Not a single second.
Best wishes to you! While it is saddening to lose CoH, I'm still online and gamng some each day until the very end -- and after that will maintain some glimmer of hope that CoH is brought back in the months to follow. I enjoyed designing and playing my characters, building bases, enjoyed most of the teams I was on, and became friends with some sgmates outside CoH. Nope, I have no regrets about playing CoH. It was epic fun! Take care,
aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).
I been been here for about 5 Years maybe 6 sometime this year and i only regret one thing, i never started playing sooner.
I hate goodbyes too, saying them too such nice people here makes me sad. I hate to say goodbye to a good number of my Toons,
Sound Dragon(Sonic/Ice Blaster) my 1st 50, spent 3 months on him when i joined. The 'good' old days of learning.
Darkgard(Zom/Traps) 2nd 50, Hardest MM i ever played. Nearly avoid MMs again due to bad luck with Darkgard.
Nogard(Later OmniNogard, DB/WP) 3rd 50, Scrapper Lock was found. Enjoyed playing him just to walking into mobs and fight head on.
Shadow Nogard(Later Incorruptus, Thugs/Dark) 4th 50 if i recall and loved it.
Slayan(Demon/Poison) Played it old school, Solo 1-50 no farming just missions and papers. Best Concept i enjoyed too, Blood Demon(Halfling) I'm making a RP Blog/Tumblr to still play him in a way since no other game will let me be a Half-Human Half-Demon that summons Demons and uses his blood as a poison. Slayan had 2 Prime Outfits, Red Outfit was when he was young. While the Green Blood Outfit was after hitting the age where blood demons find there true Blood Color and learn there true power.
AnnihilationProtocol(Bots/Dark) Able to take down most GMs solo and no incarnates. I recall fighting Jack and Pumpkin with little problem. i remember doing a 4 MasterMind Deadly Apocalypse Zone Event that we beat with seconds left on the clock for the 4 banners, Each MasterMind had a Banner to cover till they where open and each used team port and Super Speed to get to the next one then taking out the suped up GM in 6 Minutes. After that we did a Cuda TF and i tanked Reichsman, we only had a wipe when the pets got killed by the adds, we regrouped and set up and killed adds then wailed on Reichs for 15 minutes barely paying any mind, i went afk often waiting for him to fall. We tried for the master run only to fall too some lousy minion overflow.
Hate to say Goodbye, really i do but i don't think ill be able to play any MMO for a while(Very low Spec PC).
So stay Super all of you! May we meet again!
Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).
I'm still in shock.
A week. I really don't know how to write out a goodbye, actually. I've never done this before. It's been three and a half solid years of City for me. I regret not a single second. This game was, and forever will be, my favorite game. I have spent over 2000 hours on my main alone. I regret not a single second. All those hours spent just spending time with him. He was my friend, a character I made that I knew I could count on to get the job done. I had friends, respect, a world I felt at home in. I don't know how to say goodbye. I regret not a single second. Ever since the announcement it feels so difficult to think about losing him. I don't want to go. I want to stay in Paragon, a world of fun and enjoyment. I am crying on my keyboard right now. It feels so wrong. It feels like something went wrong, and this is a mistake. I don't understand why this is happening to us, and I don't want it to happen. I still don't regret it. All of my sadness doesn't compare to the happiness this game has given me. If I could do it all again, I wouldn't change a thing. I am going to miss this so much. Thank you. Thank you to all of the developers, to every single one of the players. Thank you to the NPCs, to my characters, thank you to the RMT spammers and the trolls. Thank you to the forum drama, to the Titan Network, to every single part of this. I wouldn't change a thing. I have lived in Paragon City for three and a half years now. I regret not a single second. |
I have compared it before to knowing some police-squad [or something] is going to show up at my house at midnight on Nov. 30 and euthanize my cats in front of me - for no reason, and I cant stop it. My alts are like my pets, they are very close to my heart. I "raised" them. I spent money on then, and tried to treat them with respect and make sure they had the best of everything.
And some faceless bunch of goons is taking them away from me. I feel no small level of anger, fear and sadness over it.
I know soon the haterade crowd is going to show up with scorn aplenty for people with sensitive feelings; to feel sad over the death of one's alts is mentally unhealthy, and they're "going to make sure [we] know just how hopeless it is that we hope that our time and effort is saved, because that's [their] job: to destroy all hope. And btw you hopers are all mentally ill retards, hahahaha! Fools! PS NCSoft rulez!"
Such people don't get to dictate my feelings, or yours. They don't get a vote. What is happening is a disaster - yes, a disaster - and we have a right to mourn, to hope, to fight for another world like Paragon in the future. One that will be run by people WITH HEARTS. Because fighting uphill battles is what paranormals do; heroes or villains, that's what they do. And what we had is worth fighting to get back again. I do think so.
It is cold comfort indeed, but you are not alone GreatRock. Many, many others are feeling the same horror, fear - and lack of regret - as this terrible MMO dystopia draws near. We loved, and we lost.
Maybe one day we will find a new City to love again.
I can agree with this and especially with the feeling of desperation as the death of my characters, especially my main, draws near.
I have compared it before to knowing some police-squad [or something] is going to show up at my house at midnight on Nov. 30 and euthanize my cats in front of me - for no reason, and I cant stop it. My alts are like my pets, they are very close to my heart. I "raised" them. I spent money on then, and tried to treat them with respect and make sure they had the best of everything. And some faceless bunch of goons is taking them away from me. I feel no small level of anger, fear and sadness over it. I know soon the haterade crowd is going to show up with scorn aplenty for people with sensitive feelings; to feel sad over the death of one's alts is mentally unhealthy, and they're "going to make sure [we] know just how hopeless it is that we hope that our time and effort is saved, because that's [their] job: to destroy all hope. And btw you hopers are all mentally ill retards, hahahaha! Fools! PS NCSoft rulez!" Such people don't get to dictate my feelings, or yours. They don't get a vote. What is happening is a disaster - yes, a disaster - and we have a right to mourn, to hope, to fight for another world like Paragon in the future. One that will be run by people WITH HEARTS. Because fighting uphill battles is what paranormals do; heroes or villains, that's what they do. And what we had is worth fighting to get back again. I do think so. It is cold comfort indeed, but you are not alone GreatRock. Many, many others are feeling the same horror, fear - and lack of regret - as this terrible MMO dystopia draws near. We loved, and we lost. Maybe one day we will find a new City to love again. |
I felt like Omi could tell. I always did the best for him. I got him a top-tier build, I got him purples. I found teams for iTrials to get him to +3. I got costume parts, all the badges I could. I did it all so that he would run smoothly for me.
It felt like building an engine. All that work so that the finished product is as amazing as possible. I treated him right, and he knew.
He kicked insane amounts of ***. All I could do was point him in the right direction, there was nothing needed in the combat area. I knew he could beat anything, and I knew he could only do that if I kept him strong and steady.
The only comfort I can get out of all of this is knowing that we're all in it together. The citizens of Paragon are all united. We're all family. We're all close, and we are all grieving.
I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.
well said, ive mostly migrated to the titan forums keeping up with future prospects and to continue hanging out with all of the awesome poeple from coh

