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  1. The change which messed up kheldian shapeshifting. That one hurt more than anything, because it was directed at the costume change nerf, not anything kheldians were doing.
  2. There's a reason I've resisted updating my test client. (sigh)
  3. I appreciate the invite, but I've tried Champions Online. I was a HUGE Champions pen n' paper player from the very first edition up through 4th. That was the first strike against Champions Online - it wasn't Champions. At least back when I tried it, the costume creator just frustrated me. I'm also just not a big fan of the art style. That's definitely a matter of taste, other people I played with loved it. I might occasionally pop in on a free-to-play character, but Champs Online just never did it for me.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gothica View Post
    Thank you all! This has turned into a wonderful thread. This is why I like CoX so much--the community.

    I am sending out my letters today. I am even going to FedEx them! That will get Mr. Kim's attention, I hope.
    That's the spirit. The community will live on, whether we can save the game itself or not. CoX is NOT the servers, or the game system, or even the lore. It's the shared community and the world we created in our minds. Expressing it through the medium of these servers and the beautiful client that the dev team worked so lovingly on has been a convenience and a catalyst, but it has always been the *people* behind the screens and keyboards and the spandex and superpowers that really mattered.

    That will remain if the worst happens, and I'm confident that a group of people as creative and caring as the residents of Paragon City will find a way. After all... we are heroes. That is what we do.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    Parsing corporate speak is a fool's errand. Don't put too much thought into it.
    Wise advice. The people who write it in the first place don't really put much thought into it. (grin)
  6. Bladesnow


    Very well done. Already recommended and commented. Keep up the good work, heroes.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by vulpish_one View Post
    Even if they're pointing and laughing, they're still pointing. This is a case where very little would be "bad" publicity; if we got a three-minute human interest story from CNN's odd-story reporter, do you think the people we want to make an impression on would be saying "Look at those losers she poked fun at?" Of course not. They'd be saying "Those fans got their story airtime on CNN. Maybe we should look at picking them up..."

    Now, the public at large might think we're weird forever after, but we were (largely) comics and video game nerds beforehand. They thought that already. And now that I think about it, we are just one good PR stunt away from getting the aforementioned reporter--whose name escapse me--to produce a story about us.
    Don't forget Felicia Day and the Guild's latest video "I'm the one that's cool". The culture has changed immensely in the past few years, and comics and video game nerds ARE a lot more mainstream than they were. Such a protest could grab a LOT of attention if done well, and as you said, in a situation like this any publicity is good publicity.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    So it was Positron with the sledgehammer?
    Whatever works.
  9. Yes, I would pay for an "Incarnate" booster pack. But it should not include all the stuff that can be purchased from the two merit vendors. I'd put the auras, the emotes, and some of the other not particularly incarnate stuff into the booster pack. Leave the Ascension armor as an end-game only reward for those as want it. Or some variant thereof.
  10. Quote:
    The conference room was silent as those present studied the last slide in Dr Romanov's presentation. Like the petite russian, most seated around the table cluttered with all the minutia of any executive conference were dressed in business attire, but one or two wore the colorful spandex and mask of their “superhero” identity. Every member of the board of the Champion Foundation was or had been an active member of the superhero community of Paragon City. All of them had chosen to help support the Foundation's efforts to understand metahuman abilities at a level sufficient to provide advanced medical assistance when required. Many had done so in response to such assistance provided by Dr Romanov and the doctors and scientists who worked with her at some point in their careers.

    The glowing red dot of a laser pointer speared onto the screen, and Yelena Romanov resumed speaking. “The trendlines are quite clear,” she stated firmly, her accent more noticeable than normal in this quiet private setting. “The 'incarnate' abilities have the same signature as the few readings we have on file from Statesman. They show marked increases of magnitude in every subject I have been able the examine.” Brief glances and knowing smiles were exchanged between a few of those present, the very “subjects” of whom she spoke. The focus of many of those glances quirked his trademark devil-may-care grin from the mustachioed and goatee'd face which had graced billboards, movie screens, and inspired the admiration and envy of martial arts enthusiasts for years.

    Kevin Mason was better known as the costumed adventurer Bladesnow. Unlike some of those present he didn't make any particular effort to keep his civilian identity a secret, but then unlike Dr Romanov his alter ego was not common knowledge. “I didn't need all your tests to tell me that, Duskangel,” he said laughingly. “Years in the dojo; I knew my limits. The Well made them irrelevant.” He paused, then motioned eloquently toward the proposal lying open on the table before him. “You say you need more data. Hang the cost, my vote is we give you the resources you need to get that data.” Nods and murmured affirmations echoed around the table...
    The Incarnate trials have brought unprecedented levels of power to the heroes of Paragon City. They have also brought nearly unprecedented levels of confusion to the players. A concerted effort has been undertaken by several forum members to understand the system which awards Incarnate salvage. Some results have been produced, but more log files are needed to generate statistically solid information.

