What do you regret?
I wish I never let my second account go dead it actually had the forum name Lucky it was amazing I got it right after they merged NA and EU forums. But I fell on hard times and two MMO accounts just wasn't in the budget. It also had some of my favorite characters like my ill/rad but my ill/dark I made on this account more then made up for it(THANK YOU DEVS for porting dark to trollers it was the best thing I ever wanted for them!)
Also Black Pebble I said some real nasty things about and would just like to apologize it was completely in bad taste and I now understand things clearer, Sorry.
The one thing I regret doing was giving up my ingame handle of Hercules.
I noted that when getting in arguments in some threads, that people were purposefully targetting my AE arcs with 1 stars in retaliation. I figured changing the handle would alleviate some of that.
However, after giving up making AE missions due to it being another abandoned sub-system by the Devs, I really wish I had it back. Of course, someone else had grabbed it in the interim.
131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )
Ah, ok. There's this one thing.
I never, ever, did allow my insufferable hatred for the various things so very WRONG with AE to subside, so that I might have actually completed writing/making the Saga of the Sisters Dawn, a playable MArc where you, the player, would run through 5 missions to find out just how Cerise fled Paragon to become a villain, how Ruby became the Heroine, and how Rose, desperate to get her two sisters to reconcile, wound up in Praetoria and had to fight her way back to Paragon, and a changed woman because of it.
These are three of my 50s on Pinnacle. Ruby was first, when Villains came out, so it begat Cerise, and when Rogue came out, that made Rose happen. And the bios were made/changed to fit the three of them.
The story's in my head, but fleshing it out in the game... and having to work around the so-very-messed-up outdoors situations... I had part of it written, but not with Rose in mind. I've changed that story to fit Rose in, and I gotta say, it'd be a pretty good arc, I'd hope... It would be more story telling than actual mission, but it would have challenges, to be sure, to keep going.
Yeah. That I can say is a regret. I really wish I had the time to do this... I may yet attempt, but it'll be hard if I try. Truly though... That's my one single regret, that it's not likely to see the light of day.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
I really regret writing that nasty letter, pretending to be the whole staff of Paragon Studios, and sending it to NCSoft in August...
(Not funny?)
Hmmm... while I really don't know that I could have done anything differently to avert what happened, I do so wish that the super mega awesome fun spectacular role-playing story and friends/SG-encompassing saga I had initiated didn't fall into derailed, delays of never returning due to my change in time and focus on playing/writing/gaming.
I don't regret starting it and doing what I did, but I just wish that I could have either seen it through to fruition/conclusion or, at least, guided it to a better place of rest.
Instead, I introduced a bunch of stuff and changes to my character, which many people enjoyed and got into... but then it kinda trailed off into delays and waiting on me (mostly).
I know that's kinda common in the RP world, but I really didn't think that was going to happen with me.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
I also regret we never got a cricket bat for WM and TW

Thelonious Monk
I regret not whaling on Black Pebble with a nerf bat at every Pummit I ever saw him at, for him not telling me he was even more a demorecording fanatic than I am.
In all seriousness, I regret that apparently my enthusiasm level made Matt Miller more than a little uncomfortable - to the point that the not-sure-if-serious 'stalker' jokes started going around. And I regret not having the savvy to try and behave in a slightly less-me-but-more-publicly-acceptable fashion when it came to fangirling over the game.
I regret that it took the closure of the game before Black Pebble was finally able to address my longstanding frustration and concern about the lack of advertising for COH.
My biggest regret, though, is that despite five years of trying, I never made a video that was good enough for Paragon Studios.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
I regret not whaling on Black Pebble with a nerf bat at every Pummit I ever saw him at, for him not telling me he was even more a demorecording fanatic than I am.
![]() What? In all seriousness, I regret that apparently my enthusiasm level made Matt Miller more than a little uncomfortable - to the point that the not-sure-if-serious 'stalker' jokes started going around. And I regret not having the savvy to try and behave in a slightly less-me-but-more-publicly-acceptable fashion when it came to fangirling over the game. I regret that it took the closure of the game before Black Pebble was finally able to address my longstanding frustration and concern about the lack of advertising for COH. My biggest regret, though, is that despite five years of trying, I never made a video that was good enough for Paragon Studios. ![]() Michelle aka Samuraiko/Dark_Respite |

Thelonious Monk
I regret not whaling on Black Pebble with a nerf bat at every Pummit I ever saw him at, for him not telling me he was even more a demorecording fanatic than I am.