I have come to accept that the game is closing so I,m taking screenies of all my characters so I will always have something to remind me of 6.5 years playing a great game.If by any chance the game does come back after the close down I will start all over again and have all that fun but with more idea of what I am doing now ,I did make some real newbie mistakes when I first started so goodbye to all those that have left I last mission is an alnighter with some great friends I have made ingame and meet in real life too.
Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s
Such people don't get to dictate my feelings, or yours. They don't get a vote. What is happening is a disaster - yes, a disaster - and we have a right to mourn, to hope, to fight for another world like Paragon in the future. One that will be run by people WITH HEARTS. Because fighting uphill battles is what paranormals do; heroes or villains, that's what they do. And what we had is worth fighting to get back again. I do think so.

My guess is 99.9% of us (the community) are going to come out of this ok regardless of what happens in the future (and regardless if we join Titan or not and the outcome of umpteen other variables). Can we count on you to be in that crowd? Why do I care? Because you are a fellow CoH devotee and to me that's reason enough.
I'm a retired old guy with no real life to speak of who has played CoH for hours at a time nearly every day for over seven and a half years. Know what I regret? It certainly isn't playing the game as much as I did (2000 hours on a main equals a casual gamer

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.
It's "only a game", but in City of Heroes I get to live a fantasy that I don't get to live in any other MMO. Not only being a superhero, but being part of a superhero team where everyone is equally important, regardless of powers.
We joke about Superfriends now, looking at how silly it is and how Superman made everyone else seem useless, but I grew up watching that show. In the show itself, they never considered Batman (powers: has gadgets) or Wonder Woman (powers: has a rope) useless. To them, everyone was important to the team.
And in CoH, having an Inv/SS Tanker on a team doesn't make a MA/SR Scrapper useless, or an Archery/TA Corruptor useless, or anyone else useless. We could create our own unique heroes (or villains) who could then become part of something larger.
It was a game that celebrated individuality and creativity. The quickest way to get shunned in CoH was to blatantly copy an existing character. And that's unique in the MMO world, where conformity is the norm.
So now, I guess it's back to other MMOs where, if you want to join a team, the main priority is making sure your character is wearing EXACTLY the same armor and has EXACTLY the same build as every other character of your class, or "ur doin it rong".
CoH, I will miss you.
My Victory server roleplay group VERMIN have a tiny Wikia location that has screenshots, lore, and roleplay information basically spanning about five years that we played that game.
It's been brutal on several of us, especially some of the more fragile emotionally who've become so attached to their characters that it took a serious jump-start to pull them out of their depression.
Yeah, it was that physical. We've tried to gather in other games, with limited success, but it'll be a very long while before the wounds NCSoft inflicted have covered over and scabbed.
A very, very long while.
I consider it perfectly normal to mourn the loss of our characters; not because we can't distinguish them from reality, but for what they represent.
Each character embodies those aspects of ourselves that we put into the game. Whether we crunched numbers to create the optimum build, focused on concept and back-story or delighted in the visual design of character who once existed only in our mind, each toon reflects our goals and preferences and the hours of pleasure derived in bringing them to life.
For me, I was a concept player and this game was a welcome escape from the realities of a dealing with a terminally ill parent. For at least a couple hours, my actions could affect the outcome of bad situations in a way that's impossible in real life.
This game's unwelcome and unnecessary demise is a reminder that, although we may never stop fighting. the good guys don't always win. I understand and accept reality, but that doesn't mean we can't all use a little fantasy once in while. Like you, I will miss this game and don't regret the time I spent playing it. It started out as simple pleasure and gradually became therapeutic. That's not a bad legacy for a bunch of computer code, silly stories and design elements.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I will be spending a considerable amount of time, effort and money to give the community the home that it deserves.
We believe in you. Keep fighting.

