Power Rangers Megaforce Offical Morphincon Teaser
Ha! At the mass fight scene you can hear someone yell out "FINALLY!!!"
Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster
That Stinging Sensation #482183
Have they explained how they're going to work that huge Sentai battle into the Power Rangers mythos? How multiple Ranger teams comprised of the same people can exist at the same time? Hell, isn't Tommy like 12 of them all on his own?
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
I just hope it's better than Samurai.
Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.
Have they explained how they're going to work that huge Sentai battle into the Power Rangers mythos? How multiple Ranger teams comprised of the same people can exist at the same time? Hell, isn't Tommy like 12 of them all on his own?

Anyone who has ever watched any version of the Power Rangers as a kid, didn't a little part of you inside just explode at that scene?

My boys are 8 and 5 and love the Rangers. I showed them that and my 5 yr old jumped up and down squealing and my 8 yr old just was stunned into silence. I had to fight it down myself not to giggle like a 10 yr old

I don't care about the mythos, the continuity, etc, I just want to see a massive mother-fudging epic battle!
Hopefully for the US version they will get a lot of the original actors back for it as well

We built this city on Rock and Roll!

:drops onto the ground and starts spazming from joy:
It's funny. Already being an adult when Power Rangers first came out in the US I never watched it except fast forwarding through my nephews video tapes to get ideas for my own stage combat work. Seriously they have some really well trained combatants in the fight scenes and they come up with some amazing sequences that lets them use even untrained actors as the hordes of faceless bad guys.
This thread made me go check out the footage of legend war on Youtube and you can tell just how many extras they had to use. There are scenes where a ranger is fighting in the background and is about as graceful as the Star Wars Kid. There is a lesson to be learned in that. When staging a mass battle never put somebody who is completely untrained into an eye catching costume.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
Have they explained how they're going to work that huge Sentai battle into the Power Rangers mythos? How multiple Ranger teams comprised of the same people can exist at the same time? Hell, isn't Tommy like 12 of them all on his own?
Then again, youtube comment. . .

I have to say... when I saw all those Power Rangers massed for the epic battle that's gonna happen... I had a big grin install itself on my face. And I'm not even a Rangers fan... I can see how that would be just simply fantastic. AND I wanna see it.
Bad. 'Cause I got a feeling it will be good. Very good. Or at least mildly entertaining enough to have 'been there'(tm).
As far as Tommy/all the other teams... obviously it's a problem that spans space and time itself, so they're all massed there because The Doctor has been locked in the Pandorica, Mender Silos is off somewhere else worryin' about Battalion, the Starship Enterprise had an accident in their attempt at slingshotting, and HG Wells lost the key to the time machine.
To top it all off, Walker got lost in an alternate timeline, and the DeLorean was destroyed, so Doc and Marty can't be there. Sam Beckett can only be in one of the Rangers (or their enemies) to try to set things right, so he's not a whole lot of help... and even if he was there, the experienced martial arts guy/gal ISN'T, so that particular Ranger will be toast in a few seconds.
So a yet-to-be-revealed Super Thing of Win and Amazingness has transported all of the Rangers across time and space and dimensions and timelines and universes and metaverses and.. well, everywhere... to be here.
At this soon-to-be hallowed ground.
For the Final Battle to decide it all.
Or something. I like it. Maybe I'm right.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
Seriously though, will anyone actually care??
![]() Anyone who has ever watched any version of the Power Rangers as a kid, didn't a little part of you inside just explode at that scene? ![]() My boys are 8 and 5 and love the Rangers. I showed them that and my 5 yr old jumped up and down squealing and my 8 yr old just was stunned into silence. I had to fight it down myself not to giggle like a 10 yr old ![]() I don't care about the mythos, the continuity, etc, I just want to see a massive mother-fudging epic battle! Hopefully for the US version they will get a lot of the original actors back for it as well ![]() |
Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
According to one comment in the youtube that scene is a placeholder and they'll be filming a new mass fight for Power Rangers.
Then again, youtube comment. . . |
And for the record: I was a little too old for Power Rangers when it first started airing. The only reasons I ever watched it were for giant monsters fighting giant mechs, and for the Dragonzord, who is quite possibly the best alternate-universe Mechagodzilla of all time. I know next to nothing about any actual plots from any of the series once the Green Ranger became the White Ranger.
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
I hope they do. Because as someone who first saw that scene as the opening of Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger, my mind is sorta boggled as to how that'll work in the PR universe aside from invocation of wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey stuff.
Power Rangers, for me, has been on a sharp decline post Dino Thunder. SPD was tolerable, but ugh... the rest of them after that... not so much.
Generally speaking I've been enjoying the Kamen Rider shows more so than the Sentai series as of late.
Go Busters has been somewhat of a disappointment. The previews made it look interesting, and I like the "theme" of the show and the music, but meh... the characters... I can't get hooked.
Fourze on the other hand... I will be sad when the season finishes... Kamen Rider Wizard looks like it could be fun. I just hope they keep it on the lighter side and not make him too dark.
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Twitter: @ZFLikesNachos Save City of Heroes (Titan Network) [Successful "The Really Hard Way" runs: 4] [Click ^]
I wonder if they're going to craft a new story or just adapt the sentai. I'm hoping for the former. RPM was great but Goseiger was just so dull and forgettable
Apparently you've forgotten that Sam is a competent martial artist himself holding black belts in several martial arts and kicked butt in many episodes.

/perhaps it's a season 4 or so Sam, so that Ranger will be ok.
//Watch it be he lands in Kimberly's place...
///Hadda look it up, so don't be impressed.

////Remembered it was Amy Jo Johnson though.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
Are You Ready?
Who said that i was that scary! ಠ_ಠ