Returning Player Diary




Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
It's the weekly strike thingie, and I was startled by the MASSIVE exp bump Ray got- something like 950k? Nice!
The actual number of points depends on your level. The bonus depends on task force length and ranges from 1/3 to 1/2 of a full level of XP.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
The actual number of points depends on your level. The bonus depends on task force length and ranges from 1/3 to 1/2 of a full level of XP.
And during a DXP weekend (or when running a double XP booster, I think but don't quote me on that), the end of something like Moonfire *will* cause any non-50's on the team to ding


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



Felt a little better last night, but my stupid connection was being stupid again, so no in-game news to report.

Which doesn't stop me from thinking about it- the current debate is between which powerset to pick up next, Staff Fighting or Nature Affinity.

I grabbed those fish costume bits that were on sale a bit ago and made a 'theme' tank around them- Hydronauticus, risen from the deep to protect the legions of Water Blasters recently arrived in Paragon. I made him as a joke mostly, just checking out the pieces in-game (pros: head & gloves are neat cons: boots are that stupid shiny junk that doesn't take color well) and gave him the Energy Melee primary because I thought it would look appropriately watery with a re-color (which it did), and Dark Armor because likewise.

Ran him through a couple of DFBs, and while I really liked his look his secondary was bugging me. It looked good, but I couldn't help remembering a staff fighting character I'd teamed with who had a Trident weapon model.

I mean, c'mon, that's too perfect.

So I was pretty much set on Staff as my next set buy, likely after I get Ray to 50 and need a new project.

But then I teamed with that Nature Affinity character, and it's just SUCH a lovely set. One thing I really liked about that big fantasy MMO was the environmental vibe of those oasis the elf towns had, a feeling Nature Affinity really nailed. Even in the middle of a huge Malta battle with rockets flying everywhere and gun drones chattering away, it was still a soothing presence.

Now I'm torn. =/

Ah well, better too many choices than not enough!

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I really liked Staff Fighting. I did a Staff/Ninjitsu Stalker (my first stalker!) and got it all the way to 50. I don't play a lot of Scrappers or Stalkers but this was easy to IO at 30 for lots of extra defense and after than it felt like a Scrapper. Nice combo, nice set.

If you're thinking of Staff Melee and you like melee in general I think you'd like it. Stalkers don't get all the extra modes so I can't say how that works out, but Stalkers do get the Body one (for extra Damage) and that was fun to play.

I tried Nature Affinity on a corruptor back when I was VIP on beta and it seemed good. Maybe not as strong as Time but definitely felt stronger than the other "healing" sets.

My recommendation would be to try both.



My 2 cents... I really like staff fighting, but I played a nature affinity/water blast character much of the weekend and right now I'm in love with the set. I want to try a plant/na troller as well, that sounds like a wonderful combo also. And I have to admit, a lot of my love with nature affinity is just the look. It looks wonderful. I love, for example, that when I use my single target heal a sort of flower/vine sash/belt appears on my own character for a few seconds. It makes me want to heal people as often as possible, heh.

I don't ever check things out on the Beta server, so while I'd heard the name "Nature Affinity" a lot, I really had no idea what it would involve. But right now it's one of the most fun things in the game, at least, if you're at all inclined to play a support character.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
My recommendation would be to try both.
Gee thanks! =P

Well, I'm sure I will eventually...but at present I'm rather vainly attempting to husband my points as I know I'll be grabbing Bio Armor & I'll also be picking up a 25 count of the new Super Packs whenever they come out for the new costume bits.

Originally Posted by Organica View Post
My 2 cents... I really like staff fighting, but I played a nature affinity/water blast character much of the weekend and right now I'm in love with the set. I want to try a plant/na troller as well, that sounds like a wonderful combo also. And I have to admit, a lot of my love with nature affinity is just the look. It looks wonderful. I love, for example, that when I use my single target heal a sort of flower/vine sash/belt appears on my own character for a few seconds. It makes me want to heal people as often as possible, heh.

