45 -
I've got a few alts in the real Galaxy City too. The neat thing is while there's no contacts there, you do still find zone mobs on the street.
While collecting Sentinel+, several of my alts stopped purse snatchings that had been underway for years apparently. -
Back in 2004 when I joined, the Devs were very frequent posters on the forums. At the time, iirc, there wasn't a dev tracker yet so we had to search on their names to find their posts among the different threads.
Eventually that changed and the Dev Tracker became one of my common stopping points each morning as I got caught up on what was going on in the game. I think I've probably spent more time reading the forums in the last 8+ years than I have playing the game, and there were stretches when I'd play ever night for 4-5 hours or so.
Reading about the game wasn't usually quite as much fun as playing it, but it was nice to stay connected to CoH like that when I was at work or away from my gaming computer. To read what the devs were thinking, to plan for how to setup this new blaster or that new defender, or hear what new content and bug fixes were on the way.
Over time a big part of that enjoyment became reading what other players were thinking about the game. From the early Brawl Index measurements for powers, to Red's City of Data to this really eloquent poster who laid out exactly how Defense worked.
My first alt was a Super Reflexes scrapper, so the inner workings of Defense was more than a little interesting to me, especially since early on my poor MA/SR scrapper was failing to live up to my hopes for him in a spectacularly debt-errific fashion.
The years rolled on, and while I've played a lot of other MMOs, I've always followed the forums, especially that one particularly eloquent poster. To be fair of course there've been a LOT of other great posters too. Ones who explained the Market forum and made me Rich, Rich, Rich! One who showed how to go from 0 to Awesome in 30 days. Ones who've written guides and ones who've posted hilarious lists. It's been a rare day that there hasn't been something that caught my eye, made me think or just made me laugh.
With the game coming to end on Friday, I'm going to miss all of the Task Forces and Trials, all of the street hunts and mission doors, but I think what I'm going to miss the most is three clicks and a bit of typing each day:
<Advanced Search>
<Search Now>
In 8 years, I've never said "thanks" for all of your amazing posts. It never seemed appropriate before, you don't need fanboys, you posts stand on their own. The work you've done for the game and the players speaks for itself.
And yet that doesn't seem enough. So I offer my gratitude and these words to let you know that you've brought a lot enjoyment into my life and that you, as Arcanaville, will be missed.
Godspeed and good wishes for you always! -
Oh. Hell. Yeah.
I don't want to go, but if I'm going to this is exactly the way I want to go out. -
In the words of every debt ridden blaster I have ever played (usually bound to F10 in fact):
Seriously, I'm walking away from 8.5 years of playing this game still happy for the time I spent. None of it was wasted, and all of it was fun on some level. Sure I could have rolled more alts, made more friends or invested even more in the game, but as the end of this chapter approaches I'm just happy with the alts I got to play, the friends that I made and the time I invested. -
The best guesses I've heard so far for the girls are:
R - Red Riding Hood
W - Snow White
B - Cinderella (Cinder = Black)
Y - Goldilocks (Gold = Yellow)
2013 cannot get here fast enough, though this probably means the chance of ever seeing more in the Dead Fantasy series from Monty is pretty slim I'm guessing. -
This sounds fantastic. Where's the Kickstarter for it again?
STO has "The Foundry" which is fairly similar as I recall.
'Nette's always had a special place in my heart as a fellow member of the "I Regret Nothing, Leeroy Jenkins" School of Blastering.
What really sealed the deal for her though was a RWZ mission I ran years and years back with my Peacebringer. It was me, a Rad/Rad defender my friend was playing and Fusionette at the end against Hro'Dotz and a seemingly ENDLESS wave of Rikti ambushes with Elite Bosses in them.
To survive I had to stay in Dwarf form, so not a lot of DPS. Thanks to my friend's Rad we had a shot at the AV and EBs but it was really Fusionette's damage output that made it possible. She hung in there like a champ too.
Back in the Faultline arcs she'd crumble like a tin can but somehow in that mission, despite a SEA of Rikti all around us (most of them outside the Rad debuffs because Rikti's have guns and are quite happy to use them), somehow she stayed up the whole way through and bit by bit, 1% by painful 1% we chipped the AVs hitpoints down and claimed victory.
