Moving the CoH folders with the NC Launcher?




I'm sitting here, frantically copying out files from my PC to temporary storage as my PC most likely won't be booting after the next time I shut it down. (Moral of this story: A PC that occasionally fails POST is not "cute", it's your first and possibly only warning.) Got everything vital just about done, so I'm moving on to the rest, which includes City of Heroes.

Can I just copy the folder out like I used to be able to with the old launcher? You know, copy out the files, run the launcher and point it to a folder, then copy everything back and let it verify the files? Does that work with the NCSoft Launcher?

Also, since I'm asking, anything I should know about running CoH on Windows 7? Getting a mostly new PC tomorrow, only carrying over GFX card, my DVD drive, and harddrive. Are there any compatibility issues I should know about? I remember when Vista was new. That was "fun".

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Pretty sure it's not as simple as it should be - last time I tried the Launcher insisted on downloading everything again until I uninstalled it and went back to the updater, which worked fine.

Might want to backup HKCU\Software\Cryptic as that's where useful bits like the installation directory are kept and what the Launcher uses to "convert" updater installs.

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if you have the disc I would just use that to reinstal it to the new comp, Then you can copy the files over.



Originally Posted by Psygon_NA View Post
if you have the disc I would just use that to reinstal it to the new comp, Then you can copy the files over.
The latest disk I have is City of Villains. That's 14 issues ago. With my connection, it's quicker to just download it all.

I'll just back up my main City of Heroes folder and see if I can fool the NC Launcher with that. Otherwise I'll just sit and wait a couple of hours and download it all from scratch. CoH won't be the only game to download for me.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



I've had some success installing the Launcher, pointing it at a folder I'd already dumped files from another machine into, then telling the Launcher to *repair* rather than update. It whined and complained about a lot of missing registry keys (gosh, go figure), but dutifully fixed them and when i was done I had a working installation of CoH without having to do another many-hour download. I doubt much that this is a "supported" method, but it worked at least once for me. YMMV. Has caused blindness in overfed lab rats. No warranties express or implied. Etc, etc.

Hunter's Forty-Sixth Rule: If your head explodes, you were thinking too much, otherwise you shouldn't worry about the possibility.



Originally Posted by Bladesnow View Post
I've had some success installing the Launcher, pointing it at a folder I'd already dumped files from another machine into, then telling the Launcher to *repair* rather than update. It whined and complained about a lot of missing registry keys (gosh, go figure), but dutifully fixed them and when i was done I had a working installation of CoH without having to do another many-hour download. I doubt much that this is a "supported" method, but it worked at least once for me. YMMV. Has caused blindness in overfed lab rats. No warranties express or implied. Etc, etc.
Heh, the thought of the updater complaining that what it is asked to repair is broken amuses me.

I any case, I get the feeling I'll be pulling long nights getting my new machine up and running. I'm split between dreading it and looking forward to it. I like messing with PCs, but it's my own that's hurt this time, so not so much fun...

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Well, operation over and successful. The Launcher behaved quite nicely and just looked at the files already in the folder and said "Ready to play!" Now I just need to remember how to make the Test and Beta installations appear... but there's a sticky topic for that.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Originally Posted by McNum View Post
I'm sitting here, frantically copying out files from my PC to temporary storage as my PC most likely won't be booting after the next time I shut it down. (Moral of this story: A PC that occasionally fails POST is not "cute", it's your first and possibly only warning.) Got everything vital just about done, so I'm moving on to the rest, which includes City of Heroes.

Can I just copy the folder out like I used to be able to with the old launcher? You know, copy out the files, run the launcher and point it to a folder, then copy everything back and let it verify the files? Does that work with the NCSoft Launcher?

Also, since I'm asking, anything I should know about running CoH on Windows 7? Getting a mostly new PC tomorrow, only carrying over GFX card, my DVD drive, and harddrive. Are there any compatibility issues I should know about? I remember when Vista was new. That was "fun".
Yes. Also, the game will run better under win7

1.Copy over the folder first to the same location.
2.Then install the NCSOFT installer.
3. Run the updater to verify and it should work, it may even go right away if you current with the patches.