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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cosmic_Herald View Post

    Finally settled on the DM/WP brute for the win
    Pfft! That's easy mode!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    I was there for all those cept for the LGTF I think. Fun times.

    Hmm as for me...
    Winning my first PvP tournament. Finals were me on my em/elec brute and X on his ice/storm controller against a fire/em blaster (can't remember whos) and Neo's mind/ice dom.

    Beating X's ice/storm for the first time on my rad/psy.

    Pulling off clutch heals on my emp in any match. Felt so good.

    Making people rage in pvp on my fortunata (I was the cool fort that took tough/weave and no one could scratch it )

    Making people rage on my Peacebringer in pvp. And watching people roll PBs trying to copy me.

    All of my speed records. I'll always regret not using fraps more, I'm just glad Cam got one of them (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euK0vPcqdjM)
    All done before judgment/interface/lore/destiny, and all without use of temps:
    14:48 Tin Mage
    15:51 Apex
    14:43 ITF
    27:12 STF
    23:43 RSF (7 man)
    8:40 Villspec

    Getting called elitist trash by Amy for soloing the turrets in lambda (which quickly became the standard way to run lambda on champion)

    Nearly soloing a MoLGTF on my fire/em blaster (beat hamidon, and got the Honoree down to popping unstoppable before he ran me dry of insps (this was before judgement/interface etc)) Could probably have done it if I tried again, but soloing TFs was never really my thing.

    So much more to mention, but I think alot of things that were amazing in the past just don't have as much meaning now a days so I don't remember alot of stuff. For example way back when doing the RSF in 35 mins was considered hot stuff, now a days thats a joke though.
    I was there for a few of those, not sure which ones though.
  3. Bulwark of Darkness - Tanking LR on a MoSTF on a DM/SD scrapper, tanking Hamidon during an actual raid, tanking AM on a Keyes trial, tanking Tyrant on a Magi trial.
  4. Horusaurus


    Originally Posted by GlassGoblin View Post
    I developed a thick skin about min/maxers from GMing Champions back when it was first released. I made those bas-- players pay for every sleazy disadvantage they took. They rued the day they thought five DNPCs and a vulnerability to wood were workable.

    Oh, and I have always thought ED was a good idea. I don't have an opinion about the PVP changes, as I don't have a dog in that fight. So to speak.
    I was smarter than that, I spent my points very wisely, never took a disadvantage, kept a very open mind in what my powers could and couldn't do. Mind you this is in Mutants and Masterminds. Auto-hit telekinesis where I could move where the game ended, the moon, telekinesis force bubble that filtered out everything of my choice. So my GM threw invisible enemies at me. First round, of combat.

    Me: Okay...what's the ground like?

    GM: Huh? The ground?

    Me: Yes, what is the ground composed of.

    GM: Well you're outside, dirt, soil, rocks, the standard.

    Me: Okay, I'm going to do a massive upheaval of the earth in a 30' radius around me leaving a platform that is 3' wide.

    GM: ...I hate you...

    The following rounds got worse. He asked me to never make a character like that again. I took him up on it, as that character was mostly to see what I could do with it. The best part was that another one of our players could make himself into the Juggernaut. Fastball Special? We had Operation Meteor. *chucks him into the atmosphere then guide him to the proper target as he fell down* Okay, villain base is gone. Who is up for beers? Actually the entire hero group was pretty nuts. The first villain we fight we scared him into joining our group because we were crazier than he was. We forced a hero name on him and he "joined".
  5. Horusaurus


    Originally Posted by American_Knight View Post
    In game stuff:
    I routinely absorb alpha's on pretty much any character I have when the tanks are too slow or want to herd EVERY SINGLE MOB. Once they see my trick arror defender or traps corr taking over the role they think only they have a right to have, they usually whine and rage quit - much to the gratitude of the rest of the team who likes the faster pace I create.

