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  1. Kurrent

    Last Dance

    Arcanaville, thank you for everything you contributed to the game and its community. I hate statistics, mainly because I suck at them, but you did a great job of trying to put the esoterics of behind-the-scenes mechanics into a language we could sort of grasp. Plus you did it because you really enjoyed it, and that I appreciated even more. I never got to do much with you in-game, but I enjoyed the few interactions we had there and on the forums. I hope you find something equally fun and enjoyable in the future, and if CoX ever returns in some form or fashion, I sincerely hope to see you there.
  2. I have loved some of the devs that have come and gone at Paragon, but I honestly think that as of August 30th, 2012, we had the best development, marketing and community team that has ever existed in any online game.

    Dink and Tunnel Rat in particular were incredibly talented, considerate and gracious, and the work they and the rest of the team produced at the end was absolutely stunning. I can only hope that one day the game will return in some form and we'll be able to enjoy half the talent and cooperation we were blessed with in this game.

    Thank you for the amazing work all of you have done. We truly, deeply appreciate it, and I think most of us always will.
  3. My final problem with the Paragon Market is just that we can't buy the cool stuff we would have been getting in i24, just because they never had the chance to add SKUs to the costume pieces or powerset. Still had some reward points left over. Oh well.

    And watching the in-game market destabilize has been surprisingly depressing. I'm optimistic and still crafting and putting things up for sale, but seeing the prices jump up and down wildly really is like constant reminders that people are gone and systems are decaying.
  4. Trassy, I think you're right on the money with most of them.

    My guesses for the ones you weren't sure of...

    62-397=I think this one really is OB-EYS. Can't think of any other possible combinations.
  5. Looking at the first five, I had assumed Omega would provide a global level shift like Alpha, in addition to its power.

    I kept thinking that Omega was going to be something that transcended just simple buffs or powers, and I kept coming back to the very first mission in Ramiel's arc. After all, it was supposed to represent what we would ultimately become as an Incarnate, and it only made sense for those powers like the Unlimited Radial Freeeeem to reflect what we'd finally obtain with all ten Incarnate slots tricked out. Following those lines to their conclusion, I had guessed (and hoped) that Omega would make a portion of our damage output unresistable, probably 25% for T1 going up to 100% for T4. That would certainly be more transcendent than another click or toggle power, and it seemed a very fitting yet simple idea for the final Incarnate power.
  6. Lately the song that my mind has been associating with CoX, particularly given the impending closure, has been Starship's "We Built This City."
  7. Costume/character creator that takes the freeform mix-and-match parts approach like CoX's did with more attachment and customization points. Separate zones and pieces for upper arms and forearms. Separate zones and pieces for upper legs and lower legs. Attachment point for navel rings and jewelry.

    Decoupling costume parts and in-game stats, which CoX got exactly right. I shouldn't feel forced to wear an item which is totally wrong for a character just because it provides the best stats.
  8. I prefer to use a macro that takes two simultaneous screenshots, one with the GUI and one without. That way I can use whichever I like better.

    I bind my screenshot command to the Home key, so you can replace Home with whatever key you'd like:

    /bind HOME "screenshotui 1$$screenshot$$screenshotui 0$$screenshot"

    That should be easier for you. Hope it helps!
  9. I'm trying to figure out how many badges are possible to obtain for both a character who is only Hero alignment and one who is only a Villain. Has anyone taken the time to calculate this already? If so, I'd greatly appreciate your insight. Thanks!
  10. Not sure if Avatea counts as a dev or more of a community moderator like Zwill, but she was a redname. She took a job in China IIRC.
  11. Thanks, Scorpion. ALL the devs were wonderful, but you were one of the ones who stood out for trying to make the entire game experience better for all players. We appreciate everything you put into this game, and hearing some of the things you had planned to address puts a smile on my even with circumstances being what they are. I hope you land at a studio where you're truly appreciated, because you did one amazing job while you were here.
  12. Michelle,

    Thank you so much for making this. It's a brilliant video, and seeing that so many of those characters were your alts makes it even more amazing. It's lovely in a very haunting way, and it captures so much of what all of us are feeling now.

    I did, however, make the mistake of watching this at work, right before my first patient. Now I'm exerting some serious willpower to keep from crying in front of my staff.