I don't ever check things out on the Beta server, so while I'd heard the name "Nature Affinity" a lot, I really had no idea what it would involve. But right now it's one of the most fun things in the game, at least, if you're at all inclined to play a support character.
I have a plant/something controller on a random server who I don't play anymore but don't delete because I *love* their costume. I could easily jack it for a new Nature Affinity character. I'm with you on how gorgeous it is- the fact that it is generally acclaimed as 'good' is just icing on the cake. Whenever they dropped that oasis power, it actually made me happy.

Decisions, decisions. =P

My connection *finally* got its pancake together last night, so I was able to do a little gaming this AM before my son woke up. I don't know what's up with AT&T lately, but the quality of their service has gotten measurably worse at the same time they've been increasing their rates. Look guys, I know it sucks that people are wising up to your whole cable teevee racket and leaving in droves, but trying to squeeze me is the wrong call. As much as I hate change, I'm going back to Charter. They're expensive, but never gave me any problems at my old address. And right now they aren't *that* much more than AT&T. I'll gladly pay a few bucks more on a connection that doesn't spontaneously stop working for three days every month or so.

Hopped in to check Ray's sales- moved a few more purples, but prices have dropped while recipe prices have stayed high, so I'm going to be socking away future wins in my base waiting for the inevitable rebound once 'the masses' figure out they aren't currently the most efficient use for converters.

I'd filled up his tip bar a while back on that team I joined, and he was really close to 42, so I ran his morality mish, which sent me to PI.

It was weird going back there- I haven't since returning to the game. I used to spend *so* much time in that zone back in the day- herding Nemesis around the docks with my regen scrapper, running portal farms with my emp. It was kind of weird seeing it so deserted- there were a few people hanging out in the courtyard, it looked like they were running Tina McIntyres arc, but nobody was mowing the CoT in the parking lot, nobody at the docks, nobody hanging out by Ghost Falcon.

Which I suppose is good for the game- Atlas makes much more sense as 'the hub' zone, and it's good for new players to exit the tutorial and see a big crowd buzzing in the plaza.

But I kinda missed how it used to be.

So, ran the mish, which was pretty easy, dinged 42 and picked up another hero merit. Not sure what I'll be doing with them while my purple converting biz is on hiatus- maybe I'll just roll random rare recipes and see how that goes.

Ray has gotten very capable indeed over the last few levels- he still sufferers from the Squishy Disease of mez, even worse than some because if his toggles drop it's *all over*. Running on +3/x2 right now, which is eminently do-able if I'm careful with my clumping and take care to keep my anchor alive, but if Radiation Infection drops I'm basically dead before I can do anything about it.

He's a pure delight on teams, where I can just blast away. He's completely depleted his supply of merits, so I'm hoping to catch on with a couple of TFs in the next few days.

My son still wasn't up, so I ran a quick newspaper- Defeat Archon Rossi & Guards. Good 'ol Rossi, I hadn't seen him in a LONG time.

Of course It'd been so long I forgot that high level council missions are nothing but vampires and wolves....ugh!

Stealthed to the end, popped a couple of defenses and a preventative break free, and cleared the room without much trouble. Picked up my Slayer badge, which I'd somehow managed not to get during that Moonfire a while ago.

My son finally toddled out looking for breakfast, so I logged out.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



That "oasis" power (I forget the actual name -- Life Giving Spores, I think?) is unique among powers in the game as far as I know. It's a "target-the-ground" power like a pet (like the heal tree power in Plant Control), but it's also a toggle, so it stays up until you turn it off and it recharges very quickly so you can use it every spawn if you like. I've tended to be a bit conservative in my use of it, both because I know the intense graphics of the set can cause lag, and because when my two group buffs are up (particularly Bastion) then I don't need the healing boost, usually. But it's a nice power all around, I agree.

