Returning Player Diary
In game for about 60 seconds and I get an invite to a "DFB team"- is DFB the new Sewer team?
I won't be on for long so I politely decline and head for my contact. The new waypoints are nice. |
With regard to the DFB drops: Honestly at this point the Devs should just scrap the TO/DO system in my opinion. They've shown with DFB they don't really think SO's on sub-22 characters are overpowered, so just do it already. That's really the only axe I have to grind these days, which is saying something given my track record. (Hey at least I'm honest.) And that's the end of my minor threadjack, sorry I've been holding that in for a couple weeks now.

Also of note concerning DfB, which is short for Death from Below btw:
3 badges available for defeating the AV's in specific ways.
4 nice buffs available for completion. Buff to damage, accuracy, defense or recovery.
These buffs are global and last until level 22!
Needless to say, since the levels flow like candy inside the mini-trial, and it's dev sponsered PLing (they even dropped trainers at each interval!) a great deal of the player base now use it exclusively to level from 1-20's in 4 or 5 runs. Some even use it to go 1-50, as the xp never diminishes.
Runs take about 20-30 minutes. Less if you've got a good bit of damage/ aren't badging.
Edited: Reversed the names of the mini-trials. Thanks Shaman.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
Also of note concerning DfB, which is short for Drowning in Blood btw:
3 badges available for defeating the AV's in specific ways. 4 nice buffs available for completion. Buff to damage, accuracy, defense or recovery. These buffs are global and last until level 22! Needless to say, since the levels flow like candy inside the mini-trial, and it's dev sponsered PLing (they even dropped trainers at each interval!) a great deal of the player base now use it exclusively to level from 1-20's in 4 or 5 runs. Some even use it to go 1-50, as the xp never diminishes. Runs take about 20-30 minutes. Less if you've got a good bit of damage/ aren't badging. |

