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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    It's much more complex than that. For quite a few decades most females (not all) saw gaming almost as a disease or a symptom that something was wrong with said individual.

    This resulted in most gaming communities developing nearly completely female-free.

    It is not uncommon for human groups to develop considerably horrible behaviors against absent groups. It takes a special individual to maintain respect for absent parties.

    So after decades we ended with males feeling way too comfortable making horrendously sexist and degrading comments while in these circles. Suddenly women start showing up in the circles but still as a minority and you get them constantly bumping into people that just don't get it.

    Note: this is not a justification; this is not saying they are right, or misunderstood. Males in the gaming field NEED to change, but the reason things got this bad is precisely because female avoidance of the gaming culture forced the development of a culture with no women in it.

    Mind you, the rejection, eye rolls, and insults male gamers got from females while growing didn't help the sympathy much either. (I was lucky to grow in a much friendly environment than that.)

    But as I mention, this is not exclusive to gaming. It's an issue in gaming due to its growth and economic implications, but there are many other groups with similar issues.
    Actually, the misogyny among men in the gaming community played a fairly significant role in women not being a part of the gaming community. Why join a hobby where you're going to be abused just for who you are? Why go into stores where you'll be ignored or dismissed as obviously in the wrong place? Having people talk down to you? Being told you can't play a female character because women can't be adventurers? Having people try to roleplay gangrapes to show you your proper place? It wasn't just women being disdainful of gamers that kept women out of the gaming community in significant numbers.

    I've been gaming since the early 80s and I have to say that trying to make women responsible for the ridiculous levels of misogyny in gaming communities constitutes either an extreme level of denial or simply another layer of misogyny.

    Also, if those guys who were upset about women rolling eyes at them didn't think they were entitled to women, they probably wouldn't be quite so put out when some women aren't automatically interested in them. Most of the gamer guys I've known haven't had much difficulty establishing relationships and marriages.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
    Yeah I know.

    I guess you're not well-versed in the lore of the Tortanic tragedy. Allow me to enlighten you.
    Ah, nothing like linking a blatantly racist video to make a point.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by savagedeacon_NA View Post
    Trion has already enough problems with its own Rift to risk with someone else game:

    to go free to play is never a good sign
    Blizzard took the same step with WoW a couple of years ago. Not sure that this specific step is actually a bad thing.

    Still, Rift is nowhere near in the same position and the same decision may in fact reflect different priorities.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    Probably just padding their post count though....(side note: thought I would have been able to join the Forum Cartel but alas it's not to be. )
    The secret mystery of the Forum Cartel is not that it doesn't exist. It is that we are all the Forum Cartel. Probably not much comfort at this point, though.

    I should know, I'm responsible for the Forum Cartel title at P10K.
  5. BellaStrega


    Scrapperlock in XCOM is kind of awkward.

    RIP Madman.
  6. BellaStrega


    I scrapperlock everywhere.

    I scrapperlocked in Minecraft, especially after those ******* zombie pigmen killed me and took all my stuff and used it against me, and then followed me out of the nether and killed me on my own lawn, until I killed them all back and got my stuff back.

    Scrapperlock is a hell of a drug.
  7. I'll have to see how that mission works out for Templar and Illuminati.

    I've run three faction missions now. They're fun, although they can be a bit frustrating at times.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Probably because Polaris is fun as hell!

    If you haven't run it, do try to get in a group for it. I was with the BF and we were both in QL2s being dragged along by a few experienced exCoHers who were really nice and understanding about us being newbs. We died about 5 times on the final boss but eventually pulled out a win, amazingly. I was one of the last people alive (miraculously) and helped to finish him off when his HP got pretty low and you didn't have to dodge is 1HK attack anymore.

    FUN! Probably my best experience with the game so far. If the other "dungeons" are like that, I want to do them for sure.
    The dungeon in Savage Coast is not quite the same, although it's a bit entertaining at points as well. The way going through the dungeon is also a story is similar, and you learn a lot about what Hell really is.

