If you could have back just ONE nerfed power/feature before game ends...
I started with issue 7 and never had a chance to mess around without ED.
But I did make a character and fall in love with the flow of the powerset and just how absolutely fun it was to essentially point at something and watch it die.
The new animation isn't terrible. It just broke the flow of the set. I would have loved for it to replace the Assassin's Strike animation, or the one for Total Focus (where it would actually help the power!).
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
All the fire imps.
Aggro limits. I want to see a group of tanks suck an entire zone's worth of critters into an area again.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
I'm going to second Energy Melee. I never got to play it myself, but it was the one I saw that most impressed me.
I'd like to see the secondary claws only damage modification removed.
Be well, people of CoH.

Ack! You guys already named all the cool suggestions.
To pick just one, probably the oldschool pets. Imagine having those 15 fire imps on a /fire permadom, along with the KD proc in Bonfire.
Roll back the purple patch.
CatMan - some form on every server
Always here, there, and there again.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
Yep I remember those few glorious months when I had a Fire Controller high enough level to have Fire Imps while being able to cast around 10-12 of them at a time. It was ridiculously overpowered and I've long since accepted the need for that nerf, but still it was fun in a "I can kill anything almost instantly and the game was getting very boring because there was no challenge" sort of way.
![]() |
Hands down, the aggro cap. Man oh man if I could just have unlimited aggro for ONE day...oh Lordy the things I could do and the fun I would have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Main servers: Victory and Justice. Main account: @Justice29 Secondary account: @Clever One
I13's PvP changes. Or at the very least, I wish they would've continued with what they had planned instead of abandoning it and killing PvP outright.
I have no issues with any corrections made to the game over the years... and didn't start playing until i10, so I didn't have any experience with the really big changes that happened before that.
In fact, if things changed at the end, I would probably be a bit annoyed actually. I am very used to how things work. And I really like the majority of my characters exactly how they are.
I13's PvP changes. Or at the very least, I wish they would've continued with what they had planned instead of abandoning it and killing PvP outright.
The PVP changes... I can't say that with. I used to love getting on groups in Siren's Call (especially) and BB - I found the lower level zones more fun, but Siren's was the better of the two, IMHO.
Post-I13 - that zone was dead.
Post-I13 to last week, I think I'd gotten into... perhaps 10? Fewer than 20 - and if I'm exaggerating (understating?) the numbers it's not intentional or by that many - fights. That in the same zones on the same servers that used to host full teams (plus overflow) going at it.
The biggest problem with the changes, though, I think were how they were introduced. I don't mean the back and forth with the community vs rednames - I mean they threw a lot of changes in all at once, and really seemed to never look back or adjust much. It *should,* IMHO, have been an ongoing process - "OK, first we'll try this, does this take things the way we want to go, ok, then try this next" - instead of "ok, we're changing EVERYTHING!" It was the equivalent of, say, hearing a rattle in the car and taking it entirely apart, then - while standing in the middle of a bunch of body panels, random wires, interior bits, engine on a hoist, etc, asking if it still rattles.
If that's too big of a leap, then yeah, the old Energy Transfer. If the speed was too fast, then make it take more of my HP or something in return for that "big hit." I liked that tradeoff, quite honestly.
The change which messed up kheldian shapeshifting. That one hurt more than anything, because it was directed at the costume change nerf, not anything kheldians were doing.
Hunter's Forty-Sixth Rule: If your head explodes, you were thinking too much, otherwise you shouldn't worry about the possibility.

