Water Blaster concepts
I based mine on the powersets. WB/Time is Aqua Flux a time traveling water bender dude and WB/Rad is Toxic Tide born in the sea in an area where a certain government dumped toxic waste etc...
Just fool around with silly stuff like that with the powersets and you can come up with some decent stuff.
WB/Energy might wanna go with some kind of water fusion experiment gone wrong type deal. IDK some creative person will come to the rescue.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
maybe dont think of it as "water" exactly. think: acid, glue, paint, oil, mucus, beverage, condiment, chemical, or any other fine particle or liquid material. i've seen someone play it as sand with /dark.
if you want WATER water, well then think of all the things a person could be with a relationship with water. mystical spirit, nature spirit, mer-person, pressurized suit, fisherman, lobster-person, alien with aqua-powers, or simply a mutant with water-based powers.
there is so much potential really, to build a character from this set XD i dont seem to have any trouble at all. the secondaries only make it that much easier.
My Water Blast character is a WB/Traps Corr who has a suit with built-in pressurized water canisters. The traps are colored blue so the Acid Mortar is his Bubble Blaster mk.2, the FFG is his Bubblotron 2000, the PGT is the Steaminator, and the Seeker Drones are mini bombs filled with scalding water. He's very much in the same vein as those campy Saturday morning cartoons, but that's how I wanted him. His name? The Sinister Showerhead!
Self praise aside, my friend and I brainstormed some ideas for WB. One idea was a squid themed character that shot ink at his enemies. Taking the ink thing, we thought about a character that was a writer. Names included Inkdrop and The Penman. I also know some people who have colored it green to look like acid.
If you want to go dark, I've seen dark WB colored red to look like blood blasting. Not really my cup of tea, but some people like the concept.
And of course if you don't like any of that, there's always the generic go-to of "Atlantean #2847361"
Hope this helps.
Eradicate, Rampage, Annihilate
For Fame and Fortune ~ #109709
It is really hard for me to get away from the water. First, they say things like Hydro Water Blast Enhanced! all the time. Second, They did such a beautiful job on the water art. Seriously, water is tough, and they nailed it. Which makes it harder to switch to non water. All I can come up with are really cheesy ideas. When I say I have a cheesy idea...trust me, it's government cheese cheesy.
But yeah, to me the set is locked into water. Also, the fire + steam damage (for me, i'm picky) locks me out of linking it to ice.
Mine is an undersea humanoid, Atlantean type dude come to investigate the surface dwellers. There's lots of that in the comics, and the archetype is fairly generic. I'm avoiding Aquaman clones and not giving him fish powers.
Etc. Stuff like that isn't hard to figure out, although I can certainly understand having a block. I get into ruts also!
Just think of "water" blast as "liquid" blast, it becomes a lot easier to come up with concepts for.
But, you've already locked yourself into water. Okay. Well. I hate limiting myself. It would be like saying Energy blast could only be energy and not like...dark matter or negative energy blast since it doesn't do negative energy damage. It's kind of shooting yourself in the foot in a game all about making your own unique character. But if you MUST stick with water you could;
Fire Fighter with water gun
Ghost of a drowned person that now has paranormal water powers.
Magic Water Elemental
well, if you like dark stuff, go with the second idea.
A concept I've used a few times, which you're welcome to use, is a corps of heroes, called Earth Ire, recruited by Mother Earth (or whatever name the person might be familiar with) to protect and save the good creatures and people of Earth from the evil, destructive ones. All the heroes have powers drawn from the Earth. Water fits right in.
Proud member of Heroes Inc.
I'm not like other moms.
A concept I've used a few times, which you're welcome to use, is a corps of heroes, called Earth Ire, recruited by Mother Earth (or whatever name the person might be familiar with) to protect and save the good creatures and people of Earth from the evil, destructive ones. All the heroes have powers drawn from the Earth. Water fits right in.
My water blast character is a fountain that was magically brought to life. (water/time corr, with time powers colored to look like mist)
I created a team of superheroes on Virtue that I call "Solar Angels":
The premise of the group is that their leader, Dr. Margaret Sanderson, aka "Mother Sun" is a brilliant scientist who developed a procedure for bestowing super powers on ordinary humans. The results of the procedure are unpredictable, granting powers randomly - nobody knows what powers the subject will end up with.
Bio for the character, "Neptune's Niece":
"24-year-old Candace Lee was one of the successful candidates chosen to undergo Dr. Margaret Sanderson's superpower-imbuement process. Though she was born and raised in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, Candace claims to be an actual descendant of the Roman god of the sea, Neptune. While few believe that claim, Solar Angels leader Mother Sun (Margaret Sanderson) finds it interesting that Candace was making her claim before she underwent the process, and that the process granted her water-based powers. Candace insists that the process didn't "give" her powers, it simply unlocked the abilities that were already in her due to her lineage.
"Neptune's Niece represents the planet Neptune in the Solar Angels super group."