![]() What? In all seriousness, I regret that apparently my enthusiasm level made Matt Miller more than a little uncomfortable - to the point that the not-sure-if-serious 'stalker' jokes started going around. And I regret not having the savvy to try and behave in a slightly less-me-but-more-publicly-acceptable fashion when it came to fangirling over the game. I regret that it took the closure of the game before Black Pebble was finally able to address my longstanding frustration and concern about the lack of advertising for COH. My biggest regret, though, is that despite five years of trying, I never made a video that was good enough for Paragon Studios. ![]() Michelle aka Samuraiko/Dark_Respite |
Regarding videos, there is a whole legal mess involved with that, no doubt.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

I regret the decision to stay locked down on Pinnacle instead of having a secondary or even tertiary server on which to hang my hat.
I regret a small handful of my many posts on these forums.
That's about it.
Be well, people of CoH.

I regret...
...not securing the character name Starsman on every server.
...sticking to Triumph server even after all my launch month friends quit the game (should have gone to virtue or freedom, teaming up and doing events in Triumph always seemed to require planning, Virtue and Freedom seemed to always have adhoc teams doing fun stuff)
I partially regret my tanker obsession, I wasted too much time attempting to convince the devs to fix the AT and it was for naught.
I partially regret quitting the game with Going Rogue due to the tanker imbalances. I should have just quit tankers entirely and rolled hero Brute versions of my tankers instead.
But more than anything, I regret not making the time to go to a players meet-and-greet event.
In the words of every debt ridden blaster I have ever played (usually bound to F10 in fact):
Seriously, I'm walking away from 8.5 years of playing this game still happy for the time I spent. None of it was wasted, and all of it was fun on some level. Sure I could have rolled more alts, made more friends or invested even more in the game, but as the end of this chapter approaches I'm just happy with the alts I got to play, the friends that I made and the time I invested.
"Striving for the impossible" doesn't mean "toiling in vain". It means growth. It means improvement in the direction of your ideals. Not futility.
Erfworld: the Battle for Gobwin Knob
To make a PSA during the holidays staring Father Xmas asking everyone to please get their Snow Beasts spade or neutered before we have another Winter Lord problem like we did in 2004.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
I try not to have those kinds of regrets. Like everyone else i make monumental errors of judgement and have those fist in mouth moments but generally as theres rarely anything you can doo about them once theyre done, dwelling on them doesnt generally do you any favours.
Having said that if there is anything i regret its not making more of an effort in the social side of the game. I found as time went on from the heady days of i7 -10 there were fewer people i enjoyed playing with and ever more who just seemed to royally get my back up. As a result i tended to play alone or with my other half and almost actively avoided grouping with strangers because if the inevitable gnashing of teeth that would result. Im sure the good guys were out there somewhere but i was put off making the effort to find them a while ago.
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
Not really being involved with a SG for the last five years of the game. I kept holding off on applying to a new one, because it'd just be weird to join a group of people I don't know based solely on their reputation, and besides, if I waited long enough, maybe I'd eventually find a large RP SG that ran multiple concurrent IC teams every single night! It led to me spending a lot of time solo or in PUGs.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
No regrets here.
Been around since i6 all the way up to now. 15 month and more been well spent for the entertainment, no waste, as this chapter comes to a close, it was good to play and gave a good return on the time/money I spent there.
-Female Player-
Thank you so much for the kind words Scarlet, Lucky.
I actually printed some of your more memorable posts and had them up on my wall, along with various other choice messages from players. Not because I thought you guys were being jerks, but because the intensity of your messages helped to keep me honest. You guys cared about the game and Paragon Studios, and I really appreciated that.
I never took anyone's criticisms personally. All of you guys spoke from your heart, based on what you knew. And I did try to encourage the evil face of marketing image, so you both fell for my trap!
If the forums suddenly turned into a place full of magical ponies and cupcakes, I'd actually be sad, because it meant that there was no diversity of ideas, but it'd also mean that some of the more passionate players such as yourself might have given up.
And as much as I'm glad that I'm able to be more upfront with you guys, a part of me wishes we were back to the "Fire Black Pebble" days, because that would mean that we've reset the clock and everything's all right again.
-Hosun "Black Pebble" Lee
Help me beat Dr. Aeon! Follow me on Twitter.
So as for my regret, I generally don't have a lot of regrets about anything, really.
But one thing I wish I had the time to do was join an active Super Group in game. I had a lot of fun running TF's, iTrials with various people, but I do feel like I missed out by not being in an active Super Group. One of my characters was (and still is) in a SG that I got a random invite for, but the bulk of my guys run solo.
The global channels were great for finding groups. Less so for SG's. Which btw was one of the projects on the big list of things to do at some point - make it easier for people to find and join SG's.
-Hosun "Black Pebble" Lee
Help me beat Dr. Aeon! Follow me on Twitter.
Thank you so much for the kind words Scarlet, Lucky.