    Good times. I will surely miss this game.
    This is a rule in the RdlV SG, aggro is a race, not a right, everyone is a tank, just make sure you can handle it. No we will not make sure you have the buffs to handle the job, yes we will buff you with what we have.
  6. Rise from your grave!

    Bulwark of Darkness - Those Who Fight - Nobuo Uematsu
    Focused Psyche - Nemo - Nightwish
    Lilith Ascended - Awe of She - Dasiku Ishiwatari
    Aether Blitz - Robot Rock - Daft Punk
    Mistress Hellflame - Bloodstained Lineage - Daisuke Ishiwatari
    Military Law - Omerta - Lamb of God
    Liquidate - Night of the Hunter - 30 Seconds to Mars
    Umbral Eve - Papermoon - Tommy Heavenly
    Titan Valkyrie - The Unsung War- Keiki Kobayashi
    Lady Frigg - Hurricane - 30 Seconds to Mars
    Hydrokinetic - Murmaider - Dethklok
  7. Horusaurus


    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    Crap, I forgot to mention Silas, and all that time he spent helping me level my characters.

    Was plenty of fun, and the conversation was great.

    - Kali
    Ah Jeebus, I forgot to thank Silas also. We are butts.
  8. Bulwark of Darkness- Dark/Shield/Fire scrapper. Oh man, when shield first came out I was goin' over all the power choices and dark just seemed to pair so well with shield. And was I ever right! I burned so many respects on this toon I ended up having to buy recipes to keep tweaking his build. The end result is pretty crazy and I'm insanely proud of it. I love scrapper and I always had a hard time rolling up a new one after this toon, I would keep comparing this toon to the new one and I'd want to go back to Bulwark to trash more stuff. I mean tanking MoSTFs, tanking Hami raid, heck this toon has done it all.

    Mistress Hellflame- Ah my beloved Fire/Dark/Dark corr. It's very busy and active play style but jeez do I love it. Seeing a large amount of mobs stuck in tar patch and rain of fire brings an evil gleam to my eye. Or if I debuff their tohit enough I'll dive in and fire off soul drain also to really wreak some havoc.

    Focused Psyche- I always wanted a ranged toon but no mez protection bugged me. But then a friend showed me what fortunatas were all about and jeez are they awesome. Moderate damage, insanely high defenses where you just have to stand next to someone to get them more than halfway to softcap and some controls? This toon was my official badge toon, not sure why I decided that.

    Honorable Mention- Liquidate Claws/Nin stalker, Titan Valkyrie Titan/WP scrapper, Hydrokinetic Water/MM blaster, Lilith Ascended Mind/Fire dom, Umbral Eve dark/dark dom, Military Law soldier of arachnos
  9. Horusaurus


    I joined CoH back on June 4, 2007. I do not regret a second of it. A friend of mine pushed me to play it as I was looking for a new game at the time. So I hit up the local Gamestop and pick up a Good vs Evil bundle. I come home and install it. One long installation later I'm finally in Atlas Park on a Spines/Regen scrapper. He's since been long retired and alted over to a Dark/Shield as my main but my Spines is still sitting there in retirement.

    Ever since then I've laughed, cried, gotten angry, laughed, made sarcastic posts, scrapperlocked, laughed and today I'm literally at a loss for words. As Cobalt so eloquently put it, City of Heroes became less of a game and more of it provided me with friends and people I consider family. It's funny to think that I picked Champion server on a whim. I was scrolling through the server selection when I first logged on. I didn't want a red server as those always had lag issues. I see Champion sitting at a nice healthy yellow glow. The best server in CoH I can say without a doubt and I'm happy I made that decision. I've met some of the best people I've known there which leads me to super groups.

    There is one super group that once I found it would be my home and my family. Renaissance de la Veritas. Once I was in there I knew I had found home. The entire SG was a blast and because of them they made CoH that much better for me. I would start to list them all but to be honest I would probably forget a few so I'll just that I love all of you guys. But at the heart of the SG is Amy, she really brought it all together. She'll always be one of my best friends and there's no way I can thank her enough for bringing me in. The Stoned Templars is another group that I really can't go without mentioning also, a very good group of people and I'll be sad to see them go.