    Nothing quite like the cinematic helicopter bit in Polaris, which was great. But I haven't done any past those two so I can't speak for them. I know a bit about the third one - the Darkness War? - in Blue Mountains. That one is apparently pretty brilliant too.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Knight_Marshal View Post
    Even with my system that by far outstrips the recommended requirements, I can't run it using DX11. There is something about the game that hates my system using DX11. DX9 is fine though.
    I have this same problem.
  10. So journalism means never having an opinion?

    Sounds pretty untenable to me.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    I didn't hear about this - can you explain or link it? I always liked BaBs.
    Here's the relevant post:
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    The very definition of "rational" is "sensible", ergo "not rational" is "not sensible". They do, in fact, mean the same thing.
    No, that's not the definition of rational. The definition of rational is "having reason or understanding." Or " relating to, based on, or agreeable to reason." It has some math-related definitions as well.

    I also explained - logically - how they do not mean the same thing.

    Nonsense can only make sense if you're capable of viewing it through the proper irrational lens.
    Now that is nonsense. Mostly because it is completely tangential to my point. It is utterly irrelevant, because what I described was not nonsense. Mental illness isn't nonsense.

    "Stupid" means 'lacking in common sense or intelligence' and "crazy" means 'mentally deranged'. Both definitions of which could fall under the umbrella of "irrational".
    These are not objective standards, however. And they are vernacular terms lacking any objectivity at all.

    As for subjective judgments, psychological evaluations themselves tend to involve a professional but subjective interpretation of perforce subjective data.
    Drawing a connection between the subjectivity of psychological evaluations and the use of "stupid" and "crazy" is nonsense. Psychological evaluations range from short interviews to long, involved administration of various tests. There isn't a single category to draw from. Further, the people making these evaluations have spent years studying the conditions they diagnose, evaluate, and treat. Stupid and crazy are two words that are primarily used to dismiss the validity of another person's behavior, contributions, or even personhood.

    Wherever I go, strangers walk up to me and share their pain as if I were some sort of bartender on walkabout that occasionally doubles as a hug dispensary. I might be a much happier person if I could remain completely disaffected by such things.
    Maybe, but doubtful. Psychopaths don't tend to know what happiness is, either.

    That, at least, is something we agree on. No one deserves to have that kind of thing happen.
    I never thought we were in disagreement over the major point. It was the judgment of Amanda's actions as something that they were not.

    That representation apparently being that I think she was responsible for her actions, as conscious choice would imply.

    The other side of that being that you seem to claim that the actions are not made by choice due to mental illness and thus are beyond reproach.
    I never said they were beyond reproach. I said your perception of those actions is wrong because you do not understand those actions.

    Mental illness does not deprive you of choice, but it makes different choices seem rational and necessary. Without understanding this, anything said about actions taken by a mentally ill person are pretty useless, and serve more as a reflection of the speaker's biases than any kind of useful, logical, factual information.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    three teams is 24 people.

    When I'm talking about empty I'm more talking about actual activity overall not a team of friends planned a day to get together and run a TF. 3 teams running sara moore on one saturday is nice but sara moore can be and is ran about anytime any day on virtue/freedom and dont have to plan with an SG, or a bunch of friends to do it. Usually easy to form team and go. On many other servers, outside peak hours and sometiems during peak hours, the better part of an hour is trying to form a team. And redside on those lower population servers can just about forget about it unless you know a group of peopel that is planning on running something and have a spot. aka, dead server.
    Can't speak for other servers, but this does not describe Champion. That is the "dead server" stuff.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    I've been personally acquainted with individuals who "self injure". And who have taken harmful substances. And two people who have committed suicide. And regardless of their mental state, each of them consciously chose their activity (both activities in a couple of cases). My conclusion is essentially that the behaviour makes no sense. Your rebuttal is to basically agree with that as you continually point out that they're not rational decisions.
    "Not rational" and "makes no sense" do not mean the same thing. Irrational behavior can make sense if you understand that it has an actual cause, and is not strictly random. Suicidal behavior and self injury are both irrational, but they make sense if one understands the kind of duress that causes it.

    For example, someone who is delusional and believes the US government is monitoring his every move and plans to kill him for some arbitrary reason is certainly acting from irrational beliefs and ideas of reference. However, his behavior makes perfect sense if one accepts that to him his delusions are very real.