Ever since then I've been nothing but a fan of hers. -
Thank you, for Dark Astoria which just rocked all the way through, and for all of the other stories in the game too. I hope we can find out where you (all) wind up next, it'd be great to follow along and support you folks there too!
Thanks! You and all the rest of the devs made something unique and awesome in CoH. All we've got now is a few months of fun left and then looking forward to wherever you all wind up next!
Quote:Every day we've been able to play, with every new issue, every update, every bug fix, every forum post, for the last 8+ years you and all of the amazing folks behind CoH have shown us this in the truest way possible.
I wish I could explain to you without sounding cheesy or rah-rah about how hard we worked on this game for you, how much gut and soul, on a daily basis so that we could give you guys our best.
"Thank you" is just way too short a phrase to convey the gratitude I feel for every hour, every minute since I started playing CoH. For all the fun I had online, all the friends I've met, all the time I've got to enjoy reading the forums or planning builds or speculating on the changes to come, for all that "Thank you" is way too little.
I've always maintained that our Devs, the CoH team are the best in the industry. I'm sad as hell to see CoH go, but even more so to lose that awesome team. I hope you'll keep a public profile somewhere so we can follow you along to other games and help support your future work. I know it'll never be the same, but, honestly, you folks are just amazing and anything you're working on, individually or as collectively as you can, I'd be delighted to be a part of again. -
Buh?? Seriously?
Hmm, so was the Blaster I talked to just on crack then or (more amusingly) have they been redesigned from an AT to simply Pets that the rest of the team let's tag along? -
I managed to unlock Hybrid this weekend and crafted up a "Support Core Embodiment" for it.
Checking the in-game detail info for [Power:Support Core Embodiment] showed that it is supposed to give +12% strength to all types of damage. When I activate it however and check in Combat Attributes, it's only giving a 6% bonus.
I've checked this in both Ouroboros and Talos, so there's no PVP zone weirdness going on.
I had an SGmate who also had it crafted on their Blaster check it and they were getting 12% the first time they checked and then 6% and then 12%.
Anyone else seeing weird behavior like that? There's a bug somewhere but I'm not sure if it's in the detail info for Defenders or in the actual effect for the power itself. -
Nanoha is less "Magical Girl" and more "Mobile Suit Gundam" in a little girl package (or possible even "Gurren Lagann in a little girl package").
My first thought when I saw the trailer was "wow, they must have finally hired Samuraiko to do their trailer work!"
Quote:I've got no problem believing that.There have been plenty of times I've used "not invisible stealth" to great effect. Even getting to the Tree Room of the STF, you can do it without invisibility. I know I have.
On the other hand I've also been killed on fully invisible characters because one of my partially-invisible teammates decided to try "stealthing" past a mob, aggro'd them and managed to get their AoE splash damage all over me.
It's at least something to be aware of. -
I tend to find that leads to "lying down under their feet" for the times when you really care about having stealth (ex: getting to the tree room in the STF).
In other situations "fly over their heads" often works just fine on its own without the need for an IO. -
What would you plan to stack it with to get "full invisiblity" (i.e. so that bosses couldn't see you)? A friend with a stealth aura like Steamy Mist maybe?
For this build I traded out some of the powers, specifically:
Dropped Fighting for Leadership
The thinking here is that Leadership benefits a team more while still helping if you chose to solo.
Maneuvers stacks nicely with Fortitude and Tactics helps all around.
Vengeance is slotted up enough with Maneuvers added you can bring the whole team (except the dead guy) to the soft cap for defense. This can pretty easily swing the whole course of battle by itself.
Dropped Life Drain for Dark Pit
Healing Aura can cover patching you up in general and it's relatively rare that I've seen the heal from Life Drain save the day for my Emp/Dark (when I had it). Dark Pit has a different use though.
It's a Mag 2 Stun, which means it will only affect minions. It's up fairly often though so the use for it is to soften the alpha strike a bit and remove annoying minions like Sappers from the equation.
Dropped Conserve Power for Force of Nature
If you need survivability here's your go to power. Capped resistance and, unless Mids is lying, you should be able to retain your Recovery if you have Recovery Aura running when the crash comes (you'll still lose all your End but you won't be cut off from gaining it back completely).
