The Immortal Game: The Last City of Heroes Story
I know where you are going with this. ^_^
Well, you have me intrigued. Killer last line.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Interesting. How exactly would one contribute to this?
Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.
Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.
NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.
I, for one, am extremely intrigued. Barring being at work, I will definitely attend this event on beta.
@Olympia XLI - 102 months and counting until the end!
Chicks dig giant robots.
SDCC 2010 Sketch by David Nakayama: my most venerable brute, Handle Smasher
Count me in!
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
is the beta server the test server? I've never been on it - how do I get there?
Already transferred.
I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.
I approve of this plot.
Very nice.
is the beta server the test server? I've never been on it - how do I get there? |
Reposting the instructions here:
If you have NCsoft Launcher and Beta installed. 1. Run the NCsoft Launcher shortcut to get the latest update. 2. Double-click CITY OF HEROES BETA in the NCsoft Launchers game list to play. If you do not have NCsoft Launcher but have COH Beta installed. 1. Click the NCsoft Launcher link: 2. Click Download Now. 3. Follow the instruction to install the NCsoft Launcher. 4. The NCsoft Launcher will start at the end of the installation. 5. Double-click CITY OF HEROES BETA in the NCsoft Launchers game list to play. If you have NCsoft Launcher but do not have COH Beta installed. 1. Run NCsoft Launcher shortcut to get the latest update. 2. The NCsoft Launcher will start. 3. Create a copy of the NCsoft Launcher desktop shortcut. 4. Right click on the new shortcut and open the Properties option. 5. In the Target window, add the following flag to the end of the line: [space]/LaunchGame=CohBeta 6. Run the shortcut. 7. The NCsoft Launcher will open, starting a City of Heroes Beta installation. 8. Click Install. 9. If you are on Windows Vista or Windows 7, confirm the UAC prompts. (if UAC is turned on). 10. After the installation completes, double-click CITY OF HEROES BETA in the NCsoft Launchers games list to play. |
Also, I've heard even non-VIP players can get onto Beta now. I tried with a non-VIP account I have and noticed that a) I could log into Beta and b) I was limited to two slots on Beta, just like I would be on live. Players that think they do not have access to Beta but have not tried recently should retry just to make sure. You may be able to get onto Beta even if you are not VIP and see what we have planned, or alternatively see what I24 would have looked like.
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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
The Immortal Game
Part Two: The Kings Gambit
Marcus Cole looked out upon the vast sea, upon which the structure he stood upon rested. It was beautiful, in an antiseptic way. Not like his beloved Praetoria. The city he protected and the people he nurtured. The city he destroyed, and the souls he consumed. He took a powerful breath and sighed.
"I will be missed. They will believe I have escaped."
"You will not be missed. When you return, you will return to the moment you left. No one will notice your absence."
Cole continued to look out towards the setting sun, if it was indeed a sun. "I know of you, Eisenstadt. Or should I say "Lord Nemesis." I have read of your exploits on Primal Earth."
"Lord Nemesis is dead. I am Mender Silos."
"Quibbling over names is silly."
"If you insist, 'Tyrant'" Silos replied.
"You are here because I have a proposal for you."
Cole paused, and then his gaze narrowed. "Nemesis or not, I do not trust you."
"I am not asking for your trust. There is a great threat approaching."
"I know of it" Cole replied testily. "Your precious 'Incarnates' have brought down all I struggled to create. I am now powerless against the Coming Storm. What could you possibly want from me?"
"I want to give that power back to you."
"Indeed?" Cole raised his brow. "Are you insane?"
"It appears to be communicable."
"I see. And how do you intend to do this? And to what end?"
"The Incarnates will not have the strength to repel the Coming Storm."
Cole snorted. "Only now do you realize this?"
"Don't be smug. You would not have been able to do so either. No: the problem is that the Battalion have grown too strong to defeat by purely defensive measures. Perhaps in time we can come up with a way to defeat them permanently, but in the meantime our priority must be to protect humanity from the Battalion, and deny them the Well of the Furies."
"And how do you propose to do this? Or rather how do you propose I do this?"
"The power of the Well will not be enough. We will seek to merge it with an even greater power." Cole started to speak, but decided against it, preferring to listen. "Have you heard of the being known as Rularuu?"