I think right now a lot of people don't realize what it does. I noticed a lot of people who did not particularly pay attention to it, or ran out of it right after I dropped it in a fight. I think as people become familiar with it they're going to position themselves to fight inside it if possible. I tried to drop it where the ranged people were when I thought they needed it, and on the tank when that person needed it (AV fight for example).

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



tonight I made a new character to run through the tutorial, as my son requested we fight "the laser rock guys".

Whipped up a quick energy/energy blaster, which he incongruously saddled with a Huge model with every slider maxed- "I want him a little FATTER, dada..."

I let him scroll through the prefab costumes...he settled on a bondage theme- chest straps, nipple rings and a cornucopia of chains wreathing every available limb.

"With all those chains, the bad guys can't hurt him!"

So it took us a good 15 minutes to make it to Blue Quasar, or whatever his name is, because we had to "help" the multitude of other heroes doing the tutorial fight the Laser Rock Guys. Eventually though he decided we should go see the "BIG GIANT Laser Rock Guy", so we helped out Blue, leveled and hit the Zone Event.

Plenty of other heroes, which he loved, so we made short work of the critter, which he was a little disappointed with- he really likes dodging the meteors & when our "arrow friends" (Longbow bombers) come and light up the Laser Rock Guys.

Paused at Lady Liberty to check out all the other heroes, then hit Habashy because he wanted to "go in the Cave" and then "wear a disguise." It's been quite a while since we ran that arc, I was impressed he remembered that stuff.

We leveled in the cave, and on our way out he said "that box made our purple bar go BOING! BOING! BOING!"

Then it was time for books, but we parked under Atlas and I promised him we'd play some more tomorrow.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Hey Goat,

I just want to say that one of the things that has me coming back to check out the thread is the updates where your son drives.

That is totes awesome in my book.




Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
"With all those chains, the bad guys can't hurt him!"
Well sure. Where do you think they get chainmail from?



well, looks like the game itself has called an end to this thread.

I feel sort of bad about it, as it's been part of my life for nearly a decade. By far the longest serving game I've ever played.

But what I feel really sick about is having to explain to my son that all his "friends" are going away.

I guess I could switch to some other superhero game, but I've tried them both and genuinely disliked them.

Back to WoW?


What a crappy day.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I probably won't play another MMO...none have managed to hold my attention, even in the worst case of burnout like CoH has...



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
well, looks like the game itself has called an end to this thread.

But what I feel really sick about is having to explain to my son that all his "friends" are going away.

What a crappy day.
Yep. I had that thought shortly after reading the news - I sure don't envy you that task

FWIW, I've enjoyed the heck out of reading about your shared adventures in this thread.

Good Luck and Best Wishes,

I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Originally Posted by FourSpeed View Post
Yep. I had that thought shortly after reading the news - I sure don't envy you that task

FWIW, I've enjoyed the heck out of reading about your shared adventures in this thread.

Good Luck and Best Wishes,
Ditto. Good luck.

I've really loved reading your posts in this thread. And the game viewed through the eyes of a child has been a very entertaining and endearing experience. It's certainly made me appreciate it more. We got to be SUPERHEROES.

And it was awesome.



I'll be doing some memorial work on this thread over the next while.
For now, here's a recent pic of me and my son:

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I'll be doing some memorial work on this thread over the next while.
For now, here's a recent pic of me and my son:
That is an awesome photo!

@Glass Goblin - Writer, brainstormer, storyteller, hero

Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day



Originally Posted by GlassGoblin View Post
That is an awesome photo!

My irascible downstairs neighbors' comment upon seeing it on FB was "What, are you two posing for a Baby Bjorn ad or something?"

So, my last un-selfconcious act as a City of Heroes player was.....cruising around Crey's Folly with my stalker Mope collecting exploration badges & ganking high level freaks for XP (also because I was out of tips & needed a few more to run before I could get my next morality mission & cash in the hero merit for converters).