Also, while you're a Force of Nature, you'll have improved End Recovery as well (part of FoN) so you can use it when your End is having issues and Recovery Aura is recharging.
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA6D93DB72D2501486773848A1A51428B6A5D072AC94600 4F5DE994A2F3A16875|
|12F554CCB463262C88454E5CE87D1516F7C0E7D180F6F80AB F95769323113E60BFF|
|5EEBFFD7CEA1F7A1BB26C4C70742597F38D167B341578EA43 994F64AEFC2D11D636|
|AE61EE9B6259DB15E6A9C4A9D566663C33A8C09217257B583 A38BD1483B7E6BE9CE|
|789E5FAA4F74F3B51C6A5DDD7E33382273277D628EA52D4D4 7BBBA48F4A7D389F6D|
|4927298712F9FC989B4A636A2D3AE7462BE3366C69931319C 79CA55AEE7C81C5BC6|
|B9D69FBEA7B81E25487BBE4D93D5E9F73C24F85844458DD01 1211F22AA1737CA2E3|
|E79BBF25801568A5E2418E87A415D0A7729705FF3615DF562 035D2FA92B8C2E1146|
|DD80A4284B5114BF2229C6520C5285FEC7212971B604742A5 EE541562165804DC69|
|E8B9B3E54C92FC91149CCF6998C526C94C20DD86660E7791F 0AE83AA3AE34BA4269|
|0416803DE01B1564D9360BBF3D068C4A7EC0B64EF3E578BE1 C8C92246D2990B6507|
|54EDE3BECBD83AAB21FB8C7551FBE52D72E77ED62942A502B FE07074D17698A2F22|
|3E54C44DBCCDC03043B2DD67DB7DC41FF870ABE643C945966 C2BFC602B77BD7E9B3|
|1BCD597817524358116F085021B1CD8C0060E196D2F9AAA17 3FE8FD53D95685D4F2|
|E1271568D868586BB9D21D46D98BEFF4FEB461146EA3A0C35 0BD284496DF179D748|
|866406907944E40B91750EE0794D380F2F852C16E16FDC8F2 9B158ABB1ADF587E8F|
|8B5F095A55BCAB7F02CAEF80F2F75A51143CD20CF00FFEC9D 854|
If I can find some time later I'll try to throw together a "cheap IO" build. It's possible it'll be even cheaper than the level 50 commons build since a lot of the cheap recipes sell for almost nothing. -
Oops! (I always forget Stamina when I'm in a rush)
Here's a modified build with Stamina slotted up (I stole the slots from Weave in this case):
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA6D936D6FD26014869F5290978D6D30711BA36CBCCDC94 B07D1EF2693992C8A2|
|1EA4737ECC603346221A553F9E68FD144E30F517F8C2FFF00 8FBDCFB04D2590ABDC|
|E7DCF73979DA76DEB55785787F5F286B0FC6C66CD66BCB81B 4FAD28E75AE1CC3312|
|756EC91614FA53332A24288CC75B9777C3518E827AFA78633 9A6797EA53C31ACABE|
|DE36EC57BD63CA7352A7D648DAD272F4EB8B44773219EBCFA 652F6D3EEE5733996D|
|3898D6929573AB5DE9833F3C21C9BCE3CE92A0FCDE1C831AD 61FA646A5EEADDC95B|
|1AD6A17C69CFB769AF0AFD5E84047F16115126B444C88770C D8B1B05171FBCAE2C2|
|A404CF322C180EB8C5C0ABB14A4AFFAB056F36203AE7372A9 7009157D3D92222C45|
|D0FC92A4284B514845FA1F87148A732490060CF2ACF03E2BB ECA4D46DEC52D1F4A1|
|49BE44949ACF89182D639681DE7B0CDC001647DC8C17541AE 14EF97C2C01C90073E|
|53C326C76E222FCF40D0BE1F88ADD07E19DE2F83A024495B2 C6DA1EB92B277387B0|
|75D053F70D4251F3E916B975DBB58A50494B5FFE0A0EA42A1 F11A8FD7D0DEA7A03D|
|0EDAC3C0031F6EEF03652FBE90ABC8AE2282EE30342FAA68A F224AA5F115F7B95BA|
|8953A2A40BDE04598FA0ED1A71CE25E3750F94ACF5F8DEF54 0DA10DE008F84E0D3A|
|1A541DD9470C24B4806FD4D7E4A026AC2D1F72E1E58B455FF A886A406906945640B|
|91B50EE0594C701E5C95F0527B0E886972FAB50DC6A7C63F9 222E7E24A8AA78ABBF|
I've got 2 other variations in mind that I'll try to throw together real quick too. -
The build posted seemed to have a bit of odd slotting in it. The heals, attacks and even some of the buffs were underslotted to allow for extra slots in powers that don't provide much additional benefit - for example the extra slot in Stealth.
