Ghost's Origin?
Depends, how'd he come back?
If he came back through sheer force of will to protect Paragon, I'd say natural. If he came back through some ritualistic means, magical.
How does the ghost come back from the dead? Does it have a body again? What was involved in coming back?
I would say sheer force of will probably. So I guess Natural.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
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Ghosts are Magic. Natural origin is right out. The concept is absurd. People in First Ward aren't surprised to find out the Apparitions aren't Natural, they're surprised to find out they aren't Magic. That's because they're not ghosts, just entities with similar properties.
The origin story described is basically the same as Ghost Widow's; returning from death after a traumatic event. Ghost Widow is Magic origin. QED.
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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"
Ghosts are Magic. Natural origin is right out. The concept is absurd. People in First Ward aren't surprised to find out the Apparitions aren't Natural, they're surprised to find out they aren't Magic. That's because they're not ghosts, just entities with similar properties.
The origin story described is basically the same as Ghost Widow's; returning from death after a traumatic event. Ghost Widow is Magic origin. QED. |
...Damnit. I feel so filthy now.

Ghosts are Magic. Natural origin is right out. The concept is absurd. People in First Ward aren't surprised to find out the Apparitions aren't Natural, they're surprised to find out they aren't Magic. That's because they're not ghosts, just entities with similar properties.
The origin story described is basically the same as Ghost Widow's; returning from death after a traumatic event. Ghost Widow is Magic origin. QED. |
You heard me!
That's right! Ghosts have been studied to 'scientific' degrees in the modern era for awhile now, and I can only imagine it being bigger in the City of universe. In fact, Night Widow Velveeta's (actually it's something else I can't be bothered to look up) arc deals with Arachnos scientifically investigating ghosts and creating spirit soldiers!
Scientifically, ghosts can be seen as residual energies that make up the body manifesting, or as some might call it "psychic activity".
Edit: now to be serious, I do agree with another poster in that it depends on HOW the person came back to life. Natural makes sense for one who came back through force of will, magic for one returned by magical phenomenon or ritual, and science works if some manner of experiment or energy distortion helped manifest them back into the living world.
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For once I actually agree with Venture.
...Damnit. I feel so filthy now. |
And sometimes he's got the lore exactly right. Say what you will about Venture's opinions of the game, he's usually spot-on when it comes to the lore.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
End of the day, it's your toon. Whatever explanation you offer will be correct. That's the beauty of creating your character's back story.
If someone else doesn't like it, it's their problem, not yours.
FWIW, I like your reasoning for Natural.
Most Ghosts, Such as Ghost Widow, are magical. These ghosts are usually bound to a place or thing, and are unable to feel emotion, or change beyond the point of death.
It is possible to become a ghost by scientific means, some that don't always require you to die first, as established in a CoV story arc.
But any origin is possible. You could have a mutant ability that prevents your spirit passing on, for example.
I really should do something about this signature.
Ghosts are Magic. Natural origin is right out. The concept is absurd. .
now, keep in mind, i have not finished night ward, if im missing official lore(not lore that you just dont like so you ignore it) please bring it to the table.
He could also be a mutant; a powerful psychic that survived the death of his physical body as a psychic entity. Rather similar to Numina, except using psionic instead of magical forces.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
I have to say that there's nothing natural about ghosts. What I mean by this is "ghosts" aren't supposed to exist. If you're a human in this game and you die, you pass on to the next world. That's how the fictional universe works. So if your soul lingers on in this world, something unnatural happened. Natural Ghosts wouldn't exist in this world, or at the very least would have come back from the next life by a more proper means, such as... Say, earning their life back, or being granted temporary stay. A ghost who doesn't do what a ghost is supposed to do isn't natural because that's not how it's supposed to work.
I'd suggest coming up with either a reason for how the character came back, or more appropriately, what the ghost draws his power from. For Ghost Widow, she draws power from the magic of being dead. For my Spirit of Light, he draws power from the magic sword to which his soul was bound. For my Emillia, her spirit occupies a scientifically-created super-soldier body. That sort of thing. "Origin" typically refers to the origin of your powers more so than your characters, so I'd suggest sitting down and figuring out exactly what those powers are.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I'd suggest coming up with either a reason for how the character came back, or more appropriately, what the ghost draws his power from. For Ghost Widow, she draws power from the magic of being dead. For my Spirit of Light, he draws power from the magic sword to which his soul was bound. For my Emillia, her spirit occupies a scientifically-created super-soldier body. That sort of thing. "Origin" typically refers to the origin of your powers more so than your characters, so I'd suggest sitting down and figuring out exactly what those powers are.
Origin in this game is the origin of the character's powers, not the character's life (or lack thereof). What a ghost is doesn't matter; what powers they're using, and how/why they manifest...that's what matters.
