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  1. Bad_Influence

    The times we had

    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    What sad, strange little people you two are. You have my pity.
    Whatevs, Mr "I'm gonna make sure you know that all you people who want to save this game are the wrongity-wrongest of all possible wrongity-wrongs, now and forever, from sunrise to sunset, throughout the aeons, to heaven and hell and beyond! Then I will be back to tell you again how WROOOOOONG you are!"

    I'll letcha know when your opinion matters to me, Mr Wrongity-Wrong. Till then, you and your girlfriend here have fun haunting whatever MMO you pick out next to troll. I can only hope I am not playing it. You represent some of the worst this forum ever had to offer.

    Cya. You will not be missed. Nor will she.... he... it, whatever.
  2. Bad_Influence

    The times we had

    Jesus CHRIST, shut up and go away already!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arson_NA View Post
    Anything with turds or death threats not permitted please, be more imaginative.

    Personally I'd leave him with some discount vouchers for a night with Lillian Tyler.
    You know what I would leave him? Karma.

    As he does unto us, may it be done unto him. And may that "it" be a total shot out of the dark, and not explained at all, just *KAPOW!* one of these days.

    May he be left to wonder "What?! Why?! Why me?! But [rationale for non-happening x, y and z]!! What the hell?! But what about my [x]! WHAT DO I DO NOW??!" and get nooooooooooooooooooooooo answer whatsoever.

    May the great wheel of Karma turn slowly, but surely.

    As for this:

    gangrel: What would I send to GG... the remains of her pets and family members, if i could find them that is..
    I find this egregiously..... I find it in incredibly bad taste, not amusing, and a very telling statement by the maker. GG and I have certainly never been friends and I have found her greatly annoying over the years. But this, directed at anyone, is just BEYOND in bad taste and I'm ashamed to be posting in the same forum it was posted in. Ugh. Just..... ugh. Plus, bad karma.
  4. Excellent post Atlantea, and sums up my feelings exactly. The days of my freely buying stuff for any of my characters I might create in any other MMO are OVER.

    I might just find a single-player PC game I can tolerate, or maybe finally break down and buy a PS3; at least no one can take those games away from me. I never bothered with a PS3, because this game filled my gaming needs nicely and I had friends here, whom I preferred to play with.

    But thats over now.

    p.s. I like your sig, even as it makes me sad.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
    Really? I know they weren't doing as well as they had hoped but they don't seem to be doing too horribly.
    I would not bet a dollar that TSW will be running a year from now, because from what I understand, that game is having bad cost overruns. I also think CO is on very dangerous ground. When development has basically stopped on a game, that's not a good sign. Hell, CoX was STILL being developed and that solved nothing! So imagine if a game stays basically static for a few years....

    I just have a funny feeling that NCSoft in particular is not yet done cutting games off the vine, especially if their bottom lines don't pick up soon [and tbh, I'm hoping hard that they don't], so if I were playing Lineage or Aion I would be really, really REALLY nervous.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
    So what are you grave dancers going to do with yourselves in 5 days?

    Hopefully, there's another game that gets shut down so you don't go crazy having to contain your 20-20 hindsight financial prophesying.
    I'd suggest they immediately repair to the TSW forums, because if ever a game had an aura of imminent demise, that one does.

    See also: Aion, Lineage 2. I would NOT BE AT ALL SURPRISED to see one of those close down in the next few months. "But that would make no sense!" Well, duh. Nothing NCSoft does makes sense, really.

    These people have a lot of crowing, doomsaying and repetition left to go, soon thier mission here will be over and they can find New Worlds to Conquer. And thank the Supreme Being for that small boon, at least.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GreatRock View Post
    I find it cute how you convince yourself that you are important just because you enjoy raining on other people's parades.

    EDIT: I also find it cute how you have "-female player-" in your sig. You don't know how the Internet works, do you.
    Shhhhhh; please don't feed/give this thing - male, female, who the hell cares - the attention that it seeks.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
    Keeping a game open because the CEO's mother plays it is a terrible reason and one that could potentially see the CEO removed for not doing his job.
    I was not being completely serious; I know that already. There is no title, anywhere that they produce that NC will not shut down if they feel like it. I think they've made that extremely clear.