For the build below, I kept the powers the same and in the same order as the build you posted and stuck with level 50 common IOs only.
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA6D936D6FD26014869F5290978D6D30711B0336DEE604D 641F4BBC964268B62C|
|8F4A38ADD7880466C9BD2A97CF3C768A2F187A83FC6977F80 C7DE67A44D6D2057B9|
|CFB9EF73F2D0F6DE775785F8705F286B0FA6FA6C36E8CA913 487D249F4AE5CDD352|
|C33F148776CE94EF4B81022775D1E9C5C8D46DAE91B5B7727 F3FC523DD7CDB11C6A|
|5DDD793D38A13C3773664EA4234D57BBBE49F52D6BAA3DB5A 51C66BDDB67722A6DC|
|BC1B48C279D996F8D9971614C0D779EF69487C678E21AE638 7B6A1B975ADF7A47C3|
|7A942F9DF936ED55A7EFF388E06B111335424744028836FDB 851F6F0D1EFCAA3022|
|48A7EA41870BD2097C22E05E9AB01AC35FDD880EB25B954B8 848ABE014931966268|
|7E45529CA538A40AFD4E428A243912C8023A7956789F9540E 526A3E4E15600558A4|
|DF3A43456FC4441EB1CB48E73D866E000F20114E0BA205786 F7CB60600128015FA8|
|6193633791576220683F08C4D669BF1CEF9743509AA42D96B 6D07549D93B9CBD83A|
|E721038EA6A009FC9B5CBAE5DAC52056AC5FFE0A0E141A1F1 451E5F44FB9082F638|
|680F030F02B8BD0FD4FCF84AAE0ABB2A08BAC328FAD1407B0 3512A8DAF7BCFDD42A|
|DB750015A653FA2D477C87D87F8AF5BC051D98F6FF43436F9 7F6B62C411700CFCA0|
|060D0DAA8649C70C247480EFD4D7E6A036AC9D000AD1E56B4 61FBA4423A4B4434A2|
|7A4DC0D29F742CAE390F2E49F82F358F4A3CB5757285E35B9 B17C2D173F535455FC|
Some notes:
- I stuck with End Reduction in Heals and Attacks, though I don't necessarily think the'ye needed. Personally I'd opt for a Rech Reduc in place of most of them and work to manage End in other ways.
- Some of the powers are SCREAMING out for at least frankenslotting with cheap Set IOs. Life Drain for example wants to have so many things enhanced that it's unavoidably underpowered on commons.
- You'd had Fortitude only 2 slotted with Rech. The +Def that Fortitude grants is pretty significant at ~23% (fully slotted). Well worth slotting for. Ideally you could also work some +To Hit enhancements in there but that's the domain of Hami-O's really.
- You'd had Recovery Aura slotted for +End Mod, but in general I've found that's not needed. You can't buff it enough to overcome a Nuke crash and it's unbuffed state is sufficient for almost everyone you'll ever meet. It's the downtime on the power where you'll find yourself needing end.
- You'd had Adrenaline Boost 2 slotted for End Mod and 1 slotted for Heal. I reversed that because with 1x End Mod you're overpowering the -Recovery from a Nuke. The second heal adds ~200% extra Regen to the target.
- Boxing, Tough and Weave aren't buying you much extra survivability. I'd be very tempted to drop them in favor of Leadership which can help a team out quite a bit (especially Vengeance).
