Texas Justice

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Athalwolf View Post
    Stupid question but if CoX is going away why is there a meet and greet a week after it's killed off?
    Getting to meet players who shared an interest in the same game.


    Getting to meet Black Pebble and talk to him in person rather than just chatting on a public forums.

    Why not?

    As for why it's after the game closes, well, that was the date when most people could make it.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor_Gemini View Post
    At the launch and for some time after you could only be level 1 if you chose not to level up, since you'd exit the, originally mandatory, tutorial with the xp to level to 2.
    Since the trainers were in GC and AP, when you left Outbreak you were still level 1 even though you had enough XP to train up to Level 2.

    Therefore, if you choose GC as your starting zone when leaving Outbreak you would still be level 1 when you arrived there.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Organica View Post
    These two characters were created in the days before you could actually be level 1 in Galaxy City. ^_^
    You've been able to be Level 1 in Galaxy City since the game launched. It was one of the two available starting zones for characters leaving Outbreak.

    I have a few characters that started in GC and I know of several people that always started in GC since it wasn't as busy as AP.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by momentary_grace View Post
    I think that would be

    Saturday, December 1, 2012 at 8:59 AM

    I used this:

    That looks to be the correct time. Norway is 7 hours ahead of Texas right now, so adding 7 hours to 1:59 AM gets 8:59 AM.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
    You will be able to play until 11:59:59PM on November 30, 2012. Servers will go down at midnight.

    I'm sorry for the confusion. Midnight is a tricky time to have something like this happen. I'll update all communication we've posted about this.

    =-> Jessie
    Since the original announcement was listing Pacific time this update should still be in Pacific time. So, until 1:59 AM Central Time Saturday Morning.

    Apparently he forgot to correct the posting in the Announcements section.
  6. As a non-VIP player the only sections you can post in are the sections labeled ALL ACCESS in the name of the forum section.

    Those sections are as follows:

    ALL ACCESS: Gameplay / Technical Issues & Bugs

    ALL ACCESS: Player Questions

    ALL ACCESS: City Life - CoH & CoV General Discussions

    ALL ACCESS: Suggestions and Ideas

    Rangle already gave you the link for the In-Game Event Schedule discussion.
  7. You don't even need that manual for those credits.

    All you need is internet access.

    City of Heroes credits

    City of Villains credits

    City of Heroes: Going Rogue credits

    Of course, as Alpha Wolf said, the credits are over two years old. Several of the final dev team aren't listed and several that are listed were no longer with PS at the time of the closing of the studio.
  8. OpenGL isn't a game engine, it's a graphics API just as DirectX is a graphics API (although DirectX is more a collection of API's including the graphics API).

    The Cryptic engine used by CoH was written to use OpenGL just as other games and some other game engines were written to use OpenGL as the graphics API.

    There is more to a game engine than just the graphics API.
  9. As long as her first line on meeting Gibbs isn't "Hello Sweetie!" I think we'll be okay.
  10. I regularly backup my CoH folders just for cases like these.

    I installed a new SSD and it made it a snap to reinstall the game by having those backup files.

    Install Launcher. Start installing Live game from Launcher. Let it run for about a minute. Stop installing. Copy files from backup to folder. Let it Repair and get into the game.

    Same thing worked for Beta.

    Since there wasn't an option for the Test server on the Launcher I just used something similar to what Leandro did only I used /LaunchGame=CoHTest instead and once it started installing I let it run for a bit, copied the files to the folder from my backup and then ran a Repair.
  11. Texas Justice

    Ski Chalet

    Originally Posted by Nyght_shade View Post
    The Ski Chalet has been brought up independently of the Winter Event before. In fact, it had been up for about a month before the Winter Event. And there are techs who can fix problems, such as when Virtue went down last Sunday.

    So I'm still hopeful that someone will notice and reset the Chalet.
    Restarting the servers is a different thing that turning an event off or on or setting code to make the Chalet accessible.

    I'm not sure the ones left manning the servers have the access to turning on the code to make the Chalet accessible.
  12. It started happening with Window Vista and continues for many with Windows 7.

    I don't get that myself, but I usually have to copy the image and paste it to the clipboard twice. The first time gets me an image from the buffer that is usually somewhere around 7 to 10 seconds prior to the image I wanted. The second time I get the actual image.

    For those that only get the black screen when they paste, it is recommended to use the Windows Snipping Tool that is built into the OS.

    You can find brief instructions at ParagonWiki on the Screenshots page. Just scroll down until you find the section headed Vista Clipboard Alternative: Snipping Tool.