    To help in this effort, the Champion Foundation is offering in-game “research grants” for those willing to produce log files and email them for analysis. We will pay 1 million influence via in-game email to the character or global account of your choice for each log file containing trial data submitted to , to the limit of available funds – as of this announcement, the Foundation has 1 billion(10^9) influence available. Donations to the project can be made by contacting Bladesnow.

    To enable chat logging, log in to the character you intend to run trials on, and open the options menu. Scroll down to the CHAT section, and find the fourth option “Log Chat”. Enable that. Also check to make sure you have the combat tab showing up somewhere in your chat windows.

    Once you've completed the trials you wish to submit, go to the home directory of your CoH installation and find the logs folder then inside that the game folder – usually C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\logs\game. The file will be called chatlog (date).txt. Be aware that it contains any and all chat from all active tabs while you have logging enabled, if you are worried about this you should open the file up in notepad or the editor of your choice and delete the offending lines before emailing the logfile. You may find Tao's Log Cleaner useful for such cleaning.

    By emailing your logfile to you implicitly grant the right to share that file among members of our analysis team and publish collated results. Incude your AT and powersets as well as who you wish payment emailed to. Please indicate if you wish to remain anonymous in any reports, and we will replace your character name with a subject number. Should you choose to participate, thank you for helping further the understanding of CoH.
  11. I've had some success installing the Launcher, pointing it at a folder I'd already dumped files from another machine into, then telling the Launcher to *repair* rather than update. It whined and complained about a lot of missing registry keys (gosh, go figure), but dutifully fixed them and when i was done I had a working installation of CoH without having to do another many-hour download. I doubt much that this is a "supported" method, but it worked at least once for me. YMMV. Has caused blindness in overfed lab rats. No warranties express or implied. Etc, etc.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Skippy Sidekick View Post
    Beta Server 01 is the correct shard for Beta testing.
    Player access to the shard should be available shortly.

    Client and Server should both be 2050.201105190739.0.0 for the start of Keyes Island Beta.
    If you are running NC Launcher, you can right click on CITY OF HEROES BETA and verify that your client is running the same version as the server.
    Egad, it's the evil twin Skippy! THAT'S where he's gotten to. Thanks much for the info. Sounds like I was doing nothing wrong, and the problem was I was too eager.
  13. Could we please get answers to some basic questions for those of us unfamiliar with connecting to your beta server(s)?

    1) What server are we supposed to connect to for this trial? The name we will see on the screen, not what it is called internally, or whatever. The choices I see when I run the beta client are:

    Beta Server 01 (tells me "Account <account name> is not allowed on this server. reason: Public access to this server has been disabled."

    CoHBetaWorldServer_13 (tells me "Wrong game version, run patcher and reconnect, server 2010.201105030029.1, client 2050.201105190739.0)"

    2) What build should our beta client be? Mine is at 2050.201105190739.0 where it ended up by following the procedure you outlined in earlier posts.

    3) If this build is not correct, is there a procedure to correct the problem? Spending the many hours required to re-install the beta client is not really an option at this point.
  14. Bladesnow

    Solo content.

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    What the heck are you doing with all those Incarnate merits you've been earning?
    First, as you I assume have noticed by now, only the empyrean merits are good for the purpose of buying a very rare, which is the only thing I need at this point. Those you only get once a day if you'll recall. So the couple of hundred astral merits and thread I have lying around are essentially junk, since for some strange reason they can't be traded or sold. It looks like I've for once lucked out, and with an upcoming patch they will have some uses.

    Second, we were told very early that the empyrean merits would be good for OTHER things. I wanted to see what those other things are before I making the irrevocable decision to spend them. Now that we've had a glimpse of what those "other things" may be, I am very glad indeed I waited.

    Third, the incremental gain for a lot of the tier 4 powers are, as many are so fond of pointing out, not that great. Hardly worth burning irreplaceable and untradeable resources gained in content I actively loathe.

    There's probably other points, but that should be enough to be going forward on.
  15. Bladesnow

    Solo content.

