Animated Miss Liberty!





through all the turmoil Miss liberty has stood there unmoved and aloof...

.......except I am sure that on one occasion I saw her dancing.

I have been racking my gray matter and I think it may have been during one of the Beta's but cannot be positive about that or maybe on a CoH birthday.

Does anybody else remember seeing this happening and if so, the details of when?

I was just thinking that it would be nice to see her in action on Live at least one before it all ends. She deserves a little bit of personal down time for all her years of service.

My very first 50 and still main alt, always travelled back to her to train for all 50 occasions and always commenced and concluded a level train with the /em fancy bow as a mark of respect.

And I never ever went to her to train again on any of my other alts just to keep my first one a bit special.

Silly, of course, but hey ho, have been in 4 wars and am old enough to have been working during the Cuban missile crisis so don't care

Unfetter Miss!


Edit to add: the time I saw her dancing she was on her usual plinth under Atlas. I had forgotten about the missions she appears in but this was a Dev initiated thing as far as I recollect. Thanks

So many cats - So few recipes!

Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!



Heh! Liked what you said entirely! I'm a bit younger (since i was a child during the Cuban Missile Crisis) but as an old RPgamer (2nd printing original D&D, etc) I also have done various silly things, such as emoting to NPCs. I never did the See Miss Liberty For Every Training as you did, but can see how doing that was special for that character.

Yeah, I know, doing something like that would make no sense and seem entirely silly to a number of MMO-gamers, including some longtime vet CoH sgmates-friends, who were more into the teamups and play than roleplaying. I get a chuckle everytime I remember a friend (also a middle aged RPgamer) telling the NPC whom we were to rescue and lead out in local chat in-character, "Come with us if you want to live!" Needless to say, the NPC followed him (and would have even if he hadn't done that, but the RP truly enhanced my experience that mission.)

P.S. I've forgotten the mission(s)/arc(s) where Miss Liberty IS an NPC ally, where one does see her in action. (Surely my imagination is not just conjuring that up!) I think it's the one where one goes to rescue/find Statesman, possibly in Praetoria.

aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).



Originally Posted by JohnRobey View Post
P.S. I've forgotten the mission(s)/arc(s) where Miss Liberty IS an NPC ally, where one does see her in action. (Surely my imagination is not just conjuring that up!) I think it's the one where one goes to rescue/find Statesman, possibly in Praetoria.
Pretty sure it's in the new high level Praetoria arcs.

I did see a story for BaB once where he tagged the BaB trainer as invisible and helped out on a Rikti raid "in Character". Unfortunately when he went to reinstate the trainer BaB he couldn't select him as he was invisible.



Okay, first...

Miss Liberty is Statesman's daughter. She shows up in Mender Tesseract's arc for villains, and again in SSA1 where *spoilersshediesendspoilers*. That's it.

Ms. Liberty is Statesman's granddaughter, and the trainer in Atlas Park (and now the giver of what used to be the Statesman Task Force).

With that out of the way, the devs have been known to pop in the game every now and again as the signature characters to do wonky stuff.

I know that in one of my videos, I have Ms. Liberty dancing on her dais along with several other heroes (and later waving a protest sign with all of them)... but I personally don't recall a redname making her dance in-game...


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
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Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Okay, first...

Miss Liberty is Statesman's daughter. She shows up in Mender Tesseract's arc for villains, and again in SSA1 where *spoilersshediesendspoilers*. That's it.
She's encountered in the LRSF, and there's also a story arc in Grandville where you have to fight her.



Originally Posted by jacktar View Post
My very first 50 and still main alt, always travelled back to her to train for all 50 occasions and always commenced and concluded a level train with the /em fancy bow as a mark of respect.
When Glass Goblin hit 50, I asked the team to wait so he could go back to Atlas to train with her. I didn't do that with anyone else, but it was like you said, a bit of respect.

@Glass Goblin - Writer, brainstormer, storyteller, hero

Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day



I Imagine that she danced a little jig after sinking that oil tanker off Port Oakes. I still think that the UN or Interpol should be after her for that little act of terrorism...



�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