    Also brings me to Cobalt Azurean, friend and enemy to a lot of people. But I won't lie, I consider him a brother. People made fun of me for sticking up for him while basically in the wolves den at certain points but y'know I'd do it all over again. Cobalt, stay true, stay blue. /e brofist

    So as my little spiel slowly comes winding down, all I can say is that I'm still in shock over the suddenness of this. It's unrealistic for me to hope that it changes but I also hate to give up hope. So until the doors of Paragon City close, I'll be there, saving the world with my friends.
  10. I was sold long ago on this set, now I'm solder...solderest...soldededed...TAKE MY MONEY! /Fry
  11. Horusaurus

    Duck Melee

    I ducking hate you all
  12. Horusaurus


    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    Synapse and Arbiter Hawk are the Power Guys (it's a dynamic duo with 50/50 ownership now.)
    And I'll have no sass goin' in their direction, those two have been just fanfreakin' amazing. All the new power sets simply awesome and not to mention the fixes they've done and the ones coming up.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Yeah, re-makes can be a good thing. Like the Amazing Spiderman, which was much better than the old Spiderman movie. Quite possibly because it didn't have Toby 'One Face' Maguire in it...

    But......eeeugh....Hollywood is more stagnant than a mouldy swamp in a bad B movie now...
    Still not as bad as Bayformers 4 will be, though ¬¬
    There has been talk of Spielberg possibly taking it over. *crosses fingers*
  14. *looks at the next Ninja Turtles movie, lets out a slow sigh and walks away slowly*

    How the pancake does Michael Bay keep getting work? Really? He has the freakin' touch of death on movies. I can literally count on one hand how many of his films I'd consider actually enjoyable...
  15. Horusaurus


    Well the way I figured out Hybrid was by going the definition, Genesis is the light of creation. The light part may not fit in so lets just with creation. What can we create?

    We can already create allies with lore, although lore is the history of what we fought and now call their essence to fight for us. Interface, when going over the definition the one I found the most fitting is the facts, problems, considerations, theories, practices, etc., shared by two or more disciplines, procedures, or fields of study: the interface between chemistry and physics. IE your attack did this before, now using interface it does this and this. Judgement is easy to figure out, and the judge rules smite. Destiny is a bit more odd with it's naming but going along with it's meaning, a foretold event to take place, so you create/alter destiny with this power, (higher tiers means your further altering the path). Hybrid I figured out long ago what it was before it came out, hybrid, combining two unlike things, what seemed most likely were AT effects, that's what we got.

    What makes genesis so hard for me to figure out is the insanely broad definition. Genesis, the creation, coming into being, the origin. Perhaps origin is the keyword? Maybe the Genesis of our character is what we're looking for? Maybe themed genesis powers based on origins? Circling back to creation, there are so many possibilities of what we could create that I find it incredibly hard to think of what it could be. Now one thing I did think of was Posi talking about the temp power bar and how it'd be used when we used alternate forms/piloted/temps/etc. We already know khelds use said bar for their alternate forms, what if Genesis is literally creating a new form for ourselves? Grow giant? Pilot a mecha? Transform into some beast/form/etc. that's grandiose and comes with it's own powers? But all just conjecture.