TL;DR version: not all of the i13 PvP changes were bad, but there were lots of them so I just picked one thing rather than a whole collection.
I13's PvP changes. Or at the very least, I wish they would've continued with what they had planned instead of abandoning it and killing PvP outright.
A lot of "nerfs," once you get some time away from them, you can point at and say "OK, sure, the game's better now, because we got to do this." ED and GDN? Well, we were supposed to get the SSOCS... we eventually got IOs, and yes, it was good.
The PVP changes... I can't say that with. I used to love getting on groups in Siren's Call (especially) and BB - I found the lower level zones more fun, but Siren's was the better of the two, IMHO. Post-I13 - that zone was dead. Post-I13 to last week, I think I'd gotten into... perhaps 10? Fewer than 20 - and if I'm exaggerating (understating?) the numbers it's not intentional or by that many - fights. That in the same zones on the same servers that used to host full teams (plus overflow) going at it. The biggest problem with the changes, though, I think were how they were introduced. I don't mean the back and forth with the community vs rednames - I mean they threw a lot of changes in all at once, and really seemed to never look back or adjust much. It *should,* IMHO, have been an ongoing process - "OK, first we'll try this, does this take things the way we want to go, ok, then try this next" - instead of "ok, we're changing EVERYTHING!" It was the equivalent of, say, hearing a rattle in the car and taking it entirely apart, then - while standing in the middle of a bunch of body panels, random wires, interior bits, engine on a hoist, etc, asking if it still rattles. If that's too big of a leap, then yeah, the old Energy Transfer. If the speed was too fast, then make it take more of my HP or something in return for that "big hit." I liked that tradeoff, quite honestly. |
But many of the changes were things that were requested for a long time by the PvP community - it wasn't that they weren't listening when they were planning it, it was that they didn't listen once they implemented it and they tried a shotgun blast approach of "do everything at once!" rather than, as mentioned in the second quote, working things in slowly to see how it impacted things.
Second builds alone - which were also part of i13 - would have been great with no other PvP changes at all, because you could then skip the need to respec after you get your accolades. This was probably one of the biggest barriers to entry at the time, because even on FotM PvP builds you either built for PvP or did poorly against someone who did, and had to completely scrap your current build to PvP with a character.
Tagging the powers for player vs critter targets had already been done for some powers prior to i13 but was done wholesale with different damage values and not just irresistable damage and/or debuffs, and defense powers reacting to being in a PvP zone to provide the more exotic resistances for those environments was a good thing (especially given the lack of grantable psi resistance). While changing how powers work by a huge margin is one of the complaints, I think that a balance pass on damage vs available resistances for PvP could have helped without changing the old learning curve, which was much smoother than the current one.
A lot of arena options were added, although they took a long time to get working correctly. I personally think that done correctly THOSE few changes were sufficient to meet the requests of the community and you probably wouldn't even need all of them. But along with those changes came heal decay, movement suppression, mez-resistance-only, free resistances, and diminishing returns, which were all unpopular overkill.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
I don't know why you're trying to make it seem like my very general and open ended choice, in which nothing specific about the PvP changes was even mentioned, is wrong and uneducated. But okay. :\
I don't know why you're trying to make it seem like my very general request in which nothing specific about the PvP changes was even mentioned is wrong, but okay. :\
Some of which I even think are positive.
But mostly I was agreeing that it should not have been abandoned, that I preferred i12 PvP to i13 as they implemented it (because, well, I felt that they screwed up in how they went about making the changes), and then listed what I thought would have worked.
A shorter summary of which was in the tl;dr summary at the top of my post. I wasn't trying to make you sound "wrong", and originally intended the post to be in support of what you were saying with an explanation as to why it wasn't the first single thing that came to mind.
I just then started to ramble because I had two quotes and was basically saying "yeah, this!" And now I'm still rambling.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Unlimited aggro cap for me too. I'd love to unleash a Final Ion Judgement on all of Perez Park.
Hi guys,
just give me back all the AE badges that you removed 2 days after I had collected them all!
Then I could go out having burst through the 1400 badges earned barrier.
Not much to ask for is it
So many cats - So few recipes!
Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!
Energy Transfer. That power was amazing and I *loved* bashing things in the face with my hand. I used it so much that I somewhat regularly killed myself with it (I tend to play pretty fast and loose, without much regard for my personal safety).
Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Choice 1 would be aggro cap.
Choice 2 would probably be controller pets.
Choice 3 would be ET
PvP would be on there but no one would come back so it'd mainly be a waste :P
Old IH and also getting rid of the aggro cap, or at least increasing it a bit. To often I have to yell aggro cap when 2 mobs get aggroed on a full team.

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.
...what would it be?
I think I'd want to roll back to the pre-ED days but leave everything else intact, including the GDN. Not sure what this would do to things given the mechanics of IO's but I really never felt quite so super-hero'ish as when I ran a Perma-MOG reginner.
Too many permutations to consider just one, really. But if you could have JUST one, what would it be and why?