    Beautiful job. You truly do make art in all senses of the word.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    SOMETHING doesn't add up here. I might never be able to prove it, and you might not believe it, but I personally believe that something fishy is going on inside the halls of NCsoft that we're not privy to, an ulterior motive at work. Something has changed the past few years, something I can't put my finger on, but something that I think isn't in the company's best interest. Unlike how I felt when the game launched, it's pretty obvious to me that gaming communities aren't exactly a priority at NCsoft now. That's not to say that sometimes they don't luck out with studios that provide awesome community relations folks like ours did and that sometimes we even get good GM support like we did. But in the big picture, I feel like NCsoft just doesn't know how to treat its customers well, and I for one won't be supporting their games in the future. Right now, it seems that those "long term goals" they referred to are to churn out a new shiny every couple of years or so, let it run for a little while, then burn it down and move on to something else. As a gamer, I have to say no thank you.
    Unfortunately, this feels very legit to me. Throw in NCSoft's fairly obvious anti-Western bias, and their utter lack of concern, lack of planning and preparation (as least in terms of Paragon and CoX players) and lack of interest in selling the CoX IP off suddenly makes more sense. They deliberately don't want CoX to live on.

    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Paragon was started as the left overs of Cryptic, NCSoft simply didn't like the lack of attention this game was getting and since they owned half of it they were simply looking out for themselves.
    This lack of attention issue continues to annoy me, because I think if NCSoft actually wanted CoX to become more profitable, they could have spent something on advertising to bring in more customers. Comics and superheroes are currently enjoying a renaissance and have been for the last two years, but when was the last time any of us saw a CoH or CoV ad somewhere? Four years ago? Maybe five?

    Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
    Oh I agree something doesn't add up. I have my own pet theory that somehow they gain a short term positive benefit from shutting down a game and or studio. But I have no idea what and my attempts at a coherent reason get shot down by people who say that it doesn't work that way. Maybe yes maybe no. But I'm convinced that NCSoft learned from their first shutting down of a game some trick that makes them a short term profit. And they keep going back to that well.
    I honestly hadn't considered this idea at all, but it makes a frightening amount of sense, especially if they were needing an infusion of cash quickly.

    I don't think there's any argument at this point that NCSoft deliberately wants CoX to go away. But we're still left with the big question, WHY? It obviously isn't related to concerns about profitability, because it was profitable still regardless of what numbers we look at. It might have something to do with needing cash quickly and CoX was just the most convenient resource to cannibalize, but that would be a loss of steady future revenue for a one-time shot of cash--not the best policy for a company wanting to stay in business.

    Sadly, and I hope I'm wrong, I think it comes to a motive that isn't economic at all. I think they're just tired of dealing with a game whose staff, support and players are predominantly North American, South American and European. What evidence do I have to base this on? None, it's purely conjecture. But it answers some of the questions that we can't otherwise answer logically.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MedicineWolf View Post
    Gamers talk with other gamers. And gamers can be VERY petty people...the type of people who boycott any and all of a company's products...in perpetuity. Should it happen as suggested, I've no doubt that NCsoft will never see another penny in the States, at the very least.)
    If things do end the way they have been going, with NCSoft's increasingly obvious contempt for its loyal customers, I expect exactly this kind of fallout in North America and much of Europe. They're pretty much telling us in no uncertain terms they could care less about our money, they just want CoH and Paragon swept away for some reason.
  15. I'd certainly be interested in talking to you. If you have any heroes on Liberty or villains or Triumph, I'd love to have you along one evening as well. This was a unique game, and I'll enjoy sharing it with others as long as the servers are on.
  16. The Infected in First Ward, particularly the Subjudgators. Those things are just horrifyingly nasty no matter your powersets or AT.
  17. The main reason people are fighting so hard to save CoH is that it's more than a game. It's our community. It's our version of Facebook, or MySpace, or Twitter, or Reddit. It's where we go to talk, to hang out, to pass information and connect with our friends. So...

    Has anyone approached NCSoft with the angle of saving CoH from that point of view? Facebook is a social media system where you can play games. CoH is a game witha social media system. The line between the two is blurrier than one would think at first glance. If I want to play games, I can fire up my PS3. If I want to have basic chat and IM, I can use the Playstation Network. But if I want to actually hang out with my friends and do stuff, there's nothing out there like CoH. NOTHING.