Also of note concerning DfB, which is short for Drowning in Blood

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Okay, off to chat with BAB and 'buy' my first item from the PARAGON STORE.
Neat interface, smooth transaction....if it works this nicely for 'real' purchases as for this badge color me impressed. I remember the endless struggles some folks had with paying for booster packs-this seems like a massive upgrade. |
Check out what is there at the wiki. Lots of good stuff.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
Basically yeah, DFB is the new "sewer run" of the old days, but with one big caveat: the mobs drop lowbie SO's. The XP is also crazy good, so some folks run it like mad rather than do missions. There's also some badges you can get from doing it. I found it entertaining, though I have no real desire to spam run it like some people do. You should give it a try when you get a chance.
Okay, morning login...never thought I'd say this, but I miss the old login screen. Statesman's Crotch haikus aside, the new one just looks like a low budget Alex Ross ripoff. The old one was dated, but at least had some variety and looked like the game.
And HOLY COW, all my vet rewards arrived via email!
What's this CLAIM ALL button?
Now THAT is a gigantic QOL improvement. Even a little pop-up window warning me I'll have to pick an attack or pet or whatever.
Very, very nice.
I also just found several what appear to be level 1 IOs in my tray?
Will of the Seers, Might of the Empire, Clockwork Efficiency and a few others.
Much nicer than blowing inf on fast expiring trainings, but I wish I'd noticed how I got 'em.
Okay off to work.
More later.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
unexpected morning reprieve allowed me to finish a couple more missions.
So now you can call your contacts right from the get go?
Rescued some citizens, I like the way they've dressed up a typical street sweep to make it more engaging. It seems like I'm getting way more inspiration drops than before- I'm pretty much burning them as they come in.
Now I get to sneak into a hideout in a hellion costume- nicely done.
I don't mind "walk here, now walk there" missions so much if there's a little twist to them.
Time to level!
more later.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
I'll check it out- for now I actually *want* to run the missions so I'll wait on it a bit.
Okay, morning login...never thought I'd say this, but I miss the old login screen. Statesman's Crotch haikus aside, the new one just looks like a low budget Alex Ross ripoff. The old one was dated, but at least had some variety and looked like the game. And HOLY COW, all my vet rewards arrived via email! What's this CLAIM ALL button? WOWOWOAAAAAH! Now THAT is a gigantic QOL improvement. Even a little pop-up window warning me I'll have to pick an attack or pet or whatever. Very, very nice. I also just found several what appear to be level 1 IOs in my tray? Will of the Seers, Might of the Empire, Clockwork Efficiency and a few others. Much nicer than blowing inf on fast expiring trainings, but I wish I'd noticed how I got 'em. Okay off to work. More later. |
I don't know if they are for all or for certain levels of Premium or VIP players.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.
Yeah, welcome back, and stuffs. You sound like you're doing great, but I wanted to point out that if you applied an extra character slot to any server, that slot should still be there. You bought it and it's yours permanently.
But you still have to unlock specific characters.
Check on the upper left of the log-in screen. It'll tell you how many slots you have remaining. I think you click "Next" with a character selected as if you were going to enter the game, and it'll will ask you to unlock that character.
You DON'T have enough slots to unlock everything. You get 12 free slots with a subscription, so there's 12 slots you won't get back, unless you subscribe. But any other slots you bought (or freebies you applied) are still available.
Don't forget to speak with Twinshot in Atlas Park when you hit 5, 10 and 15 - she has some awsome story arcs that also act as tutorials for newer players.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I don't know if they are for all or for certain levels of Premium or VIP players. |
I did pre-order GR but not through Gamestop....hope the gamestop customers didn't get to upset when they started handing them out to any ol' goat on the street!
Since your leveling, when you speak with Liberty take a good look at the initial dialog options, specifically the one under Train to a new level of power.
You will be pleasantly surprised. |
I'll be sure to check this out tonight.
TY, good sir or madam!
As usual when I pay a visit to one of the "dead" servers (as declared by that reliable arbiter, "everyone"), I've been pleasantly surprised by the many friendly natives I've encountered....and I'm only level three.
Yeah, welcome back, and stuffs. You sound like you're doing great, but I wanted to point out that if you applied an extra character slot to any server, that slot should still be there. You bought it and it's yours permanently.
But you still have to unlock specific characters. Check on the upper left of the log-in screen. It'll tell you how many slots you have remaining. I think you click "Next" with a character selected as if you were going to enter the game, and it'll will ask you to unlock that character. You DON'T have enough slots to unlock everything. You get 12 free slots with a subscription, so there's 12 slots you won't get back, unless you subscribe. But any other slots you bought (or freebies you applied) are still available. |
I was assuming all those locks on all my characters meant I had to use one of my store of global slot unlocks (I think it said I had six) to get at them.
If not, that would be much less onerous.
I'll nose around a bit more when I get home- thanks!
Don't forget to speak with Twinshot in Atlas Park when you hit 5, 10 and 15 - she has some awsome story arcs that also act as tutorials for newer players.
Thanks for the tip GG.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
Don't forget to speak with Twinshot in Atlas Park when you hit 5, 10 and 15 - she has some awsome story arcs that also act as tutorials for newer players.
I find Twinshot's dialog intolerably twee (kiddo) and the tutorial-style missions are a waste of time for a veteran player.
Dillo is *almost* worth it, though!
I find Twinshot's dialog intolerably twee (kiddo) and the tutorial-style missions are a waste of time for a veteran player.
Dillo is *almost* worth it, though! |
So far, aside from the disorientingly remodeled City Hall & the sudden profusion of trees and shrubs around the plaza I'm enjoying the re-worked lowbie game.
I remember a couple years back I started a thread to voice my violent complaints with the state of the low level game and to agitate for a total re-work in order for CoH to put its best foot forward to any new players that happened to come along- I'm really glad to see it finally happened.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
Keep the reports up. While, unfortunately, much of the low-level revamp is limited to Atlas area, the Twinshot-based arcs, DFB, and DiB, it is a good step in the right direction. Still, at the current pace of leveling, that's enough to get you through the teens with only a few visits to older content (I even missed several Faultline arcs I usually take).
When you hit level 20-30, seriously consider paying for access to First Ward when you get the chance. You can explore the zone and street sweep easily enough without paying, but the arcs are worth it.

I'm all about playing the new stuff, good bad or otherwise- a full report will be forthcoming.

The first 30 levels of the game now offer a huge variety of missions, arcs and trials. Post-30 the pickings become increasingly slim again for new content as you enter the levels the devs weirdly avoid making much content for.
Post-30 the pickings become increasingly slim again for new content as you enter the levels the devs weirdly avoid making much content for.