    And both may be synonymous with "irrational" and the latter of the two goes hand in hand with mental illness.
    No, both are not synonymous with irrational. Both are vernacular, and tend to be extremely subjective judgments. They are not clinical nor are they objective terminology. They are primarily judgmental statements. "Stupid" is often used to simply mean "that person did or said something I would not do or say, or something I disagree with." Crazy is used similarly. Neither has any objective value.

    The two statements carry the same basic meaning. I place more importance on the "she killed herself" part because to me it's the bigger issue. The other things can be moved past, but suicide is final and wasteful and I hate it. And I hate that the passing of this stranger makes me sad.
    Why do you hate that it makes you sad? The fact that it makes you sad means you can almost certainly rule out sociopathy or psychopathy.

    I do not hate that this situation affects me emotionally. I hate this this situation happened at all.

    I wasn't implying that the victim is the problem, but rather questioning whether the stalker is responsible for their actions if they are irrational or suffering from a mental illness.
    In such a situation the question is not relevant, only the matter of preventing the stalker from continuing to act is relevant.

    I haven't been debating whether Amanda was responsible for her actions, however. I was debating whether you were accurately representing what her actions were.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Basically. I guess people forget that at one point in time most of us were at one point 12-14, but that doesnt mean we all were attention hog with apersonality and self worth depending on how well we fit in. Not all teenagers are or were that shallow and that fragile of self-esteem.

    Some of us was fine whether or not we "fit in" and didnt have to try to fit in to feel worthy.
    I wouldn't say that teenagers who want those things are shallow. A teenager's brain is still developing and a lot of their behavior is impulsive or irrational even when they are otherwise fine. This applies to those of us who did not fit in and did not care about fitting in. It is simply that behavior reflected interests and priorities. Someone who wants to fit in will try to fit in, but this isn't a matter of sophistication or shallowness so much as what that person prioritizes.

    I would argue that being able to fit in is often a profoundly underestimated and undervalued social skill that plays a significant role in one's adult life (that is, the ability to do so or the lack thereof). I do not mean trying to behave like everyone else, but understanding how to be part of a group.

    As far as self-esteem goes, I don't think a socially active teenager necessarily has more fragile self esteem. I think their self esteem may be more vulnerable as they value social interactions and belonging higher than someone like yourself, Tenzhi, or myself. More attempts to be social means more opportunities to be rejected.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    She was presumably conscious when she chose to injure herself, alleged mental stability notwithstanding.
    So you do not know what it is like to self injure, and you have clearly never actually read or heard another's account of what it is like for them to self injure, and yet you're able to come to a conclusion about self injury derived strictly from information in your brain without any need for reference to reality? It's no wonder your conclusions are specious.

    Being conscious does not mean being able to rationally choose to do or not do something.

    On the contrary, I believe I directly referred to the actions as somewhere in the range of stupid-to-crazy. Indeed, it is the fact that the actions make no sense to me that prevents me from sympathizing with them.
    "Stupid" and "crazy" are two different things, and both seem to be extremely subjective judgments.

    The actions are the consequence of mental illness. If mental illness did not cause people to act against their own best interests then they wouldn't be illnesses. You might as well say that someone with leukemia is stupid-to-crazy for producing too many antibodies.

    I am not saying that having a mental illness is like having cancer. I am saying that having a mental illness means that one's faculties are not functioning properly, and looking at how the person behaves and criticizing that is profoundly ignorant, perhaps even stupid.

    I took that into account. I believe the phrase I used was 'misplaced sentiment'.
    Then you do understand she had a reason (even if it was wrong) for not involving the police. You just seem to have difficulty understanding why she didn't behave as you would have in that situation, as opposed to how she behaved.

    Brevity can appear to be trivializing.
    If you were being brief, you would have said "killed herself because people stalked, harassed, and abused her." Instead, you changed the context entirely into "she killed herself because people didn't like her." I do not know where you live, but in the real world there's a significant gulf between "I don't like you" and "I am going to follow you everywhere you go and take every action I can to ruin your life."

    Even if the stalker is not completely rational?
    Not comparable. Someone who is self harming and attempting suicide is in need of assistance. A stalker is someone who is likely putting the first person into that frame of mind. Whatever the stalker's cognition, the stalker is the problem, not the victim. If the stalker is irrational or mentally ill, then that can be addressed once he is no longer a danger to his victim(s).
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    hmm think I said this, privacy is what I value, and they called me paranoid.

