522 -
great fun.
I was inzone about an hour before event start and parked up on a roof top nearest to the MS just to escape the lag and graphics effect inside the RWZ HQ.
About 30 mins before it kicked off I see the MS shields go down and fly over to snoop.
It was foe free and for about 10 minutes I had the MS to myself just poking about and getting some great screenies. I was joined by a couple of others eventually, but that solo time was priceless.
I even had time to visit every bomb well and give them a last good dusting, and boy did they need it after eight years of slaughter
I even had a real slow fly around the back underbelly of the MS, a place I had never gone too in all the Raids I did on it. (Thanks to Haille Cordel? for all the Monday raids they ran)
I also saw the first trial run of the MS destruction and so was ready when the time proper came and got three screenies of the MS just prior to and then midway through destruction and then the moment it was gone!
I am so useless at screenies after all the years, I still do not know how to post them here and I apologise for not being able to pass them over for you all to see, my bad
Had a cracking time, got some lifetime memories and smiled more in that hour than in the last month over on TSW!
Ah well back to trudging across endless zones wearing out pair after pair of shoes! Never underestimate the sheer joy of unfettered flight that we have had here, boy what a waste.
Thank you Arcanaville for the night and best of fortune in your future ventures
And always remember "It is not rocket science after all!"
Cheers -
for me, as of 30 seconds ago, yes.
However I was a VIP when they pulled the plug, and I also already had alts on the Beta server.
So for you, maybe?
Best answer I can give atm. Sorry -
Hi Lady,
yes, I had figured that here in the UK we see the servers go down at 0800 hours on Saturday 01 December, so that ties in with you being one hour ahead of us atm.
A sad day whatever time we lose it -
composer is a chap called David Giro.
Theme music used (but not composed for)for the Moto GP bike racing series opening titles.
Also as discussed in our very own forum thread here:
This game's community lives in every corner of the known world
We are simply awesome!
Cheers -
Quote:It's way off. That mission CAN be abandoned, and is NOT permanently on your list. His issues with abandoning it stem from the fact that it's been selected as the Active Mission.
Guess I just assumed that somebody that has been around the game for as long as the OP has was aware of the simple answer and was having different problems having tried it and failed. Using the wrong way to enter new DA and so having problems with that mish is much more recent hence the pointer for him to try.
Still really glad it all got sorted out one way or the other -
Hi Halon,
a lot of the following is guesswork based on your OP info. If it is way off mark I apologise.
I am assuming you are a 50 and have gone to DA and spoken to the contact who gave you the mission.
Now this mission is not a "proper" mission but more like a "counter" for the others you have to do to complete it.
That means you have to have the other contacts unlocked, Heather Townsend and the other one. (Sorry name has slipped my memory atm).
Now to get them unlocked you have to enter the new DA by doing the new DA introduction arc. That arc is started in PI and you get it from the contact standing outside the the PI police station. Just go and talk to him.
His arc is about 3 missions long and in total lasts about 5 minutes and has no combat. At the end you are in the new DA and have unlocked the DA contacts needed to do all the arcs for the one you are having trouble with.
If you have not done that, you can still talk to the "Complete all in DA" contact, but it is stuck because his next contacts are still locked.
Just pop out to PI and do the intro arc.
You should then find that it is now live and you can talk to the contact for referal on to the new contacts (Heather et al).
Having done that you can then just forget about the "Complete all" arc and swap it out for any other mishs as normal.
But having got it you can not abandon it and it will stay in your mission lists and live contacts lists for ever. That is because it is a repeatable mission giving Incarnate rewards for solo players albeit very sparsely!
Just ignore it and it becomes the same as all the other repeatable contacts we have in our lists taking up real estate. You will not get to the point where they stop you getting the missions you actually want because we can have a lot of missions/arcs live at the same time.
Hope this makes sense and apologies again if it is way off.
Cheers -
if you think the "Sprint" thing is hard to notice just wait till you get your first "Timed mission".
No prior warning in mission description and a miniscule timer countdown clock that usually appears in an obscure corner of the GUI usually under one of the other sub GUI's you need whilst playing.
I could not work out why my missions kill total was resetting to zero till I worked out that little gem!
Now if only we could move the Alt Character GUI around instead of it being fixed dead centre of the screen. Looks at Dev's for next patch
Cheers -
Hi Guys,
my main alt over yonder on TWS is now working in the "Scorched Desert" zone having left the Savage Coast.
I have been sooooo close to rage quitting the game at least a half a dozen times now.
But I am still chipping away and learning (which does not equate to getting better!) at it. I have completed all the previous zones content at least once.
As a new game, there are most definately parts of the game such as foe difficulty at certain character levels, that as still mismatched but I understand are being addressed by the Dev's.