Not exactly the Last Meal I'd have chosen if I'd known it would be the last time playing the game without the Sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of all my characters...but such is life, even of the virtual sort.

Anyway, aside from those recent Hunts for the Manticore TF I hadn't spent any time in Creys since the old old old days when we'd occasionally jump in to take a break from street sweeping Bricks. I certainly hadn't paid any attention to it for many years. I must say, with my new vid card it is a really impressively atmospheric zone. Hazard zones in general are such a wasted resource, I'd have loved to see Crey's get a Dark Astoria style makover.

My last act before logging off, hitting the forums and getting the awful news was taking down an unexpectedly tough spawn- I came for the two red con freak tanks, I stayed because that guy hanging out with them I figured was just some boring minion was actually a Super Stunner. Managed to survive, thanks to my current habit of carrying a tray full of the most useful Large inspiratons at all times, but it was a fun, challenging fight even with the help.

The 'new' stalkers are really fun- it's amazing what that one fairly small change did to the enjoyment of 'scrapping it out' with a stalker. I still hate psychic ambushes, but overall the Stalker AT ends the game near the top of my "fun to play" ranking.

I don't know that I'll be doing any more actual playing- right now I'd say no, it seems too depressing. The Crazy 88's are going to have a viking funeral for the game where we BURN IT ALL, every scrap of inf left on all our characters, and I'll definitely log in for that. I keep thinking I should log in all my guys one last time, take some screens, archive their bios...and I absolutely need to park the Goat in Dark Astoria for the server wipes.

But, I might feel different in a few days.
We'll see.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



It's an awesome picture. Your son is clearly a great kid! I'm just sad he'll never experience trick or treating City of Heroes style.

The last thing I did in game before the news came down... I had gone to bed very early Thursday night and gotten up very early Friday, so I ran five tips on my staff melee brute Princess Ozma. I did the other five this morning to confirm hero status, since it was something I'd started.

I also logged into the forums around 11 AM and had time to grab one of the free costume codes and apply it to one of my accounts, and I was feeling really good about that. I don't go bonkers over the costume codes -- I already have several on each of my two main accounts, and don't feel a need to collect a bunch more -- but I added one to my Dilithium Flower account, and was pretty happy about that, and happy about my plans for the 3 day weekend.

Then I checked the forums again on my afternoon break... :/

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



That really is a nice picture.

Always enjoyed your posts, Goat, even if I did think you wrong, heh.



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
It's an awesome picture. Your son is clearly a great kid! I'm just sad he'll never experience trick or treating City of Heroes style.
aw PANCAKE, I hadn't even thought of that.

he would've totally freaked out over it, even if it was just the original 'event' with the Croatoa monsters wandering around the city proper.

I need to stay away from the forums for a while, they keep making me sad.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



for some reason it didn't occur to me until Zwill's post about the forums closing down that the forums would be, uh, closing down.

I'm going to export all my posts in this thread to a blog, which will also serve as my CoH historical archive.

My first serious foray into online gaming was founding and running a sizable CounterStrike community for a number of years- when I moved on, I didn't take anything with me. None of the screenshots, videos, player demos, site posts (no blogs back then, I actually had to make a web page & learn rudimentary HTML), nothing. Well, the friends I made. But none of the ephemera, aside from what scraps the Internet Archive hoovered up.

As over it as I was at the time, I'd give quite a bit to have a copy of that website, those screens, our forums, all those little bits of creation that together form a community.

So, this time I'm going to grab the photo albums and shoeboxes full of letters on my way out the door.

I've historically frowned upon folk using these forums to pimp their own thing, but.....yeah. So here's the link, which I'll also post in the Triumph FB group:

The Nethergoat Archive

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
That's a good idea, I think I'm going to do something similar.
shoot me the URL and I'll add it to my blogroll.
you should absolutely save your great market & 'zero to awesome' threads.

Maybe we'll end up with a whole memorial community on Blogger.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone