1245 -
Good luck with the employment thing, enjoy your family time, and thank you for your time and effort as head community bod.
I think you did sterling work, dealing with the motley assortment of lunatics this community is composed of, and somehow managed to retain some sense of humour through it.
The streams (twitch/ustream) gave the playerbase that watched them more insight into the workings of the studio, and were usually pretty damn entertaining to watch, too.
So all in all, thank you and good luck. -
(thumbnail, click for bigger)
Cheers folks, it was fun. <grin>
Those of you who got the badge tonight, enjoy it.
Those of us who alted to bring what was needed, many thanks.
Always remember, Union got TRHW first. They may take the game away, but they'll never take the sense of smug satisfaction that comes from that... -
Quote:You forgot the important things, like Global Chat (or, as it was briefly known on the old EU forums, Total Cat), EXEMPLARING AND SIDEKICKING, being able to take on more than one mob at once, sheer variety of powersets and combinations thereof, costumes NOT being tied to stats...I was idly tallying things up, just for completion sake.
Liquid inf, 112 billion.
Enhancers in storage, roughly 80 billion.
Hero merits, tickets, etc, roughly 50 billion.
Packs and other random crap, prolly another 50-ish.
So, not quite 300 bills. I'm a piker compared to some of you folks but still not too shabby.
You know, the market structure in this game is, as far as I can see, unique, and conducive to immense fun.
There is no other game on the market with anything close to the AE system.
There is no other game with anything close to the base system.
I hope the industry wises up and these systems get purchased and implemented in new games.
COH is simply the best there is at SO many things.
OK, sorry, I'm just depressing myself and simultaneously getting annoyed at what's being taken away. <deep breath>
So far as I can tell, I've been spoiled by CoH, no other MMO matches up in enough ways to catch my interest, so I think that's me done with MMO's in the short to medium term -
Quote:Well, I figure that with 80Bn liquid, I can do that if I decide to, but it was pretty much all stuff that I was keeping because of a bad case of 'too shiny to use' <grin>I'm going in the opposite direction actually. I was IOing a new toon today... one of the last I plan to get to 50... and I was like, "f it, I'm buying everything off the market at whatever price it takes to do so. I can afford it."
So someone's making money off me.
Oh crud...
I just remembered all the ATO's that are sat in the system waiting to be claimed from all the super packs I burned in an (utterly futile) attempt to get the Black Wolf...
I'm really not sure I can be arsed to claim and sell 'em... -
<doffs cap>
Nicely done.
And don't get me thinking about incarnate shinies, all 24 of my 50's are at +3, and half of them have Hybrid too, but only 3 have T4's as I didn't see enough boost from T3 to T4 to be worth the bother. -
I just got done liquidating all the shinies I had stored on my alts.
Listed all my salvage, including vault stored and all recipes, regardless of how shiny at 1 inf.
I didn't strip anything off any of my alts by respeccing though, partly because only two of them have IO builds but mainly because they're my characters.
My final net worth, in liquid influence is : 80,100,000,000.
(my 25 alts on Union inf capped and 30.1Bn stored on a designated 'storage alt')
Given that's come from selling stuff that's dropped as I played, crafting and selling level 50 generic IO's and some minor marketeering, not a bad total, I feel.
No flipping, no purple/PvP converting, no AE farming etc., none of the tricks of the trade of a serious marketeer, because they just looked like too much of a faff on to me
So, has anyone else liquidated, and what's your total?
Regardless of response, it's been fun, folks. Watching arguments and occasionally making comments in here and on the boards in general. -
Quote:Oh, I'm not arguing against a metric truckload of corruptors on TRHW runs, but for a single toon, a Sonic/Kin Defender would provide more to a league than a corruptor. Of course if the issue you're trying to resolve is a lack of corruptors on the league, then go Corruptor, Sonic Blast on a Corruptor still provides a very nice league damage buff on a single hard target, just not quite as much as a Defender.hmm.... The consensus on Infinity seems to be that you want a ton of corrs on the trial. He gets really hard to kill when his hit points get low and that's exactly when the corrs start scourging for extra damage. Of course, we could be wrong. You can't really tell how much one individual is contributing when you've got 24 people beating on Cole.