A ghost using innate abilities to all ghosts would be Natural (you, the player, gets to decide what powers your ghost has naturally; the game never restricts powers of ghosts). A ghost using a magic charm or spell or something would be Magic. A ghost possessing a high-tech suit would be Technology. Science could have been used to give the ghost powers, so I guess that would work there. I don't really know how to make Mutation work with ghosts. Ghosts don't evolve, spontaneously or over time, so Mutation seems to be out.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
I don't really know how to make Mutation work with ghosts. Ghosts don't evolve, spontaneously or over time, so Mutation seems to be out.
I have to say that there's nothing natural about ghosts. What I mean by this is "ghosts" aren't supposed to exist. If you're a human in this game and you die, you pass on to the next world. That's how the fictional universe works. So if your soul lingers on in this world, something unnatural happened. Natural Ghosts wouldn't exist in this world, or at the very least would have come back from the next life by a more proper means, such as... Say, earning their life back, or being granted temporary stay. A ghost who doesn't do what a ghost is supposed to do isn't natural because that's not how it's supposed to work.
natural just means that you dont have powers that are unusual for one of your type.
kheldians are natural but they are energy beings that turn into creatures that "naturally" are not found on or near earth.
but i would read a natural ghost as a ghost who has powers consistent with being a ghost.
The trick here is that "ghost" in the sense of "the soul of a dead person" doesn't have its own species or its own set of powers. Yes, there IS a society of ghosts - those of the Oranbegans - but they're a very specific type of ghosts who were cursed into being what they are by demonic magic. Both their reason for existing is magical and the powers they wield as sorcerers are magical as well. But that's not a "race," because these were human sorcerers who were cursed and as far as I know, they don't have the power to reproduce. Despite having MoT just consume them, I don't even think they're technically dead, because they had their bodies stolen, rather than being killed.
Really the patrolman's bios indicate that lots of souls dont transition of their own accord.
In order for a character to be Natural, there must exist a species of creatures that is or at least has once been capable of reproduction, to which these powers were natural across a significant portion of the population. Ghosts both lack the ability to be called a species since they're the souls of many different species already, and they lack a singular unifying set of powers to say is natural to them. Some control minds, some use dark powers, some fight with swords. And no, "has powers" isn't a unifying super power. At best that's Mutation.
My point here is that each ghost that actually has powers is a unique creature which came into being in its own unique way. They can be grouped together by some of their characteristics, yes, but they aren't at all related to each other in any way that would call them a species.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Unless you go with the idea that the spirit isn't at peace and that they have unfinished business, unfulfilled desires and regret that stops them from passing over peacefully.
That seems like a very natural thing.
My point here is that each ghost that actually has powers is a unique creature which came into being in its own unique way. They can be grouped together by some of their characteristics, yes, but they aren't at all related to each other in any way that would call them a species.
If the player decides their ghost gets their powers from 'being a ghost' (e.g. Natural), then THE PLAYER gets to decide what powers their ghost has, naturally, as a part of being a ghost. (Sonic and Dark powers seem to be a common theme, even in ghost NPCs in the game.)
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
If the player decides their ghost gets their powers from 'being a ghost' (e.g. Natural), then THE PLAYER gets to decide what powers their ghost has, naturally, as a part of being a ghost. (Sonic and Dark powers seem to be a common theme, even in ghost NPCs in the game.)
However, by the same token, a question is asked and an answer must be given. And I don't know about you, but "do whatever" just doesn't seem like it would help someone asking for help picking an origin. I do my best to put logic and reason to my arguments. If you or the OP disagree with them, that's fine. It's all RP, at the end of the day. But again - the point of asking the question, I think, is to get a reasoned answer which can convince.
You're right that the game doesn't specify, but we've seen instances of restless ghosts in this game and their powers are not entirely consistent with each other, nor is what makes them ghosts. Ghost Widow is never explicitly given a reason for why she stayed behind, she just is. The Ghost Pirates of Port Oakes are, as far as I'm aware, cursed to be ghosts via some kind of magic. The Oranbegans, as I mentioned, never died at all, but instead had their bodies stolen. The angry spirits of the world your hero's alternate dimension self destroyed don't seem to have been enchanted at all, they just stuck around being angry. If you can make an argument for how these are consistent with each other and derive a "species" from them, then go right ahead. There's nothing wrong with it. I simply don't see it.
And I really don't see "unfinished business" as being a good "natural" explanation. It is in the Casper movie, I'll grant you that, but it just doesn't seem to be the case in City of Heroes. None of the ghosts we've seen have had this as a reason to linger, hence why I wouldn't call it a natural depiction of ghosts.
Here's the thing - "Natural" as an origin for non-human characters typically works best if you define your own species that doesn't have a parallel in the actual game. Then you control all the variables and no-one can argue one way or the other. If Natural is to be the goal, then my suggestion is to explicitly define a special case of ghost for whom what you're designing IS natural. Ghosts as a "thing" in this game are far too diverse for anything to be natural among them, but defining your own fictional subset puts the power of claim in your hands and ends arguments like mine.