I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.
I had friends, respect, a world I felt at home in. I don't know how to say goodbye.

aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).
Trust me, we feel your pain.
I've been here since wave 3 Beta or so, I started playing as a young man living in a basement apartment, in the 8+ years since then I've met my love, gotten married & begun raising a family. This game has always been a part of that new life and now it's going away, I'm pretty sure it's the only time I've cried since my two girls were born.
COH/CoV - Virtue
8 Ball - Lev 50 Kin/Energy Defender
The Canadian Fist - Lev 50 Ice/EM Blaster
Omega Ghost - Lev 50 Robo/Dark MM
Ghostfall - Lev 50 Arachnos Crab Soldier
I feel much the same.
I have only two regrets about my time in this game.
One - I didn't start even sooner than I did. I didn't even know about the game until Oct 2004. But I jumped in as soon as I did. But I would've loved to have been part of the community from the pre-beta onwards in retrospect.
And two - I wish I had done more of the content before the end. I always figured "there's time".
But now there's not.
I've been keeping the sadness at bay by doing as much content as I could that I never had before.
I think I went from experiencing maybe 65% of all the content to about 85-90% in the last three months. And I know I'm not quite done yet.
But now at the last week, I'm finally starting to flag. I can't think of what to do in the time I have left that I still have enough time for other than maybe get that one last iTrial complete that I have never been lucky enough to get an organized group for - the Minds of Mayhem. All the other iTrials I've seen to the end to success. But not that one.
Now it's down to making the last demorecords and fraps captures and screenshots. And saving my characters via the Sentinel tool that Titan provided in the hope that... well in the hope that there is hope.
I find it an interesting irony that the SSA#2 Is called Pandora's Box. For what came out of the box at the end? Hope.
That's the only thing keeping this from being a complete funeral in my head. The hope that the game may rise again in some form.
But if it doesn't, I'll leave it with as few regrets as possible.
If I may borrow the words of the late great Robert A. Heinlein:
"What did I want?
I wanted the hurtling moons of Barsoom. I wanted Storisende and Poictesme, and Holmes shaking me awake to tell me, "The game's afoot!" I wanted to float down the Mississippi on a raft and elude a mob in company with the Duke of Bilgewater and Lost Dauphin. I wanted Prester John, and Excalibur held by a moon-white arm out of a silent lake. I wanted to sail with Ulysses and with Tros of Samothrace and to eat the lotus in a land that seemed always afternoon.
I wanted the feeling of romance and the sense of wonder I had known as a kid. I wanted the world to be the way they had promised me it was going to be, instead of the tawdry, lousy, fouled-up mess it is."
And for just a little while, in a place called Paragon City, I got everything I wanted.
And I could fly.

And for just a little while, in a place called Paragon City, I got everything I wanted. And I could fly. |
As someone told the devs on August 31st, "You gave us a world in which we could fly. We can never thank you enough for that."
I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.
I'm still in shock.
A week. I really don't know how to write out a goodbye, actually. I've never done this before.
It's been three and a half solid years of City for me.
I regret not a single second.
This game was, and forever will be, my favorite game.
I have spent over 2000 hours on my main alone.
I regret not a single second.
All those hours spent just spending time with him. He was my friend, a character I made that I knew I could count on to get the job done. I had friends, respect, a world I felt at home in. I don't know how to say goodbye.
I regret not a single second.
Ever since the announcement it feels so difficult to think about losing him. I don't want to go. I want to stay in Paragon, a world of fun and enjoyment.
I am crying on my keyboard right now.
It feels so wrong. It feels like something went wrong, and this is a mistake. I don't understand why this is happening to us, and I don't want it to happen.
I still don't regret it.
All of my sadness doesn't compare to the happiness this game has given me. If I could do it all again, I wouldn't change a thing.
I am going to miss this so much.
Thank you. Thank you to all of the developers, to every single one of the players. Thank you to the NPCs, to my characters, thank you to the RMT spammers and the trolls. Thank you to the forum drama, to the Titan Network, to every single part of this. I wouldn't change a thing.
I have lived in Paragon City for three and a half years now.
I regret not a single second.
Let me help you fly cause you won't have time
To cover your eyes or get your disguise
They won't ask you why, theyll just watch you die
And it's still so hard to be who you are
So you play this part and the show goes on
But you've come this far with a broken heart
Yeah, you've come this far and you're broken
I will still be on the forums, and the Titan Network forums.
I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.