2093 -
(4:53:19 PM) Byzantine Laser: Smersh and others have blamed Polaron for the cancellation of CoH.
(4:53:24 PM) Byzantine Laser: (It was requested that I make sure you're aware.)
(4:53:49 PM) Pol: Awesome.
(4:54:11 PM) Pol: I was all set to come back on Friday, and then my graphics card died yesterday.
(4:54:31 PM) Byzantine Laser: Well that's fantastic timing.
(4:54:35 PM) Pol: Still under warranty, but I'm not going to get it back in time.
(4:54:48 PM) Byzantine Laser: Well, damn. Anything you want me to pass on?
(4:55:24 PM) Byzantine Laser: ... oh
(4:55:25 PM) Byzantine Laser: Right.
(4:55:30 PM) Byzantine Laser: You can still post to the forums.
(4:55:35 PM) Byzantine Laser: Unless your entire computer bricked.
(4:55:38 PM) Pol: No I can't.
(4:55:44 PM) Pol: Wasn't a VIP.
(4:55:41 PM) Byzantine Laser: Oh.
(4:55:42 PM) Byzantine Laser: Well.
(4:55:50 PM) Byzantine Laser: ... anything you want me to pass on?!
(4:56:39 PM) Pol: Yeah. Tell everyone that they were awesome, and the reason why I kept coming back to CoH. They helped make Virtue into easily the best MMO community I ever ran into.
(4:57:10 PM) Pol: And then tell Smersh that Polaron is smarter than him. -
Not really being involved with a SG for the last five years of the game. I kept holding off on applying to a new one, because it'd just be weird to join a group of people I don't know based solely on their reputation, and besides, if I waited long enough, maybe I'd eventually find a large RP SG that ran multiple concurrent IC teams every single night! It led to me spending a lot of time solo or in PUGs.
Quote:Arachnos, because this. Which sucks, because I otherwise love villainside, but having to fight Arachnos so often just wears down my will to live.Arachnos - These guys were, IMO, the premier scary dudes in the game outside of Incarnate foes in DA. Loads of exotic damage - toxic, psi and energy. Loads of energy drain in the Mu critters. Loads of slows in the various web grenades, some of the spider venom and lots of the Psi attacks. Plenty of mez, though not overwhelming amounts like the Malta. Night Widows could blind you and were crazy hard to hit. But most dangerous of all for multiplying the danger of all of the above were the Tarantula Mistresses, with their autohit, -30% defense attack that also blinded you. Holy crap, did that power suck.
Probably sitting in Gemini Park on Virtue.
I believe there's pretty good evidence that Tycho and Gabe like CoH, even if they don't play it all that much these days.
Quote:Back when we had Fake Nemesis hunting teams in Peregrine Island not because we wanted the badge, but because it was one of the few ways to get XP at level 39.Here's another for my fellow oldbies:
Remember when it was easy to run out of missions in the late 30s, unless you were careful and/or made sure to team a lot? (Back then, the only way to get missions was from contacts... and when they were all done, it was street grinding the rest of the way to 40. Couldn't exemp down and run with lowbies, 'cause that gave no xp.) -
Making a character with a perfect costume, then getting to level 20 and realizing that the cape will clip with her hair.
Setting my difficulty to be right at the level where my character will have a tooth-and-nails struggle to get through every normal spawn, then running into a mission with five spots where I'll have to either pull or fight two spawns at once. Or which has an objective that spawns three times the normal amount of bosses.
Being on the hunt mission section of a Numina TF right as a zone invasion starts and getting hung up waiting for it to finish for 10 minutes.
Those people who used to spam me with blind SG invites and comments of, "Oh, you're level 40 and you don't have a SG yet! How sad."
Arguments over whether or not there were any good names left. Both sides always annoyed me. Half the time it was, "This game is terrible unless I can name my character Ultimate Man!" vs. "Just make more unique character names, like I do! Like, my character is named Hvrkksnorzn, it means 'ultimate man' in the Strzyl-Bromars dialect of Hrspki, which is only spoken by 300 people in Serbia!" -
I'll take a shot at Lot 28, please. @Shatterware.
My personal revenge plan involves playing my Necro/Time Mastermind to 50, then making the difficult decision between Torchlight 2 and Borderlands 2. At some point, I may *gasp* try Guild Wars 2, because a couple of my friends have made convincing arguments that it's a very good game, and if I can only play it for eight years, I think I can somehow still live with that.
Quote:Judging by the stories I've heard, both internal and external, EA said, "Hey BioWare, we know you're really good at doing your thing, so we're going to give you freedom to do whatever you'd like!"Well, good for you. EA is still a big corporation and you shouldn't trust them as far as you can throw them. Look at what's happened with Bioware after it's been acquired by EA.
Then BioWare screwed up majorly and everybody went, "Damn that EA, ruining our BioWare!" -
Quote:"I," said the sparrow, "with my bow and arrow."
