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  1. Well I have not been in the game from about 2 days after the anouncment of the servers going dark.

    And I want to say thanks to NcSoft or who ever decided to shut it down. I am so glad to have my 30+ hours a week back and actualy enjoying the out doors again.

    My 8 years here has been fun but you know what real life is better LOL
  2. if the game was turning a big enough profit it would not have been shut down. Petition all you want the bean counters added it all up and the game was not making enough profit to keep running.

    So they pulled the plug
  3. Just open a free acount and use that
  4. Hand Clap is an awsome power.

    Dont blame the power if you are to lame to learn to use it.
  5. How about in the thugs enforcer ? will it change his hand clap to knock down ?
  6. Ya more hit points no matter how small just suck and I would not take them no mater what.

    Rage quit
  7. Come on free stuff is not like kittens everyone likes free stuff
  8. It says a random Item

    I assume that means when you click it you get something pulled from a hat and each person can get something different.
  9. I thought there would be no way to complain about this but I see I am wrong again.

    To complain you get an item on Thursday when its a Freebie Friday giveaway LOL

    Thanks for the free toys
  10. It could be your set of data files held on nc's servers that are corrupted and my need to be repaired on there end too.
  11. Well just got back from Frys with a new n900 dual band adapter from netgear so it matches the router lol ya I know it dont matter but what the heck.

    Loaded it up and logged into the 5ghz and giving it a go so far so good in 10 min no mapserves yet.

    It all has upto date firmware, I have no home phone service I only use a cell. And I pimped out all the settings when I configured the router

    Thanks for all the help and I am gona play a few hours and see how it goes.
  12. ya I would go hardwired if I could but somone is sick of the computer on the kitchen table .

    It does have the max signal tho
  13. I have a netgear WNDR3700v3 router that I have used flawless for the last 4-5 months hardwired to my computer. I recently needed to move my computer to a different room and had to go wireless

    I am useing a dlink usb adapter to connect its the newest one out by them. And am constantly getting short mapserved messages that last from 10 sec to 2 minutes.

    do you think going with an internal wireless card will improve this or are the usb ones just as good ?
  14. Psygon_NA

    dual monitors

    one reason is I dont like window mode
  15. Psygon_NA

    dual monitors

    thanks worked like a charm
  16. Psygon_NA

    dual monitors

    i am new to having dual monitors. I like to play the game in full non window mode. How do I set it up so I can have a instance running on each monitor ?

    Or can I make a link on the #2 monitor to run it on windowed mode there and another shortcut to run it in full mode on the #1 monitor ?
  17. I dont recomend doing a charge back or you account will be perminantly banned I had a friend do that and the account was banned and has been for 3 ish years with many attempts to get it un banned.
  18. Thats the problem with that theory. When the price comes down its because there is something better
  19. the coolent does not heal the core any more in the respec mission lev 44 anyways
  20. I would just like to get the email's before the events are over.
  21. Psygon_NA

    firewall qustion

    is there a site like trendmicro to test the strenght of your firewall? or wireless internet connections ?

    I just installed a new wireless network and want to make sure its as secure as I can be for a non tec person.

    I did turn on the security passwords.
  22. This stuff makes me LOL

    Thanks for the comic relif