I actually printed some of your more memorable posts and had them up on my wall, along with various other choice messages from players. Not because I thought you guys were being jerks, but because the intensity of your messages helped to keep me honest. You guys cared about the game and Paragon Studios, and I really appreciated that. I never took anyone's criticisms personally. All of you guys spoke from your heart, based on what you knew. And I did try to encourage the evil face of marketing image, so you both fell for my trap! If the forums suddenly turned into a place full of magical ponies and cupcakes, I'd actually be sad, because it meant that there was no diversity of ideas, but it'd also mean that some of the more passionate players such as yourself might have given up. And as much as I'm glad that I'm able to be more upfront with you guys, a part of me wishes we were back to the "Fire Black Pebble" days, because that would mean that we've reset the clock and everything's all right again. ![]() |
If there's ever a continuation of (or a new) City of Heroes... I hope you get fired from your current job so you can come back.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
If the forums suddenly turned into a place full of magical ponies and cupcakes, I'd actually be sad, because it meant that there was no diversity of ideas, but it'd also mean that some of the more passionate players such as yourself might have given up.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
I regret not getting involved with a big SG/coalition until earlier this year. All these years I just stuck with my small group of friends and more recently, just me and one other person.
I also regret not getting involved with RP on Virtue more often. I'm not even interested in RPing in most other MMOs, where every character is made from the same cookie cutter.
I regret joining Server Chat channels that were "Veteran"-based.
It pretty much contained all the chatter that should have been in the normal chat channels especially on the more "empty" servers...
So I follow my other thread of any anything you regret not completing with a different question
My last question was almost a result by omission. What I'm talking about here is stuff you actually did that in hindsight, you regret/wish/sad you hadn't done. The stuff you did at the time and figured wouldn't have a longer term cost... but did
Yes. This thread does mean you have to hold your hand up and maybe do a mea culpa and admit publicly that you got it wrong. Maybe you never got it wrong. Maybe you're Mr Perfect but for the rest of us, sometimes our humanity gets to us and if we can't admit this now, then when can we say it?
So... here I am, bare chested (don't fret, it's not that exciting) and here are just some things that if I could relive, I'd change:
- Fish: He's a good guy and I wish my falling out hadn't been so terminal. I'm lumpy and he rubs me up the wrong way sometimes - and we both ended up losing a good mate.
- I sometimes got a bit too passionate (aggressive?) on the forums. I often took the Devs and CCs (well actually not many CCs) to task without a clear understanding of the situation. For that I appologise and actually I think I do need to hold my hand up and appologise to Black Pebble because I didn't understand all the pressures he was under. Clearly I was blaming him for a much bigger muzzle he was working under and now he's free of that he's actually pretty good! I hope he reads and accepts even if not forgives.
- Deleting too many 50s. See below
- Not making enough friends on other servers. I guess it's easy to stick with what you know - and let's face it, I got lucky landing on Defiant. But in one sense, that made it harder ot break out (qv my other posts to understand a bit more about that) The upshot of that is, I tended to miss out on a large proportion of the community that is clearly one of the best MMO communities in history and so my experience was limited. A consequence of that is that I ran out of sever slots at times and even making use of the odd transfer meant some 50s had to die. Had I kept them going, well...
- Falling for one of the weakest powersets in game: I thought of the name then created a toon around it and she, Scarlet Shocker was instantly my main (IIRC she was my second toon.) Electric blast was the only primary electric set and electric manipulation was the only secondary. Conceptually it worked but Electric Blast is a dogpile in comparison to any other blast set and the end drain never compensated. So there I was saddled to a concept that worked (and created some great stories) but sucked in game.
- Not getting melee. Melee was always tough for me but there seemed to be a bias towards it. And yet the notion of running after something to hit it was an anathema - so I far preferred range (see blapping) and I would have enjoyed being able to get to grips with it
- Blapping: It became my playstyle - regardless of toon in some ways. Start with range, close to melee. It seems a natural progression if you have a combo of effects (and trust me, there's plenty of melee in a blaster set) but I carried that across blasters, controllers, corruptors and even my SoA (who's effing hard!) I'd liked to have been a tad more adaptable.
- Not giving Avatea credit. I don't know why. She was one of the coolest CCs - maybe that was her strength and weakness - but maybe because she was so great and easy to talk to and ubiquitous I forgot many times that she wasn't a friend she was somebody in game. But I regret not giving her props when I could
- Being less guarded/uncommunicative in game. I sometimes left teams because it was difficult for me - I don't like to talk about my stuff - especially the bad [pancakes] and if I had... well... anyhow.
As always the thoughts elude me when it comes to enscribing them... so I reserve the right to add/edit/amend as required.I encourage you to respond - for me this has been somewhat personal. But Cathartic. Hope you feel the same when you share!
Thelonious Monk