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My very first, and very first character was a Kat/Invuln, shortly followed by my main and namesake, a MA/SR. Back then, I may have had zero idea what I was really doing, but I'll be damned if I didn't love it. Kicking guys in the face, being a super cool robot, finally being able to fly, getting my cape...
But I'll never forget the first time I said, "well screw it, I'm a Scrapper," and charged at an AV by myself. I got my *** kicked so hard I disconnected.
I never stopped trying though, and eventually I even learned how to play this game, and my MA/SR that I spent way too many hours with, through sidekicking with friends and smashing Devouring Earth in office buildings, to frantically super jumping and trying to traverse zones without dying a miserable out of mentor range death, managed to take down entire x8 groups and smash AVs in the face.
No matter what character I played, I was always scrapping. For that, I ;salute you, Scrappers of the world. You've made me a suicidal ball of death that flips out and kills everything, no matter what game I'm playing. -
Probably been around since launch, but I didn't realize until the Summer Blockbuster event came around that you can have simultaneous glowie bars filling at the same time. Stand still, click the first glowie, then the 2nd, then the 3rd, and they'll all fill up at the same time, even though you'll only see the active progress of the 3rd one. Very handy time saver.
Quote:With how loosely the terms were used, in hindsight I think it's easy to interpret the intention. Higher base accuracy would, in turn, mean your attacks hit more often. It's a very poor way of conveying the actual benefit, but unless there was some cut mechanic that made attacks flat out not consider a portion of enemy defense, I don't think there's much mystery there aside from assigning blame to the appropriate intern.That's her point: technically it is not accurate to say that accuracy bypasses defense. It does not.
I was also going for a pun. -
Quote:The ones that mention that have higher base accuracy (82.5% vs 75%, or 1.1 vs 1.0). So, I suppose those descriptions are technically accurate.And I still want to know why Radiation Blast was originally described as being able to bypass defense. It can't be because the writer confused that with debuffing defense, because it *also* says it debuffs defense, so "bypass defense" must have meant something else in the writer's mind.
Had similar results myself. Not sure if I wasn't looking in the right direction (north), but I kept an eye on the tree line and didn't really notice anything.
Screech... well, I feel like that's too obvious.
Quote:Well, looking at a menu in the game isn't the same as "pigg diving."uh yeah, that's exactly what I was talking about. They didn't mean for it to leak because they didn't intend it to go to live. the best we got was supposedly some of the mechanics were going to be rolled into a future powerset.
I do remember hearing that it some shape shifting or something in it. Wonder what that could have turned into? -
Quote:Actually, pretty sure that one was found in game. In the detailed info for powers, you can pick an archetype to show attributes for, and the Primalist was on that list.Also confirmation that the Primalist was nothing more than an experiment that didn't work out. it was already shelved by the time the pigg divers found it
Sad it got canned though. We still needed a Praetorian Epic AT, after all. -
I would have loved to be able to take a crack at writing some stories. Not necessarily something directly in-game, but just extended background (in the same vein of that google doc story bible that got posted). Personally, I'd love to have explored territory outside of Paragon, sort of paint the situations of other countries, their superhero population, the threats they deal with, etc. The idea of an international superteam just resonates real well with me too.
If there isn't Black Pebble and nerf guns and David drawing people taking bubble baths in really shallow tubs I'm gonna be disappointed.
Quote:I imagine that may be part of the "wait a while before we answer," thing. If not, I don't think having a q&a session about story really diminishes a whole lot though - even if they got everything back in working order some time after we have a lot of answers, I don't think many people would complainDoes this mean it's over? There are tons of effort out there still trying to change NCsoft's mind. Last we heard was there were talks going on internally.
1) What's the construction in Steel Canyon and Port Oakes all about?
2) What ever happened to those plans to "knock down the war walls"? Was that something that fed into larger plans of having a connected Paragon much like how Praetoria ended up working? Similarly, why were they left up when villains, Rikti, and other threats seemed to have no problems with getting around them?
3) Praetorian Hamidon. 'sup wit dat, yo?
4) While I can sort of understand Statesman biting it, why Psyche? And why was she replaced by an inexperienced Penelope, who had nearly identical powers and is allegedly a crazy powerful psychic? I remember hearing the intent was because these characters overshadowed players, but Statesman in particular never did anything in the game that perpetuated that idea. Psyche never did either with the possible exception of being "the world's most powerful psychic," only to be replaced by someone similar. Was it just really difficult to write these characters, because the deaths felt entirely unnecessary.
5) Were there ever plans to have the Resistance/Loyalist stuff run all the way to 50, and have Praetoria be a more fleshed out experience? As it stands, the storyline continues on in First Ward and Night Ward, but it doesn't particularly flow from the 1-20 Praetorian experience.
6) Were there any concrete plans to have Scirocco replaced as a patron?
7) What's the deal with Praetorian Infernal? Supposedly Infernal was already from a different dimension, why is there another version of him? Are Praetorian and Primal Infernal from the same dimension, or are there "Praetorian" versions of alternate dimensions?
8) What was the rest of Praetoria like? Aside from the locales we've seen, what was the overall status of the rest of that world? Are other countries like France, Italy, Germany, etc., still around there, or is the majority of the world gone?