    If NCSoft simply kept CoH alive, no further development and only basic maintenance, the costs for doing so would be minimal: servers (which they already have), server space, skeleton crew for maintenance (which would most likely already be employed to maintain servers for other games as well, so no new hires would really be necessary), electricity (which is negligible, particularly if the servers are maintained at a central site). Many of us would still continue to pay monthly subscription fees to maintain access to the already existing VIP content, and CoH could still have many FTP customers pass through.

    What would the financial upsides be for NCSoft in keeping COH alive as social media? Well, ongoing subscriptions, to begin with. Ingame ads (which is an argument for another time, but bear with us for just a moment) could raise quite a bit of money. Ability to cross-promote their other products without advertising costs in the CoH world. Maintaining goodwill from the CoH community and the gaming community in general. Being the first to debut an innovative concept that will generate a tremendous amount of buzz in the online gaming community and a significant amount of mainstream mention as well.

    I think this is a possibility that someone needs to pitch to NCSoft. It has no risk of releasing property rights which someone else might make more profitable, very little financial risk or drain, a pre-built customer base, and it lets them look smart and caring instead of cold and aloof. It has almost certain profitability and potential to become much, much more. Facebook is one of the biggest software companies in the world, and CoH is a lot more fun. There's room to turn this situation in a win for both us as players (keeping our community) and NCSoft (maintaining steady profits as a definite with potential for greater profits).
  18. More than likely NCSoft will be pulling out of North America and possibly Europe in the future, so they can concentrate on Korea first and Asia second. They understand that market better and keep their efforts focused on their homefront.

    I think we were only an experiment to them, with mixed results in the end and profit margins insufficiently high enough to justify the ongoing hassle of putting up with us as players and employees.

    I'm done with NCSoft and their products forever. I will also do my best to make sure that my friends, my children and their children never support NCSoft. The only exception would be CoH returning in some form, which I'd pay to play happily as I have done for eight and a half years, and I don't see that happening. I'm afraid NCSoft will be nice and happy in the Asian market, and whatever we in North America, South America and Europe do will matter very little to them.
  19. Michelle, thank you again SO much for doing this. The fact that you're willing to put your time and effort into doing something like this lifts my spirit immensely. Nothing can ever bring back the loved ones we've lost, but as long as we remember them, they're never entirely gone. Thank you.

  20. I highly doubt this much planning and forethought went into the decision, but doesn't it seem like NCSoft waited until right before the single biggest, most eagerly anticipated update EVER to pull the rug out from under everyone?
  21. Kurrent


    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I would have had at least two separate devs on my side to tackle refactoring this part of canon, sigh.

    Except, Tim, that doesn't fully explain how its possible to devour or destroy a Well permanently. That would seem to be impossible under that theory.
    Yeah, this is still troubling me. Two of my questions which haven't been answered yet related to this. First, is Prometheus really Ermeeth? Second, Prometheus says in-game that the Well of Primal Earth used to be a person--who was it, and could another person ever take his/her place?

    Maybe we'll get more answers on these. If not, thank you immensely for clarifying as much as you did! I was most looking forward to diving deeper into Prometheus, the Well and the whole sordid history between them.
  22. Farthest I ever got on a character without a defeat was an Invul/Warmace Tank who made it to level 37 before the Envoy of Shadows took her down one-on-one. It was really fun, because whenever I was playing her after that, I never turned down an opportunity to fight him again, just because.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
    Would be kind of a trip if Dream Doctor's method for removing Hamidon from Praetoria and bringing down Ouroboros was to trap the one in the other.
    While that would be insanely efficient at eliminating at least one major threat, the potential destruction were either successful at claiming the other's power would be catastrophic. I don't see Dream Doctor, who in all our encounters with him comes across as a careful, methodical planner who doesn't like to move until he has covered all the possibilities, taking so huge a risk as to put PraeHami inside a temporal nexus with some incarnation of Nemesis.

    That IS a spectacular thought, though.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lord_Kalistoh View Post
    Who says they are not the same guy?
    I asked that question among my submissions earlier, if Prometheus and Ermeeth were one and the same.