What was your greatest moment in Coh
Beating GMW again to retain #1 spot in issue 13 pvp for the villian ladder. The game was never the same when they released the new pvp changes imo. I remember when pvp zones were full. Those are my most fond memories. That and herding entire maps in 1 pull just to nuke it all in a trash container. i remember when you could use KO blow like a cone ;(.
Greatest moment?
Roleplaying a bit during the old Outbreak tutorial and having someone I teamed with ask me if I was an npc.
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Turning "14" and getting fly on my first character back in 2004. I think I spent a few days just flying around the various zones. I actually felt like a hero.
A close second would be playing my Fire/Energy blaster on the old Shadowhunter map with my invuln tank buddy. He would get every wolf on the map and then I would inferno and kill everything dead in an instant.
"We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." - George Orwell
Creating my first hero HotFlash, a fire/fire blaster. I had dreamed of it for years since I was a kid and CoH let it come true. I remember getting fly at lvl 14 and it was the greatest and is still the best travel power in the game. I remember joining a team in Skyway right after release and the team giving me props for the best costume they had seen in the game so far. Hitting lvl 50 with him after 854 hours of game time as he was the only hero I made. He is my main hero and I will miss him flying over the city.
Keeping it Brutal !!!!!!!!
It would have to be the time I was on a Synapse TF that had dissolved by like the 4th or 5th mission and I wound up soloing the whole rest of the way. When Babbage spawned, I sent out a call for help, which was answered by dozens of friends from various channels. He went down no sweat! Then I soloed CK himself...
Well, with the help of Amy Johnson, a Shivan and a Snowbeast =P
And then there was the first time I was on a team that was rewarded the Master of Statesman's TF badge. After dozens of tries, the hard work and perserverence paid off!
(of course now we have Incarnate powers and level shifts which mean you could probably do the TF solo and still get Master >_>)

Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)
For me it was i20 Beta. I got the invite and NDA on my birthday and I was so excited for it. I just had no idea that we'd be in it for so long. That we'd also be involved with i19 CB and have to act dumb about i20. We also covertly created a global channel on Live - much to Positron's chagrin - Underground Online - so we could arrange iTrial runs via Live and not just the Closed Beta forums.
I20 Beta was a blast. When I willfully quit my job of 5+ years to regain some bits of my sanity, I literally lived on the Beta Server. When BAF and Lambda had their "previews" I was excited. I was also a bit evil. I wanted people to really encounter a tough challenge. I had no idea that those two - which to us in September 2010, with no iPowers, were an intense challenge - would become ROFLSTOMPS in under a year.
So my greatest moment was getting to be a part of the group that tested those and the fervent dedicated effort of my fellow testers to make them amazing.
I still miss i20 Beta
ONE greatest moment?!
I would normally pick my first 50 Heroine, Ruby Dawn (Mind/Emp). That was major for me back then.
Then again, getting her evil sister Cerise Dawn to 50 as a Mind/Psi Dom was also a pretty large accomplishment. Because the villain base on Pinnacle... wasn't. Oh, there were still people there, just not as much. Harder to do.
Oh, and that was before the Frenning of Doms by a month, so even better.
But... and I know I've been talkin' about him a lot... taking the first 6 months of this year, and rolling a Brawl/WP Brute and taking him up to 50, and soloing the Alpha slot missions...
Heck, just getting him to 50. That final Ding. In DA, against +4 BP mobs, in the northish area from the hospital.
Yeah. That was a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
Thread's here:
Imma go with that.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
The moment I logged in for the first time and heard Daaah...Daaaah...Daaaah....Daaah...da...da...da... Daaah!
Cryosteel 46 ice/ice Blaster
Bonfire Blaze 25 Fire/Fire Blaster
Dream of Shadows 25 Staff/Willpower Scrapper
+ 17 alts
Creeping around the Hollows in the European beta, slowly tiptoeing near walls, wary of those purple trolls. The entire zone oozed atmosphere and made me want to learn more about what happened here.
This is what most newer games are missing; by feeding you the plot right away, not giving you the time to wonder and ponder, they remove the sense of being part of a real, bigger world that doesn't (yet) care about you.
I don't know who coined the term "theme park MMOs" for these games where the only super powered individuals are Captain Exposition and his numerous clones, but it's an apt way to put it.
Out of the thousands of great moments the one that springs to mind now is the Cavern of Transcendence I did once with a pug. We finished with literally seconds to spare and everyone just stood around stunned for a minute or two after it was over, hardly believing that we succeded. I compared it to the first Mission Impossible movie to which everyone agreed, and also let everyone know I needed a nap to which everyone sympathized.
Good Times....
I... my goodness, I had one like that, SkyRocker... With Ruby Dawn... Perhaps...? Nah...
/could be... could be...
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
first, getting my first travel power.
Super Jump on my emp/elec, after who knows how long- it's hard to remember now, but making it to level 14 was a SLOG back in the day. Leveled up at Miss Liberty for some reason, and spent the next 10 minutes leaping aaaaaall over Atlas like a crazy person. It really felt like getting out of prison after jogging all over hell and gone the way we had to do back in the day. A genuinely exhilarating feeling.
second, the first time we defeated one of the guys who occasionally turn into a war-wolf. On the streets in IP with my emp/elec and my buddie's nrg/dev, I think it was an ambush. Anyway, we beat it in nip an tuck fashion, then RAAAAAAOAAAAR! suddenly we're facing this giant pissed off wolf-man with a full health bar. Pure terror, and pure joy when we managed to put him down.
Nothing earth shaking, but I never really played this game for the mega-super endgame type stuff.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
I am not sure if anyone start this , but with the end coming might as well reminisce any great achievements within game. So please post any pictures and share your best times in the game.