    It's an interesting idea permeating these forums that NCsoft just loves shutting games down; I strongly suspect they'd prefer all their titles did fantastically and remained open indefinitely. But a number haven't. So it is better for NCsoft to shut them down rather than continually pumping money into something they don't believe has a future.
    I really don't care WHY they shut them down; the fact is, they do keep shutting them down. Which means I'll be investing about 15 minutes total in GW2, because I no longer trust this publisher.

    Which brings us to CoH/V, which which was on a downward revenue trend since 2007. There were revenue spikes around Going Rogue and F2P, but they weren't sustained.
    Which I do understand believe it or not. My quibble with this is that when you really, truly "don't care" about a game and its development anymore, you turn it over to its fanbase. INSTEAD of locking it in a vault somewheres never to see the light of day again, which I would strongly wager is exactly what is going to happen.

    In many ways how the share market has reacted to the latest Earnings Report supports the shut down of CoH/V, that NCsoft needs to (in shareholders' eyes) cut expenses and start to focus on creating titles that will lead to long-term revenue growth. CoH/V, based on revenue trends going back 5 years, didn't fit that objective. It's not a decision that most of those remaining on these boards agree with, but it isn't a case of NCsoft sending CoH/V to the guillotine out of malice.
    If only they knew what to do to "lead to long term revenue growth"! Its very evident that they have no idea how to do this on a consistent basis.

    "If its not WoW, we're gonna kill it because those are the only sort of numbers that will be acceptable to us." Good luck, NC. You are gonna need it. Hahahahaha.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    Apple has 50,250 US employees.

    AOL and MySpace failed to adapt to the changes in their core consumers.

    NCSoft's Asian market makes up over 90% of their consumers. The changes they are making and games they are producing are specifically aimed at their biggest base of consumers.
    What on earth makes you think they are going to give their Asian customers any more respect? lol if anything, I bet they get less.

    Do you really think they would *never* close a MMO that was aimed at the Asian market? I think NCSoft would close a game the CEO's MOTHER played, if it suited their whim. This is a bloodthirsty bunch.

    If you are waiting for NCSoft to topple over - I would not recommend holding your breath.
    I never said anything about holding my breath, but when a company is clueless, they're clueless.

    I can wait.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    Well in that case Apple did it wrong by releasing the iPad Mini, the iPhone 5, refreshing the Mac lines.....

    Only saying this because Apple's stock has dropped since the release of the iPhone 5 and all of these things, so Apple have been doing it all wrong?
    Have no idea. I have no horse in that race, since I own no Apple products. Whether or not Apple lives or dies is nothing to me - after all, all those jobs are overseas so the US has little skin in that game, right? Right. Also, Apple is a company literally hundreds of times larger and more complex: I dont see that there is much of a parallel there.

    [However I have seen a few online articles questioning Apple's recent direction, so I guess anything is possible. I remember when AOL and Myspace were The Supreme Beings in thier respective classes; both are now shadows of what they once were. And IBM! IBM was The Uber-est. Not so much anymore.]

    Any company can be toppled off of their pedestal. I am looking forward to the mighty *SMASH!* when NCSoft topples off of theirs. Thier brainless business decisions will make that happen a lot sooner than any of the above companies' demises, I'd wager.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
    So in order to stop NCsoft killing any more gaming communities, you want them to kill off ALL of their gaming communities by going out of business?
    They will kill them all anyways, sooner or later. I am confident they will end up doing just exactly that, as the flailing becomes more frantic.

    If this company goes completely belly-up over the next year or so, I will not be one bit surprised, because they are Doing It Wrong. We know they are Doing It Wrong just by looking at what thier stock is doing. No company doing it right has stock that looks like that; and their stock problems were going on before the closure of CoX if I recall correctly.

    I will feel sorry for other gamers when it happens, but I will smile to myself when NCSoft finally bites the dust. It is far too rare an observation in the real world, but every now and then some group of utter and complete dolts sows the wind, then acts all surprised when they actually reap the whirlwind. A big ol' Nelson-from-the-Simpsons "HA-HA!" to NC when it does.
  12. Bad_Influence


    Originally Posted by OmniNogard View Post
    The 4 ATs i'll truly miss. Master Minds, Brutes, Scrappers, Soldiers.
    My Bane Spider is one of my top five favorite alts of all time. I am gonna miss him so bad it hurts. How will the world keep spinning with no more EXECUTIONER'S STRIKE!

