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  1. Let's just, hypotetically, say that I like my Forcefield Defender enough to not want to see her go away if/when CoH does. What am I looking at to make something like her in CO? Sticking to theme, she should use magic, too. If there's some kind of magic barriers, it'd be good, but I see there's also a Force set.

    I tried looking it over, but I don't quite think I get it.
  2. * Was there a plan to resurrect Statesman? Either as a classic comic book revival or as another character inheriting the name Statesman?

    * Mender Silos is Lord Nemesis. Where were you going with that story? A sinister plot spanning all of time, or was it a genuine redemption?

    * Battle Maiden joining up with Malta. What were to happen next? Nanite powered Malta Ultra-Sappers Two Kronos Titans merged together?

    * Arachnos. With Statesman dead, Lord Recluse reunited with the Red Widow, Scirocco flirting with the side of good, and Ghost Widow's loyalty to Arachnos itself, but not its leadership, something was brewing. What was going to happen?

    * Incarnates. Good old Prometheus seemed to get more and more annoyed with us. Were we going to be able Ascend as part as fighting the Battalion? Was that the going to be the Omega power?

    * The Rikti. With two failed invasions and the knowledge that they were set up for the first one by Nemesis, what was going to happen? They beat their Battalion, if I remember right. Were they going to make a heroic entrance to help us fight off ours?
  3. Back when Enhancement Diversification went into the game, I asked that the Power 10 (that is the only 10 SO types you could buy in stores) idea be removed. It wouldn't make sense to encourage diversity then not offer the means to actually do so. That one went through.
  4. Soo... they retcon the retcon?

    That seems needlessly complicated. Couldn't they just have done it right the first time? Oh, right. It's Civil War era Marvel, isn't it? What was going on there in those years?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
    No one remembers.
    Ah, forgotten or repressed?
  6. Atop the Fourth Wall is basically a comic review show of the slightly less angry than the "standard" variant. Except for this one. One More Day had been the butt of so many jokes for 199 episodes and he had even said he would never review it. Linkara just really, really hates this one. Slightly more than Ultimatum and Rise of Arsenal.

    It's usually bad comics, some just campy due to age, some just genuinly bad. Like Sultry Teenage Super-foxes and such. Sometimes he praises a good comic, but not too often. It also has some ongoing metastory, but you don't really need to follow that if you don't want to. If I should highlight a few non-special episodes, it'd probably be Superman: At Earth's End and the All Star Batman and Robin ones. Oh, and anything with Snowflame. And the PSA Hell reviews. Where comics try to do public service stories or hawk products to children. And fail.

    By the way, what does happen in One Moment in Time?
  7. Link

    Bring popcorn, it's over an hour long.

    Apart from the extended intro and ending, it's a wall to wall brutal, scathing, and hilarious review of that infamous Spider-Man story. This is pretty much AT4W at its greatest, so much concentrated and justified hate is rare to see, Linkara is really outdoing himself here.

    I'll admit, I never read OMD, but wow... just wow. For those of you who have watched it, is that really how it goes? No exaggerations or omissions to make the review funnier? Is that really One More Day?

    I'm beginning to understand the hate...

    Also points for the brutal teardown of Peter Parker's character, both in OMD and in general.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    So, about that pronunciation of "Talos Island..."
    "Tah-Los Eye-Land"?

    That's how I pronounce it, at least.
  9. I'd vote for him. Sure, it's a giant monster from space, but he sounds like he knows what he's doing.
  10. McNum

    SSA2.1 choices

    I picked Synapse. A Blaster with bubbles is fun when the player realizes just how much he can get away with now. Synapse acts like that all the time, bubbles or no bubbles, so he worked out fine.
  11. Heh, you DID put a discount on Beam Rifle the same day you release Retro Sci-Fi. Well done!
  12. The blue girl... Isn't that Misery from Cave Story? It kind of looks like her, but Cave Story might be a little too small for her to appear.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    So something like gladiator matches in the Arena except you are picking one pregenerated character and directly running it as if it were a regulat character.

    I like this idea.
    The Tyrant Personal Mission shows that you can play as someone else and even get their powers. So you could pick pregenerated characters and get it to work now.
  14. To me, the question is not "Why don't I PvP?" it is "Why should I?"

    There is no reason to. PvP is just there for people who want to play an entirely different game inside CoH with little to no rewards. There is little fun, to me, in just fighting other players. That gets old real fast, unless there's some objective or similar to fulfill. But we don't even have that, even if the obvious CoH flavor would be opposed Mayhem/Safeguard missions. But all we have is a gank the other guy game.

    So, why bother?
  15. It was good fun. I played the hero one, and it was fun fighting Clockwork again, and meting the Clockwork King. Didn't he use to be taller? Anyway, I kind of liked being able to make a truce with him. Fighting alongside the Phalanx was good fun, and I picked Synapse as my partner for the final mission. A bubbled hyperactive Blaster is still a lot of fun to watch, even when it's just an NPC. And they don't get much more hyper than Synapse.

    However, someone needs to get an implied facepalm over the name for the second mission. The one with Atta and the Trolls. Bad pun! Bad! (The mission is named "Problem?", in case you didn't notice.) Well done.
  16. Nice. Maybe I should retry the Storm Defender thing with Water Blast this time.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    That could be dealt with in I24 - that deals with the aftermath of the loyalist defeat.
    Calvin's storyline also needs some kind of closure, so depending on how he's recovered from the news about Aurora, he might need to be taken down too - Belladonna's arc hints that there's been a split in the Resisatnce since the revelations about Aurora and Calvin.
    I hope so, but really, my biggest gripe with the trials in general is that the lore gets lost in all the noise.