Some of the game is still a mystery like when running a Dungeon and get killed/one shotted you are out of the run till it ends. Locked inside the resurection circle unable to participate.
This leads to the stupid situation on many teams after one member dies (especially if it is the squishy healer or the tank) of all the others commiting suicide and the whole team having to restart the whole run.
If this happens a couple of times, even if it is different members getting caught, you usually just get team breakup. Very frustrating. The game design as it is requires a perfect run every time. Just like our Masters of badge runs.
It can get very grindy and some missions seem a bit lazy in design when you get a mission tier that requires 4 or 5 different "Kill x number of Y foes" to complete. Very WoW like.
Some missions are given at the wrong level such as the faction mish to unlock a special weapon at level 6. It is way to difficult to complete with ql6 gear but it unlocks from your xp earnings not your alt level.
You end up just abandoning them till you kind of outlevel them.
Some missions, like one with a chainsaw, are just an exercise in frustration and best left well alone.
But I try to remember that this is still a new game with a large element of "Works in Progress" about it and I think that given time it will get sorted and be a cracking piece of work.
I do not know if it will hold my interest enough to go back and repeat the early content especially using the same alt albeit to get new power abilities. A puzzle mission is only a puzzle on the first run and I see a lot of higher level players just grinding purple gear runs in the travel hub. Am not a great farmer here, so no way over there for me.
Just approach it with an open mind and a culture shock realisation that CoH it is not and you will have an interesting adventure.
Just for the record I have had some lol moments at dialogue and NPC actions and hidden references when they kick off. And it have made me scratch the head during puzzle quests which is nice.
Curates Egg, good bits and bad bits but definately worth the journey (so far).
Edit for: Typo's -
through all the turmoil Miss liberty has stood there unmoved and aloof...
.......except I am sure that on one occasion I saw her dancing.
I have been racking my gray matter and I think it may have been during one of the Beta's but cannot be positive about that or maybe on a CoH birthday.
Does anybody else remember seeing this happening and if so, the details of when?
I was just thinking that it would be nice to see her in action on Live at least one before it all ends. She deserves a little bit of personal down time for all her years of service.
My very first 50 and still main alt, always travelled back to her to train for all 50 occasions and always commenced and concluded a level train with the /em fancy bow as a mark of respect.
And I never ever went to her to train again on any of my other alts just to keep my first one a bit special.
Silly, of course, but hey ho, have been in 4 wars and am old enough to have been working during the Cuban missile crisis so don't care
Unfetter Miss Liberty.......now!
Edit to add: the time I saw her dancing she was on her usual plinth under Atlas. I had forgotten about the missions she appears in but this was a Dev initiated thing as far as I recollect. Thanks -
What is AP33?
"Epic" that is what it is and what it represents!
I just know that sometime, somewhere, in another difficult situation when all are struggling to prevail, a small voice will be heard in the chaos "Come on Guys, bear up, we can Atlas33 this no problem!"
Because we are Heroes and that is what we do.
The spirit of AP33 will live on! -
been in SW a while now so a couple of thoughts.
I am at a loss to understand a game that allows/encourages you to team up and then when you have a full team hands you a "Solo only" task. We all disband and never get back together. Seems weird.
I think the spawn placement and aggro range is way to aggressive where ever and what ever level you are.
I have had many missions where you have to kill a whole field of foes just to get to the target and usually end up with a mob of them dogpiling me to death. And yes I can stealth but not in this game. And as soon as you get tagged by a foe you lose your run ability so you really do have to stand and die.
Also it is a frequent occurence to get to a foe and start a fairly even sided fight so you are on the edge when a totally random spawn passes by and aggro's on you as well or just appears in the fight and joins in. The caves are terrible for that.
And it usually happens when you have fought long and hard to clear 95% of the enemies so that when you get killed they all return to life at full health immediately. You go back to start and have to redo all that work. That is when I really feel like rage quitting.
So this game is not all fun and excitment, lots of really irritating stuff in there as well. You decide which on balance makes you stay or leave.
Cheers -
Hi Guys,
had a refund against both my accounts.
And thanks to the unfathonable machinations of that black art known as "The International Currency Exchange Rate Mechanism" I have made a pleasant profit. So yah boo to you NcSoft!
Cheers -
This made me go back and look at all the e-mail responses I had following petitions submitted in game.
I also seem to have dealt with GM_Lloyd on the majority of them.
I never had a bad or disappointing experience during those times and in fact always found him to be friendly and helpful and knowledgable.
Usually had a very quick resolution to my problem, many times with a fair bit of gentle guidance by the Man!