I will also mention that I actually created this character and her bio long before I even heard about the Water Blast PS. She was originally created as an Ice/Ice blaster, and I had gotten her to level 10 before I heard about the then-upcoming Water Blast set. When I heard about the set I thought, "That would really fit the concept better than Ice", and stopped leveling her until Water Blast went live. When it went live, I deleted the character and rerolled her with Water in place of Ice Blast.
My water blast character is pretty specific, but here is a link to where I posted it in the costume thread along with a brief description: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...ostcount=11173
A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man.
Duff Man approves of liquid blast, but knows that water is not required - oh yeah
I'll be making a WB/Electric blaster once I save up enough points for the set. The concept is that of a sea creature whose abilities stem from his aquatic environment. Since we have electric eels in real life, I thought that electricity manipulation was a natural secondary for a water-themed character.
Along similar lines, I think Storm Summoning is a natural complement to WB given the connection between bodies of water/humidity and weather.
I gave some thought to a Seer themed Water/Mental Blaster.
"Drink your Enriche, citizen."
Trouble is, I don't know what color Enriche is.
once made a tar elemental on beta...you could make it tar...
A monk of an ancient elemental order (or just water maybe). By focusing, he can condense the water in the air around him and propel it at high speed with a punch, as a sort of martial art. As for powers like Water Burst, this works the same way but condensing the water in the ground and violently exploding it at a targeted location.
Born with a mutation that causes him to absorb moisture from the atmosphere at all times, making him bloated and blue. He can and must expend this water in order to not grow into a humongous size. Maybe he does at times? Fun to roleplay.
Avatar of the Azure Dragon of the East, Seiryuu, legendary beast of the element of water of oriental mythology. Has visited the human world for XYZ reason. Searching for his three other brothers perhaps, the White Tiger, Black Warrior and Vermilion Phoenix. Was thinking the samurai set in blue, gray and silver, add glowy eyes and dragon wings when in "OH YOU GON GET IT NOW"-mode.
Robotic/Cybernetic water element videogame villain (or hero) is ported to the real world through a freak accident (or on purpose through an experiment), think Megaman. Lots of room for cheesy names and concepts here, used the same idea for my Brute, Electroman X. Spandex away!
Pressurized water containers are both boring and unavailable as a costume piece, and if the name "Challenger" was available anywhere this would be my choice.
Blasting water using localized miniature portals mounted on his tech suit linked back to his base in the Challenger Deep, the deepest known point of the world's oceans, this character has lived all his life at the bottom of the sea, and must be inside his suit at all times on the surface as his body as adapted to the high pressure. The sci-fi bubble helmet is totally usable here.
@MidnightGuard - on Union you may know me as:
Mr. Vile - Electroman X - Zenodorus - Battler
Naga Knight - Stinkspitter
Xenophage's "Cola Blasters" are quite creative.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
I've just been going for drinks.
Currently the proud owner (on some servers) of For Grape Justice (cold/water def, pinn... itself amusing to say, really) and Lemon Law (water/time corr, vict.)
Once I get that sort of thing out of my system, we'll see.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Not to derail this, but I just hope they will make a Water Manipulation power set as a secondary power for Blasters.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
My WB blaster is named Briony Deep - she's an Atlantean, a la Submariner. Her secondary is Dark Manipulation, and her origin is magic (she's was trained in the sorcerous arts).
Because she hails from the deeps of the Marianas Trench, she must wear a protective suit while in Paragon City, bubble helmet (ty Retro Sci Fi!) and all.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
I love the water Blast set. That is not in any way sarcastic. THis is a beautiful set. It is everything, and more, that I was screaming about for a Blaster Primary a few months ago on the Blaster boards and in the Archetype general discussion Blaster Changes thread.
I love the set because it is ranged, with no knockback. A Targeted AoE, A cone, even a Location AoE. Heck, even the Nuke is a ranged Targeted AoE. (And in I24, wow!) Cherry on top is the Dehydrate power. Instead of a Hold or a ranged KB power we get something a Blaster can desperately use. Oh, and its relatively quick and does damage. But wait, there isd more. The Tidal Power is more fun than a regular push button hurt more gimmick, although I am still trying to figure how to maximize the effectiveness.
So far I have one at 24, and one at 14. I fully expect the set to get better as it progresses, and look forward to the Incarnate Trials. I paired it with Energy because that has more tools for a player wanting to stay at range, at least for me.
My problem is Water Blast concepts. The only one I can think of easily are a creature of the Black Lagoon thing (yes, I have the halloween costume pack). I came up with a justification for the one I have "HOH" is a cyborg water maintenace scientist from a spaceship, so he had emergency water control powers built into his cybernetic systems. Still, while I like it, it feels odd for me.
Maybe I am in a rut, but I make tons of undead and robots, very dark stuff usually. Water just does not fit my normal concepts. And seriously, I think most of us play at least partially for concepts? The only thing Water Blast makes me think of is the saturday morning cartoons, and not the good stuff like Avengers but the D listers like wonder twins. Anybody got some ideas or inspirations they can throw my way?