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  1. To answer the question, definitely would buy it.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
    Yet no news is good news. Beats no. But..... *sigh* I have had 3.5 hours of sleep over the past 48 hours over all this mess. I literally cannot sleep. Ok enough whining, sorry everyone.

    We'll get through this.
  3. Thanks for the info, BaBs. Good to have you peeling back the curtain.

    Edit - I should add, that while Power Customization may not have made new money, it sure kept me playing longer. So, NC probably got several hundred dollars extra from us, due to being able to realize so many more characters.
  4. They bought Vanguard, that was in direct competition of EQ. They made EQ2 in direct competition with EQ.

    Honestly, I don't see CoX as being that much like DCUO, having now tried them both.
  5. This is impressive. The idea of saving the characters is just remarkable.
  6. Jetpack


    Great thread, Leandro.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
    Not to put a damper on this, but I mentioned this topic to my wife, and she brought up a very dismal possibility. SOE may want the CoH IP just to bury it, to ensure nobody else revives it as a competitor to DCUO. I hope that's not the case (seems like a drastic step for a game that's essentially dead anyway), but it's a possibility we might have to face.
    I suspect anyone suggesting that would get this response.

    "So, you want to use capital, with no hope of return. Just to get rid of a competitor to one of our MMO's that isn't doing that well, and probably won't improve much with this other game gone.

    We'd rather use that capital to improve our other games, with a proper ROI, or buy this game if what we can make off it is acceptable to our overall ROI goals.

    Keep up the thought processes, though. Just not inline with our strategic goals."
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    That's not a comparative study on other MMOs. You have one data point - us. How can you make a judgment on whether MMOs would or would not do the same thing we're doing?
    You've probably never heard of it, but Horizons survived a couple of ownership changes. Think when it became Istaria, it was a former Dev that led the ownership group, but I can't swear to that. Never was that close to it, but used to read forums.
  9. Funcom's sales projections were insane. I believe the numbers were 1M or 1.3M for the two scenarios.

    However, they have said player retention was better than hoped.

    Still, I think you are right about F2P in the future. Within 1 year.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Spinomania View Post
    Quick question if someone can help here: I can log on to the titan network, but when I go to the titan forum, it asks me for my login again, and says that security have been upgraded, asks me for login again, and won't let me in.
    I think that is the way of getting you to change your password. Think they had an issue a while back.

    I did so, and works fine now.
  11. I tried the Secret World during the free weekend. I like the world art and the stories.

    But I just couldnt' make a pretty character. Perhaps that will improve with the character customization they were working on.
  12. Just did the tutorial on DCUO. It's interesting, but you can sure tell it was made for a console. I'm going to keep messing around with it, but it's not CoX. Watching my costume change due to loot is making me cringe.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CuppaManga View Post
    That's entirely possible, especially if they planned to make a new game with the CoH property but don't currently have the money. The only way to find out is to ask.
    Very true. Thank you for doing what you can.
  14. Good luck folks, I know it was done with Horizons.

    Perhaps CoX isn't done just quite yet. I'd chip in if you folks can work it out.

    My fear is that NCSoft doesn't have any interest in selling the IP. They may prefer to shelf it in case they want to use it later. I doubt people would come, but they may not get that.
  15. I don't know what I'm going to do.

    I think I'll try DCUO, but don't have much hopes for it. Champions just looks bad to me....

    No MMO has hit me like CoX. DAoC was my first MMO and love, but CoX so far surpassed it.
  16. That really is a nice picture.

    Always enjoyed your posts, Goat, even if I did think you wrong, heh.
  17. Best of luck to you. I'm sorry you all have to go.
  18. I think I'm still numb right now, as I'm not really reacting.

    We all knew this would happen some day, but really did think that was years off. Working for a large corporation, I know how these decisions get made, but I really wanted to drink the Kool-Aid others were passing around.

    Thank you to all of the Devs who created and nurtured the best MMO I've seen in 10 years of playing MMO's.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheShattered View Post
    It's funny, because most people i've talked to like the new Skulls.

    EXCEPT the club hair-do. That's basically it.
    Have to agree with this. Unlike the CoT revamp, I like this one quite a bit. Just that one hair style is out of place.
  20. I'm absolutely thrilled as the two Nature Affinity screenshots the Devs shared have convinced my spouse to make a NA character to play with me in CoX. So, trying to figure out what she should make as I can't see the Beta forums, and know very little about NA.

    My thought is a defender for her, so she gets the NA goodies as early as possible. I'd go with a Brute or Scrapper of some sort. Any suggestions of synergy for the secondary for her Defender?

    Also, I'll make a NA as a soloer. Any thoughts on that?

  21. I'm curious to know what the experts think if the numbers that Ultimus is reporting in his other thread go live.
  22. Looks like a really good issue list.