1973 -
Hard lesson learned: Logging out in the middle of the tutorial mission in the subway is BAD. Sends you back to the beginning. With the mission active. But the gate closed. Can't advance the script to open it again because you can't reset the mission.
So, I finally got a chance to actually play the way-too-short 3 day trial this time around. I even figured out how to tweak the advanced video settings to get tolerable performance on my computer ( Seriously, the graphics aren't intense enough for it to be THAT big of a resource hog... ). I found TSW to be quite enjoyable once I was able to play it. To the point where, now that the price has come down, I may be able to swing buying it soon ( Unless someone wants to be generous. Christmas is soon! I'm a new dad! It's Monday! Whatever reason.
No? Oh well ).
So, now I'm wondering....how's the RP scene there? -
Quote:Are those figures the raw income or the profit? Generally when a company talks about their revenue, it's after operating expenses...Getting subscriber numbers is a bit murky since most don't give that out but one can get a "ballpark" guesstimate from revenues.
With a 100k subscribers, one can expect (very roughly) that there would be around $3.6 million in revenues (assuming all players on $12/mo - yearly plan...unlikely) to maybe $4.5 million ($15/mo - monthly plan).
With that in mind, the last time CoX's actual revenue came close to $3.6 mil was back in 2Q-3Q 2009. Exception to 3Q 2010 $4.8mil mainly because that number is skewed by GR sales.
Immediately after Freedom's sales spike, CoX revenue in 1Q 2012 was $2.6 million. Which might place VIP numbers somewhere in the vicinity of 58k - 72k subscribers *.
* Of course also using the assumption 100% of revenues is only from subscriptions which is unlikely even before F2P, so it's likely to be less than that.
Personally, i would lean towards the lower end range subs. -
Quote:I'm not saying the other forums haven't done the good stuff. That doesn't make them not a hostile place overall. The good doesn't automatically nullify the bad. I just know I see a LOT more venom and hate toward other posters on other forums than here.If my bottom quoting bothers you that much...LOL
I have ALWAYS bottom quoted - it's not something against you or anyone it is simply how I reply on forums. Comparing it to a real life disgusting habit is uhmm weird. If my reply format bothers you as much as someone farting... LOL
I'll say it again: CoH forums are not unique or special...kinda like the CoH community. You thinking they are does not make them so. I have read stories on other forums how X game has helped autistic children cope with their autism, how games have helped people come out of a deep depression, how couples have met/married/had kids, etc etc... These are not unique to CoH. At the core of most MMOs is a supportive player base and to think it is only a CoH thing is nothing short of conceited.
Quote:If you consider my posting style to be rude and use that as justification to act rudely that is your choice.
Quote:I consider my posts to be realistic and blunt. -
Quote:Cutting a profitable project when you're keeping failing projects alive is a smart business decision? Remind me never to invest in any companies you may start.Obviously the profit was not reasonable for NCSoft; which is their business decision
CoH was not bringing in what NC wanted and they shut it down - that does not make them evil it makes it a business decision - a smart one imo.
Quote:I did not find those communities any more vile than this community; maybe that's because I looked at it objectively and not with rose colored sunglasses on as a CoH fan. Then again when someone/something is dying we tend to only remember the good things and tend to make it seem like it/they were more special than they truly were.
Quote:I always quote bottom.... -
Quote:What do you base this off of?You may want to look at how long most MMOs get for a sunset...On average 30 days and what did we get??? 90 days. (Please note I said average and not all before saying X MMO got 60 days or Y MMO got 90 days)
If it weren't for NCSoft CoH would have died in 2007.
Quote:Your subscriber numbers are a little off. The BEST guess off revenue is that CoH had... 50-60k subs since Freedom.
Quote:Who cares what it had PRE Freedom because that was a year ago and not NOW. 50-60k subs is not a thriving game no matter how you look at it;
Quote:MOST Gaming forums are just like these....nothing special or pleasant about the CoH forums from my experience on SWTOR, CO, DCUO, GWII etc....
By the way, beginner forum etiquette 101: Quote top, reply bottom if not splicing within the quote. -
Quote:Oh, not shutting down a successful MMO was "giving it 5 more years of life" and an "extended sunsetting time frame". Gotcha. What color is the sky in your fantasy world?What NCSoft did was give CoH 5 more years of life.
What NCSoft did was give an extended sunsetting time frame compared to most MMOs that are closed down.
Quote:CoH was not some thriving community contrary to what others want people to think. It was a small..declining group of players who couldn't be bothered with saving the game until it was too late.
Quote:Things that led to this point: Inhospitable forums... -
Gah. If you haven't already, don't. Go with Torchlight 2.
Yeah, honestly, once a game is shut down, I couldn't give a flying rat's @#$ about the "legality" of an emulated server. It's no longer taking revenue from the creators, who cares if it's "legal"?
No need to be insulting about it. Like you say, it's not for everyone. Doesn't mean the ones who it IS "for" are wrong.
Quote:Yeah, the graphics in CO are certainly NOT cel shading. With the outlines on, there's an effect somewhat reminiscent of it, but it's not cel shading. Overall it's just...plastic.I did. Cel shading is a kind of shading used to make graphics look illustrated. The only graphics that support that in CO are the outlines. The rest of it looks more like the not cel shading plastic shader in the picture on the wiki page here, which I referenced before I posted my response, and certainly before Mercykilling linked it.
