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  1. Selling CoH for any amount of money, short of hundreds of millions, makes no sense for NCSoft. Imagine this: Someone buys the game, and makes it 2, 3, or even 4 times as successful as it was before (dollar-wise, anyway). That would be damned embarrassing. They'd be the laughing stock of the MMO world.
  2. Voted to keep it going, of course =)
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mind Forever Burning View Post
    PS. I went by Paragon Studios this morning with breakfast treats for the team. After a somewhat awkward introduction, I spent a few minutes talking to Zwillinger. Good times. It sounds like they will land on their feet.
    Nice =D I doubt fans of any other game ever did that!
  4. A lot of the questions are the same ones over and over again anyway! Battalion this, future incarnate slots that, what's Manticore's favorite brand of cheese... it's all the same!
  5. haha, Arcana got hotlink pwned =)
  6. BT was on the team? NO WAIS!

    Why does this keep surprising me? WE were the first people Paragon Studios told that they had job openings >_>
  7. I think I read that NCSoft should be e-mailing people soon about their options. I don't think they're going to just take your money.

    Given the suddenness of this, I don't think PlayNC was prepared to not take yearly subs and are now scrambling to figure out how to avoid lawsuits from this.
  8. It would have to be the time I was on a Synapse TF that had dissolved by like the 4th or 5th mission and I wound up soloing the whole rest of the way. When Babbage spawned, I sent out a call for help, which was answered by dozens of friends from various channels. He went down no sweat! Then I soloed CK himself...

    Well, with the help of Amy Johnson, a Shivan and a Snowbeast =P

    And then there was the first time I was on a team that was rewarded the Master of Statesman's TF badge. After dozens of tries, the hard work and perserverence paid off!

    (of course now we have Incarnate powers and level shifts which mean you could probably do the TF solo and still get Master >_>)
  9. August 31st-November 30th, 2012: Autoevolution comes to a halt, entropy engulfs the multiverse, and finally, it all ends =(
  10. Reasons I've heard:

    The company that owns cryptic (which owns CoH's game engine) did not allow NCSoft to lease its property any longer.

    While CoH does make money, it doesn't make -enough-, at least, not enough to justify spending heaps of cash on re-licensing the engine for whatever huge fee "Perfect World" came up with. Paragon Studios only supplied 1-2% of NCSoft's earnings. If it would have cost NCSoft more to re-lease the game engine than what CoH makes for them, discontinuing it is a no-brainer.

    Still, the very SUDDEN nature of this all makes me wonder if there wasn't something else at play.

    What really gets me is that the game and its underlying engine have both been updated, improved, and changed so much, that I bet NCSoft would have a decent chance of being able to claim rights to it. Or heck, why not just keep the dev team on and have them make a NEW engine? Why not bide for time or something?

    This all seems very suspect to me...
  11. Codewalker: WOW, that new zone woulda looked NICE! How'd you come by those shots?
  12. You've got it! I won't have much else to spend my 15 bucks on next month =(
  13. EmperorSteele

    REVAMP EM set

    I just wish the T2 or T3 was a small cone attack so that Whirling Hands wasn't the only AoE in the set =(
  14. The Cap scene should have been left in, certainly! I especially like that the waitress who hits on him is the same one who sees that he saved her life, it explains WHY she looked at him so closely near the end. "Hey, I know that guy! He's the one who was asking about free radio... and he JUST SAVED MY LIFE! Forget Iron Man, HE'S a hero!"
  15. I wasn't sure whether to ask in the Bases, Badges, or Technical Help section, so... w/e.

    Anyway, some questions, and an observation/concern.

    When I use a character to "buy" prestige with influence, is that listed under that character's prestige total in the SG list?

    Regardless of that, if I convert Inf to Prestige, does that count towards the "earn 10 million prestige" badge?

    Does SPENDING Prestige on my base lower the badge counter?

    Basically, my problem is this. I thought the amount of prestige I had was a bit.... low, so I added all the prestige my SG had accumulated by hand, and it turns out the badge counter is close to a MILLION prestige off! See here:

    I'm thinking it might be because the answers to my questions above are Yes, No, and no(?), respectively. But I just wanted to make sure.
  16. I don't know when this happened, or if perhaps my memory is flawed... however, I seem to recall that the damage badges used to be a bit harder to get, because +HP from accolades (having all of them would give you an extra 150 or so) didn't count towards damage taken. An enemy would have to deplete the +HP first before his damage would register for badge purposes.

    For instance, if you had 1000 hp after accolades, and took 500 damage, only 350 would count towards the damage taken badges.

    However, doing a damage farm now, I've noticed that every point of damage I'm taking is counting towards the badge, even though I have all 3 accolades. Is this a bug, or did they remove this limitation? If so, when? I don't recall this at all =/
  17. Soon (tm)

    You guys are slipping!
  18. That picture woulda been PERFECT if there was a Hami tentacle in the background. Or maybe that's just me.
  19. Hi again!

    I'm gonna suggest 2 things.

    Turn on vertical synch. (If you're using a flat screen monitor, it's locked at 60fps regardless, and if your FPS is higher than that, it can cause tearing and miiiight be causing a bug)

    Defrag your HD. Perhaps a file got moved and was scrambled? (Verifying the files doesn't actually check every single file. Kinda annoying)
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    How often do you solo 54x8 Malta on your Blasters?
    I don't solo +4x8 ANYthing because I'm not a mastochist!

    I'll do +4/X1 or 2. I'll do +2/x6 to 8. But if you're playing a Squishy character against +4s with spawn sizes meant for groups, and you're cheesed off that you're getting beat, it occurs to me that one should decrease the difficulty!

    Look, I'd be more sympathetic if playing -1/x1 still have you getting killed because mez was just THAT bad. But cranking the difficulty all the way up beyond what any one character is supposed to be able to handle and then complaining that it's too hard... well, let's just say it's very difficult to take you seriously =)
  21. Y'know, part of me gets irritated when the people crying out loudest for mez protection make up lame excuses why they can't carry Break frees. I carry 4 at ALL times on ALL characters, and I've never had a problem. Except then I realized there's badges for BEING mezzed and so after 5 years on my badger (a nice and squishy controller) finally hard to farm for them by standing in front of a sapper all night.

    By the same token, not even my blaster has a single mez-taken badge, and only the first debt badge. I guess -I-'m the one doing something terribly wrong if Blasters have such a great ability to get mezzed and faceplant =/

    That said, the few times i HAVE been mezzed, I find it greatly cathartic to mash a button (usually an attack), so I guess it WOULD be cool if that did SOMEthing.