- Conserve Power. Gah, I hate this power with the burning rage of a thousand suns. The recharge on it is ridiculous. Still if you're going to have it, you might as well have it up as often as possible. If you're really feeling the crunch for End though, consider switching to Elec Mastery and grabbing Power Sink. It's enormously better at keeping your End up.
- Overall, if you're willing to venture into set IOs, you can probably improve the build quite a lot with some of "junk" heal and ranged damage IOs, especially in terms of frankenslotting Life Drain. On a more expensive level, a Stealth IO would let you rop the Stealth power and Hami-O's in Fortitude could save you 3 slots there for use elsewhere. -
Fireskimmers story starts back in the misty dawn of pre-history (read: CoH pre-launch Beta). When I first saw a Super Speedster going by, I thought interesting effect but what speedster runs on fire? From there was born a Fire/Fire Blaster with the dream of being a Super Speedster someday.
Fireskimmers backstory had her arriving in Paragon City for her first day on the job as a non-powered police officer on the day when the Rikti invaded. In the chaos of the invasion she found a fallen hero (the previous Fireskimmer) who transferred the powers and knowledge of the long line of Fireskimmers to the young police officer.
As a fledgling hero, the new Fireskimmer could do little but deal with the peripheral damage of the invasion while the Freedom Phalanx and other big heroes took the fight to the Rikti.
Flash forward a few months, Fireskimmer had hooked up with two other heroes and was struggling through the low teens and early 20s. It was rough going. Death and the debt cap were a constant companion. Flares was a painfully slow power that was about as damaging as a paper cut. Fireball existed to mildly annoy the bad guys and give her all their aggro.
The (nearly) final blow came when altitis hit and the regular group she was playing with switched to other characters and other servers...but something wouldnt let go.
Cmon, she said, Enough wimpy defender work, lets put a burning hurt on someone and Debt? Seriously? Like that matters? Just. Burn. Them. Down. The XPs will flow.
And so I did. With other groups or solo, Fireskimmer pressed on. Blaze and SOs helped a lot. Inferno became intoxicating, especially with a good Kin on the team. Through the months and years that followed I kept coming back to her until by the summer of 2007 she was at level 49.
Playing her was like riding a whirlwind at that point. Fire Sword, Blaze, Fire Ball, Fire Circle Sword and best of all Rise of the Phoenix. She tore through the mobs in a furious blur of yellow, orange and red, knowing that they could knock her down, but never keep her down.
And then the Rikti came back.
It was too good an opportunity to pass up. So close to 50. Her first foes. The ones shed been too weak to fight years before.
In Atlas, back where it all began, shoulder to shoulder with dozens of other heroes and what seemed like hundred or thousands of Rikti, she fought and burned her way to level cap covered in glory and awesomeness (and probably fried Rikti giblets).
Tired and exhilarated when the fighting for the day was over, Fireskimmer did one last thing before turning in for the night - she inspired a new fire wielder, who went on to become my first and most powerful controller - a Fire/Rad named Fire Dancer...but hers is another story. -
If you take your Defender villain side for the Villain epic pools you can pick up a S/L +Def shield from....Mako? Black Scorpion? One of them anyways.
With that you can soft-cap S/L pretty easily and get some decent values for the positions (30's-ish) from Weave, Manuevers and set bonuses. -
Like others have said, part of the joy of CoH has always been the interaction with the developers and for a long time now you've been one of it not *the* best developer for community interaction.
It's a damn shame to see you go, but "all good things..."
Hope your new job has some scary crazy new challenges - those are always the most rewarding to tackle! -
Quote:I suspect you're right about there being a bug there.This looks to me more and more like a bug that arises when you had the mission before the patch and try to finish it afterwards. I will try dropping the arc and restarting and see if that helps.
I started the arc fresh last night with my Archery blaster. Popped purples and both Trapdoor and his clone (1) went down like chumps.
The clone was ridiculously easy to kill being a white con minion with no defenses to speak of and Trapdoor himself was trivial with the purples running, no lava, no pulling, just shoot him in the head till he falls down.
If Trapdoor's managing to get 3 clones out then either he's spawning them *much* faster than I've seen or the player has low damage to begin with and is ignoring the clones for way too long.