Someone please debunk this rumor
Was it from a Nigerian prince?
I think you need a more reliable source than a random comment to an article somewhere. This rumour doesn't need to be debunked. It needs to be confirmed.
Thought for the day:
"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
As much as we all love CoH, there's totally no way that it's worth 80 million on the MMO market.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
As much as we all love CoH, there's totally no way that it's worth 80 million on the MMO market.
OP: You really can't believe most of what you hear. If you don't see it mentioned by a red name, ignore it.

And I'm sure that, as the months go by, we will hear bits and pieces of what really did happen. I mean, severance packages don't last forever. It's like when 38 Studios closed; different personal stories from the devs eventually leaked out.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
OK I am here to debunk that rumor.
I think that rumor you heard is simply someone trying to vilify NCSoft even more. Rumors like that are simply meant to create the "See I told you they were evil they wouldn't even sell for 80 MILLION!!!" I would be totally surprised if they even received an offer for half that.
It's going to be better for everyone (the community & the people still left from the Paragon team) if you only pay attention to information coming directly from the involved parties.
Jessie Lawrence
Assistant Community Manager
Paragon Studios
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To help put the "offer" in context, the entire development and marketing budget for Rift was 50 million.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Heard from a few people that NCsoft declined an anonymous offer of 80 million for CoH.
Why would they decline any offer?
An offer of $50 is $50 more than the IP/game is going to make them just sitting there.
The fact is, they probably weren't seriously entertaining any offers.
Why would they sell the game/IP to someone else when that would just create competition and potentially take money and customers away from other NCSoft games?
The press release that they "exhausted all possibilities" is just lip service. They never intended to take any reasonable offer and they probably demanded something ridiculous knowing nobody would agree to it.
And really, with all the games they've shut down, has NC ever sold the IP? I guess nobody ever offers them what NCSoft thinks is fair. Poor NCSoft! They try so hard too.
Seriously, with everything that's happened, the rumor could very well be true. I wouldn't rule it out at this point.
It's going to be better for everyone (the community & the people still left from the Paragon team) if you only pay attention to information coming directly from the involved parties.
Why would they decline any offer?
An offer of $50 is $50 more than the IP/game is going to make them just sitting there. |
This is not selling a used bookcase to the guy down the street.
Selling CoH for any amount of money, short of hundreds of millions, makes no sense for NCSoft. Imagine this: Someone buys the game, and makes it 2, 3, or even 4 times as successful as it was before (dollar-wise, anyway). That would be damned embarrassing. They'd be the laughing stock of the MMO world.

Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)
It's going to be better for everyone (the community & the people still left from the Paragon team) if you only pay attention to information coming directly from the involved parties.
I've heard form someone about a multi-million dollar offer that was turned down. The party involved(whom I know) did not share the exact figure; this could be where the rumor comes from.
The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU
Selling CoH for any amount of money, short of hundreds of millions, makes no sense for NCSoft. Imagine this: Someone buys the game, and makes it 2, 3, or even 4 times as successful as it was before (dollar-wise, anyway). That would be damned embarrassing. They'd be the laughing stock of the MMO world.
I think it is a really stupid philosophy. If I sell a restaurant that I am not interested in investing in anymore to someone that makes a better run at it than me wouldn't embarrass me at all. I was done with it.
The full rumor was that Trion Worlds (publisher of the RTS game End of Nations [which isn't cooler than Dawn of War 2, I'm just sayin'] and the MMO game Rift [blows chunks compared to City of Heroes, no offense Trion, not your fault, Paragon's just that good]) offered $80 million and were subsequently turned down by Taek Jin "NCSoft" McCan'tWon't. Personally, I dug under bedrock looking for proof, but the fact that I found none doesn't mean there isn't a kernel of truth here somewhere--Trion's MMO stable isn't exactly brimming over and they might have made some kind of offer, who knows? Oh, wait.
It's going to be better for everyone (the community & the people still left from the Paragon team) if you only pay attention to information coming directly from the involved parties.

