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  1. i hope the battalion has a new rig/model making it really alien and unusual. and yet, at the same time i want them to have really nice new costume pieces that we get in a special pack ^_^. but probs not both, huh.

    or they could just be wolves and catgirls.

    or maybe they're like, uber decepticons.

    or maybe they're amoeboid, or maybe they look like faries. or maybe they're space dinosaurs.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KingCrazy View Post
    Well gee, KC... DP, AR, and BR just got tons of new guns!!
    Not ones that I'd be proud to use on a lot of characters. Sure if you want to have a guy who uses laser-tag equipment and squirt guns to fight then yeah! We sure did get a lot of guns! But I'm asking for actual guns, something that looks like a police officer would use, or maybe even something a soldier in the military would use. Please, just once can we get a pack of guns that lacks horns, extremely blocky parts, oversized fog-horn barrels, or random pieces that don't fit? (And please no more revolvers...)


    Kidding, no seriously we have enough mohawks, in fact I never see anyone use any of them. I liked the kind of style of the hair in the Pocket D costume pack. Try to go with either "More anime" or "More natural" hairs next time. Most of the community would probably request the "More Natural" hairs out of those two. I said "More anime" because I actually have a guy with long hair and I'd like to see a better looking long hair style.

    i think it's silly that beam rifle has laser rifle's models but not visa-versa, SHOULD BE PORTED ASAP. also, there are models that all three [with AR] use, so.. the same Beam-Only models should ALSO SHOULD BE PORTED. post apoc weapon problem solved.

    and ew that pocket D hair was horrible D:

    and boo to the obvious reskin of the resistence mohawk for the cybertech pack :P but we SO need better long hair options. glam length but better thickness and... quality. males too. and i dont see why we cant have a similar style like glam and the low ponytail ladies have. should also be ported XD

    but YAY EVERYTHING DINK DOES IS AWESOME AND I LOVES HER! ^_^ and i cant wait to buy this set. i already know what im using on what character!
  3. daveyj3

    Brutiful Game

    eeeeewwww Meelee.

    i'm normally a 'troller. i have several doms, mm's, defs, blasters, corrs, scrappers, and an epic AT or two. a few 50's, a few incanaranarerated... but i'll always like controllers best. [and with what i hear whispers of coming, i'll love them even more.] Storm Summoning is my favorite powerset.

    today i rolled a tank. i dont like meelee. i have one at 50 already but he's been sitting for years, so i figured i'd give meelee a try again. i was told i shoulda rolled a brute for comparable survivability but more dmg. meh

    it is a beautiful game! i need more slots.
  4. but tunnel rat is soooo cuuuuuute!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by damienray View Post
    My 2 inf, skipping the aura, the rez, and possibly lifegiving spores. The lifegiving spores should really be more of a "tar patch" kind of cast or a toggle (that stays with you). The whole cast, de-toggle, re-cast is not fun... for me anyway.
    meelee is not fun for me.

    i usually cast lifegivesporez as the tank/brutes are running in to absorb the alpha strike for larger mobs and it's nice during the time that squishies are taking down that mob and tanks/brutes are pulling other mobs to our location. better in larger rooms. :shrug: and not as you plow through caves, tunnels, and office-tunnel-caves.

    i likes it. but the bird chirping still throws me a bit XD
  6. that sounds awesome. i'm much more squishy. one of my most thrilling fights recently was with Diabolique at the end of one of the arcs in DA.

    My Ice/Storm corruptor was +3 i think and she was an EB?, i dont rember what level i'd set the mission for, but as the fight began and she jumped in the air, i knew it was going to get interesting. she used her two kb powers a lot [she doesnt have many powers, huh], and i used as much kb/repel as possible myself. it wasnt a terribly difficult battle but it was exciting.

    the battle went aerial and the kb and repel sent us both all over the place [me and my pets more than her XD]. Ice Blasts! Snow Storms! Lightning from four separate entities! a Tornado that sure was trying! and her forcing me and my pets in every direction.

    when she finally bit the dust and fell i was zoomed out and it was all the more epic.

    god i wish i'd gotten a screenie. might ouro it just to grab one from a reenactment ;D
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Argentae View Post
    I spent a long time thinking about this same exact question for my Dark/Dark and then again for my Dark/Storm, in both cases I ended up going with Leviathan, because Waterspout is just that good.