    SoA and MMs are two ATs we will never see anything even close to them, anywheres else. Wow is this whole mess painful.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GreatRock View Post
    I'm still in shock.

    A week. I really don't know how to write out a goodbye, actually. I've never done this before.

    It's been three and a half solid years of City for me.

    I regret not a single second.

    This game was, and forever will be, my favorite game.

    I have spent over 2000 hours on my main alone.

    I regret not a single second.

    All those hours spent just spending time with him. He was my friend, a character I made that I knew I could count on to get the job done. I had friends, respect, a world I felt at home in. I don't know how to say goodbye.

    I regret not a single second.

    Ever since the announcement it feels so difficult to think about losing him. I don't want to go. I want to stay in Paragon, a world of fun and enjoyment.

    I am crying on my keyboard right now.

    It feels so wrong. It feels like something went wrong, and this is a mistake. I don't understand why this is happening to us, and I don't want it to happen.

    I still don't regret it.

    All of my sadness doesn't compare to the happiness this game has given me. If I could do it all again, I wouldn't change a thing.

    I am going to miss this so much.

    Thank you. Thank you to all of the developers, to every single one of the players. Thank you to the NPCs, to my characters, thank you to the RMT spammers and the trolls. Thank you to the forum drama, to the Titan Network, to every single part of this. I wouldn't change a thing.

    I have lived in Paragon City for three and a half years now.

    I regret not a single second.
    I can agree with this and especially with the feeling of desperation as the death of my characters, especially my main, draws near.

    I have compared it before to knowing some police-squad [or something] is going to show up at my house at midnight on Nov. 30 and euthanize my cats in front of me - for no reason, and I cant stop it. My alts are like my pets, they are very close to my heart. I "raised" them. I spent money on then, and tried to treat them with respect and make sure they had the best of everything.

    And some faceless bunch of goons is taking them away from me. I feel no small level of anger, fear and sadness over it.

    I know soon the haterade crowd is going to show up with scorn aplenty for people with sensitive feelings; to feel sad over the death of one's alts is mentally unhealthy, and they're "going to make sure [we] know just how hopeless it is that we hope that our time and effort is saved, because that's [their] job: to destroy all hope. And btw you hopers are all mentally ill retards, hahahaha! Fools! PS NCSoft rulez!"

    Such people don't get to dictate my feelings, or yours. They don't get a vote. What is happening is a disaster - yes, a disaster - and we have a right to mourn, to hope, to fight for another world like Paragon in the future. One that will be run by people WITH HEARTS. Because fighting uphill battles is what paranormals do; heroes or villains, that's what they do. And what we had is worth fighting to get back again. I do think so.

    It is cold comfort indeed, but you are not alone GreatRock. Many, many others are feeling the same horror, fear - and lack of regret - as this terrible MMO dystopia draws near. We loved, and we lost.

    Maybe one day we will find a new City to love again.
  14. Almost any way for my characters to remain "alive," I would take. So I would keep playing, yes.

    However I would prefer the game be taken over by any entity NOT NCSoft, because they very seriously BROKE my trust and its going to stay broken. They have proven they are not logical/wise decisionmakers; they have demonstrated contempt for the playerbase and a general lack of compassion.

    I want someone else running things.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Just because a person doesnt grieve doesnt mean they dont love. And in the quote above I dont see anywhere where I said I didnt love anything. Not sure how you got that out of that statement.
    Do I really have to deconstruct that for you? If someone dies and you feel NOTHING, you did not love them. From your prior post I can deduce that you pretty much don't love anyone. Or anything.

    And I'm not lonely at all. Actually I'm already married thank you.
    If he died, would you care? I'm thinking no. After all, to hear you tell it everything dies or ends and so why would you emotionally invest in anything? Rhetorical question only. We don't have much time left in this game, I would rather be there than arguing about someone's mental health with them. I honestly feel very sorry for you; we usually read about this kind of detachment in textbooks, and here it is in real life.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    Please post a link to anywheres in these threads where I have insulted others for having feelings, or ridiculed them for trying to create something new and good that would serve not only the person doing the creating, but many others as well.