I wonder if we could put together a 'roadshow' to travel from server to server to get the Really Hard Way badge for people. Getting a new corr to 50 would be easy enough but that's a lot of iTrials to get tier 3 across the board. I certainly have enough transfers, though. I think I've used two and I bought some when they were 90% off, so I think I have 16 left.
As always, this game to me boils down to 'play what the hell you want to' -
Quote:If you're planning on doing something like that *purely* to assist, then I'd personally say go with Sonic Blast for the -resist.I'm going to get a XXX/kin corruptor levelled up on Freedom to transfer to help you get the badges SnowGlobe. What kind do you think would help the most? If I'm getting more than one what are you lacking on Triumph that we can bring over?
And if you're going Sonic Blast/ Kinetics for a pairing, then go for a Kinetics/Sonic Defender, for the stronger -resist attached to the defender's blasts.
All that said though, I personally find that if I'm playing my Kinetics Defender on a trial then I don't really have too much time to blast, as I'm too busy making sure that SB is up to date, ID is applied too, Fulcrum's being used whenever it's recharged, and that I'm hitting Transference and Transfusion regularly too... All that and dodging various patches o' doom means blasting time is limited...
Just my 0.02inf and YMMV, of course -
A good week (I think) after Freedom launched, I decided to roll a Beam/Time Corruptor. I got the name 'Beam Line' as my first choice immediately, which caused me a brief brain failure as I wasn't expecting to get it....
Quote:And during a DXP weekend (or when running a double XP booster, I think but don't quote me on that), the end of something like Moonfire *will* cause any non-50's on the team to dingThe actual number of points depends on your level. The bonus depends on task force length and ranges from 1/3 to 1/2 of a full level of XP.
Quote:To quote from the Holy Book of Paragonwiki, Chapter 1 -I've never slotted a hami in my life- what would they bring to the table for Infection?
Even one slot with one Enzyme would be a massive slot economy, getting three SO's work out of one HO.
At least I'm assuming that's what he means. -
Quote:I wouldn't, personally. Perma-AM is too valuable to jeopardise IMO.okay messed around a bit and came up with this:
I could still use some slots, wondering if my global recharge would make dropping one recharge in AM viable...
Just from glancing at the build, you seem to be doing something similar to what I did on my Beam/Time, which is to build as a blaster with the secondary looking a lot like an afterthought.
Maneuvers looks like a potential good source of slots, since I'd consider 6 slots in there and no LoTG 7.5% to be overslotted, but what do I know?
Hang on.... No Damage enhancement in Lancer shot?!? That's your big single target hitter and you're slotting it as a mez? whuh?
Radiant Aura looks to be underslotted to me too. It may not be a huge heal, but as a self heal it'll help your survivability against any hits that do leak through your rad debuffs.
Sorry, mostly incoherent thoughts here and I'm really not a Rad (or corruptor, TBH) expert in any way, shape or form. -
Quote:Inf level defined as 'real influence' varies depending on how much you've got, IME.Color me jealous. I just started to try to make real influence, and was doing ok converting cheap purples, but that has stopped since double xp weekend. I do ok with ATIOs, but not burn 110B ok lol. I'm waiting for the day the secret dawns on me and I can play with the high rollers.
I used to consider the 16M I had on my main a lot at one point (Issue 3/4).
Then my first toon got to 100M, that was a lot.
Then I inf capped my main. That was a lot.
Nowadays, I've got all my alts capped and 23Bn stored, and I don't think about it. I can afford anything and find I don't actually want anything. (This drives some people up the wall, I've got Billions of inf, and most of my toons run around on SO's <grin>)
Chasing inf for the sake of having inf is a game some people play, some others chase it for builds, and some just acquire it as a habit nowadays (that's me). Don't get stressed about not having as much inf as the next person, it'll come with time, patience and playing the game.