    Actually, the Coralax is decent as well, and Bile (they should have left it as chum!) Spray meshes sooooo perfectly with the cones of Fearsome Stare and Living Shadows. With Dark/Storm it's an even better match given that you'll already have Tornado out, so Waterspout is just Tornado's cooler (KU instead of KB and better FX) though less available brother. Waterspout even gives a -Def and induces fear in it's vic.. err.. targets.

    thanks! I went with Ice for the shield mostly, since the sets have pretty similar aspects except the single target blast would be replaced with a pet... lol

    water spout will be second build, ^_^ that i'll also have whirlwind on. because of reasons. mu is third build.
  8. well cool.

    i would much prefer the proliferation of one or two or maaybe three sets per issue instead of a bunch every three issues. that's like twice every two/three years. :/
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    Shoot, for that I'll make the noise AND shake your chair.
    what would Zwil do for $50/hr!!!

    i'm scared to find out ;D


    heck i'm scared to find out what I'D do for that much!

    :edit: i just came up with a concept for a dual blades chainsaw scrapper. i hate meelee, but this weapon addition might just make me love it. and i can provide my own sound effects ^_^
  10. lol quick! nobody google sharkpony!
  11. can we get some of the cimeroran pieces ported to players? namely:

    sandals with perpendicular straps
    sandals with diagonal crowwing straps
    wrist bands that match the two above sandals
    the toga bottom only
    toga top only
    chest sash with broach/shield
    double chest sash
    chest straps

    thanks! [notice i didnt say the word "sybil"?]
  12. my SO scrappers tanks brutes and just about ANY AT of mine cant solo *much*[operative word here, meaning some, but not a lot] beyond the basic x1+0 lol and i SO and pick slots pretty decently. any and all of my trollers/doms/defs/corrs/blasters do not do any content over +2 x2 on their own, fully SO with a few IO bonuses either cuz i dont like to die solo- and that's only my best ones i've been working on for a while at that level. the meelee ATs might be able to do more, but I just dont like meelee. I dont bother with complete IO powa-powa because i dont get joy from spending all that time playing the market and farming moneys and tinkering with Mids.

    but i might for a petless/semi-petless modeled after plainguy or guyperfect's advice and builds, they have offered much insight into successfully playing an AT beyond it's designed gameplay, and people can either accept that, or move on.

    i think semi-petless works better for me because i usually pick /Storm. also fun fact... 'Hell on Earth' doesnt have to rely on a demon to work ;D which only furthers the desire to have the powerset sans the GIANT UGLY NOISY BUTTS-IN-MY-FACE, imo.

    que alt NPC models for MM pets unlocked via badges! ^_^ npc transform powers for pets! user interface update! coding nightmare! let's get it done!
  13. oh my gooooodddddd i want a cooode!!!! that's so much fun!

    but i'm poor and live in texas

    cant wait to see pics!!! and i wouldnt mind someone tossing a spare code my way ;D ;D ;D
  14. that is so adorable!

    first words: "lf DfB pst!"
  15. :drops onto the ground and starts spazming from joy:
  16. wow a lot of people are skipping entangle aura. i mean... i KNOW why but...but... its so pretty, and it's the staple "Poison Ivy Plant Controller" power :go-go-gadget-VINES!:. and i'm going to use it a LOT and slot it a LOT on my planned plant/nature troller. but i get it

    i'll probably skip rebirth myself.
  17. legacy chain can sometimes be earth controllers too

    Abernathy is a named Tellus of Earth
  18. daveyj3

    Ghost's Origin?

    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    Ah, no, you're wrong. He died and was recovered by Praetorian Penny Yin. Not that I suppose you're above saying this is actually a kind of resurrection that left him a non-undead but insubstantial entity with powers of possession.

    Also, they have to be named Fred! You can't be a ghost if you're not a Fred!


    Oh, no, they just involve soul manipulation, life force, and negative energy, none of which has anything to do with spirits. Spirits and souls are actually quite distinct, you see. Because of Fred.

    Sure she does.
    lol but what about Fred? YOUR FRED IS INVALID.
  19. there are SO MANY WORDS in this thread...

    and they are all so boring.
  20. daveyj3

    Ghost's Origin?

    ive always considered ghosts natural, and summoning or containing or contacting to be otherwise natural, but if the ghost contacted/acted of it's own accord, that's natural.

    all the origins could work one way or another just fine

    sheer force of will ==> natural.
  21. is Woofers that dog that keeps showing up in the backgrounds of T9 Reward Costume preview shots?

    can we get Admiral Ackbar's Trilobite Shield pretty please? XD

    thanks. oh and a tree bark one. and a tree branch bow and sword and staff and mace please. k thx.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
    If there was a Cephalopod head, I'd probably be rolling an Ink blaster right now. I have hopes for Halloween.
    i actually made two pretty decent looking cephalopod heads for my character Architeuthis who is /dark blaster. ^_^ he's a were-squid. he uses the cone half-helmet with some details and the side thingies are his eyes with the reaper cloth covering his lower face, anda cape i squint-to-pretend are extra tentacles.

    DONT STEAL MY CONCEPT > but jk go ahead, just give me credit ;D. i think the name is free on several servers still.

  24. lol, please do this.

    i imagine it will also remind people how useful trollers/doms can be XD