Not totally unrelated: unless we hear some interesting leaks in the future, I'll always wonder if Gamers First made or thought about making an offer. Their F2P model for Fallen Earth is a lot like Paragon's and if you look at their stable, you'll see right off the bat that they are structured around smaller performing titles and underdogs. Fallen Earth was limping when they snagged it, and need I mention APB Reloaded? Gamer's First was the first publisher that snapped into my mind when I saw COH's closure announcement.
And pretty much totally unrelated: Petroglyph, the studio behind End of Nations, is the first studio I've boycotted without having a bone to pick with their publisher. Why, you ask? Because I was excited for Mytheon, a game they started working on for another publisher, and got almost to release in development. Be sure to click the "Full Review" tab at that link and weep for a game that deserves to be played (especially all you Guild Wars fans), and also scroll down and watch the gameplay. I followed Mytheon development for a year before being accepted into the closed beta test, and loved every moment of it, bugs and all. When Petroglyph got Trion's lucrative contract, they blew off development, missed every deadline, ignored their fans (even community representatives stopped posting), and had to be SUED by Mytheon's publisher to get all their assets from Petroglyph (who now had stars in their eyes and couldn't be bothered to cooperate willfully), who then had to try to scramble an in-house team together to finish the game in a half-way presentable state and maintain the community. An admirable task by the publisher who believed in the game--but one that failed without the time and talent needed.
The saddest part is that Petroglyph used to be Westwood Studios, the original developers of Earth and Beyond, my second-favorite MMO of all time, a solid studio whose fate under EA was just as heartbreaking to watch as Paragon's under NCSoft. But in Westwood's case, it's more heartbreaking to see what has become of them: successful, totally unethical, completely uncommitted to their fans.
@Captain-Electric � Detective Marvel � The Sapien Spider � Moravec Man � The Old Norseman
Dark-Eyes � Doctor Serpentine � Stonecaster � Skymaiden � The Blue Jaguar
Guide to Altitis � A Comic for New Players � The Lore Project � Intro to extraterrestrials in CoH
Why would they decline any offer?
An offer of $50 is $50 more than the IP/game is going to make them just sitting there. |
That valuation? It will without question be higher than any realistic offer they may have received for the CoH IP (low seven figures range at best). Corporations get away with shenanigans like overvaluing non-tangible assets for capital loss purposes all the time. They've probably valued all the Paragon City assets they're dissolving somewhere in the $5-6 million range (speculation on my part, please understand...). Not a chance in hell they received an offer anywhere near that.
The fact is, they probably weren't seriously entertaining any offers.
But in the end, this is a cold-blooded bottom line decision...and for all that I hate it, I understand it. Half a million or (maybe) a million...or five million or so in tax offsets? No competent executive would fail to choose the latter.
"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."
It's going to be better for everyone (the community & the people still left from the Paragon team) if you only pay attention to information coming directly from the involved parties.
They are deceitful opportunists that can't be trusted as far as you can spit.
As I've always believed:
All problems in the universe can be traced back to either a "bean counter" or someone's brother-in-law
For 80 million someone could just make a new superhero MMO (that has more of what people want), so that rumor is right out the window imo.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
The full rumor was that Trion Worlds (publisher of the RTS game End of Nations [which isn't cooler than Dawn of War 2, I'm just sayin'] and the MMO game Rift [blows chunks compared to City of Heroes, no offense Trion, not your fault, Paragon's just that good]) offered $80 million and were subsequently turned down by Taek Jin "NCSoft" McCan'tWon't. Personally, I dug under bedrock looking for proof, but the fact that I found none doesn't mean there isn't a kernel of truth here somewhere--Trion's MMO stable isn't exactly brimming over and they might have made some kind of offer, who knows? Oh, wait.
But if they were to become the white knight to save COH, I'd have NO problem with that.
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With all due respect H_S, do you honestly think we are going to believe anything NCSoft says? They are, after all the same company that lost a multi-million dollar lawsuit involving forged documentation.
And please, don't assume that someone's feeding me lines. That couldn't be further from the truth.
Jessie Lawrence
Assistant Community Manager
Paragon Studios
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Heard from a few people that NCsoft declined an anonymous offer of 80 million for CoH.