All that is purely IMO, of course. -
Quote:I can't speak for the Rad Emission side of things, since in 7 and a half years of playing I've never played a Rad, but with i24 around the corner, you may want to try and fit Penetrating Ray (the snipe) in there.Okay, with Cathode Ray pushing 41 I figured it was time to start fussing with his build. I'm eyeing ranged defense & global recharge, and here's what I cobbled together this morning. I'm sure its abominable, which is why I'm here looking for input- this is a very rough draft that probably needs a lot of help.
So help meeeeee! =D
Disintegrate, Snipe (which should spread disint 100% of the time, but I think I may have seen reports on beta that fast snipe isn't 100% spreading disintgrate, not sure on that) then go to work with your other AoE's leveraging all that sudden extra disintegration?
That said, I'm not sure what you'd drop to make space for it. I'd say Force of Nature personally, since I don't like it much with such a huge recharge, and end/recovery crash at the end, but you've got a Steadfast Res/Def in there and nowehere to move it to without losing the 6 part bonus in Temp Invuln.
Swapping out Piercing Beam for it means you lose the -Resist in Piercing, which I'd be loathe to do on a 'support' toon.
Do you really need Aim? I don't have it on my Beam/Time Corruptor and don't struggle, but you'd still need to find slots from somewhere...
Hmm... -
Quote:I fixed that, since the basic Melee toggle in SR grants confuse protection.You can get 84ish by double stacking Active Protection.
You just have to ask, what's worth more to you: 12% DDR or Terrorize protection.
And to be honest? I'll take the debuff protection built into my KM/SR, since it includes perception debuff resist, +recharge, +move speed and DDR above and beyond what my MA/SD gets.
Now the fact that my MA/SD can tear through spawns faster than my KM/SR is another matter entirely, but it's not a fair comparison, since the Shield is partly IO'd and the SR is running on SO's.
:edit: I forgot shield got recharge debuff resist in Grant Cover, so I snipped that bit out... -
Quote:7 years.Special Guests, Matt "Positron" Miller & John "Protean" Hegner will join our host, Andy "Zwillinger" Belford as we discuss Issue 24, tangents and have a "be quiet" contest! No real prizes will be awarded.
19 Issues.
84 months.
That is all. -
Quote:I'm NOT a macro specialist, but....We need a macro specialist to make up a bind that converts to yellow and pops it.
IIRC, there's a 'convert to red and pop it' bind in TopDocs CEBR thread.
Gimme a min to look.
(insert arbitrary time gap here while I try and remember where I saw the thread months ago)
Quote:/macro I1 "inspcombine insight enrage$$inspcombine catch_a_breath enrage$$inspcombine respite enrage$$inspcombine break_free enrage$$inspexecname enrage$$inspexecname luck$$inspexecname good_luck$$inspexecname phenomenal_luck$$inspexecname sturdy"
/macro I2 "inspcombine keen_insight focused_rage$$inspcombine take_a_breather focused_rage$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement focused_rage$$inspcombine emerge focused_rage$$inspexecname focused_rage$$inspexecname rugged$$inspexecname robust"
/macro I3 "inspcombine uncanny_insight righteous_rage$$inspcombine second_wind righteous_rage$$inspcombine resurgence righteous_rage$$inspcombine escape righteous_rage$$inspexecname righteous_rage"
/macro I1 "inspcombine enrage insight$$inspcombine catch_a_breath insight$$inspcombine respite insight$$inspcombine break_free insight$$inspexecname insight"
/macro I2 "inspcombine focused_rage keen_insight$$inspcombine take_a_breather keen_insight$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement keen_insight$$inspcombine emerge keen_insight$$inspexecname keen_insight"
/macro I3 "inspcombine righteous_rage uncanny_insight$$inspcombine second_wind uncanny_insight$$inspcombine resurgence uncanny_insight$$inspcombine escape uncanny_insight$$inspexecname uncanny_insight"
Disclaimer I've not tested those. I don't know how much button mashing it would take to get them to work in play, but I suspect you'd need to at least hit the macro twice, once to make the insight, once to pop it.
