The Immortal Game: The Last City of Heroes Story




Originally Posted by Llydia View Post
Oh, yes I did! You personally invited Dynexus to your league when I sent you a private tell confirming I was @Llydia.

Of course, that was during setup coordination happening in at least four chat channels simultaneously, immediately followed by a mapserver lag which threw half of us out and we got redistributed to new leagues, so I forgive you for not remembering or saying "Hi!" back. :P

Back on topic: Arcanaville, I wish you deep and restful sleep. You accomplished a momentous feat! One I hope you are proud of for many years to come.
Hahaha... I was swamped just trying to get myself ready and invite everyone asking and sending tells!
Meanwhile thinking "Good golly... I hope I'm up for this role and don't mess up Arcana's awesome event" LOL!
I volunteer to help first... apologize later...
Actually, it was fine once we got going... before we crashed and had to reset everything, haha.

And, you're right... This was indeed a momentous feat! I always love how we keep underestimating the turnout we'll have for such things. What did TonyV want for the Unity Rally? Only 10 Atlas Parks? Haha
I was starting to wonder if we'd need 33+ RWZs!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Shadow_Fire View Post
And for those interested, The Battalion!
Each of the Battalion characters seemed to have their personal version of Arcanaville's Battalion costume.

Here is mine, BattalionGamma (taken post-event):

Click on any of the thumbnails for a large version.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
Here's an earlier picture taken by someone on tumblr
I spy that Mystic Fortune guy!

I want to thank Arcanaville, Black Pebble and everyone else involved in organizing this event. It was quite a blast! In fact, had we not experienced a total map server before the event was underway, followed by all that immense lag... it just wouldn't have been the same experience I have become accustomed to over the years, and I mean that as the highest of compliments! City of Heroes will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart for what its limited engine was capable of accomplishing.

So thank you! Thank you for sending us out in style!

Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]

Let your voice be heard! Sign the petition to keep CoH alive.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I was there! I just... um... wasn't feeling like myself...
It felt good taking down an evil cult leader!

Haha, I'll stop spamming in here, but, seriously, I enjoyed myself so much tonight just from the spirit and energy of everyone there before, during and afterward (let alone the event itself!).

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



First time attending anything like this. Destiny's Shadow (me) had lots of fun.

Thanks to everyone involved in pulling this off, map-serve and all. And a very special thank you to Arcanaville for a fitting close to a wonderful much loved game.

I will miss you all (yeah, even the PITA ones). I will be lurking around Titan for ongoing news.

Hugs and bubbles for all.




I couldn't make it since I was still at work, but this looks like such a fun event. Thanks Arcana, this was a really nice thing to do for the community!

And thanks to Hit Streak for giving us lots of monsters to clear out of AP on Freedom just now.



Hey, all! Wanted to say thanks to Arcanaville, Black Pebble, and everyone else for organizing this and allowing me (us) to play. The only real big event of this sort that I've participated in, and it was nice to be a part of it. I've mostly soloed over the years, but I still appreciate the hell out of the community and the people who have given their time and dedication to the game.

Hopefully this isn't the end, but whatever comes, so long, and goodbye, as always.


Zombie Hustler/Great White Hunter/Dino Pirate/Land of the Lost/Darkoth and numerous others.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Each of the Battalion characters seemed to have their personal version of Arcanaville's Battalion costume.
Here's Battalion Upsilon.

I'm glad that so many people seemed to have fun, despite things not going quite as planned.

And thanks to Black Pebble for coming out to see the show and help keep the troops entertained.



Thanks to the devs, Arcanaville and all the Battalion players. It was so wonderful to see so many people turn out for this event. I recognized so many characters. The only thing I didn't get to do was /em a great big hug to Father Xmas and Bill Z.

I was playing Imitation, my black leather clad claws/sr scrapper. Damn, I love the practiced brawler animation!

Thank you, everyone!



Originally Posted by Alannon View Post
Here are a few post-event lineup shots. The original images were 3600x1860 but Imgur scaled them down a bit:
Yay! Made it in there!



Here's a few pictures

First Black Pebble

Dog with a jet pack on it's bum. That's so wrong. This is when he wasn't being unconventional.

Don't really have any pictures of the event itself, it was a tad chaotic but I did take a few pictures after the event.

I tried to take a few pics with the UI on to get everyone's names

But someone ... granted everyone all the badges which stuck me with a seemingly endless series of dialog boxes and reward notifications just when I was trying to take these pictures. Nice idea, just bad timing

I think sometime during this, between clearing all those dialogs and trying a demorecord and doing screenshots, I ended up charging right at Michelle/Samuraiko/Dark_Respite. Sorry lass.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Let me add my thanks, Arcana and Black Pebble, for a remarkable Event, and a phenomenal sendoff to the game. Thanks for all the work you put into it, the beautiful prologue storyline, and coordinating everything with grace during the event itself. I'm so glad I had to chance to participate.

If you decide to run it again before the lights go out Friday night, I hope my husband and I can run it once more.

Also, Allanon, those were wonderful screenshots. Might there be any way to make copies of them?



This is an amazing story so far. This whole endeavor brought a tear to my eye Arcana. Thanks.




I was taking lots of screenshots during the event, i uploaded a bunch of them to a public photobucket.

i tried to get as many people in the shots but forgot to use the code to make the ui appear, so no names. oopsie.

Was nice to see so many familiar names/faces during the event!

I also have a FRAPS of the entire event, if someone with more experience with video wants to help me take a crack at it?

