wife, who was not an MMO (or video gamer of any sort) before CoH and LOTRO has solo characters in LOTRO of every class.

    When teaming, as in CoH, I've never found a need to have the triforce style at all. Just about any combo works well in LOTRO. This may not be as true in raids, but I'm not a raider so I wouldn't know for sure.
  3. lionheart_fr

    Where to now?

    Originally Posted by Eldagore View Post
    Thats unfortunate. It was not intended to be a grind, the weapon itself was supposed to grow at a fair pace to keep up with your character. It wasnt supposed to be a job of itself. I based it on Tolkien style lore when I proposed it, the weapons in the books were obviously of high quality, and some had some hint of magical ability. However, the swords and such were named and famous because of the deeds that were done with them, the feats performed by the wielder. hence the weapon XP, though I havent played yet to see how that was put in. It almost sounds like they put it in and made it a new timesink instead of being a system woven into normal gameplay.

    Also, there was not supposed to be a lvl cap, at least not so much as one coded onto the weapon. There were just supposed to be a general set of max stats, high enough to put them above drop stuff easily, and in this case when a lvl cap was raised the max stats could have simply been adjusted accordingly and the weapons could have gained more room to grow. Maybe the system got put in as it is to allow for some kind of allowance for the trade system, which would be nonsense also- as if Gimli would trade his ax.

    I downloaded it last night, I think I will at least go check out the current form of the game before i judge it to harshly, as I said last I played was in early closed beta.
    It's only a grind if you make it one or have to have the "best of the best" build/stats, what-have-you. Personally, I'm not a grinder, so my Legendaries grow as they grow; I don't put any special effort into them.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
    The best thing they could have/should have done with AE is make it never drop XP, just tickets or even no reward at all. Then it could have been a pure storytelling device and not a treadmill.
    Then relatively few would have played it and the development time would have not seen any ROI.

    I love the storyline aspect (even wrote one myself); however, I liked it better coupled with the ability to level (albeit more slowly with the types of missions I played) to get past areas of dev content I didn't care for.

    Especially villain side. I got so tired of the snakes missions that when I made new alts I immediately took them to the AE to level past them.

    If one didn't play farms in the AE, it was a great alternate leveling path. I like games that provide multiple leveling paths so that not every character had to play exactly the same linear route.

    That's one of the things I like in LOTRO. There are four different starting areas and at various levels two or more regions you can do so that alts can take different paths. It keeps the game fresh. Completionists (those who have to play every single piece of content on a single character) don't care for it so much, but those of us who like to try different class/race combinations love it.

    In STO, the leveling is so fast now that it's possible to hit Vice Admiral via duty officer missions and still have all the storyline content left to play. It's not so bad since the missions scale to your level, but it means you outlevel some cool ships along the way. I have two characters that I am leveling strictly via the Foundry (which will take roughly forever) to have alternate paths and use some of the early level ships longer. It allows me to basically craft individual experiences for each character. Fun stuff.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
    I for one, HATE voice comm. At least for my MMO experience. It ruins all immersion in a game.
    I'm cherry-picking this on purpose, so bear with me.

    My first RPG experience (like many) was with pen-and-paper RPGs. It was entirely face-to-face voice chat. A male voice for a female character and vice versa never really bothered me. It's what the person did with that character in reflecting their personality that made it RP, not the voice itself. So unless the person making the comment has never played anything but a text-based online RPG, I've never really understood that position on voice chat.

    To me, *specifically when playing with close family/friends*, voice chat greatly *enhances* immersion. Especially in a superhero game. It allows conversions, situation-appropriate one-liners, etc., to be far more spontaneous and flowing. It allows for more personality with voice inflection and so forth.

    I am not a fast typist and by this point in my life (45) probably never will be. It's disappointing at times to have a comment half typed only to find that we're already on the move or the topic has shifted so that the comment no longer fits.

    But also note my disclaimer: With close family/friends. I generally do not voice chat with people I don't know.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LeperDave1 View Post
    Only problem I have with Freedom Force is you can't design your own toon. Hero X allowed you to do so, though with limited options. I bought Hero X when it came out, and was generally disappointed, even back then. Seems to be available for free at:
    I've designed quite a few of my own characters for Freedom Force. All it takes is a graphics editor like Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, or even free ones like Gimp or

    Freedom Force has an excellent modding community. There are literally hundreds of custom meshes, skins, maps, and FX available. There are a plethora of skinning tutorials. I'd never done anything like that before I started playing FF some years ago. My main character in CoH is based off the avatar I made for Freedom Force.

    If you have no talent for skinning (or desire to learn), there are a number of skinners in the FF community who are willing to make characters for you per your descriptions. I've made a few for others myself (though I am not one of the true artists of the skinners).