Getting Caleb to spawn and then found was a recurring problem and I remember once he even waited till our then disbanded team got back together in Nerva before he spawned it for us. The stupid ghost (as usual!) immediately took off at a thousand miles an hour and hid from us so he despawned and then respawned it in a much better position. We all got the badge and had a lot of chat about the cracking GM support we get in our game.
As a comparison to that, just last week I was playing a mission in The Secret World and had a "Follow the Bad Guy" mish. It was bugged and the indicator arrow was not showing direction. (This was a known bug and has since been fixed).
I petitioned and the GM response was "Well you just need to wander about the Zone and hope to get the Tier complete message if you get to the required location!. I am not allowed to give you a hint, you need to go Google it if you want.
Was not a happy bunny and as a new player was very tempted to pull my sub there and then. Still not sure if I am staying with it yet.
Any way, thanks Lloyd you were great -
Hi Guys,
got to give a shout for "Knives of Artimis" and their multi drops of Calthrops/Glue bombs! Arghhhhhhh just like the opening titles for Baywatch without the bountiful Pamela.
And having no way to watch/respond to chat when in the Enhancement screen.
Missed so many shouts for trials et cetera whilst pratting about with re-enhancing!
Mmmm not bad for 6 years of playing
Cheers -
Quote:For anyone wondering how long 2xp would last. Your answer can be found in the Admin message about the server maintenance:
So that means it ends at 7 AM Eastern on Sept 17.
I was hoping it would be perma-2xp too. Looks like I won't get the last 3 powersets to 50 that I need to be in the "a 50 of each powerset" club.
well total confusion and bewilderment in game atm. What does the 2xp cessation mean?
Are they just being bloody minded about us, or are they just being mean,
or is it a good sign of a game saviour?
Is there some technical reason that it could not stay on till the end?
In any case the "get a few of my lower lvl alts to 50 before closure" game is on a different pace now.
Cheers -
Hi Guys,
life goes on sadly and I have been checking out other games and particularly "The Secret World".
I was browsing through their forum and was very impressed by the 15 page thread about us (CoH players and game closure) and how supportive it all was.
So I roll my first alt and jump into the start zone content and am bumbling about when half way through the mission I get a "clue" to read.
No problem, opens it up and SHOCK HORROR it reads:
"Golden Girl's sorrow is sweet".
Arghhhhhh I squeak, is there no escape from her!
Deep breath and carried on.
A couple of missions later I have to get a serial number from a piece of equipment.
I click on the glowie and up pops the machine plate with the following:
Serial #: xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx
Have our Dev's been up to a bit of moonlighting me thinks?
Anyway it was a real treat to stumble across these two reminders of here.
Cheered me up no end. -
Hi guys,
just give me back all the AE badges that you removed 2 days after I had collected them all!
Then I could go out having burst through the 1400 badges earned barrier.
Not much to ask for is it
Cheers -
Hi Guys,
any idea what is happening?
Just logged into Virtue and then got booted out.
Cannot log in at all now and the Server status is showing a lot are down and a couple (including Virtue! are up).
Not the usual time or days so any word on the streets please?
Thanks -
Hi Guys,
AP1 Virtue approx three hours before start of rally.
Assorted mayhem and Heroes and then 6 or 7 shots of things you never thought you would see in Atlas ever! Do not miss these! Sparticus, eat your heart out!
All present also had a stealth level bump to 50 curtousy of Zwill (thank you) I actually levelled to 41 during the fighting, then went to train and "Head asploded" when Ms Liberty said come train to 50!
What a mad half hour, brilliant.
Zwill is the one in the Top Hat and Samouriaka (apologies for spelling)is on the flying carpet!
Cheers -
Hi Guys,
okay it appears to work, but how do I put images into my posts without having to link them? I would like them to appear here in forum. Thanks -
Hi guys,
this a test to see if my uploads are working.
AP1 approx 3 hours before the event star
Edit: Image link removed, see post two down for full list thanks -
Hi guys,
does anybody else have screenies of Virtue AP1 about three hours before the rally started when we were all turned into Statesman and then Recluse by I think Zwill?
We were all a bit dumbstruck and then huge smiles. I have a number of shots but do not know how to post them here.
It would bring a smile to a lot of faces to see those moments. What a sight.
Cheers -
even if VIP, the guy who gives the repeatable solo missions will not talk to you unless you have already completed the new contact in PI that starts the journey to the new DA zone.
He is a policeman (?) just outside the police station door in PI.
He sends you to check out a body in an alley way just a few streets away.
The whole arc takes about 5 minutes tops with no fighting and you end up in the new DA zone with the solo contact unlocked.
Hope this helps.
Cheers -
still working, just did two with no problems and they went through really fast