Cash (influence) for iTrials logs




The conference room was silent as those present studied the last slide in Dr Romanov's presentation. Like the petite russian, most seated around the table cluttered with all the minutia of any executive conference were dressed in business attire, but one or two wore the colorful spandex and mask of their “superhero” identity. Every member of the board of the Champion Foundation was or had been an active member of the superhero community of Paragon City. All of them had chosen to help support the Foundation's efforts to understand metahuman abilities at a level sufficient to provide advanced medical assistance when required. Many had done so in response to such assistance provided by Dr Romanov and the doctors and scientists who worked with her at some point in their careers.

The glowing red dot of a laser pointer speared onto the screen, and Yelena Romanov resumed speaking. “The trendlines are quite clear,” she stated firmly, her accent more noticeable than normal in this quiet private setting. “The 'incarnate' abilities have the same signature as the few readings we have on file from Statesman. They show marked increases of magnitude in every subject I have been able the examine.” Brief glances and knowing smiles were exchanged between a few of those present, the very “subjects” of whom she spoke. The focus of many of those glances quirked his trademark devil-may-care grin from the mustachioed and goatee'd face which had graced billboards, movie screens, and inspired the admiration and envy of martial arts enthusiasts for years.

Kevin Mason was better known as the costumed adventurer Bladesnow. Unlike some of those present he didn't make any particular effort to keep his civilian identity a secret, but then unlike Dr Romanov his alter ego was not common knowledge. “I didn't need all your tests to tell me that, Duskangel,” he said laughingly. “Years in the dojo; I knew my limits. The Well made them irrelevant.” He paused, then motioned eloquently toward the proposal lying open on the table before him. “You say you need more data. Hang the cost, my vote is we give you the resources you need to get that data.” Nods and murmured affirmations echoed around the table...
The Incarnate trials have brought unprecedented levels of power to the heroes of Paragon City. They have also brought nearly unprecedented levels of confusion to the players. A concerted effort has been undertaken by several forum members to understand the system which awards Incarnate salvage. Some results have been produced, but more log files are needed to generate statistically solid information.

To help in this effort, the Champion Foundation is offering in-game “research grants” for those willing to produce log files and email them for analysis. We will pay 1 million influence via in-game email to the character or global account of your choice for each log file containing trial data submitted to , to the limit of available funds – as of this announcement, the Foundation has 1 billion(10^9) influence available. Donations to the project can be made by contacting Bladesnow.

To enable chat logging, log in to the character you intend to run trials on, and open the options menu. Scroll down to the CHAT section, and find the fourth option “Log Chat”. Enable that. Also check to make sure you have the combat tab showing up somewhere in your chat windows.

Once you've completed the trials you wish to submit, go to the home directory of your CoH installation and find the logs folder then inside that the game folder – usually C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\logs\game. The file will be called chatlog (date).txt. Be aware that it contains any and all chat from all active tabs while you have logging enabled, if you are worried about this you should open the file up in notepad or the editor of your choice and delete the offending lines before emailing the logfile. You may find Tao's Log Cleaner useful for such cleaning.

By emailing your logfile to you implicitly grant the right to share that file among members of our analysis team and publish collated results. Incude your AT and powersets as well as who you wish payment emailed to. Please indicate if you wish to remain anonymous in any reports, and we will replace your character name with a subject number. Should you choose to participate, thank you for helping further the understanding of CoH.

Hunter's Forty-Sixth Rule: If your head explodes, you were thinking too much, otherwise you shouldn't worry about the possibility.