    Edit: Although now that I think about it more, a transformation power seems more likely to be in vitae if by going the definition and the course of incarnates scaling up the higher the trees go.
  16. Some alterations, this is assuming you go the mile for your builds for accolades and at least an alpha.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    |78DA65935B4F134114C767DBAD94DECBAD5C6D2942A1B54B2 BA8F116132C2286262|
    |424BE19B2B643BBB096A65D1478F32B68A2EF2A5E5EFC346A E287F0F2E40DB19EEE|
    |F9171ABB69F33B73CEFC67CE9C3993DFCDF9DE2D3DBA2E94C 00D53AFD7D7D70A35B|
    |D5A9535777EC7D22D63BB22E88BE474A3BE57D8B12C598BE5 6A52BF1F5BD831CC62|
    |17C5A22DC57A5E9A526A8BA62C5835A3A09BEC3889E7E486A CD4A5B65636A4596C0|
    |DC3CB95B2ACC98AA5B50CFFEAF6B6A9DD344A65CBA8943CF6 68AD2A6531689B2B52|
    |2FCA5ABD6C547DAD7195E6F52C568D82B660EAFB723DAFD72 9D3BD414A2F49FFEF7|
    |E81AFE1121B84AC2A1C25B0CC741B4CCF26B80536B58AAD75 8A10197155A8BD601F|
    |D3D7CFFCE1C754D1509507C2F69D7AC80CEC827BCCD03ED34 B1A27D67762FD5358D|
    |FFDDFFA3E9AEBE2B9AA6B918C842A7A96C12566DF6DF016F3 1769BA9053D725877D|
    |A681CBCCC12BE055E6F035A69F34DDBC8FD29D6AD6C12D465 35C8F9F14F3A296DE9|
    |70E3B36FC967513073C9E7DC5E3D9D7CCEC1BA64289F05534 84BF419F08D030A828|
    |B62738CE3B1C922F8C1DC21B5CA5D112F3741934C04D666C8 BE9A41D7A59ABF4466|
    |8DD318A9D73DAB120ADDBCFA712FD4D63906E90E647D8E788 A0FAE3A8FA04AA1EA7|
    |3943A8C610AA3101862936C231D78887D78C0514FB1CE341D 0C74C7A99693F7380B|
    |463C8670CF91C518E519C3D7AE8B0F73FF3073C02FF32A71A A0E0F385491B87360E|
    |ED14B4096813D026A09D81F6396927D18593EF1D76DDD29F9 8D90FE047E60B9A3B8|
    |D8E9A4EF3CDCE68E02C339901B3CC03D2A4A049CDB1EFEC3C 781EBCC04C5F443751|
    |7D34748B96E6DE08D13A19D42C837E19558F5F37FD9A5D155 58FDF6C23D911CD747|
    |8B21D9EB90ECF7C8767A5C3B3AA1EBF7FA1D89EEE906856D8 CEE4B387A2C85DC179|
    |BEB6FBEE705F7C69F74DF3BC6F273EA7F298EB137A8AD7FC0 4AFED1973D5D3EC54D|
  17. I took a stab and made a few tweaks.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    |78DA6594D952134114867BC8B085AC1092002121211020242 4EAA555960A5A25894|
    |6B1F4CA4A8DA181B162929AC4854B1FC0A500F5055C6F7C10 D747F0056451EFDCC6|
    |C39C9F24559982FA7A4E9FEEFFEF73D293BFBFE87877FEC12 9A1B8CE96B57ABDB85|
    |232B45A4D1A7DF93B0DADA1572B821E574EBBB7AEDF95C6C4 55BDA1557A29143A4A|
    |2CE66559CAB43551BC2EB55AB5528F342717E59AACD4657AA 92C4B0D432F154F1BB|
    |7AB867014AAD5723A47D97A65DD69BD9CD3D7371AF466B7DE 566A52AEBA8FB256A5|
    |51DFD06BDEA59A5E4A9FA9AE6E16F35ABD218DCD203949D2F FC380C063AAA24088A|
    |9A2EB327885A9AE803A31AB8A6F4EA262ADB189180D12AAE8 0933FBA2E024739772|
    |15E42A2709AA1076D011E5FD5CE023F262632FDDB6DF5D56A CE73042F4FFE1F7E05|
    |FF01F73D464EE914E3774BAE1C50E0F0E7874C1DB63D2E985 4EEF7BDE3FF405FCC8|
    |0CDF624F619C39BCC6DC279D7EE8F443C783FD47B1FF3C749 F90CE0074065EB04FD|
    |F5BE6C44BF015F89A197DC30C904127AF15CE19D6F653CCCD DAC23DAC58B1034AF2|
    |72ACCB7B8CBD0F062930AE8AC900738B7C0CC1C7D027CE99F C0C7E60C671DE38CE1|
    |BC77915D21C868F61931E61A348001508A002519C3C8A934F A3222AE58EC0DD888F|
    |1D4F7B409C609BDC8DC1DD18BA9E40B713E87602DD9E45B76 7F1ABF84EA71FE7FDD|
    |5F165DE6FF61273AE005E04F3CC1DD28B402F02BD79E8CD43 2F05BD14F452D0FB41|
    |7A31742096E20AFDA4D894751D4CDBD416E72F6C833BCCEC5 3668CEA31C3EB95992|
    |4AF5F00BD349744AD92A85516B5CAA2564394934637D2B835 3E8A6510CB202FA436|
    |6F35FD1D762DA236EFAC39D7319BE988643B22C75B3BD0EDE 5F39CE8C8CA75440A2|
    |A965144B122FD9EE63D3777EDCDEF835050D1FD564C51AEE1 8E5D60EEB5E7E35E1C|
    |D8DBBE31E8C0203AE07BC6F43F677E6D7DEFCC82FD5081C73 7DAC65ADBF866DBF89|
  18. 1.To ninja run and combat jumping, no, they don't want the purchase travel powers to totally replace actual power pools, so incredibly unlikely to happen.

    3. wat, you can easily get 5 stacks in 20 seconds. What is this I don't even...

    And most of all, why is this in the beta forums? This has nothing to do with beta. This should go in the requests section.
  19. My vote is for Positron, all those poor heroes pummeled and he stands there watching, unhelping simply because it does not net him any xp.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
    *clears throat*


    I have villain characters. Have since CoV launch, thank you very much. The Arachnos-trained assassin, the unwitting demon summoner taken over by her charge, etc. etc. I sympathize with the villain lobby, certainly.

    Will some people be able to "conceptualize" a fugly, dirty hockey mask and chainsaw into a kitty-saving hero? Absolutely. Thus is the power of this community and the imagination of superpowered fans.

    However, will the vast majority of everyone else make Jason Voorhees and Casey Jones? Yes. Overwhelmingly yes.

    Mad Max: Crazy dude with a gun.
    Ash: Crazy dude with a bigger gun. (Don't get me wrong, I love Bruce Campbell. Marvel Zombies appearance notwithstanding, Ash is not a superhero. He's a heroic character. There's a difference.)
    Casey Jones: Stoner with a hockey stick who somehow manages not to get killed fighting ninjas.
    Jason Voorhees: Badly psychologically damaged serial killer with mommy issues and a big knife who hunts white people who act like they, too, are mentally damaged.

    Maybe I'm having a crisis of inspiration because of my recent glut of well-conceived magical/technologic/science-based character creation and my creative juices are momentarily tapped, but I stand by these costume themes as not the best use of Dink's significantly amazing design abilities.

    "Well, Timmy, you can have any super power you want! You can fly, set people on fire, move stuff with your mind! What do you want to do?"

    "I wanna crawl through a dumpster and hit things with a golf club!"

    ...works better if it were released during the Halloween event. This is a "Zombie Invasion Survival" set, if anything.
    You know, just because every costume set isn't your cup of tea doesn't mean you need to hate on it and say it's rubbish. I thought the animal pack was rubbish, I just avoided the thread and never bought the pack. Easy enough. People want this. I want this. You're just coming in to be antagonistic as far as I can tell. You've yet to say anything constructive other than "ugh, I hate this set" or "this doesn't go with any x concept!"
  21. OMG DO LIKE. You've made me so happy, Dink!