Ghost's Origin?




Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Or mistakenly flagged.
Considering the original Shivans are alien slime formed around corpses (specifically the ones at Bloody Bay), and that the axe only does partial bonus damage to them, that seems intentional and oddly specific to be a "misflag."



Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
Ah, no, you're wrong. He died and was recovered by Praetorian Penny Yin. Not that I suppose you're above saying this is actually a kind of resurrection that left him a non-undead but insubstantial entity with powers of possession.

Also, they have to be named Fred! You can't be a ghost if you're not a Fred!

Oh, no, they just involve soul manipulation, life force, and negative energy, none of which has anything to do with spirits. Spirits and souls are actually quite distinct, you see. Because of Fred.

Sure she does.
Jack_NoMind be trollin' but for the greater good


Originally Posted by Android_5Point9 View Post
Considering the original Shivans are alien slime formed around corpses (specifically the ones at Bloody Bay), and that the axe only does partial bonus damage to them, that seems intentional and oddly specific to be a "misflag."



Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
Ah, no, you're wrong. He died and was recovered by Praetorian Penny Yin. Not that I suppose you're above saying this is actually a kind of resurrection that left him a non-undead but insubstantial entity with powers of possession.

Also, they have to be named Fred! You can't be a ghost if you're not a Fred!

Oh, no, they just involve soul manipulation, life force, and negative energy, none of which has anything to do with spirits. Spirits and souls are actually quite distinct, you see. Because of Fred.

Sure she does.
lol but what about Fred? YOUR FRED IS INVALID.



Use one on a Vahzilok.
"The foot soldiers of this fetid force are the Cadavers, zombie-like animated flesh made from stitched together human corpses and robotic parts." []

It seems the devs' general definition of "true undead" are reanimated corpses and spirits that used to have living bodies; on the opposite side, their definition of "fake undead" seems to be bodies modified by science, the spirits of the banished pantheon possessing masks, and ... Ghost Widow, oddly enough. [wiki]

On the topic of magic versus natural, would you consider the use of chi or other life forces to be magic if every living creature (on Earth?) has it?



Originally Posted by Tidbit Jr. View Post
On the topic of magic versus natural, would you consider the use of chi or other life forces to be magic if every living creature (on Earth?) has it?

The use of chi is certainly very similar to the use of magic - you're learning to harness energies to create extraordinary effects. I only really see two potential differences. The first is that usually chi is seen to be utilising internal energy, while magic is seen to be utilising external energy. For me that's not really enough to separate them in terms of origins - they're still basically doing the same thing.

So that brings me to the second potential difference, which is whether chi and magic are things anyone can learn to use if they just take the time to study and train, or do they require a special something such that even with all the training in the world those not "gifted" will never see any results.

If chi is something anyone can learn to use then that makes it a candidate for Natural - it's just a training issue, with nothing further required. If magic is something that only special individuals can ever learn to use then that's enough to separate them, and so I'm happy to say chi falls under Natural origin.

However if magic is also something that anyone can learn to use then that makes magic a candidate for Natural too - again, it's just a training issue. But since we've been given a specific Magic origin we should probably use it, so magic = Magic origin even if it also fits Natural. Since there's so little difference between magic use and chi use I'd say it'd make sense to keep chi in the same origin as Magic.

On the other hand if chi is something only a select few can every learn to use - it requires there to be something special about the individual - then it's no longer just a training issue, no longer something any of the species could learn to do, and so no longer a candidate for Natural origin. At that point I'd be inclined to call it Mutant origin - they've been born different in some way and can access extraordinary abilities as a result.

But if magic is also something that only a select few can learn to use, that brings them back to being sufficiently similar that I'd feel silly having them in separate origins. So I'd move it back over to Magic (unless we want to say wizards are Mutant origin ).

In summary:
Chi = anyone, Magic = anyone => Chi = Magic origin
Chi = select few, Magic = anyone => Chi = Mutant origin
Chi = anyone, Magic = select few => Chi = Natural origin
Chi = select few, Magic = select few => Chi = Magic origin



Originally Posted by IndyStruck View Post
At this point you should just roll a natural origin ghost out of spite.
I have two ghost characters, and they are both natural origin because what powers they have were there when they 'woke up' after dying. If they were to come back to life, they would lose those powers; if they were to 'move on', they would lose those powers. Thus, their powers are natural to their state.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I've been considering a tech or science origin ghost because of this thread. And because Venture is so insistent that Ghosts! Must! Be! Magic!

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
I've been considering a tech or science origin ghost because of this thread. And because Venture is so insistent that Ghosts! Must! Be! Magic!
I have a sort of Tech/Sci "ghost." He is a former soldier who the Fifth Column experimented on. They removed his soul and through a combination of science and a technological device captured it in his arm prothesis so that it could be used as an energy source for his other powers. He's a Kinetic/Invuln Brute by the name of Geistlos.

So, in a way, he is a zombie and a ghost since he has both an inanimate but "alive" body as well as an insubstantial "essence" captured within him.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
I have a sort of Tech/Sci "ghost." He is a former soldier who the Fifth Column experimented on. They removed his soul and through a combination of science and a technological device captured it in his arm prothesis so that it could be used as an energy source for his other powers. He's a Kinetic/Invuln Brute by the name of Geistlos.

So, in a way, he is a zombie and a ghost since he has both an inanimate but "alive" body as well as an insubstantial "essence" captured within him.
That's actually pretty cool, and consistent with the way the 5th Column does things.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
That's actually pretty cool, and consistent with the way the 5th Column does things.
Thanks! I thought so, too.