How do I abandon the "Complete all Dark Astoria arcs" mission?
Hi Halon,
a lot of the following is guesswork based on your OP info. If it is way off mark I apologise.
I am assuming you are a 50 and have gone to DA and spoken to the contact who gave you the mission.
Now this mission is not a "proper" mission but more like a "counter" for the others you have to do to complete it.
That means you have to have the other contacts unlocked, Heather Townsend and the other one. (Sorry name has slipped my memory atm).
Now to get them unlocked you have to enter the new DA by doing the new DA introduction arc. That arc is started in PI and you get it from the contact standing outside the the PI police station. Just go and talk to him.
His arc is about 3 missions long and in total lasts about 5 minutes and has no combat. At the end you are in the new DA and have unlocked the DA contacts needed to do all the arcs for the one you are having trouble with.
If you have not done that, you can still talk to the "Complete all in DA" contact, but it is stuck because his next contacts are still locked.
Just pop out to PI and do the intro arc.
You should then find that it is now live and you can talk to the contact for referal on to the new contacts (Heather et al).
Having done that you can then just forget about the "Complete all" arc and swap it out for any other mishs as normal.
But having got it you can not abandon it and it will stay in your mission lists and live contacts lists for ever. That is because it is a repeatable mission giving Incarnate rewards for solo players albeit very sparsely!
Just ignore it and it becomes the same as all the other repeatable contacts we have in our lists taking up real estate. You will not get to the point where they stop you getting the missions you actually want because we can have a lot of missions/arcs live at the same time.
Hope this makes sense and apologies again if it is way off.
So many cats - So few recipes!
Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!
How do I abandon the "Complete all Dark Astoria arcs" mission?
It's abandon button is grayed out and I cannot enter my other two missions while it is active. I don't want to do it, I don't care about it, I wanna freakin' get rid of it so I can do my other missions. |

Note that abandoning an active mission does NOT make it inactive; it removes it from your list.
Other methods of deselecting a mission include typing /leaveteam or logging out and back in.
Ok I was able to abandon it by making a different mission active.
I was certain I had done that yesterday but evidence suggests otherwise.
"Hey! You knocked generic cola all over your precious D20 books!"
ED: Now I know how Nancy Kerrigan felt: "Why...?!? Why...?!?"
It's way off. That mission CAN be abandoned, and is NOT permanently on your list. His issues with abandoning it stem from the fact that it's been selected as the Active Mission.
Guess I just assumed that somebody that has been around the game for as long as the OP has was aware of the simple answer and was having different problems having tried it and failed. Using the wrong way to enter new DA and so having problems with that mish is much more recent hence the pointer for him to try.
Still really glad it all got sorted out one way or the other

So many cats - So few recipes!
Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!
How do I abandon the "Complete all Dark Astoria arcs" mission?
It's abandon button is grayed out and I cannot enter my other two missions while it is active.
I don't want to do it, I don't care about it, I wanna freakin' get rid of it so I can do my other missions.
"Hey! You knocked generic cola all over your precious D20 books!"
ED: Now I know how Nancy Kerrigan felt: "Why...?!? Why...?!?"