    You've been doing quite a bit of both, and so scoldings over my "bad behavior" or whatever are falling kind of flat. Do you people really not understand that you are coming off as arrogant, personally-detached, flat-affect..... that people like you and eeeEEEEVVVVVilllll Legacy there seem to be enjoying the pain of others more than just a little bit? [You two are the worst, but you are not the only offenders.]

    No? I didnt think so. Welp..... here's my closing sentiment. May the pain you people so enjoy watching, not to mention dishing out, come back home to roost one of these days.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    Her game's ending too. Did it occur to you that maybe she loved it just as much as you do? Also, it's hilarious seeing someone named "bad_influence" mock someone for being named "evil_legacy". Grow. Up.
    She admitted in a post above, that she pretty much does not really love anything:

    "Anyways, though there is nothing in this world I would grieve over. You know, Just got a phone call yesterday that a close immediately family died and the funeral is planned for the 26th. Now, I feel not a single bit of grief. And family is the thing I find important in this world. If I feel nothing in that case, what else in this world would I grief over."

    So no, I'm thinking by both the evidence of that post, and her general behavior here, that she does not only *not* love CoX, she doesn't love much of anything in her life. I will skip the usual psychological explainations/armchair diagnoses and just say that I literally pity anyone who views the world through a lens like that one. A life devoid of joy, devoid of any real connection to other people.... wow. Those facts she divulged speak for themselves. Nothing I could say would make them worse.

    As far as telling me to "grow up," Thanks for the advice but given your behavior 'round these parts lately, you're the hardly anyone to be giving out behavioral advice. Flaming, snarking, insulting, put-down after put-down: yeah, you're a force to be respected and I should care what you think.

    ....Or not! Maybe you and EL there can start dating. Regardless, fix your own behavior before you start making demands, of me or anyone else. I actually feel a little bit sorry for you, too. I have a feeling that in real life you are a rather lonely person.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    3. I never once called people fools, idiots, or suggested people were suicidal over the closing of CoH.

    Please don't put words in my mouth.
    ...Except yeah..... you kind of did. You have been mocking people upset over closure, and people with the temerity to even try something like Plan Z [*clutches pearls* HOW DARE THEY!], for dozens and dozens of pages now, in multiple threads. After a while, the message does get across and the message I am getting from you is: "To hope, to feel emotion, to even try to make a difference or work through a loss: all these things are the province of fools and idiots."

    Of course, you did not directly SAY that. But your point got across, very clearly. Then we have that unlikeable Thing That Should Not Be currently known as "Evil Legacy" chiming in, which isn't exactly making the "nay" side look any more attractive.

    People who consistently rain on other people's parades usually are not liked all that much. I am sure you could not care less; just saying.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unlikeable Thing
    It took you how long to finally say that? Well hope you feel better getting thta off ya chest. Should of grew some nuts a long time ago and just come on out and said it instead of waiting until the end like a coward. Well, better late than never.
    See, some of us are not totally unlikeable prats like you. Some people..... have a little grace, a little class, they decline to say what they really think because that would reflect ill upon them. In your case my guess is a lot of people have kept their tempers on a leash for this reason. I know I have.

    But here's my parting shot, "Evil Legacy" [*snerk* at that name btw...oooooo, scary]: Whereever you go, whatever you do, when one day something YOU love is snatched out from under your nose for no reason..... and when people give you "HAHA GET OVER IT!" for 50 pages of response to your grief.... think of this moment and know: "Yeah.... I bought that. Paid for it in full."

    Because with your behavior on these forums, you have done just that. And you are hardly some superbeing immune to personal loss, far from it.

    I never wanna be like some girls. You chief amongst 'em. I read what you post, and I feel disgust.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    Yes I seriously fail to see how comparing the death of a living thing to a game shutting down is even remotely similar.
    Of courseyou don't get it: you will never get it.

    Analogy is dangerous because it is usually misunderstood; often intentionally so. Which I'm rather thinking is the case here.

    Look, you dont care if the game dies: we get it already. What I refute is your idea [also held by some others in this thread] that people who ARE upset are fools, morons, idiots completely out of touch with reality, people with no grasp on economics and persons in need of psychiatric intervention.