Also, full credit goes to TopDoc for the base macros I just recalled seeing in that thread months ago and have subsequently mangled for this purpose -
Quote:As a wild stab in the dark, I'd guess that people have been playing low level toons over the weekend, so there haven't been as many purples being generated over the last few days.Purple supply has dried up, so it's time to either bump up my price point or wait out the 2xp frenzy. PvP IOs have been selling briskly and I've rebuilt my reserve of converters during the supply slowdown of 2xp.
I usually give things a month to settle down after a DXP weekend. Of course, for those so inclined, the period of flux after a DXP weekend also offers plenty of opportunities to profit...
Me? I'm too idle to bother. Got more inf than I know what to do with already, so see no point. -
Quote:Never underestimate the idiocy of buyers <grin>Day 9: Friday July 27, 2012
Only sold one Efficacy Adaptor: End Mod/Rech for 20 mill...
No idea what I’m doing wrong that’s keeping ALL of my stuff from filling, I’m posting things for more/less than the last few trying to get things on the low, but nothing wants to work...
What's likely happening is that other people are listing stuff lower (possibly far lower) than you, but buyers are only looking at the last 5 prices and not bid creeping, thus keeping the last 5 far higher than the minimum listed prices.
It's also possible that it's not a niche that moves fast, but is one that's consistent.
Add up your crafting costs, salvage costs and recipe costs, add 10%, then decide what minumum profit margin is acceptable to you, add that to the total and list at that price. If stuff still isn't shifting at that price, then you're going to have to employ the marketeers secret weapon - Patience.
Unfortunately, as you're on a self imposed time restriction,then patience may not be an option.
Anyway, good luck with this, hopefully some of the above drivel is of some use. -
Quote:Why is it a problem?With all these things that they are doing now that they previously werent able to before I really hope they came up with a way to fix the more slots problem.
There has to be something acting as a brake on potentially unbridled character power. Choices and tradeoffs needed in an IO build seem like as good a brake as anything else. You shouldn't be able to have everything and the moon on a stick too IMO. -
Quote:The pet change/fix has no effect at all on TRHW, as if you're taking out lights for level shifts, you're not going to get TRHW.Has anyone successfully met this badge requirements since the pet nerf (lore pets do not receive level shift via lights) and/or the lights nerf (hover/fly prevents damage from lightning)?
Flying to avoid the lightning? Sounds like an exploit that got fixed. Just learn to spot the warning and run away...
Bring -resist debuff. LOTS of -resist. Sonic blast defenders, Sonic Resonance, sleet, etc. etc.
Also, bring enough Kineticists to have everyone damage capped. Stay in tight to Tyrant for buffs and heals, and hurt him as hard as you can.
A mix of support/Buff sets for +resist, +defence and healing is also needed.
As Ohms said, Ultimate inspirations are NOT optional. Everyone should have one active at all times during the Tyrant fight, and 5 or 6 is enough so that if you DO faceplant, you've got a spare. -
Quote:So far as I understand the mechanic, once you hit your first Burst of Speed, you've got 10 seconds to use the other two, at which point the power starts recharging.Bamf.
Burnout likely won't recharge Burst of Speed though, I think it is a lockout mechanic, rather than true recharge? Or maybe it will bring it back, but only let you use it once?
Using Burnout after 2 jumps but before the 10 seconds is up probably wouldn't do anything, since the power's not yet recharging.
Using it after 3 jumps? Until the set goes on beta to test out I haven't a clue whether it'd recharge it or not. I don't see why not in principle, since it's a secondary pool power, but that all depends on what jiggery-pokery is going on under the surface to get it to work as it does^H^H^H^H appears to from the twitch stream. -
Oh dear god, he's back! Run! Run for the hills!
Nice to see you back, Steelclaw