Screenshots with GUI




Has anyone been able lately to get GUI screen shots?

When ever I try pasting Screenshots from the clip board I get nothing but a black square. I know i seen people do this before but I wondering if I have issue myself or powers that be have change things to forbid the GUI shots. what I really like copies of is my character Ids so I can remember them later, maybe in a screen saver. I running Windows 7 and been trying to paste into paint.

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



It started happening with Window Vista and continues for many with Windows 7.

I don't get that myself, but I usually have to copy the image and paste it to the clipboard twice. The first time gets me an image from the buffer that is usually somewhere around 7 to 10 seconds prior to the image I wanted. The second time I get the actual image.

For those that only get the black screen when they paste, it is recommended to use the Windows Snipping Tool that is built into the OS.

You can find brief instructions at ParagonWiki on the Screenshots page. Just scroll down until you find the section headed Vista Clipboard Alternative: Snipping Tool.

There is a post in one of the stickied threads in the Multi-Media Fan Creations section that goes into a bit more detail, but I'll let you look it up given that starting point.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Daimyo_Shi View Post
Has anyone been able lately to get GUI screen shots?

When ever I try pasting Screenshots from the clip board I get nothing but a black square. I know i seen people do this before but I wondering if I have issue myself or powers that be have change things to forbid the GUI shots. what I really like copies of is my character Ids so I can remember them later, maybe in a screen saver. I running Windows 7 and been trying to paste into paint.

Are screenshots NOT showing up in the Screenshots folder underneath your CoH directory?

You shouldn't have to cut and paste anything.

By default, screenshots are without UI.

If you want a screenie with the UI

/macro SS-UI, screenshotui 1

After you run the macro, you'll take only screenshots with the UI until you turn it off or exit the game.

/macro SS-NoUI, screenshotui 0

This will turn it off so when you get screenshots you have no UI.

/macro SS, screenshot

Does the same thing hitting PrtScrn should do. Captures a JPEG screenshot to your Screenshots directory.

/macro SSTGA, screenshottga

Grabs a screenshot in a lossless TGA format. Better suited if you're going to be manipulating the image extensively as you won't have to deal with compression artifacts.

If you're just grabbing screenies of static scenes, you can also use the Snipping tool and grab all or part of the screen. Then you can save it directly to a format of your choice.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Thanks for the help.

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



I went into Options --> Keymapping -- and near the bottom where it talks about camera, chose the version that saves Screenshots as .jpg . You can also pick which key you want to make the screenshot (I favor "Insert") at the to of my keyboard.

Then, on your "C" Drive, pick "Program Files" -- NCSoft --> City of Heroes --> Screenshots, and they should end up there. From there, you can save them into your "C" drive Pictures (or My Pictures) folder.

I took screenshots yesterday, and they turned out fine.

Good luck.



I prefer to use a macro that takes two simultaneous screenshots, one with the GUI and one without. That way I can use whichever I like better.

I bind my screenshot command to the Home key, so you can replace Home with whatever key you'd like:

/bind HOME "screenshotui 1$$screenshot$$screenshotui 0$$screenshot"

That should be easier for you. Hope it helps!



Originally Posted by Kurrent View Post
I prefer to use a macro that takes two simultaneous screenshots, one with the GUI and one without. That way I can use whichever I like better.

I bind my screenshot command to the Home key, so you can replace Home with whatever key you'd like:

/bind HOME "screenshotui 1$$screenshot$$screenshotui 0$$screenshot"

That should be easier for you. Hope it helps!

ANNNND I wish that I'd realized you could DO this, 7 years ago... O.O

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