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The CoH corollary to "It might have been" is "Man, look at all the cool stuff we have." This game was a constantly evolving work-in-progress and it was a blast to be along for the ride.
Quote:I was pushing for Super Strength for Scrappers/Stalkers, a modified Ninjitsu for Tankers/Scrappers/Brutes, Ice Armor for Brutes/Scrappers, and slightly modified Shield Defense for Stalkers. Some of the discussions were brief, some were more in depth. In the discussions, the main indicator I saw for these power sets not being proliferated was just plain old lack of time - like everything else.
Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been. (John Greenleaf Whittier) -
Quote:OK, I came up with more names and powerset options to go along with those above...Reading your concept made me think of a heroic counterpart to the Clock King (as depicted in Batman: The Animated Series). Sort of like a heroic efficiency expert.
I suggest the names "Optimizer" or "Maximizer" with two possible variants: ranged/support and melee.
1) Corruptor/Defender pairing Kinetics with Beam Rifle. Kinetics seems efficient because you're leveraging an opponent's force to use against him or her. Likewise, Beam Rifle has the Disintegrate mechanic, which also seems efficient by allowing you to inflict additional damage.
2) Scrapper with Kinetic Melee and Super Reflexes. Same rationale for KM as Kinetics above. With regard to SR, you're forcing your opponent to waste their power with futile attacks. You could conceivably achieve the same result with Shields, but then you're looking at higher costs with regard to equipment and maintenance when the shield inevitably gets damaged and hey, money doesn't grow on trees. Alternatively, you could choose Willpower for a secondary because your guy seems a little obsessive/compulsive and determined to get the most bang for his heroic buck.
NAME: Bottom Line
His extensive knowledge of martial arts and his impressive dexterity allow him to use just the right combination of moves for offense and defense. No wasted energy, no wasted movement, no sloppy brawling, no showboating (I'm looking at you, Dual Pistols). He's Bruce Lee as an accountant.
Another one could be...
NAME: Cost Cutter
POWERSETS: Dual Blades or Street Justice/SR or WP
Dual Blades and Street Justice combos allow you to get more bang for your buck, which suggests cost effectiveness (and DB allows him to cut literally). SR and WP for reasons of efficiency or determination as stated above.
Finally, it just occurred to me that you could substitute a Stalker for a Scrapper if you're inclined towards a melee toon. Stalkers are all about precision and efficiency over brute force and being hidden will give him time to calculate the relative costs and benefits of each heroic act. -
Reading your concept made me think of a heroic counterpart to the Clock King (as depicted in Batman: The Animated Series). Sort of like a heroic efficiency expert.
I suggest the names "Optimizer" or "Maximizer" with two possible variants: ranged/support and melee.
1) Corruptor/Defender pairing Kinetics with Beam Rifle. Kinetics seems efficient because you're leveraging an opponent's force to use against him or her. Likewise, Beam Rifle has the Disintegrate mechanic, which also seems efficient by allowing you to inflict additional damage.
2) Scrapper with Kinetic Melee and Super Reflexes. Same rationale for KM as Kinetics above. With regard to SR, you're forcing your opponent to waste their power with futile attacks. You could conceivably achieve the same result with Shields, but then you're looking at higher costs with regard to equipment and maintenance when the shield inevitably gets damaged and hey, money doesn't grow on trees. Alternatively, you could choose Willpower for a secondary because your guy seems a little obsessive/compulsive and determined to get the most bang for his heroic buck. -
I consider it perfectly normal to mourn the loss of our characters; not because we can't distinguish them from reality, but for what they represent.
Each character embodies those aspects of ourselves that we put into the game. Whether we crunched numbers to create the optimum build, focused on concept and back-story or delighted in the visual design of character who once existed only in our mind, each toon reflects our goals and preferences and the hours of pleasure derived in bringing them to life.
For me, I was a concept player and this game was a welcome escape from the realities of a dealing with a terminally ill parent. For at least a couple hours, my actions could affect the outcome of bad situations in a way that's impossible in real life.
This game's unwelcome and unnecessary demise is a reminder that, although we may never stop fighting. the good guys don't always win. I understand and accept reality, but that doesn't mean we can't all use a little fantasy once in while. Like you, I will miss this game and don't regret the time I spent playing it. It started out as simple pleasure and gradually became therapeutic. That's not a bad legacy for a bunch of computer code, silly stories and design elements. -
As indicated in my original post, I've reached Stage 5 - Acceptance. Admittedly, it's mixed with a fair amount of confusion. It just boggles my mind how a well-designed, fully developed game with an avid, enthusiastic player base can go belly-up. How many MMOs would happily trade places with CoH for that kind of brand loyalty and market? It makes no sense to me.
I don't have the energy to carry a lifelong grudge against NCSoft, but my inclination is take my business elsewhere since they don't seem to value their customers. -
Some interesting perspectives here. With CoH being my only online game, I had no basis for comparison. Now I'm finding out that all the features I liked and took for granted are far from being standard in gaming. This makes losing CoH even more of a downer. It's just wrong that CoH and the people behind it are being penalized for getting it RIGHT. I mean, what the hell?
I wish I had taken the time to learn how to use the Mission Architect system. I had an idea for a storyline based on a bad pun. It involved the Tsoo kidnapping a child they believed to be one of their former leaders reincarnated. The title? "A Boy Named Tsoo." (with apologies to the late, great Johnny Cash)
Stage 1 Denial: This cant be happening. They just introduced new powersets, they were beefing up Blasters, creating new content and making all kinds of quality-of-life improvements. There must be some mistake.
Stage 2 Anger: NCSoft, youve made a powerful enemy. From hells heart I stab at thee; for hates sake I spit my last breath at thee.