9) Tell me 'bout Avilans and Blood of the Black Stream. Supposedly (according to an old version of the "story bible") Avilans were going to be after CoV. Was that concept entirely dropped once you realized you could do wings on existing character models?
10) Were there plans for a Praetorian Epic AT, and did that tie in with the "Primalist" at all?
11) How does the Well of Furies work? (I realize this one is crazy broad, but there are so many details to get into)
12) 'sup wit Ouroboros? Are they as evil and crazy as Dream Doctor suggested?
13) I'm gonna assume Prometheus would eventually double cross us, but what was his deal?
14) What was the point of Recluse's Victory? If the plan was to bring a timestream where the villains win closer or something like that, how does that really "work"? Did it have any effect on events as we know them, or was it just an excuse for players to beat eachother up at max level?
15) Why was there never a hub or a hangout for villains equivalent to Atlas Park? Most of the comparable services and such for villains are in Grandville.
16) Did the primal Hamidon split himself or something to end up in two places at once, the Hive and the Abyss? Or is it supposed to be him at one place or the other?
17) Similarly, why is there such a big difference between Primal and Praetorian Hamidons? The posted RPG story bible described Hamidon as a crazy monster, much like the Praetorian version.
18) Why are there player male Widows, but no NPC ones? Similarly, what is Arachnos "boot camp" like? Are the Widows given claw implants, or are they devices?
19) Whatever happened to that story about Dr. Brainstorm and power proliferation? Was that retconned?
20) How do ghosts work in the CoH universe, particularly with Ghost Widow and Numina? They seem to be able to move through walls and become corporeal at will - wouldn't that make them nigh invincible enemies? Similarly, when they're "defeated", do they feel pain and such, or do they have some reason to stop fighting?
21) How the heck did Positron get his body back just by being resurrected? How did that never happen sooner? With the pre-body Positron and Anti-Matter, how were they alive? Did they both technically have bodies but just couldn't leave the suit, or were they composed of energy?
22) What was the world like outside out of Paragon City? I remember reading that the Rikti invaded other locales. Are there any with nearly the same super hero population, or the same rate of crime?
23) Why wasn't Azuria ever fired?
24) Why was there an Architect building in the Rikti War Zone, and not some place like Pocket D? Also, why were Vanguard protecting it?
25) Why didn't the rest of the world try and stop Recluse once he'd invaded US soil multiple times? Wouldn't that count as an act of war or something?
26) Why weren't Police Drones used in greater force? I mean, those things can just zaaaap anything. Talk about OP. On a similar note, why weren't there Praetorian versions of Police Drones, and which would win a fight: a Police Drone, or an Arbiter Drone?
27) This is more of a technical question, but why were many of the old buildings like Icon put under the map, when buildings like AE exist just fine inside of the actual building?
28) What did you have planned for Back Alley Brawler? Aside from having him hang out in a police station, that is.
29) Were there ever plans to follow up on some of the Valentines tips? On a somewhat related note, were there any characters/NPCs who were in a homosexual relationship?
30) What happened to Outbreak after the tutorials were revamped? Did they finally contain the infection?
I'm sure there are some repeats here and more questions to add for later, I'll edit this accordingly. -
It's been a pleasure, Mr. Crusher. Engage.
(Had to sneak one last one in) -
Well, now he's just asking for it.
Surprised they kept so much of the Mot story intact all the way up to i22. Unbelievably disappointed they cut the part about meeting the ghost of Lovecraft and Poe though.
Well, that explains that. Would've been better if they used a more generic term. Paragon Supporter, maybe. Backer has implications for things like Kickstarter.
I really wanna know what that bit in the coffee talk was all about, though. -
Quote:Yeah, surprised to see how well seeded a lot of that stuff is.If you want CoH lore on Google Docs, go here:
It's not the story bible - but it's quite a few parts of it.
Some of the stuff they wrote in 2004 will blow your mind when you see how they used the idea in more recent content - check out Red Widow's inevitable return and Romans bringing Mot to Dark Astoria.
More amusingly though is how much they had planned for City of Villains at that point (bear in mind, this doc references Citadel as Bastion, and BABs as being in Kings Row).
Supposedly issue 7 ("expansion 7") was going to introduce Avilans and their floating city as well. Guess those plans didn't work out so well. Wanna see how many Blood of the Black Stream references there are now... -
I think one of my favorite bugs had to the "Gauntlet makes every Tanker attack into an aoe." I know there's a video of it somewhere, but I'd probably have to dig for that.
Aside from that, I hold a special love for door mission bugs. In the CoV beta, exiting a mission and getting dumped into Atlas Park was hilarious. Sneaking around the drones, having Ms. Liberty tell you to "get out there and do some villainy," nabbing badges, and so on. The more recent TPN trial bug dumping teams into random missions was great too. -
I read this as "Dr. Aeon's Studio Moves" and expected a video of Sean teaching me how to dance.
As disappointed as I am, that's some awesome game stuff you've got there. Sad we won't get to see more of it. -
Well this is a shot in the dark, but you wouldn't happen to have a fondness for orchestrals, would you?