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Since you're enjoying the new Atlas Park so much, when you get around to it, or find another available slot check out the Villain Side, as Mercy Island received a similar revamp though it's not as drastic as the one Atlas got.
Since you're enjoying the new Atlas Park so much, when you get around to it, or find another available slot check out the Villain Side, as Mercy Island received a similar revamp though it's not as drastic as the one Atlas got.
Although they'd learned a lot by the time they rolled out CoV- the Rogue Isles early game never drove me crazy the way the idiotic crazy-quilt of pointless contacts did in Paragon. Well, aside from crushing repetition due to alt-o-holicness and that one stupid mission that reliably sent you aaaaaaaall the way across the map (TY, Self Destruct, for the quick return trip!)
Still, looking forward to their improvements.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
I find Twinshot's dialog intolerably twee (kiddo) and the tutorial-style missions are a waste of time for a veteran player. |
Dillo is *almost* worth it, though! |
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
... and that one stupid mission that reliably sent you aaaaaaaall the way across the map (TY, Self Destruct, for the quick return trip!)

You can't see it now unless you have the contact's mini arc, since you don't get the old contacts anymore. (I don't think they're even in Flashback because they're not legit story arcs.)
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
It strikes me it might be useful/interesting (for me, if no one else) to keep an informal log of my return to CoH as a 'free' player, albeit one with 'tier 9' access. I suspect I'll transition to VIP fairly soon as I'm already chafing under certain restrictions placed on free accounts, so best to start this now.
First a little background, for those unfamiliar with my previous forum tenure:
I started playing at release and kept my account up until about a year ago, when IRL decided it was time to feed all my discretionary time to my small son. When he was tiny I was able to log on fairly regularly, if not for any great length of time, but when he hit 2 playing didn't really work any more so I let my account lapse. I was still playing a bit, but not nearly enough to justify a subscription.
Cut to last week, when the advent of preschool caused a shift in his sleep schedule that left me with a little slice of time to myself in the evening. I thought I'd check out 'that other' Superhero game, which had gone 'free to play' almost immediately following its release. I'd tried the previous 'CoH killer' and found it wanting- this experience was similar, although I soured almost instantly on the weird gameplay contortions imposed by console development.
Just before I left the first rumors of CoH adding a 'free to play' option were floating around and I'd seen an article about it when they finally rolled it out, so I figured I'd give it a shot.
There's enough new stuff around that I figured I'd roll an alt to check it out, which brought me up against my second discontent with 'free to play' (after being locked out of most of the forums)- VERY FEW server slots.
Like, nearly none.
As someone with several servers full of beloved, oft played characters this came as an unpleasant, if not unexpected, shock.
Where to put this new alt?
The answer, after checking several servers I was sure would be empty only to find rosters of alts as far as the eye could see, was Infinity.
So LIZARDROID was born- part lizard, part droid, all electric/electric scrapper!
The makeover they gave the character creator is AMAZING.
Vastly improved, esp, compared to my attempt to create a unique hero in 'some other game'. I like that the few costume bits I don't have show up anyway- good salesmanship for the store, sure, but also lets me fiddle around with them- a couple of Imperium pieces would've fit right in with the Liz, I'll probably end up getting the set one way or another.
The tutorial is a bit of a mixed bag. The length is nice, it gets the point across without a lot of pointless running around (hallelujah!), its interactive in the modern style and I liked the look of the new Shivans.
When the great big shivan crawled up out of a pit I was excited- cool, fresh out of costuming and already taking on a gargantuan beast!
But....uh, wait a seems to me I'm not really doing anything other than marking time between bombing runs. I wonder what will happen if I just run up this hill and hang on on this wrecked car?
Oh, hey, look, Longbow bombers took care of it for me, and I didn't even have to keep dodging meteors.
A bit lackluster. Not that I'd expect to take it down myself at this stage, but it'd be nice to be able to do *something*.
Okay, off to chat with BAB and 'buy' my first item from the PARAGON STORE.
Neat interface, smooth transaction....if it works this nicely for 'real' purchases as for this badge color me impressed. I remember the endless struggles some folks had with paying for booster packs-this seems like a massive upgrade. to Atlas!
Redundant as it was, I kinda miss the option to take Galaxy. I'm glad they wrote it off in the storyline instead of just lopping it off.
Woah, WTH! What happened to Atlas!
Really weird, seeing the building I looked at for 4 years get a facelift.
In game for about 60 seconds and I get an invite to a "DFB team"- is DFB the new Sewer team?
I won't be on for long so I politely decline and head for my contact.
The new waypoints are nice.
And my first missions is...bashing hellions. Good to know at least SOME stuff hasn't changed!
A little street sweeping makes me feel right at home, and then it's time to log off and clean the kitchen before bed. I head into City Hall, on the off chance that Day Jobs still exist- yep, there's the recruiter! Whew.
So far, so good.
I'll update as I get the chance to play, watch this space.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone