Before the end.. may I present a No Die character
Awesome, congratulations.
Roguelikes and hardcore modes make game experiences much more intense. Great fun.
Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.
BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"
Justice Server, you say? Look up the Iron Eagles.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
What a great idea!

Contact me in-game: @CheeseSlicer
I have read the Iron Eagles thread for awhile now.
Always admired the thought and it helped me decide to do it.
My hat is off to you guys for I know how tough it is to do that.
Member of Team Awesome���
Justice Server
That's awesome.
What's the AT and Power Set?
-Hosun "Black Pebble" Lee
Help me beat Dr. Aeon! Follow me on Twitter.
Permadeath toons are buggers. It's Hardcore Mode from Diablo. It's like walking on eggshells.
And you did it coming through Praetoria. Bonus points for added difficulty at the low levels.
Impressive and crazy both.
My 50s:
Tigra Swipe (BS/SR/Dark Scrapper)
Galena Storm (Emp/Ele/Ele Defender)
Master Tolarin (Psi/Fire/Force Blaster)
I could never accomplish this. At some point I would get brave beyond my means and blow the whole deal.
Awesome job. I commend you, Quan Tee Fii XXI. You are a truly awesome hero.
Black Pebble,
The final Quan Tee Fii was a Dark Melee/Will Power Brute. I went for max survivablity by the time #21 came around.
The self heal coupled with the Regen allowed me to handle solo +0 * 2 with ease, *3 with caution, * 4 with some nail biting involved.
I also teamed a lot with the guys and we usually ended up around *8 but then again, we usually ended up dead that way too
I went through:
Finally settled on the DM/WP brute for the win
Member of Team Awesome���
Justice Server
I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

Farthest I ever got on a character without a defeat was an Invul/Warmace Tank who made it to level 37 before the Envoy of Shadows took her down one-on-one. It was really fun, because whenever I was playing her after that, I never turned down an opportunity to fight him again, just because.
Hello everyone,

Awhile ago I started a project with a few friends. It was called the No Die project.
Premise is simple. If your character suffers a defeat of any kind for any reason, you have to delete and start over from level 1.
Attempts were marked by adding a number after your name.
Case in point is the one character among us who made it to level 50 without suffering a single defeat!
Quan Tee Fii XXI
He had suffered through twenty previous attempts but lucky number 21 was it!
Note that within the yellow circle below damage taken and healing others, there is NO hint of having had to repay any debt!
BTW: A very good friend who was doing this as well once had to start over after his level 1 self destructed moving the button out of the way
Member of Team Awesome���
Justice Server