I'm not crazy about the style myself.
Quote:That's nice. We were talking about GG and her knee-jerk hatred of anything not CoH, we weren't talking about you. No need to get defensive.I can hate CO while liking more than one game at a time. SW:TOR is going pretty well for me outside of a few hiccups. TSW is pretty good too. And hell, WoW is popular for a reason.
Seriously, just because I hate CO doesn't mean I'm hating every game but CoH just to make it look "better".
It just happens to be...well..an incredibly ****** substitute for CoH.
And bad game in general.
I've already pointed out how the majority of powers in most powersets are completely un-required to play. Or how the only repeatable content is Alerts, or how the game really isn't rigged for teaming outside of Alerts. Hideouts and indoor enviroments have an incredibly low population bar making supergroup meetings near impossible. (or the fact that the only way to access the crew menu for supergroups is by traveling allll the way back to the building in the city) Or how the fact that CO has two textures, plastic and shiny plastic. Or the bad jokes. Or how EVERY mission is a parody of something. Or the very first master villain being a racist asian stereotype that can't pronounce Millennium City because it has L's in it. Or the fact that the QA team seems to be staffed by rocks with faces painted on them, as tickets and bugs sit for months at a time, only to be fixed, then reintroduced with the next patch. Or how, even though travel powers use a separate menu, and a separate power point system, you still have to retrain EVERYTHING to change travel powers.
None of these points are to make "CoH look better", they're just major flaws and detriments to players who aren't already hooked on the game. I wouldn't play CO even if I hadn't played CoH first.
So please, don't lump every complaint with "oh, they're just complaining because it's different than their old game". -
Quote:Unfortunately it's common to see such things in gaming forums. Seems to be a set of people who think that you're only allowed to like one game at a time.I don't mind anyone thinking it was the best game evar!1! because I happen to like it a lot, and it is the game that got me into trying MMOs at all. I just don't see the whole point of tearing down other games and communities to make one's favorite look better. If anything, it makes it look worse.
Quote:Well, it is(was) the best game evar!1!, but that's not the point.Love, like, neutral, dislike, or hate CO, I wouldn't take GG's word for anything in the game. Her observations aren't about objectivity, but about boosting CoH as the best game evar!1! and insulting anyone who plays anything different.
Quote:Yeah, that's confusing me. Where is GG seeing jerky movement? Maybe get a better computer 'cause the framerates must be taking a hit.CO isn't jerky in any way and if it is then CoH is too, I run the same in both games. Also it only clumsy if you run into every building so try not doing that, because CO is not clumsy at all.
Or turn the graphics settings down a bit. Movement looks fine to me.
Quote:The forced archtypes in CO are really only a limitation of non-paid accounts. Even free accounts can buy "freeform" slots, though they're costly. Also, for some bizarre reason, the game limits the ATs you can choose and costume selection your first time through the tutorial. This, IMO, only has the effect of giving a bad first impression to new players.I simply couldn't get past the forced archetypes of Champions Online. I know that archetypes were never a part of the original game and they feel hashed together. I was so taken aback by how fewer power sets Champions has too. We were really spoiled with City Of Heroes and its level of customization, vastly different and nearly perfectly balanced archetypes that complemented one another, and its cornucopia of power sets.
Quote:A LOT of MMOs do this. Not saying that makes it a good mechanic, but it's not one you should be surprised to find. I think the specific reason behind it is to discourage kiting and/or respawn-kamakazi rushing mobs to death.I can vouch for this. I've lost count of the number of times I've had some twit try running past me with several mobs chasing him only to have the mobs completely ignore me and catch up with the twit and gank his stupid <insert explicative>.
Now something that does irritate me about the NPC's is the instant healing. Last time I was on I took a shot at a sole target and kept shooting at it while backing up to maintain distance. Suddenly the NPC stops instant heals, breaks off combat, and runs away. Forcing me to start over. As far as I'm concerned that's total BS. I don't give a rat's patootie what the devs reasons are, an NPC that quits combat and instantly heals back to full in the middle of combat is a BS game mechanic. Especially when I've had NPC's chase me clear across the map when I wasn't fighting back. -
Quote:I expect ol' Puffy Shirt to crawl out of whatever hole he went into at this point.I think he "saw it coming" about like anyone who has said, "That's it, the game is done," in the past eight and a half years. They're all coming out of the woodwork now to say, "See? I told you so."
Kinda my problem. Actually I'm not sure if any trial time would be long enough lately. I never know if the next free days will present me with time available to play or be completely occupied. The joys of a new baby in the house and all...
Quote:Buy me the game, and I'll try it out.You shouldn't trust a Templar.
Except in this case. Go try it out!
(You can totally trust the Illuminati though. Have your spine weaponized today.)$60 up front for an MMO now that I've been spoiled by the F2P model without the up-front cost is a bit much. Especially with my budget changes these days.
Jester raises a good point. The fact that they're willing to discuss and taking this long to come out with a solid answer is a good sign. No's are quick. Yes's tend to take time. It could still be a no ( In fact, I'd say it's probably most likely a no, but it's less certain the longer it takes ), there are exceptions... But the fact that we have no answer yet is reason to hope.