    Were the chat log Dispari shared the only evidence available, I might tend to give them the benefit of the doubt as dobuzzard is suggesting. However, that is not the case. The various ustream and other live chats that have been held since i20 went live are rife with comments in the same spirit as that chat log. There has been a notable lack of feedback requests on the Incarnate system. The one narrowly defined thread that exists is currently at page 148 and counting, with just a handful of developer comments. Whether the perception is flawed or not, a lot of players have developed the impression that any critical questions or comments toward the Incarnate trials are unwelcome.
  16. No luck connecting so far. Seems like the update server is supplying a different version of the client than is loaded on the server. Has anyone actually managed to connect? When I attempt I get:

    Wrong game version, run patcher and reconnect, server 2010.201105030029.1, client 2050.201105190739.0

    Could we perhaps get some clarification on how this is supposed to work?
  17. Bladesnow

    Solo content.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Heartless game developers fear these pauses, because YOU MAY NOT COME BACK!!! So they don't want you to stop playing ever ever, for which they need a different design, one which gives you incentive to try hard ALL the time. Enter random drops. With a random drop, players are motivated to try hard ALL the time, because you don't know when the next drop will happen. It might well be on this very Trial, even if it's the first one you do. It won't be, of course, but it won't stop players thinking that, who knows? It might drop on the second one. And so on and so forth.

    At least that's the expected reaction. As someone told me earlier in the thread "[I'm] not responding." And I'm not, because when I look at this kind of random drop system, my thought isn't "Holy addiction, Batman! I might get my reward on this very run!" but rather "I have to run how many of this thing? And I may still get bupkis at the end? Sod this, I have better things to do with my life."
    Paragon Studios is lucky they have a lot of good will built up with me, or I'd be gone already over the shoddy way they've responded to player's concerns about these trials. Or rather, the conspicuous LACK of response. Sad part is, one of the things that is saving them I figure is that the rest of the industry is so bad on that score. I really cannot figure out why they've gone down this road.
  18. Bladesnow

    Solo content.

    Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
    Thanks for the info. I'm willing to bet then that the people I've been seeing talk about 100+ trials are trying to get multiple characters through the system. I probably just misunderstood and thought they meant ONE character.
    You would lose that bet. My main has done right at 175 trials, and has only 2 tier 4s. I've done another 20 trials or so on an alt. It does not take significantly bad luck to require a hundred or more trials to get all tier 4s. Just as it does not take significantly GOOD luck to get all tier 4s in well under 50 runs. I know MANY players in both situations.

    That is one of my biggest objections to the way the trial rewards are set up. A completely random system like that is fine for something that is part of an optional system and can be traded, but NOT for a character locked item required for continued advancement.
  19. Bladesnow

    Solo content.

    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
    The trials take 30-40 minutes if you don't count the time spent forming them. On a less populated server during off-hours, that time can be significant.
    Indeed. The group of people I hang out with on Protector almost never has more than 4 or 5 people online at once, tops. Pulling together 8 people to start a TF is a schedule juggling act that can take a week or more. A lot of us have always preferred to play with people we know. Until the alpha and the WTF there was no real downside to largely ignoring TFs. Now with the trials, we have to find 4 to 8 more people - and two of our solid regulars cancelled.
  20. Bladesnow

    Solo content.

    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    I don't think I've ever personally teamed with Golden Girl, but I have watched my roommate team with her. I remember it because we had actually sent a few messages back and forth on the forum at the time. She was nothing but nice, there was never sense of imposition, and I wouldn't hesitate to team with her any time. In fact, now that I have a character on Defiant, I'm hoping to get the chance to.
    I'm glad you had a good experience.
  21. Bladesnow

    Solo content.

    Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
    Yeah, I used to run occasionally with some folks over there. A lot of them are gone now, for various reasons. My home's always been Protector, but I've got a hero or two on every server.
  22. Bladesnow

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    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    And I like them even more than I thought I would - which surprised me
    Nothing personal, Golden Girl, but I've been in a league with you, and it does not surprise me that our preferences are diametrically opposed. The difference is that *I* am not trying to impose my version of "the right way to play" on everyone else.
  23. Bladesnow

    Solo content.

    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Probably to give the trials a period of exclusivity. That way the folks who would have ignored them out of hand at least give them a try.
    All right. I tried them. I hate them even more than I thought I would. The reward structure is about the worst I've ever been involved in, across any of the MMOs I've played. So bad I've been driven to posting in the forums to make sure the devs at least have a chance of hearing that not everyone likes their shiny new monstrosity.

    A couple of my SG mates have cancelled, even more don't want anything further to do with the trials at all - save, perhaps, posting in the forums in self defense themselves. How is any of this at all good for the game? A few more people posting in the forums about how they don't like the latest content is not really a net positive.
  24. Bladesnow

    Solo content.

    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    True story: A dev told me in beta they were afraid people wouldn't run the trials they put so much work into if there was an alternative (even if the alternative was slower).

    Instead of just making sure the trials are fun and stand on their own merits, they decided to force play of them by making them the only way to advance.
    That is... disturbing. Not too surprising to hear, but quite disturbing. Even more disturbing is that they don't see the disrespect for some of their players inherent in that decision.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
    Which planetary conversion table are you using?

    Or was it some beverage that I haven't tried yet?
    Naw, just proof of something I've always suspected. Arcanaville is a strange visitor from another planet. (wink)