Usually when someone's arguing an RP point that gets in the way of your character, the best course of action isn't to lash out at them, but rather to define subsets of circumstances which you control directly and which canon cannot be used to contradict or even affect. Even if you manage to convince me that your ghost really is Natural, you'll never convince Venture or someone else that comes along. All you'll accomplish is get mired into endless arguments over it. The best solution is to control the circumstances, which gives you the power to define your own concept, as opposed to drawing on what the game has precedent for.
I'll give you an example, and it's a simple one. Saying that it's natural for people who die with unfinished business to come back as poltergeists is wrong. You're arguing against the game's precedent. Saying that SOMETIMES, people who die with unfinished business will come back as poltergeists and that's just how things work is entirely different. You can take precedent in the game which shows people with unfinished business dying and never coming back (say, Agent Arthur Bell killed in the middle of exposing Kelly Uqua as a Rikti spy who never becomes a ghost) and say that... Yes, those people with unfinished business didn't come back because not everyone with unfinished business comes back. We don't know what decides who comes back and who doesn't, but those are just examples of people who didn't. YOUR character, on the other hand, is an example of someone who does and there's really no precedent in the game to claim this DOESN'T happen.
All I'm saying is you need to work with other people rather than against them whenever possible. No-one ever benefits from "Well, that's just YOUR opinion!" argument. You won't change anyone's opinion by saying that, and if you believe it, then you solve nothing by saying it. But it's possible, in nearly ever instance, to simply work around someone else's opinion without needing to alter your concept one iota.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
And "natural" ghosts in this game don't have powers, because natural ghosts don't linger in this world. For a ghost to linger, something unnatural has to have happened to empower the ghost with the ability to stay in the world of the living and interact with it. Those aren't powers the dead normally possess.
Spirits can also be linked to religion and while some may have 'mystical' properties, what makes a religion a religion is faith and faith is not unnatural. There are plenty of stories of spirits of saints or deceased loved ones coming back in a time of need as a guardian overlooking their loved ones. What makes this natural isn't where the ghost is coming from but the faith the people they're protecting has.
Having the people of Paragon City having so much belief and faith in a fallen hero who put their life on the line to save them countless times isn't considered a magic ritual. If that heroes spirit continues to protect like a guardian angle because of that faith, IMO, is not magical or arcane.
There's also power in promise, not wishing to give up on business that was unfinished at death. If one was adamant enough in their word as to continue on even after death, the only think unnatural is how much faith they put in their words.
And again - a ghost in this game doesn't have powers. A ghost passes on to the afterlife and leaves this world. The creation of a poltergeist is an unusual, unnatural event that can't be predicted, as evidenced by different ghosts coming up differently. Saying that's Natural is like saying Spider-Man is natural because he has the same powers anyone else who was bitten by a genetically-modified radio-active spider would. |

In the CoH world, magic occurs naturally as part of the world (well, now). Mutations occur naturally as part of the world. "Natural," in other words, can mean "naturally-occurring," which is how it has frequently been used in this thread, or Natural Origin. Natural Origin means having the powers and abilities available to an exceptional but "normal" of your species and type. Broadly interpreted, this means that the Animus Arcana have a claim to the Natural origin; perhaps their progenitors were Magic origin, like the progenitors of humanity must have been Mutants, but they are now part of a type.
Now, like I said, I don't much care about the origin of ghosts. Sam's argument, clarified, is that ghosts, like suits of power armor or summoned demons, don't just occur; something has to make them happen. The counter-argument is that ghosts do just happen; maybe not everyone becomes a ghost, but then again, not everyone becomes an Olympic athlete, either. It's an exceptional condition, one created by focus and past trauma (sound familiar, Batman?) but not an abberant one.
The problem here is obvious and well-argued in City of Heroes' history. It's purely academic. I find the Natural origin as a whole to be ridiculous (many olympic-class athletes and elite soldiers are demonstrably mutants even now; the claim of a Kheldian to Natural origin is no better than a Fir Bolg or Tuatha De Danan's), but it serves just fine as a catch-all for "I'm good because I'm special and I work hard at staying that way."
Do as you will.

The entire notion of "unnatural" is logically incoherent anyway. It's more of an emotive descriptor than literal or objective.
As far as the "lingers for unfinished business" explanation goes, that is such a widespread part of so many ghost stories that rejecting it out of hand because it's allegedly never used in City of Heroes strikes me as fairly strange.
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I need ideas for what Origin would be most appropriate for this concept: The ghost of a hero who was killed in the Rikti War who came back from the dead to fight on the behalf of Paragon City once more.
What Origin do you think would be most appropriate? I've ruled out Science and Technology already. I'm split between Magic and Natural.
Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!