@Ashen Fury
Ashen Fury - KM/EA Scrapper
Erika Tempest - Ice/EM Tanker
Scion of Restoration - Emp/Sonic Defender



I made it! I almost didn't remember it at all, b/c I *picked up my new gaming computer* from Fedex just before... but since I was on anyway...

Dominic Black, mastermind (yes, yes, poor choice in retrospect, pet lag, etc etc)... but eh whatever. I watched the action more!

A HUGE thank you to Arcanaville and the other good folks who put this on, and major thanks also to Samuraiko for recording!

I was up pretty late for this, but it was worth it!

Thanks to the devs for the game and for everyone who attended for helping to make it a terrifically memorable finale!

And, since I died a LOT... thanks for all the rezzes!

Currently: 50s (5), 40s (3), 30s (5)
Red and blue side, mostly Infinity, Virtue, and Freedom.




great fun.

I was inzone about an hour before event start and parked up on a roof top nearest to the MS just to escape the lag and graphics effect inside the RWZ HQ.

About 30 mins before it kicked off I see the MS shields go down and fly over to snoop.

It was foe free and for about 10 minutes I had the MS to myself just poking about and getting some great screenies. I was joined by a couple of others eventually, but that solo time was priceless.

I even had time to visit every bomb well and give them a last good dusting, and boy did they need it after eight years of slaughter

I even had a real slow fly around the back underbelly of the MS, a place I had never gone too in all the Raids I did on it. (Thanks to Haille Cordel? for all the Monday raids they ran )

I also saw the first trial run of the MS destruction and so was ready when the time proper came and got three screenies of the MS just prior to and then midway through destruction and then the moment it was gone!

I am so useless at screenies after all the years, I still do not know how to post them here and I apologise for not being able to pass them over for you all to see, my bad

Had a cracking time, got some lifetime memories and smiled more in that hour than in the last month over on TSW!

Ah well back to trudging across endless zones wearing out pair after pair of shoes! Never underestimate the sheer joy of unfettered flight that we have had here, boy what a waste.

Thank you Arcanaville for the night and best of fortune in your future ventures

And always remember "It is not rocket science after all!"


So many cats - So few recipes!

Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!



I would have gotten screenshots, but all I could see was a pile of 50 other players beating the snot out of me. You all are so inconsiderate, I don't understand why you couldn't just stand around and get defeated like you were supposed to. A big pile of defeated heroes by my hand, that is the screenshot I wanted!

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go hang out with my new friend, Hamidon.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Except for Black Pebble, of course, who's idea of fun is to drop a squadron on Extinction Warwarlkers in lethal mode into the middle of the players. He's a psycho.
Fortunately, players were doing a great job fighting off the dozens of Warwalkers and Kronoss Titans.

Unfortunately, someone dropped Power Suppression when things were going too well for our Heroes, and finally players started dropping too.

Weird coincidence.

Maybe next time people will learn to die quickly!!

Thanks for organizing such a great event, Team Arcanaville. It's fitting that the players are the ones who celebrate the game the best.

-Hosun "Black Pebble" Lee
Help me beat Dr. Aeon! Follow me on Twitter.



The event was amazing. I only regret Starsman was nowhere in there to be captured by a screenshot, but sacrifices had to be made in order for Battalion Delta to spread some spanking!

One thing burns me: For reasons I still don’t understand myself, I wanted to at least land one direct punch (well staff blow) on Bill Z Bubba. I had him in my sight several times (never actually stalked him) but every single time… every single frigging time… this one tank taunted me and prevented me to even try hitting him!!!

Tankers are way to OP man!!!

Worse of all… he turned out to be the ONLY of all heroes who came to take trophy shots of my defeated husk to jump on my corpse several times! There was also that Warshade that sucked some dark thingy out of me and turned my corpse face up…

I was asked a few times by someone if I was a dev, sorry for not replying out of character but I did not want to break the magic that early

I got a few screenshots at the computer at home, plus a huge demorecord from the perspective of a Battalion that Samuriko may be able to use… I just hope I actually hit the right record macro…



Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
Here's an earlier picture taken by someone on tumblr
I spy that Mystic Fortune guy!
...and that's my guy standing in front of the black wolf while taking a shot of Mystic Fortune.

I want to thank Arcanaville, Black Pebble and everyone else involved in organizing this event. It was quite a blast! In fact, had we not experienced a total map server before the event was underway, followed by all that immense lag... it just wouldn't have been the same experience I have become accustomed to over the years, and I mean that as the highest of compliments! City of Heroes will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart for what its limited engine was capable of accomplishing.

So thank you! Thank you for sending us out in style!
Definitely great fun and a tremendous event.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



BTW, commenting on the story Arcana has posted so far, I'm sure she has her own ideas but as long as her last chunk of story does not contradict my idea, I am thinking this:

We don't know THAT much about the Battalion other than they want all the incarnate power. I incline to think they don't want it, they NEED it. Without it, they will die. By sending off Primal Earth to the Dreamspace, they will be forced to desperately seek another world with a well, but not be able to do so and eventually die.

I also will run away with a line Silos said at the first part of the story:

Dream Doctor: "Destroying is a strong word. I propose ... transformation."

Silos: "As grass is transformed within a cow."
I will take it this means once the shield entirely transforms, and Earth goes into the Dreamspace... it will change. Perhaps beyond recognition. Given it's a world of dreams, I would asume thigns there are... well.. very maleable. By the time Primal Earth manages to get free, it may have changed so much it may not be recognizable in any form, other than the fact that a few of these heroic dreams somehow return (players.)

This would open the doors for a spiritual successor that has zero IP tie-ins with City of Heroes other than this event