    There is a post in one of the stickied threads in the Multi-Media Fan Creations section that goes into a bit more detail, but I'll let you look it up given that starting point.
  13. I don't recall being granted permissions to join, but I've been a member for some time so things may have changed.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Clawstriker View Post
    Strangely enough, that's somewhat untrue.

    I've actually seen certain things on beta costing PP. But these tend to be enhancement sets that you can buy individually for free, so I think it's just the devs getting lazy with adjusting the costs there.

    understandable, given how many times they'd have to change them.
    So far I haven't seen anything with a cost of anything other than 0 PP, but I haven't looked at every item on Beta.

    The most likely explanation (if there are items with a cost other than 0 PP on Beta) is this:

    Since there are no devs to adjust the prices they were likely items that were scheduled to go into the store before the Sunset Announcement was made. Prices were likely set so that when they finally went to Live they wouldn't have to be adjusted.

    They would have then automatically appeared in the store when scheduled but since no devs remained with the permissions to access the items they went in with their prices set at what they were planned for on Live.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Wait, how do we do that? We don't have access to that account...?

    You join the DA group #CityofHeroes.
    You Submit the art to the group and choose that section as where to Submit it to.

    Mine was already submitted to the Heroes section. If someone with the permissions on the group wants to move it that's fine.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    Actually, if I remember correctly, COH was decently bug-less on launch and the irony was that it become more addled the more it got updated.
    Not really. Yes, it's gotten worse as more updates were added, but plenty was broken at launch.

    TF's were screwed up to the point of being unable to complete them. I actually stopped playing Texas Justice waiting for them to fix several of those problems with TF's but eventually wound up skipping Posi and Synapse. I think the first TF we did run (friends and SG mates) was Sister Psyche and it still had issues.

    Quite a few missions were unable to be completed. Both in TF's and in regular contact missions. Detective Jose Brogan was nicknamed Broken Brogan by several.

    There were a lot of geometry hole's in the world. Some were almost impossible to get out of without GM assistance.

    There are still problems in the game that have been there since launch (possibly even from Beta).

    At the Bay Area M&G in 2010 they introduced one of the new employees. They told us that they told him he could work on any bug he wanted to as his first project. He picked one of the ones that's been there since before launch. The determination he came to was that it could not be fixed without breaking way too many other things in the game that would not be trivial to repair. From the way it was told, it seemed several other people had tried to take on that task in the past and come to the same conclusion which is why it is still an unfixed bug.
  17. Texas Justice

    Devs moving on

    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Updated the OP. Hmm.... I wasn't aware that Capcom created anything in the USA - I thought it was all about distribution, translation, and platform certification.

    They've come under fire lately but I won't bring all that up here.
    Vancouver isn't in the USA.

    It's in Canada, eh.
  18. Happy Birthday!

    Hope you have a great day.
  19. Texas Justice

    Devs moving on

    Well, Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney is on the move northward, eh.

    Congratulations on the new job with Capcom Vancounver.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    Thanks for the kind thoughts gang. I'm still not sure which of the 5 stages of grief I'm on since the studio shut down, but it's whichever one that hits when you realize that the nearest 7-11 is a stateline away.

    I don't mean to nitpick, but I'm technically not a dev, but I am a member of Paragon Studios. Devs are the folks like Matt and Tim who do the real work, I just make them look good on a shoestring budget.

    Though many would say that I'm a backseat wanna-be designer at heart....
    You show up on the Dev Digest. For a short time you showed up on both Community Digest and Dev Digest. But now it's just on Dev Digest.

    That says it all.
  21. Texas Justice

    Devs moving on

    I don't have Jeff or Phil on my FB friends list. I just looked at their FB pages and LinkedIn pages to get the info.

    You don't have to be on the friends list if they have their profile set to public.
  22. Texas Justice

    Devs moving on

    Andy Maurer is Online Engineer at Sledgehammer Games.
  23. Texas Justice

    Devs moving on

    Destin Bales is a Senior Producer at Riot Games.

    Neal Kettler is a Software Architect at Riot Games.

    Jason Lee is a UI Engineer at Storm8.

    Those aren't names most players are familiar with, and I'm not sure how much Neal worked on CoH. He may have been on the other project at the time the studio was closed.
  24. Texas Justice

    Devs moving on

    Leo "Honey Badger" Braz de Cunha is an FX Artist at Gazillion Entertainment.
  25. Texas Justice

    Devs moving on

    Jeff "Arbiter Hawk" Hamilton has landed at Cryptic Studios as a System Designer as well.

    He's working on STO and Neverwinter.