



I know that for most people, Fusionette is The Wesley. For me, it's the one character I love the most in City of Heroes.

I started playing in Issue 4, and I really liked the old style missions we had back then; every story arc was a STORY ARC, long, detailed, with missions that maybe seemed like filler but contained a lot of lore bits. Newer missions don't hold my attention as much because they go straight to the point, to avoid boring teams who just want to steamroll through everything. The original core content, I always found to take its time to tell a story, and I really liked it.

But there was a problem: all the NPC characters I interacted with either needed my help (contacts), were already so established and powerful that I felt more like a lackey (trainers, signature TFs) or they were part of the mission and didn't interact with me much, just giving me a clue and disappearing forever.

Enter Fusionette. She's not passively looking for help, even when she gets way over her head for being an impulsive noob. She's not established or powerful. And she sticks around and comes back during the story arc. She interacts with me, and I see her story unfold, while she goes through with her efforts to redeem Faultline, even though she doesn't know that's what's she's doing.

She was the first COH NPC hero that actually felt _living_. She complained about being captured, she got mad at herself for biting more than she could chew, she trained at Ms. Liberty. She was one more of the team. I was rooting for her to improve and succeed every step of the way.

Faultline remains my favorite zone to this day because of that. And then, the devs did one better: when Issue 10 launched, I got to see Fusionette (and Faultline!) continue their stories. It was like playing again with a buddy who'd left the game for a few months. In the last mission of the Rikti War Zone story arc, you're not supposed to meet up with Faultline and Fusionette -- but they're in the mission anyway, and when you find her, she says: "Don't look at me like that! We had to be in this one!" And yes, they had to be. Fusionette is the character that comes the closest to breaking the fourth wall (she "mistells" to Faultline in one mission!) and she trusted you ("Over there is my violent relative Doctor Leo, who is going to beat your creep *** to a pulp if you don't stop staring at my chest"). She was more interesting that the entirety of the Freedom Phalanx combined, at that point in time.

Issue 10 was an excellent update all around, but the fact that Fusionette and Faultline made a return appearance is what makes it my favorite issue of all time. Never mind engine advances, whole new zones, new systems, and power customization. Issue 10 was tied tightly to the lore (Second Rikti Invasion, it doesn't get more tied to the origin of COH than that) and it had Fusionette in it. Best issue ever.

After Fusionette, other NPCs started to become more human too, stopped being passive bystanders, and got better stories. But she was the first, and she's the best. She might not be a "signature" hero, and no developer ever took her name in the forums, but to me, whenever I think City of Heroes, I'll think Fusionette -- the impulsive noob little Blaster who learned to fly, and grew into a great heroine just in time to stop the Rikti when the world needed her most.

Because that sentence describes most of us. We were all noobs once. We were all fascinated with flying around and knocking mobs all over the place, even if it infurated people about scattering aggro. And we learned, we got better, and we saved the world. And so did she.

I'll miss you, 'Nette. May you always have clear skies to fly into, and may the donut shop in Faultline never close.

www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



I always wondered if anyone else felt that way. Well said.



Only reason people hated her is 'cause of Energy Blast and her lousy AI. The character itself was solid, but she'll always be associated with bad gameplay features and people's immense hatred of KB.

Honestly I totally agree that she was way more developed than most of the Freedom Phalanx combined, and the Faultline and RWZ arcs were definitely some of the best written stuff we've ever gotten.



'Nette's always had a special place in my heart as a fellow member of the "I Regret Nothing, Leeroy Jenkins" School of Blastering.

What really sealed the deal for her though was a RWZ mission I ran years and years back with my Peacebringer. It was me, a Rad/Rad defender my friend was playing and Fusionette at the end against Hro'Dotz and a seemingly ENDLESS wave of Rikti ambushes with Elite Bosses in them.

To survive I had to stay in Dwarf form, so not a lot of DPS. Thanks to my friend's Rad we had a shot at the AV and EBs but it was really Fusionette's damage output that made it possible. She hung in there like a champ too.

Back in the Faultline arcs she'd crumble like a tin can but somehow in that mission, despite a SEA of Rikti all around us (most of them outside the Rad debuffs because Rikti's have guns and are quite happy to use them), somehow she stayed up the whole way through and bit by bit, 1% by painful 1% we chipped the AVs hitpoints down and claimed victory.

Ever since then I've been nothing but a fan of hers.

"Striving for the impossible" doesn't mean "toiling in vain". It means growth. It means improvement in the direction of your ideals. Not futility.
Erfworld: the Battle for Gobwin Knob






I distinctly remember in the MA beta, a bug report that started something to the effect of:

"While I was testing my Feed Fusionette to the hydra arc"

It seemed that at that point, everybody wanted their own back for all the KB.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



I just rescued her this weekend on "Nine Lives 8", my Iron Eagle character, finishing the Nocturne mission last night.

I like her so much I have another Iron Eagle.

"Cold Fusionette" Blaster (Rad Blast/Cold) with a costume loosely based on Fusionette's early and later costumes, with the addition of the frost trail aura. She's also one of the Nuclear 90.

I haven't played her in over a month because I was waiting on the new Blaster changes to take her out with her brandnew nuke. Her warcry is something like "Oh No, how''d I get in trouble again"

Cold Fusionette - level 32 - Blaster (Rad Blast / Cold Manipulate)

The final line of a post by Sweet_Sarah on Liberty
"Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes."



Yeah, Fusionette was the first CoH NPC that had any real personality. I liked her, and her origin story, so much that my first 50 is also one of the "Nuclear 90."

I know for a fact that, if nothing else, Fusionette will live on in at least one other MMO. At least until they make me change her name.



Great thread, Leandro.



She ran off and aggroed one of the bosses in the SSAVol3part3 arc and then got owned. Then I had to look for the boss for almost a half hour because he was flying around at some random location in the sky.

But despite everything, I still love ya Fusionette!



Honestly, I always look for ways to leave her to die when I can. But that isn't as harsh a criticism as it seems. Somewhat in Faultline, but completely in RWZ, it is the feeling of immersion the areas have. RWZ does feel like a war, and war doesn't tolerate fools, or those foolish enough to try and save one. So the fact that the character, along with the setting, gives me an emotional reaction like that is a testament to how well done it all is.



I actually like Fusionette too. Probably because my first 50 was an Energy/Energy Blaster and I was CONSTANTLY apologizing to my teammates for knocking bad guys into next week, so fair is fair. Also, I know how to work with KB, having spent so much time doing so. I actually thoroughly enjoyed those Faultline missions and sought them out as soon as a character got to that level.

Ultimately I created a character that shared her backstory as part of the Nuclear 90. (He's also an homage to another favorite character from my youth, but most people don't get it.)

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Fusionette I could tolerate. Flamebuex....

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



I absolutely adore Fusionette. My take on the character is that she represents the best of our heroes. When trouble strikes, she doesn't run. She doesn't falter. She charges in and does what needs to be done. Does she sometimes get in over her head? Well I don't know, answer me this: Did Statesman and Hero 1 worry about getting in over their head during the First Rikti War?

I love Fusionette because she is what most of my characters aspired to be. Brave, quirky, spirited, loving, and never willing to back down from adversity.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)