TwitchTV Session - Starting at 10:30 a.m. Pacific
It's just going to be Zwill and Hawk drunkenly throwing cheese puffs at people.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
If there isn't Black Pebble and nerf guns and David drawing people taking bubble baths in really shallow tubs I'm gonna be disappointed.
First of all, I apologize if someone has beaten me to starting a thread on this.
Rumor is that there is going to be a session on TwitchTV starting at 10:30 a.m. Pacific time. For reference, at the time of writing, that is in just under two hours. Interested parties can go here: I'll be in class (I'm technically "studying" now), so I won't be there, but I hope it's good news! |
I'd also suggest that as many people as possible go to the video page during the broadcast, even if they don't have time to watch ány it - if there are enough viewers, it'll appear live on the Twitch front page as a high-view video, which could help us to spread the word.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I have tried not to miss these but sometimes work interferes. Though I have today off I am not sure I will see this one today if they have one. It might be the one thing that finally tips me over the edge then I'm stuck looking at a clear yet blurry screen. Then again how could I not watch...and support...these fine people that have brought me so many years of fun?
The CoH twitter account just confirmed that there WILL be a stream today.
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
Will this be a marathon stream?
Quick notes (view the recording of today's TwitchTV stream here):
- This may be the last livestream (maybe not, who knows?)
- <Zwill gets a little verklempt on the coffee talk>
- Trying to enable VIP for ALL players & Double XP on ALL servers, as well as "as many holiday events as possible" (probably just one at a time, lamentably)
- Due to possible stability issues, I24 will not be launched to Live, but it is on beta.
- Beta Server is now open to ALL PLAYERS (even non-VIPs)
- I24 is on Beta, and all the Market items are zeroed out (will not do on Live "just in case"; they don't want to possibly ruin the economy (presumably in case the game is saved via deus ex machina))
- Cryptic did NOT kill CoH by witholding an engine license; the license was purchased in perpetuity for CoH and another unreleased project
- SOE is not interested in purchasing CoH
- NCSoft is actively helping the staff look for new employment.
- Paragon Studio employess have to sign NDAs upon their termination which keeps them from discussing the closure of the studio.
- <SkippySidekick shows Zwill how to use the "Magisterium Nuke" power (it's only an effect, but a huge one>; Zwill's favorite power is the "Hamidon Defeated" effect.>
- CoH cannot be Kickstarted because it is not a new project
- Indie studio aspirations are unlikely, but they would love to do it if there was capital, backing, etc.
- If fans could raise enough funds, could CoH be saved? Unknown, ask the folks in Korea.
- Ultimately unfeasible MA wish list items (due to dev hours required) - changing the rating system to a "Like" system; branching dialogue trees; UI work; map maker (would require base fix first); hooking up LUA (scripting language) to MA.
- You'll never get to see the moon base
(presumable was in development)
- Base redesign - possible monotization options for apartment system, but never got past discussion phase
- Servers run on Linux (of course)
- Server maintenance must be run once a week to keep things running straight
- Game/Engine will Never be released released for free to the public (presumably because the game code is proprietary and the engine is licensed from Cryptic)
- No dev swag giveaways because it requires legal (legal is no longer available, the studio is closing)
- There was a lot of stuff still in development
- Last Friday was a very hard day, but ended up being inspirational, a last party and a sharing of memories, with beers afterwards.
- Is there any hope? There's always hope...
- Probably no I24 trailer
- Unfortunately no word re: refunds, but wait for NCSoft to send more word.
- Zwill and others will stay on as long as possible to turn the lights on/off
- Turn on base raids? No, would require hard code.
- Will VIPs remain so until close? Unknown, will verify to try to ensure that no one drops VIP.
- No schedule of events b/c staff needs to be on moment's notice for job interviews, but will randomly pop in and do stuff
- No ideas re: Omega slots
- No special End of World event due to no devs, maybe spawning a bunch of stuff instead
- Hugs for all!
- Servers still scheduled to go dark Nov. 30th
- Don't know what will happen to server/data assets when game ends
- Devs play different MMOs (part of their job, actually)
- If there is a pending lawsuit (ex:, they wouldn't be able to talk about it
- Best bet to see where people end up? Follow them on social networks (Twitter, etc.). Can't talk about that stuff.
- Zwill & staff appreciate the groundswell of support/ petitions/ etc. from the community!
- Nothing in the works for *huge* PvP changes; Arbiter Hawk proposed a lot of changes, but it would have required a lot of time & resources required for other projects
- Probably could NOT dedicate teams of devs or resources to PvP (PvP would never be the primary focus). Also, with the release of new powersets so frequently, PvP balance would have been "a nightmare".
- Super secret project? Under NDA, and cancelled with the studio closure.
- No new ATs were in the works
- Matt Miller on Twitter: @MMODesigner
- Melissa Bianco on Twitter:@MelissaBianco
- Jesse Lawrence on Twitter: @HitStreak
- Zwill's fondest memories: Player Summits (and player interactions on the forums)
- NCSoft still has the right to use your characters (technically; whether or not they would choose to exercise that right is doubtful ("IANAL"))
- I24 included mouse pointer scaling to change the size of the pointer
- Private server possibility? "IANAL", but probably not legal.
- <Zwill summons Cthuluh (a lot of Lusca tentacles)>
- Discussion of CoH as a dating service due to RL marriages of CoH players
- Half Life 3 is a MYTH!
- Went 1/2 hour over their normal coffee talk duration
- "Thank you to everybody who tuned in today. Hopefully today won't be the last coffee talk, but if it is, it's been an honor and a pleasure. Thank you all."
Game/Engine will Never be released (presumable because the engine isn't legally theirs, it's Cryptic's) |
its like hearing this news for the first time, all over again.
You forgot Beta is now open to all, not just VIP.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Coffee talk just ended, notes updated accordingly.
Oh, Zwill and his tentacles.
The engine can still be sold with the game - the only thing they're saying is that it can't be released separately.
I've also updated that bullet to better relay the inferring by Zwill (he is not a lawyer either, as he clearly stated several times in the stream).
Thanks for the summary Obsidius. Appreciate it.
Wish it had been more hopeful.
Synergy Lvl 50 Def FF/Electric/Psy - Protector
Cimarron - Protector Mascot
My DA Page
Nice summary, Obsidius, thanks.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
The most (perhaps only) optimistic thing I took from it was that they said they would definitely NOT make everything on the Market free. So long as they're trying to maintain 'business as usual' with the ingame economy and more importantly the F2P model, maybe it's still viable for another backer to take over. From that point of view I guess we'd have more to worry about if they did give us everything for nothing.
I dunno, maybe I'm really reaching for a positive spin. I don't think anyone's coming away from this more optimistic, but that's not Z's fault. Kudos to him and the others for still showing up.
Sad to watch this though.
Thank you for the notes from those of us who could not tune in.
Thanks, Obsidius!
Keep fighting and pushing, everyone. Whether or not it works, you'll be happier for doing everything you could.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
First of all, I apologize if someone has beaten me to starting a thread on this.
Rumor is that there is going to be a session on TwitchTV starting at 10:30 a.m. Pacific time. For reference, at the time of writing, that is in just under two hours. Interested parties can go here:
I'll be in class (I'm technically "studying" now), so I won't be there, but I hope it's good news!
Update: the stream is up and running. Hit_Streak is already in it, and it was confirmed via Twitter that the video session is happening.