Stage 3 Bargaining: How bout if you increase the subscription fee? No? Then take my first-born; hes strong and hell work hard... How bout a kidney? Ive got two of those just keep the game up and running.
Stage 4 Depression: Cant bring myself to play its too painful, like rubbing salt into an open wound. Wheres the damn Ben and Jerrys?
Stage 5 Acceptance: (sigh) Guess Ill log on while I still can. November 30th is coming fast. -
With less than 2 weeks until the lights go out, I've reluctantly come to terms with the imminent demise of my first (and only) online game. I'm still hoping for a miracle, but not really expecting one.
In light of this, I've changed my plans for how I'm going to spend my remaining time in game. Initially, I was planning to race the clock in order to get a villain to 50 so that he could join my only 50-level hero among the greats. I had a change of heart however, when I started to miss some of my other creations.
Now, I'm spending time with some of my favorites to enjoy them while I still can. It's kind of like visiting a friend that you may never see again. In the process, I've rediscovered why this game is so special - it gives life to the daydreams of the 11-year old fanboy still inside me.
So, with a nostalgic tip of the hat, I salute some of my departing favorites:
Nova Knight: energy/devices blaster and my only 50. My sneaky strategist.
Helldragon: spines/FA scrapper. I wanted a character who could wade into a horde of bad guys and leave them a charred, smoking pile of body parts; he more than delivered.
Green Gladiator: BS/regen scrapper. Whats more iconic than a lone swordsman coming to the rescue?
Shadowbrand: dark/dark scrapper. Inspired by Batman; literally strikes fear into the hearts of bad guys. Showed me what a scraptroller could do.
Helldrake: fire/WP brute. A blazing engine of destruction and Helldragons evil twin. Showed me how much fun it is to be bad.
Emerald Executioner: nin/nin stalker. Quiet, invisible, deadly.
OK, this has detoured from the topic of coping to an exercise in full-blown self-indulgence. Ill stop now. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program. Whats that? Oh, nothing I just have something in my eye Move it along, move it along nothing to see here -
Maybe not original, but theme songs from superhero pop culture. When I'm playing my Dark/Dark scrapper, I often have the theme from Batman: The Animated Series going through my head. Similarly, the John Williams Superman movie theme as well as the Superman: The Animated Series theme also invoke CoH for me. Gonna miss this game. I tried CO and didn't even finish the tutorial... it just irritated me.
You could ask for tickets to Batman: The Musical. The critics agree, "It's a play!" (except for Bruce Wayne, who called it "shwarbage.")
You could also see Michael Buble and catch his totally swingin' (pun intended), Big Band version of the Spider-Man theme.
I find it impossible to watch either of these clips without breaking into a smile. -
Thanks, Llydia. The hero was my namesake, Nova Knight, an energy/devices blaster on Justice. I'm now working on my FM/WP brute, also on Justice. With the double XP turned on, I just might get him to 50 too.
I got my first hero to 50 during the last Double XP weekend. (on my 50th birthday, actually) Want to get a villain to 50 before the lights go off.
After rescuing a victim from the Freakshow's ill-conceived venture into the world of black magic, we're informed "The only thing worse than being sacrificed is being sacrificed incompetently."
Also, a more situational line... As my ice/ice blaster stealthily sneaks up on some Lost, one of them announces "I just can't seem to get warm." Hmmm... funny you should mention that, Chuckles. -
Quote:Don't worry about Lois. I hear she's given up on aliens and has turned to robots. She's keeping the Red Tornado in her dresser drawer.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2ALsvU50wQ -
Yeah, it does seem a bit contrived, especially when you remember all the hoopla that accompanied the Superman/Lois marriage. That's one of the things about modern comics that bugs me -- the fluid continuity. It seems like everything is subject to change; it's hard to get invested in characters or stories when they can all be wiped away at the drop of a hat. (which is why I'm embarrassed that this marketing ploy will work on me)
Don't read comics too much anymore, but I'll probably pick this up. I feel kinda bad for Lois Lane, though. Still, there's something about an Amazon...
http://movies.yahoo.com/blogs/movie-...173611174.html -
I'll be making a WB/Electric blaster once I save up enough points for the set. The concept is that of a sea creature whose abilities stem from his aquatic environment. Since we have electric eels in real life, I thought that electricity manipulation was a natural secondary for a water-themed character.
Along similar lines, I think Storm Summoning is a natural complement to WB given the connection between bodies of water/humidity and weather. -
Can't the Marvel Universe accommodate a well-done animated Avengers series and a well-done, live-action Avengers movie that aren't clones of each other? Avengers: EMH had well-developed characters and plots and was faithful to the spirit of the comics. It was one of Marvel's best animated efforts. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
Thanks a lot, corporate weasels. -
Quote:Unfortunately, I haven't watched the show from the beginning so I'm not fully up to speed on the nature of mind-linking. From what you're saying, it sounds like you're right and there's no inconsistency Thanks.I disagree about the severity of the plot hole. The mind-linking that has been shown has always been intentional communication only. M'gann needs more intentional focus to actually mind read. Otherwise it would have been no surprise that Sportsmaster was Artemis' father, as Sportsmaster was a known enemy before Artemis even joined the team.
Plus M'gann kinda knows the trust issues that can be raised after talking to Superboy. -
Along the same lines, wouldn't there be a similar danger with Nightwing and Artemis herself on the mission? Considering that they were all mind-linked, I wondered why M'gann didn't pick up on the deception. I hope they address this because it seems like a major plot hole.
You can get much farther with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone.
After watching that clip, I have a sudden, overpowering urge to pee. Gotta go...