"I have heard of it. It is an almost omnipotent being, but it is flawed: its power trapped in a kaleidoscope of fractured shards. It cannot help us."
"On our Earth, there was a man named Darrin Wade. He sought to use the power of the Well of the Furies to merge with and control the essence of Rularuu. He killed our Marcus Cole and absorbed his potential to do it. He almost succeeded."
"You seek to have me succeed where he failed. And why would you trust me to do as you require once I gain omnipotence?"
"Two reasons. One: the merging is unstable. You will not be able to maintain it indefinitely, and if you try to do so the power will splinter you as it did Rularuu. You will be as Rularuu is now. For you, I think that is a fate worse than death."
"And the second reason?"
"I know of you as well, Cole. I knew your counterpart on my Earth, but I also know of you. I understand, as most will never understand, why you did what you did. You are an insane man, as I was once insane." Silos raised his hand as Cole started to speak "I won't argue the point, except to say I know your actions on Praetoria haunt you. I know the souls you tried to use haunt you. I know *she* haunts you. In time, you would realize the folly of your actions. Time we don't have."
Silos now turned to Cole. "You want to know it was all worth it. You want a legacy. You're willing to kill for it. I know you're willing to die for it. I know if I give you a chance to be the savior of humanity, you will take it."
Silos turned back to look out across the landscape. "You really have no choice." Silos did not need to see the look on Cole's face to know he had hit home.
"Tell me your plan."
Silos described his plan, or at least Cole's part in it. "This will not work" Cole said when he was finished.
"Of course it will work. If you do what is required."
Cole stared at Mender Silos and seemed to study his face for a long time. "On my world, Gerhardt Eisenstadt died an unknown maker of clocks and toys. It seems I was fortunate in that regard."
"I will take that as a compliment, Cole."
"You realize that even if your plan works, there's a problem. I will be busy using the power of the Well of the Furies and Rularuu to effect your plan. I will not be able to assist you in your battle with the Battalion. You may yet fail before I can bring this to a close. And even beyond that, you are beset with an enormous problem. The Battalion may yet come for you."
"Oh, I have an idea there."
[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
Count Seismecca in.
If the universe ends how is she supposed to harass heroes?
The Immortal Game
Part Three: Removing the Pin
The sun was slowly setting, its auburn disk seeming to merge with the horizon and then slowly descend below it. Mender Silos had lived through a billion sunrises and sunsets, and yet had actually seen so few of them. He could not remember the last time he had stopped to experience one. He could not remember the first time he had stopped to experience one. And though time grew short, he decided that for the last time, perhaps, he would pause to take one in.
The Earth rotated about its axis, and as it did his position upon the Earth's surface changed the radial orientation of his sightline relative to the Sun. The atmosphere altered the Sun's radiation in complex ways, scattering, diffracting, and absorbing photons in a calculable way. There were only a few islands here, north of Peregrine Island, and the Sun slowly dipped below the flat, calm ocean. As the Sun disappeared below the horizon, the man once known as the Prussian Prince of Automatons reflected upon the clockwork mechanics of the world he was about to destroy. To save the world, he would have to destroy it, although that task ultimately was in the hands of another. But there was still a problem in his hands. At best, the plan conjured by the Dream Doctor was flawed. There were many ways it could fail. Which is why the Dream Doctor entrusted it to him. He did not want the Mender, he wanted the Schemer. And Silos would deliver him.
The sky had turned black, and the stars were now visible. They moved slowly in arcs reflecting the rotation of the Earth; too slowly for most people to notice, but not too slowly for Silos who followed their motion for many minutes. As the moon illuminated the landscape, Silos realized that it was only at this moment that he decided to take this final step; the one that would forever seal his fate. The Dream Doctor would never approve, of course, but that was always a problem with those like him: they were rarely willing to do all that was necessary. He was, and one look into Cole's eyes was all it took for him to know it of Cole, and Cole to know it of him. It was something only those of their ilk could truly understand, and truly recognize in others.
It was time. He took one final look at the world he would probably never see in the same way again, and then he was gone.