    I do like trials, even though I thought I wouldn't, a multicolored swarm of superpowered characters doing superpowered stuff is inherently cool. But the "Why" gets lost really easily in the thunder and fury of the average trial. I mean, I know what the story is, I read up on it outside the game, but that's just the problem. "Outside the game." Even big blue Prometheus is kind of cryptic on the hows and whys.

    Now, I know not everyone is as big on lore as I am, which is fine. Some people just want to farm BAF until their left mouse button falls off. Fair enough, it's one way to play. I'd have liked if each big trial had a companion small solo mission you unlock by having the completion badge, to show what happened and what effects the trial had. With the personal mission tech, they could even let us play a villain. Playing Mother Mayhem as she learns about the failure at BAF would be fun, for instance. But there are plenty of characters on both sides of the war that would be fun viewpoints for an aftermath mission.

    Hm, this is turning into a suggestion thread now. Maybe I should let the idea crystallize and post a proper suggestion later.
  18. Come to think of it, I really wish this had been addressed in the game.

    Wouldn't it be nice if when you complete the Magistrarium trail, you'd unlock a non-combat solo mission where you meet the defeated Tyrant? Purely a lore mission, like the personal stories, but it would let us see what happened to Tyrant, and maybe find out what he knows. Plus, it'd be a nice way to end the story you get when playing in Praetoria, especially for the loyalists who got to tell Tyrant off as they left.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ThugOne View Post
    Given some of the threads around here, would that be a pastel purple unicorn?
    Hopefully, yes. White with a light blue tint, and a curly purple mane and tail would also be acceptable.

    Seriously, though, I hope for a Beam Rifle sale soon. The Mecha armor is out, and Retro Sci-Fi is coming soon. There's potential for a surge of Beam Rifle characters about now, I suggest they capitalize on it.

    That and I want Beam Rifle, too, but I'm hoping for a sale.
  20. No, no, you see, In CoH, Optimus Prime is blue and runs the black market, while the TARDIS is red. It's like one of those bizarro worlds where stop signs are green.
  21. For a quick visual effect change, they could use one of the level up effects. Jumping six level shifts at the same time is probably the biggest power jump you get in the game, even if it's temporary. Give it some fanfare.

    Or at least one of those popups.

    Now that one would get attention, I think.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Hurting people who've fallen into your hands is the mark of a villain, not a hero.
    I agree.

    That said, ironic punishments are okay by me. So we'll have him watch as the Primal Incarnates rush in and beat up Praetorian Hamidon. In the "You could have just asked, you know..." Incarnate Trial.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
    True. *Shrugs* But it could easily be pushing his luck to go that far with it.
    Original Thor is fairly easy to set apart from Marvel's though.

    First of all, red hair and a long beard. His armor is what you can get closest to 1000bc era viking armor. Basically, wait for the chainmail set and combine with with some Barbarian pieces.

    His hammer, MjĂžlner, does not shoot lightning. It does always return when he throws it, though and it packs a mean punch. To create thunder and lightning, Thor rides his chariot pulled by two goats across the clouds. In other words, not really something you can make in the game.

    He is incredibly tough and resilient, and a brave warrior. That's pretty much his role in the pantheon, the guy they send out to "settle" things. It's why he has those awesome tales.

    So, if you wanted to make a vanilla Asa Tor for the game, I'd say you want an Invul/Mace (Hammer) Tanker. You'll lose the throwing of the hammer, but you still get tough warrior with a powerful hammer. Oh, and do not expect him to be friends with any Dark Control or Beast Mastry character over level 32. He is destined to die fighting Fenris, a giant wolf that will eat the sun at Ragnarok. So big unnatural looking wolves? He won't like that.

    Of course, Thor in particular is a very dangerous ground to walk on, since Marvel's variant is one of their big characters.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
    Between that and her Raven lines, Tara Strong totally ruled.
    Not forgetting her version of Darth Vader... as Bubbles.

    All in all, it was awesome. Pity they didn't get any further into the film, but, hey, 80 minutes of awesome is good enough.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bright_Tempest View Post
    Absolutely! Love the stories, keep em coming!
    I got a fun one from my TA/Archery Defender from a few years back. I usually pride myself in knowing the exact limits of my character... this one was a bit unusual, though.

    Full team, doing the old Shadowhunter mission, with the wolves and such. Anyway, the fight against Shadowhunter had gone bad, and people on the team started dying or getting hurt, running away... into wolves. I was flying, so wolves were not as dangerous to me, but I had to do something to give the team a chance to regroup so we could finish Shadowhunter. So I did the sensible thing and grabbed aggro from Shadowhunter, followed immediately by hitting Force of Nature.

    Then came a team bleep.
    Teammate: Hey, you have AV aggro.
    Me: I know.

    I told them to hurry and get back in the fight, and then I tanked Shadowhunter on my Defender, without team backup, for two minutes, knowing full well that when Force of Nature dropped, he'd kill me in seconds. The team, thankfully, recovered with a good 5-10 seconds to spare, and we beat him, but it was pretty fun to do something that any Defender really isn't built to do.

    I know my characters. I wasn't 100% sure that would work, but what else could I do?