The Immortal Game: The Last City of Heroes Story




Part seven updated with illustration. Part eight looks good for being uploaded late tonight, for availability Friday morning.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



So we didn't drop a Lanaruu bomb on the Battalion. We dropped a Hamibomb on them, and locked the door on our way out. Gyahaha.



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
So we didn't drop a Lanaruu bomb on the Battalion. We dropped a Hamibomb on them, and locked the door on our way out. Gyahaha.
This is another bit of melodramatic weakness on my part, but if I'm going to write the Last City of Heroes story (not that that precludes more fanfiction, more its my take on the end of the world/shutdown), I wanted to address a lot of things, and Hamidon was one of them. I wanted people to know what I thought about the Coming Storm, Incarnates, the Well of the Furies, and what Ascension might be. I wanted to give some closure to Prometheus, The Battalion, Mender Silos, the Dream Doctor, Emperor Cole, and Hamidon.

There was a bit of controversy over whether Cole should become a repentant and reborn hero or should pay for his crimes. This was my take on that subject. There was a lot of discussion about Prometheus and what he was all about. I don't answer that question, exactly, but I do touch on it.

I really wanted an end to the Nemesis story (which is coming) and I wanted Hamidon to play an important role, something that as the supposed once and former Biggest Bad of the City of Heroes world he was mostly left out of. Hamidon wasn't important to City of Heroes, but I wanted him to be, in a way befitting his outsider status to the character stories in general.

I really wish I could have said more about Lord Recluse, Lady Grey, Dr. Aeon, and a few others, but you simply can't do that in a story with only eight parts. I would have had to write a hundred thousand word trilogy to do that. Which sounds interesting, but will have to wait for another year.

In the end, Hamidon gets what he wants, we get what we want. In a way, I tried to give him the ending many really good villains get: we don't like them, we don't agree with them, but there always comes a point when for whatever reason we want to cheer for them. In some ways, I was inspired by the ending scene of Silence of the Lambs as much as anything.

I had this mental picture, which of course is not going to be in the epilogue, of a Battalion commander saying "we just can't beat this creature; every time we try to assemble enough forces to bring it down it seems to distort time around us and make it impossible to move or attack!"


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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)