He appeared in a flash within a dark space. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the very dim light that was shimmering around him. Phosphorescent moss glowed with a soft, muted aura. Silos found himself in a large underground cave. Strange plants covered the stone walls and boggy ground. His own armor's various sensors and indicators were harsh spikes of light that interfered with his vision and he commanded them to darken. It would not do to be seen as he was, a small speck upon the bottom of the cavern, and he directed his armor to hover himself a full ten meters in altitude. He slowly drifted forward, towards an unusual rockface that appeared to be less overrun by vegetation. He stopped about thirty meters from it and waited. He had replayed this encounter a thousand times in his head and concluded it was important to concede the first move to his adversary.
Although he was certain he was detected the instant he arrived, it was a full ten minutes before anything happened. Slowly, at first, he noticed the rockface shifting. The vegetation seemed different somehow, although he couldn't quite tell in what way. The changes accelerated, and soon the rock face began to morph into a separate structure from the cavern wall. It detached itself, and then began to form a semblance of limbs. It turned to Silos - no, it didn't turn; its features seemed to slowly flow from the side opposite Silos to the side facing Silos, and he was soon gazing upon what appeared to be a giant homonculous of stone and overgrowth. It began to rustle, and then with a sound like rushing air through trees it spoke to Silos.
" You ... Have... Come... To... Seek... Your... Doom..."
The monstrous voice of the Avatar of Hamidon echoed throughout the cave. Silos moved slowly closer to the Avatar as he spoke. "Not exactly. Actually, on behalf of the human race, I've come to surrender. I am here seeking your terms."
"You... Will... Be... Scour..ered... From... The... Face... Of... Cre..a..tion. There... Will... Be... No... O..ther... Terms..."
Silos smiled. "Your terms are acceptable." Silos wondered if the sudden creaking of stone upon stone was the closest thing to surprise the Hamidon was capable of expressing.
"And now here are my terms."
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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
Is someone cross posting this story over on Titan because it's too good to be lost in a week.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
How the hell do you get time to do this AND all your spreadsheets?!
Also are you going to run this... "story" more than once? I hope so.

Thelonious Monk
Is someone cross posting this story over on Titan because it's too good to be lost in a week.
Also, I've decided that assuming anyone's interested, I'll probably continue a discussion of this story over at Titan post-shutdown on the assumption the official forums will be dead as well soon afterward. This story is, in one respect, my answer to all the questions and complaints I had about the evolving story between origin of power, incarnates, ascension, and the coming storm. I'm trying to be as generally consistent with lore-as-we-know-it as I can be (and I'm not a Lore expert, so its possible I'm making some errors there) but also putting my own spin on what Incarnates mean, what Ascension would have meant, who the Battalion are, and what the Coming Storm really is/was.
The story has an epilogue, and technically it should take place after the game shuts down, but it'll be posted here anyway a couple days before (at one part per day, it'll probably get posted Thursday after my target date for the event on beta). It'll also, of course, be posted at Titan.
[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
How the hell do you get time to do this AND all your spreadsheets?!
Its fun, though, I have to admit. Hectic, but fun. Also, part four is done but I'm not happy with part five and still tweaking it, and I only have the outline for six. One part exists only in my head at the moment, so I'm really racing against the clock.
Also are you going to run this... "story" more than once? I hope so. |
[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
you know your doing a great job when after the last line I say "no, thats it?! but what happens"
you know your doing a great job when after the last line I say "no, thats it?! but what happens"
![]() |
I'm not ruling out Lady Grey being Suzanne Pleshette, though.
[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
Heh. True story: I've been kicking the story idea around in my head for about a month, but it has only really come together in the last few weeks. And the little scenes I'm using to illustrate each part is something I only decided to do at the very last minute - literally the day before I posted the first part, so I've been literally making them the night before I've posted each part. I still don't have one for part four: I'm going to try to make it, and the one for part five, tonight.
Its fun, though, I have to admit. Hectic, but fun. Also, part four is done but I'm not happy with part five and still tweaking it, and I only have the outline for six. One part exists only in my head at the moment, so I'm really racing against the clock. If it goes well the first time, we'll probably try to do it as many times as is practical, given the resources available. This is happening at the last minute unfortunately for a variety of reasons, and the prime reason for attempting it on Wednesday is it gives us enough time to get everything set up but also tries to avoid doing things on Friday when I assume most players will want to be spending their last day on their home server with friends. |
I'm gonna miss it! I'm gonna be away

I won't be back until the 30th.