    Go figure.
    I value privacy too. I try not to bring up my "real world" life in most places, and I tend not to post pictures. I don't even have a facebook account I use for anything (I did use Facebook for the Dragon Age flash game to get the item unlocks in DA2, but for actual social networking? Hell no).

    But, this doesn't mean that I think that anyone who does put their stuff up deserves what happens to them, or caused it to happen. At best, they made it possible, but the responsibility is on whomever actually did something.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
    If I had a picture of you flashing me pre-facebook how would I have gotten to send it to everyone?
    Social networking predates Facebook by several years, but even before then word had way of getting around. Here's a book on the topic that might be informative.

    If this girl was an adult and all this happened would you say she 'should have known better'?
    No, because blaming the victim is ignorant.

    Do you think teens are mature enough to handle the power of social networking?
    My teen nieces and nephew have been using social networking sites for years and have not had any problems. Most people don't have problems because there isn't a predator for every single person on these sites. Pointing to cases like this as evidence that all social networking is bad for teenagers is sort of like trying to prevent fires by outlawing matches.

    If I was a creeper trolling for nude teen pics where would I find them pre-facebook?

    You can sit there and yell at me all you want. The fact remains that this type of deviant behavior and the calamities that can result are due to the ability of people to send/access personal info 24-7.
    No, this sort of deviant behavior is not due to the ability of people to send or access personal info. It is due to the existence of people who engage in this behavior, and such people have always existed. They have always made use of available tools.

    I am also not yelling at you, I am telling you that you are full of excrement. Your response has only reinforced that impression.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
    Remember the old days when bullies would just beat you up on the playground for your lunch money?
    Also, this wasn't any better. And they never did "just beat you up on the playground for your lunch money." Those weren't good old days, they were awful for those who experienced them.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
    Remember the old days when bullies would just beat you up on the playground for your lunch money?

    I really wish people started valuing privacy more than their social status. Posting pics, stories, videos, etc. of yourself for all the world to see opens you up to ****** up stalkers who enjoy torment.

    As an adult, if you make that choice then you're an idiot, but it's your own business. However, teens have no business using these sites. They're not mature enough to understand the consequences or deal with them. Unfortunately for this girl, that realization came too late.
    This is all BS. No one is responsible for someone else's choice to stalk or harass them. The only person responsible for stalking or harassing someone is the person doing the stalking or harassing. The vast majority of people who post these things do not get harassed or stalked.

    Try to be remotely rational and stick to facts, okay? Not this ridiculous and possibly self-serving fantasy world you've concocted where victims are always at fault.

    Since psychopaths came up earlier, this is precisely the reasoning psychopaths use to justify victimizing people. I am not saying you are a psychopath, I am trying to point out just how pathologically wrong your reasoning is.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    The term is "sociopath." A psychopath will actively seek to cause pain to others and enjoy doing it.
    The distinction between sociopath and psychopath is extremely flimsy. I recall reading something by Robert Hare who referred to someone as a sociopath because he wasn't a psychopath for his entire life, not because he didn't actively seek to cause pain to others. I think mostly the distinction is illusory.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bonehead View Post
    I got to play a bit more last night and learned a few things:
    • You can go into the Crucible a second time to get your second weapon.
    • Zombies run
    • Having 1-2 AoEs is important.
    • I may have to buy this game.
    I posted the first one earlier in the thread, but someone disagreed.

    It is a fun game, though.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Torment And Agony View Post
    I would like to congratulate you for you being so stable, well adjusted, and being above such things, but really your lack of understanding and empathy probably just makes you a psychopath.
    I seriously doubt that Tenzhi is a psychopath.

    I can think of a much better candidate but he hasn't been here (as far as I know) for years.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    It's sad she let herself become an example of how far cyber bullying can lead but its primarily a problem with society, not bullying. Society's connected nature, their views on sex and nudity, their use of mobs and violence. I'm sorry to say, but those issues won't be solved in our lifetime and she will not be the last to fall victim to them.
    The vast majority of teens who use social networking sites never have an experience like this. Also, she didn't "let herself become an example." It's something that was done to her.