    Guess what: not everyone thinks like you do. And just because they do not, does not make them a fool, an idiot, or someone about to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge. Sorry.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
    This. Exactly this.

    Also, don't forget:

    5. Just move on and find another game. Just because you've been playing video games all your life and CoH is the only MMO you've ever played that does just about everything in a way you enjoy doesn't mean you can't just instantly replace it with another game.

    My main form of relaxation is being taken away, but it's okay, because I can console myself knowing that NCSoft is doing whatever they like with their own property without any regard to its customers' wishes!

    I should be happy, knowing that I am a powerless gnat who can lose things he enjoys at on the whims of faceless corporations thousands of miles away!

    I should be thrilled as I watch as one of the few development studios to actually talk to and care about their players is gutted and scattered to the four winds!

    ... seriously, what the hell is wrong with some of you people?
    Excellent points.

    Replacing this game is like your dog dying and some moron telling you, "No big deal! Just go out and get a new puppy, today! Any puppy will do, and by the way grieving for your dog is only something done by stone idiots. So get going! Go get that new puppy! TODAY!"

    CluelessCluelessClueLESS, was born WITHOUT A HINT OF A CLUE, EVER. [Not you, people telling us this.]

    p.s. this exact type of s*** is why I will never, ever buy into "cloud computing." Giving some faceless corporation total power over my stuff? Great idea. What could POSSIBLY go wrong?!
  22. Quote:
    It was never "OUR STUFF". It was always their stuff that they let us use.
    If I pay for it, I consider it mine. I own three different disc copies of this game; I bought innumerable super packs and costume pieces and power sets.

    I do consider them mine. They were not rentals: I paid for them in perpetuity. They are therefore mine.

    I will be thinking very, very carefully before I hand over more real-world cash to an MMO. VERY carefully. I imagine I am not alone in that.
  23. Bad_Influence

    Fansy Returns!

    Ah, Fansy. I remember reading some long and involved page somewhere about your doings in EQ regarding Sand Giants. That was a pretty good prank and since I cant fault anyone anywhere for griefing PvP players [oops sorry....] I admit that I laughed out loud. Epic.

    As for this news! I can only hope you are right, and not training some metaphorical Sand Giants onto an already bereaved and distraught playerbase here. That would not be nice of you, but regardless: peace. If only because that page was some damn funny stuff.
  24. ok, lets recap:

    1. Liking stuff and being upset when it gets snatched away from you for no reason is not only wrong, but stupid. [And we were never given a real reason, so dont start about that.]

    2. Morality is idiotic. Only fools think that others should behave by moral norms. Corporations are people too, as we are oft' reminded here in the States, and so: ditto.

    3. It is wrong to be upset when someone else takes your stuff with no warning, and then refuses to give it back when asked politely. Refuses to give it back, when offered money! Wow.

    4. Hell, emotion, PERIOD is wrong and is the province of fools.

    Some of you must be a real hoot in real life. Jaysus.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
    Companies now should not be 'allowed' to stop products and services they no longer wish to continue?


    So Windows '95 should still be sold and supported? Really?
    The graceful, customer-friendly thing to have done would have been to say: "We no longer care about this game. We are retaining the intellectual rights, but here, you can run an emulator [or whatever] with our blessing, as long as no one makes any money off of it."

    Step back, give the fans the keys. CoX is dead to them, what do they really care what happens to it? I dont think they ever cared about it to begin with, judging from the lack of advertising it got. That is no longer relevant, sad to say.

    But they're not going to do anything even remotely similar, so they should not be surprised when fans begin to evade their Ultra-Killswitch-With-No-Backing-Down policy using various methods. NCSoft will be all hurt and surprised and upset when it happens, just like the R-Money camp was when women rendered final judgement last Tuesday on their recent War on Women.

    "How could they! OMG! WHAT?!!! WAIT!" Oh yeah. That innocent act will do evildoers no good whatsoever, whether concerning this game, or in general regarding politics or in any other realm of life. Meanwhile I am backing up all of my main characters. So are a metric ton of other people. We're doing it for a reason, and if NCSoft starts clutching their pearls over it, we really dont care.

    After all, they don't care about us.