(assuming it's still there!)

Thelonious Monk
You're not going to find out that we're actually all dead and Paragon City is purgatory, or that the survivors of the Coming Storm leave the planet and find a new world that in a million years becomes Champions Online.
I'm not ruling out Lady Grey being Suzanne Pleshette, though. |
Brains, talent, and humor?

Btw Arcana, how good a chess player are you given that all the titles are chess related.
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
Compiling the posts and pictures into a Word document so I have a record of this.....
Updated version of Ironblade copied to beta......
/e await_further_developments
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
What is this? See the end of my post here:

Part One: The Immortal Game
"You're insane. And coming from me, that's saying something."
The shadowy landscape, if you could call it that, made The Dream Doctor look even more mysterious, but Mender Silos had seen too much to be moved by such trivialities. But he made a mental note of it anyway, as he always did. Such theatricality could always be useful one day. Assuming there would be more days.
"I Must Concur With The Mender, As Much As It Pains Me To Do So. What You Propose Is Madness."
The voice of Prometheus sounded even more imposing than it normally was - no, not sounded. It *felt* more imposing. It didn't so much sound like it was coming from all directions, it sounded like it was always coming from the direction one focused on. It was always coming *directly at you*. Whether Prometheus intended to intimidate, this was one audience that would not be cowed.
"It is the only way."
The Dream Doctor had proposed this meeting, and its location. They were in Ouroboros, or at least a version of it. This was actually the piece of Ouroboros that lay within Dreamspace, a place where few could navigate and even fewer could locate this nexus of time, space, and consciousness. Prometheus would be able to meet here and Silos, The Doctor grudgingly conceded, would also have the means to find this place with only minor assistance. If his plan were to have any chance to succeed, The Dream Doctor would need help, and unfortunately these two were the best suited.
That did not mean they would be the most cooperative.
"My Guidance Has Led The Incarnates To Defeat Cole, It Will Lead Them To Defeat The Coming Storm."
"Your 'guidance' has brought humanity to the brink of defeat. I have seen this."
"How?" Mender Silos, the man once known as Lord Nemesis, the Great Manipulator and Schemer, spoke a little too soon. In the company of ordinary men, this would have gone unnoticed.
"So you know." The Dream Doctor was no ordinary man.
"What Do You Believe You Know" Prometheus said, although it did not sound like a question. It sounded like Prometheus almost challenged them to say something he could not dismiss as trivial.
The Dream Doctor ignored the implication. "The Battalion has begun preparing for their arrival. They have set the noose."
Prometheus glared, but did not speak. Mender Silos sensed Prometheus did not understand, and could not resist lording knowledge over the ordinarily inscrutable being. "I have tried to see what effect Cole's defeat has had upon the Coming Storm. However, not even my abilities allow me to see more than a few months ahead in time."
The Dream Doctor continued "They are aware of you, Prometheus. They are aware of your machinations. They are not concerned about your attempts to put up any resistance. They care only your interference could cost them their prize. They have surrounded Primal Earth in all directions with a barrier."
"Not just in space, but in time as well," Silos added.
"In space, in time, across dimensions. We are in the center of a bubble that traps us here. And the bubble is shrinking. The Battalion are herding us, ensuring we do not escape their grasp, so that all of the potential of the Wellspring is theirs to consume."
"It Matters Not. The Incarnates Will Prevail, The Battalion Will Be Defeated, And All Will Return To The Path I Have Laid Out."
"No, it won't. The defeat of Cole has weakened the Wellspring. The energy he once commanded has been dissipated."
"It Will Be Returned To The Well."
"Eventually, but not soon enough. When the Battalion arrives, the Incarnates will not have the strength to repel them."
"How do you know this?" Silos had already guessed, but he had to be sure.
"As I said, I have seen it."
"If We Are Corralled As You Claim, How Can You Have Seen Our Fate."