    It's true that there is no in-game method of mix 'n' match to make your own character, but it is possible to make just about any character design you can imagine with some graphics tools and practice. FF is highly moddable.

    That said, to the OP: Yes, I would buy a standalone version of CoH.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrainBrillo View Post
    Whenever there's any ambiguity, I call them "Association Football" and "American Football." Though I wish the term "Gridiron" football would take off in the latter's case, the sport is pretty much an oddity outside the U.S. and Canada.
    There are "American-style" football teams and leagues all over the world. If I recall, there are over 300 such teams in Germany alone (at least there used to be).

    Yes, I am a football nerd and sometimes recreate these teams in Madden NFL (for the PC; another anachronism, but it does allow for custom graphics ).
  8. Today's patch appears to have fixed the issue for all three of us. We're up and running now.

    Thanks to all who posted here. Your comments and tips were much appreciated.
  9. Quick update: With today's patch, my wife's CoH now patches and loads properly. We're updating my daughter's now; mine will be last. I'll update this thread with results.

    Hopefully this means whatever bug cause the error 403 problem has been squashed by this patch.
  10. WanderingAries -

    I appreciate your efforts, they are above and beyond, but I'm not going to risk manually editing the registry on three PCs. Also, since we also all play Star Trek Online, I probably can't just search on Cryptic and remove the entries without killing that game as well.

    Considering the number of people this is apparently affecting (see the error 403 thread, plus however many may have contacted tech support without posting on the forum), the problem seems to be associated with the last patch and should be fixed in another patch. It's hard for me to believe that only a handful of us were affected.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    The launcher fetches the game location from the Windows Registry. Sounds link it's not finding it.
    I wondered about that. We're long-time players and CoH was installed under 'City of Heroes' in the 'Program Files (x86)' directory on all three PCs before the NCSoft launcher was required. It's been working fine since we moved over to using the NCSoft launcher -- until this patch.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by WHTJunior View Post
    I am able to update the Test and Beta clients, but my main install gives me the OP error. I will try a few things and see what happens.
    Now that's an interesting twist.

    Please let us know what you find out. My wife, daughter, and I are all running into the same issue. My wife and I are on Vista; my daughter is running Windows 7.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    By 'different location', do you mean somewhere in 'Program Files' or 'Program Files (x86)'? If so, the point is to avoid those directories completely to bypass the onerous permissions. My game is in c:\CoH
    c:\City of Heroes
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    Are you in Europe by any chance? I saw reports last week or the week before about someone in Europe having a similar problem and it turned out to be due to something with their ISP.

    I'll see if I can find the post when I get home.
    Not I. Only CoH is affected. LOTRO and STO are running fine for us.

    This is only since the last patch. It most likely isn't antivirus related either since our machines are each running a different antivirus program.
  15. Quick update:

    My wife and daughter have not logged into CoH since I ran into my problem, just in case it was patch related.

    I just tried logging in on my wife's PC (Vista) and my daughter's (Windows 7) and received the 403 permissions error on both.

    Before I play with shutting off the UAC or uninstalling/reinstalling, I'd like to know if something in the last patch is causing the issue and if Paragon is planning on hotfixing it.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by WanderingAries View Post
    No, I'm quite sure the biggest problem with the installer is Vista, but anyway. :-p
    I've been using the same PC since CoH switched over to using the NCSoft installer with nary a problem. Until now, of course.

    Hyperstrike - I tried installing to a different location and got an error that the installer did not have permission to write to that directory. So I guess I'm left with uninstalling one more time and reinstalling to the default directory.
  17. Windows Vista

    Installed to the default location (both NCSoft launcher and CoH)

    I didn't remember it crashing or failing to shut down properly; the message caught me off-guard.

    Needing to re-enable permission for the NCSoft launcher to run seemed a little odd to. I've been running it fine ever since the cutover from the CoH launcher.

    I'll probably just go with Hyperstrike's comment about reinstalling. I just wondered if something from the last patch might have caused problems. My wife and daughter are both a little nervous about trying to launch CoH right now in case they get nailed as well.
  18. When I launched CoH just now, it came up saying that CoH did not shut down properly and asked if I wanted to repair. I said yes.

    The repair ran and the update started. Suddenly it shut down. When I went relaunch, I got a message saying that I needed to run the NCSoft launcher in admin mode. I said okay. Now it says CoH is not installed on my PC.