Who killed City of Heroes -
Quote:There are self +ToHit buffs. Build Up and Aim both have +ToHit. ParagonWiki gets into their impact pretty thoroughly.Hell... I still dont understand just what the difference is between the two. well, that to hit buffs are something that you can give to others. thats IT
By character:
Shatterware: ... was sort of built for this. The first time I got into a rolling team wipe with her and pulled off the full combo of things she can do to change that situation. Power Build Up->Vengeance->Aim->Fallout->EMP Pulse->Atomic Blast->Catch a Breath->Mutation. It's, like, a once-a-month occurrence for me to get both the situation and the time to do all of that, but it's glorious.
Liora Kate: Soloing an AV with no inspirations on a Dominator by chain-holding him through PToD. It took me a dozen tries to figure out the right approach, it was very touch-and-go since I had to rely on Volcanic Gasses for some of the mag and I still have a downtime on that, and it took forever since my attack chain was basically 50% holds, but I got him.
Aisha Adelaide: Aisha was an /EA Brute back before it was cool. Back before IOs allowed softcapping, back before the set got buffed, and when it was used as a punchline for jokes. I was on a team of 8 with an Invuln brute who was taking the alphas... and we ended up getting multiple spawns in a Longbow mission, resulting in us fighting four or five Wardens. The Invuln brute died. I tried to control the spawns, but the rest of the team died. I hit Overload and kept fighting. Before it dropped, I ate a pile of purple inspirations, then munched a blue, hit Power Drain, and kept fighting. I was still fighting when the rest of the team got back from the hospital.
Those seven, at least, didn't make fun of Energy Aura after that. At least, not until they asked me to tank a LRSF for them and I died to the alpha strike of the first spawn. I think every defense-based character gets one of those mobs where every enemy rolls freakishly high to keep their ego in check.
Silverbuilt: Sort of the same thing as Aisha, but much more recent. I was on a team with a /Invuln Tank fighting +2 or +3 Malta. He was getting his butt kicked and needing to pop godmode every time it came up, but we were making progress. He was also being One Of Those Tanks, telling us feeble non-tanks to stand back while a real man took the alpha for us and ordering me to stay behind him until he had aggro under control, even though I was a Stalker. (Which is probably why he died so much.) He got killed, the rest of the team got killed, I munched a lot of inspirations, alternated Moment of Glory and Shadow Meld, and soloed the rest of the spawn on top of the tank's butt. -
Yeah... as much as I hate the design of the older arcs, they also brought me a lot of the experiences I'm going to remember from this game, and I feel like I need to revisit them one last time. The half-hour fight we had trying to take down Nemesis for good, or that 12-hour Positron TF I ran in i0 (where I still keep in regular contact with most of the people I met on it), or HOLY CRAP WE JUST DEFEATED DOCTOR VAHZILOK.
Storm Summoning is the only set I've played to 50 twice. I think one of my favorite moments in-game was a STF I was on that was going poorlyour team had overall low defense, and the team couldn't survive Recluse's beatdown along with the stream of Banes he spawns when low on health. After a few tries to take him the straightforward way... we pulled him on top of a tower and we two stormies used Hurricane to just shove all the Banes to the ground as soon as they spawned. We ended up with dozens of them running around in confusion trying to reach us.
I've got a Necro/Time MM I intend to get to 50 before the servers go dark. If I can get her there quickly, I'd like to run another character from 1-50 heroside, maybe hitting as much i0/i1 content as I can. It's been a long time since I played The Freaklympics or The Organ Grinders...
Back when you could get an HO drop on Hamidon raids if you simply damaged him at some point during the raid, even if you then went idle for half an hour? I did that pretty much every time I could. I liked the rewards, but old-school Hami raids were just so. boring.
"So. Veronica."
"... I have some bad news."
"The universe is going to end in a couple of months."
"Oh! Well, that is okay. I have saved the universe before on much shorter notice! Please tell me who I will need to beat up and at what location!"
"Well, er. It's not really the kind of problem you can beat up. ... there's pretty much nothing you can do about it, I'd"
"... please not the pouty face, this is hard enough as it is..."
Nice summary, Obsidius, thanks.
Liora Kate, Earth/Fire Dominator. My one character that I splurged for purple sets and zillions of recharge bonuses on, and it shows. She was doing 315 DPS the one time I cared to clock her, when she was significantly less powerful than she is now. Sure, I have a softcapped Scrapper, but Liora can lock down multiple x8 spawns at once... mostly. In those situations, a single screwup on my part gets me killed in seconds. If a softcapped Scrapper is like driving a sports car, Liora is like riding a motorcycle with a jet engine duct taped to the side.
AIM: Byzantine Laser
Steam: Currently a CLEVER DISGUISE. It may change when I get bored of being cleverly disguised in TF2, so add me now if you want me.
E-mail: kelenar <you know what goes here> gmail <you also know what goes here>
LiveJournal: Kelenar. -
My favorite is a tie between Lady Grey and Kahn. Lady Grey is just a plain fun Rikti slaughterfest. The only thing I don't really care for is the Hamidon fight. Kahn has the Reichsman fight, which I actually love. You can't convince me that there is something wrong with beating up a near-limitless army of Nazis.