"The Battalion are conquerors, they are seekers and wielders of power, they are ravagers and consumers and destroyers" the Dream Doctor explained. But they are not dreamers. They have no power here. At least not yet. Dreamspace is still open to me, and through it I have seen the dreams of what is to come. The Battalion come, and the Incarnates fight, but in the end they are swept away. They fall heroically, but they fall nonetheless. In every version of every possible timeline, they fall."
"You're still crazy." Silos said, although it sounded less like he meant it, and more like he was trying to convince himself.
"We can still save our reality."
"By destroying it?"
"Again, I Must Concur With The Mender. You Propose Destroying Us To Save Us."
The plan the Dream Doctor had proposed to them was so shocking that at first neither Prometheus nor Silos could comment, probably the first and last time such an event would ever occur in all the multiverse. After Emperor Cole was defeated, The Dream Doctor set his mind upon a quandary. Cole was no longer a champion of the Well. His energy had been released back to the Well, where it could be tapped by the Incarnates who would attempt to defend his world. But it nagged upon him: what if instead of standing and fighting Cole had tried to escape? What if he had fled? Could he have stolen that energy and taken it with him? Perhaps the Wellspring would not allow him to do that. But still it puzzled him. The Wellspring did not control all incarnate power: it wasn't sentient in that respect. It was a concentration of potential and consciousness, but it wasn't an individual entity in that sense. It did not Dream. What if all the Incarnates fled Primal Earth? Would that deny their power to the Battalion? Could that be a way to at least slow them down? And why had none before our world tried that before?
And that's when he discovered it. Only one such as he could truly find it, although a Mender such as Silos would eventually detect it indirectly. The Barrier. The Battalion ensured no amount of potential escaped their rampage by surrounding it, encasing it in an ever contracting container. The human mind struggled to conceptualize what was happening. There would be no escape. Every trajectory would be blocked. Except one.
Dreamspace was still free of the Battalion's touch. Wells do not dream. The Battalion, beings empowered by countless Wellsprings of potential, use their power to make thought into reality. They hunger, they aspire, but they do not dream. They were so far removed from what they once were they could not even conceive of dreaming. And because of that, their power did not extend to Dreamspace.
And that's when The Dream Doctor conceived of The Plan. The Battalion had done most of the work. They had created a barrier from which all Incarnate potential could not escape out. The Dream Doctor would take that, and convert it into a barrier of Dreaming. It would be an impassable moat of Dreamspace through which nothing from the outside could enter without first entering Dreamspace. And that was anathema to the Battalion. His world would be saved.
The problem, of course, was the cost.
"Destroying is a strong word. I propose ... transformation."
"As grass is transformed within a cow."
"Don't be crude Silos. We will take the *potential* of the Well and use it to *actualize* our world within a protective shield."
"We'll be destroying reality and spitting it back out again."
"Do you have a better idea, Last Deceiver?"
Silos almost winced. The Dream Doctor knew more of Lord Nemesis' future and Mender Silos' past than he let on, if he knew of that epithet and the circumstances surrounding it. And in truth, Silos did not have a better plan.
"And how about you, 'Keeper' of the Flame?" The Dream Doctor was playing all his cards now, for there would not be another hand to play. He stressed the first word of that title, to prove he knew that which Prometheus had kept secret for so long. The Dream Doctor spent months learning all he could about these two "men" and the task ahead. He knew he could not really threaten either of them, but among such beings as they, knowledge was power. He needed to prove he was willing to play this out to the end.
"Suppose we agree to this. I assume you have a way to make it actually happen."
"I have the basics. But I need two things, which is why you are here. I will need someone with the ability to control Incarnate power. That is why you are here, Prometheus."
"And as for me?"
"You, Silos, I wish I could do without. But I need something only you can provide."
"And that is?"
The Dream Doctor smirked, and for the first time since the meeting began he looked right into the eyes of Silos. "I need a Nemesis plot."
Handy Dandy pointers to the parts posted in this thread:
** Part one, The Immortal Game, is posted here:
** Part two, The Kings Gambit, is posted here:
** Part three, Removing the Pin, is posted here:
** Part four, The Sacrificial Castle, is posted here:
** Part five, Endgame, is posted here:
** Part six, Destiny, is posted here:
** Part seven, Time's End, is posted here:
The last part will be posted tonight or tomorrow morning at the latest
[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)