    The CoH files are still there, but the NCSoft launcher doesn't recognize them. What happened?
  19. If I recall, a redname said at some point in the past that if a new powerset can make good use of existing assets (e.g., animations) that it is more likely to be free. If it requires a lot of new assets, especially animations, models, and so forth, it will most likely be in the store.
  20. lionheart_fr


    Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
    This is the essential take-away, I think. Regardless of what we do, everyone's expressing a similar interest in adding realism/modern textures to these costume pieces. So we could potentially do a few things:

    --revamp original tights w/ subtle folds, seams
    --add new tights w/ heavy folds
    --add new tights w/ other basic textures (leather, etc.)

    And as a related side note, I'm seeing plenty of interest in:

    --tights geo variation (trunks, skirts for men, jodphurs, etc.)

    (this is where we get into the Golden Age super-hero stuff--probably why the two topics became conflated in the first place).
    Hopefully the revamp will be subtle; too many stark folds and seams can detract from the Silver Age look some of us still prefer.

    While I would love to have two color patterns for tights (that is, the pattern itself plus colorable outlines around it), I realize that gets into tech, not just art. However, something similar might be achieved by making the edges of the current patterns semi-transparent to give the illusion of lines or highlighting, similar to how the Thorns pattern is handled.

    More patterns overall (not armor, but just tights overlays) would be nice too. Most likely you have to be careful there so as not to make it too easy to duplicate copyrighted characters, but looking at other sources, games, and such there are still some very cool pattern varieties that could be added.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by deadboy_champion View Post
    W7(64) / HD5770 - I had no problems until Tuesday's patch. The problems I am experiencing are rendering (like missing heads body parts during character creation) / game will inexplicably crash with no error other than application hang (usually while zoning). Originally I had 11.5 (which I had no problems with) I've tried 11.11 and 11.9 with no success. I've completed uninstalled all ATI / Catalyst software and have installed 11.10. I'll try it tonight when I get home which I hope will resolve my issues. Thank you for for this thread and maybe my feedback will help someone else.
    This right here. I'm running the HD 5770 on a Windows 7 64-bit PC and after Tuesday's patch, I'm experiencing missing body parts and textures both in the character creator and the game world. I'll look at updating drivers as well.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
    (Can you imagine anyone older than 15 embracing an X-men movie w/ the characters wearing their costumes from the comics?!)
    I'm 44 and was disappointed that the X-Men movie didn't use their real costumes. I'm not a fan of the darker, grungier looks. I don't want every character to look like a high-tech soldier, street thug, or normal civilian. Give me old school superheroes any day.

    Thanks for letting us create all types of characters -- including the good ol' colorful spandex costumes. If I were to have one request from a costume standpoint, it would be that more such options be included as well (in addition to the rest). It would be great if we could have multi-color patterns, but I realize that is a current tech limitation.
  23. Hmm, I wonder if it's related to a problem my daughter had last night after patching up.

    Two of her characters (one Street Justice, one Beam Rifle) were locked -- on servers that had mutiple characters.

    Other Street Justice and Beam Rifle characters were still playable on other servers. This is an active subscription (12-month sub, not up until next spring).

    I didn't have time to look into it much last night, but I'm going to check all of the characters on all servers and see if there are any other issues. Then I'll make an official report to see if we can get her characters unlocked.

    Weird stuff.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Street sweeping bores the hell out of me. So did the old sewer runs. I guess I'm the only one that liked the illusion of variety I used to get from having 10 starting contacts in two zones instead of being forced to do the same starting mission arc over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over . . .
    No, you're not the only one. My motto has always been: Variety is good.

    In a game that has always encouraged playing alts with all the customization available, making the progression too linear and removing variety is not a good thing.

    For me, participation in Radio/Newspaper missions varies by character. I liked the mix of contacts and Radio missions because it added flexibility; it kept the game fresh because not all of my characters had to follow the exact same path.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
    You're under a misapprehension about the new system. Everything except basic access to the game is now monetized. "Freebies" were such things as new costume pieces or the Mission Architect system that were introduced to all subscribers under the old business model and which are now offered on the Paragon Market. That is the reason why VIPers get a stipend, which is part of their subscription package. So, yes, those points are something we've paid for.
    And you're making assumptions not backed up by facts.

    We received two new costume sets and one new powerset with i21. Free. We have been told that we will continue to receive free sets in addition to the store sets. If this is true, then not everything is being "monetized" for subscribers.

    The free allotment of points over and above our subscription fee will allow us to pick and choose from a wider variety powersets, costumes, and such *over time* than ever before. Putting them in the store instead of tying their release to a full Issue brings them to us faster than ever before, so if you want to spend money on them you can, but if you choose to use just your free points, you can save them up and get them over time as you would have if you relied strictly on Issues and expansions.

    It's entirely possible that the "free" costumes and sets paired with what we can pick up with our monthly stipend will exceed what we received on average under the old system. We won't know until enough time has passed to allow for analysis.