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I would certainly give it a shot. It would depend on whose faces were behind the curtain.
Quote:Jessie, I admire you for holding up through what I know from personal experience is a hellish task. Your grace and good humor have taken a bit of the sting out of this loathesome closing.At the same time that the servers go dark, all of our social media sites will be offline as well. This includes Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Twitch.TV and these very forums.
Thank you. -
Quote:I have a couple of heroes who are spending their final days in there. :-(Did anyone notice the building with the arboretum in Atlas Park?
My friend @Malohin just noticed it last week.
Look for a domed building in AP, with glass panels in the dome. You can see in, there's trees and tables and chairs. Looks like a lovely spot.
Look on the bottom of the building for the stairs icon on a door. Click that, and *poof* you're in that arboretum.
You can see out the glass, and are entirely enclosed. It's very cool and has been there in AP since it got the refresh. -
Thank you for this. I will certainly give it a try.
Global Name: @Glass Goblin
Email: mkhall@gmail.com
IM's: I'm never really on IM
Games you plan to move to: none, right now
Steam ID: none
Favorite Powerset/AT in CoH: Emp/Psi defender and SS/WP brute
Red/blue?: Blue 90+%
More stuph: hiddencity.net is where you'll find me
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I can't even imagine how differently my life might have gone if I'd had a community like this in my teenage years.
Thank you, all of you, for letting me be the hero I'd always wanted to be.
In the middle of October I managed to pinch a nerve in my neck, making using a mouse almost impossible. (Walking isn't exactly great, either.) It's still not better, but this morning I finally broke down and logged into the forum to see if there was anything going on for the end of our world.
Damn. I'm sorry I didn't get to see you guys. Ironically, I was at Arundel Mills last Saturday for the first time since the previous M&G.
I don't suppose there's any leftover swag, is there? ;-)
Best wishes to you all. -
The last one -- well, unless they held another and didn't tell me so they could avoid me and... never mind -- the last one was at Dave & Busters, so you would have been more than welcome to attend.
Quote:Thank you. That's been the issue stopping me from participating at Titan: just too many threads to sift through.Here's the thread CD started in the Titan Forums!
(It's in the General Discussion subforum)
[looks around]
Am I the only one left here? -
When Glass Goblin hit 50, I asked the team to wait so he could go back to Atlas to train with her. I didn't do that with anyone else, but it was like you said, a bit of respect.
Quote:I think it's worth mentioning that "going well" is often defined in terms of what the bosses tell you, and what they are asking for, and their attitudes toward your work. We don't know what NCSoft was emphasizing in the goals set for the studio. It isn't always just cash, particularly if you just made a shift to an untested revenue model a year earlier. Depending on how high up the decision was made, even the GM's boss may not have known it was coming. I've seen people hired on the day regional closings were announced, and even once, the contract signed for a $4mil office renovation. The left hand and the right hand, on occasion, aren't even connected to the same body.Look at the first graph Father Xmas posted here: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...68#post4410268
The blue line is CoH revenue for the trailing 4 quarters.
If you can look at the blue line and think that the business was going well, I don't know what else to tell you.
This is why I've said repeatedly that if the Paragoners were caught by surprise, then they weren't paying attention to how their business was going. Neither GR nor Freedom were able to stop the decline. The only thing that they really had going for them was the secret project. -
While that would have been nice, I am still gobsmacked by the way this team got the ancient CoH engine to dance. Not only did this old dog learn new tricks, it was about to start headlining in Vegas.
It's clear that the Paragon team was ramping up to doing the best work in the history of this game. This just breaks my freaking heart all over again.
Quote:I find this to be the most likely scenario, too. You know how cube farmers try to make sure we-- er, they "look busy" so they don't get fired? Corporate executives feel the same pressure from their boards/shareholders. Take a big loss? Rearrange some deck chairs so it looks like you've got the situation under control. Put together a Powerpoint about "renewed focus" and "re-emphasizing the core business" and "becoming lean and agile" and as many other buzzwords as you can fit on a slide, then lay off a bunch of people. I've seen it happen over and over.If there even is a singular trigger, I suspect its more likely to be a "focusing" issue rather than a profitability issue. A lot of people think businesses operate purely on the basis of what will make them money. But in reality, I know of few businesses that actually operate that way. Business leaders, in particular, are like MMO designers in that they have a vision for the company. That vision includes certain things and excludes others. In the past I've used the example of my company. Its an IT company, but what if I could sell pizzas and make net profit from it. Would I do it? Nope. I'm not a pizza company, and I don't want to own or run a pizza company. That its a business opportunity to make money is really irrelevant to me.
I've seen businesses decide to branch out into new things or stop doing things solely on the basis that they simply don't want to do them anymore, or alternatively that they rather do something else instead. Its entirely possible that short of City of Heroes making hundreds of millions of dollars, NCSoft simply decided, perhaps under pressure due to its poor quarterly performance, to "refocus" and decide what it wanted to be doing and what it no longer wanted to be doing, and Paragon Studios and City of Heroes were no longer what NCSoft wanted to be doing.
I don't think we'll ever know the truth, because it's not in anyone's best interest to tell the truth. -
Quote:Thank you! Do you have any suggestions on how to spread the word about creating a demo library for future use? There do seem to be a lot of us working on this, but no cohesive effort that I've come across.GlassGoblin, actually I've been demorecording like crazy since the announcement, and I'm probably not the only one. I think come December, there will be people around with years' of demos to share. I know I have stuff going back to May or June of '04, and I'd be interested in helping out with a project to update the Codex info.
The great thing about demofiles is that as text, they are easy to store. I'd be happy to let people send them to me with brief descriptions, then build a simple online database to share them. -
I've been trying to assemble something new, but most people: (a) already know all this stuff because they've been making videos for quite a while, (b) are too busy playing for their last weeks to worry about demo recording, or (c) too depressed to care.
I suggest we add the Codex information to Paragon Wiki, where it can be updated by people with more extensive libraries of saved demos. -
I feel like Pariah, like I should shift through all the parallel shards trying to warn our characters of the approaching apocalypse.
This goes well with Voodoo Girl's wrenching video, too. -
This is pretty much me, yeah. The defining features of most MMOs are the parts I enjoy least. No disrespect intended to those who enjoy them, but it's just not my thing.
Quote:This was my feeling, too, but I didn't want to speculate on something like that without knowing people on the inside.I find it difficult to believe NCSoft could have been shopping the game and the studio around without even the general manager knowing, and I can't believe anyone would want to take over the game without studio support. If this was all a surprise to Paragon, and I have multiple inside reports it was, they were not being shopped prior to the announcement.
Quote:I had wondered about that, myself. But it is a relatively small industry, so it seems unlikely that any serious shopping would have gone unnoticed.The more I think about it, the more likely I find that might be the case; that NCSoft probably shopped the game around for quite a long time before they announced the shutdown decision. It just makes sense.
But I can tell you from personal experience that the decision to close was made no later than early June. It takes time to run the numbers for laying off that many people, plus vetting all the associated legalities. You don't see bad news in the quarterly figures, pick up the phone, and close down a division of your company quite so easily as all that. -