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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    Dollars to space monkeys that's the model used at the end-of-beta event.
    99% sure you're right.

    Originally Posted by Z3NZEN View Post
    Weird, and interesting. I have it on a demo (I think, I haven't dug into the file) and in a video. Then I heard something about 'group photo' and flew to be too late for all the posted shots.
    Rikti_Destroyer is the model name and that's how it should show up in a demorecord.

    It can be used with /spawnnpc if Hit Streak feels like making one or two of those show up tomorrow. Best to make them untargetable, otherwise it'll tell you the time just like a citizen would if you manage to click on its awkward hitbox.

    Originally Posted by GreatRock View Post
    This event was full of bugs and poor, hastily done hacked together effects.

    100000/10. Perfect. Absolutely stunningly perfect. I couldn't wish for a better honor to us. We are the players, and we made the event. And it was perfect.
    (emphasis mine) It wouldn't be CoH if it was anything but!

    Oh, and *ahem* weren't we were promised part 7 Soon? Some of us are anxiously awaiting the next chapter!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
    So now I have to ask... IS there a functional mothership? Or is it at least possible to spawn one in the sky like it's hovering over the city?
    This is the proof of concept photo I sent Arcanaville that gave her the idea of blowing up the mothership.

    It's not really "functional" -- you can't fight it, and it's not solid. It's just a visual effect, and probably is meant to be used above the zone ceiling where players can't reach it. It CAN do a couple really nice fly-in/fly-out animations though.

    It's HUGE -- same size as the crashed ship in RWZ. The textures aren't quite as detailed and it's missing the glowing bits, but is otherwise extremely similar.
  3. And again, thanks to Arcanaville and whatever scary black magic she possesses. Getting to play around in the debug menu alone was worth the sleepless nights spent planning and testing things to see what we could do for the event.

    My only regret is that I forgot to turn on chat logging. There was so much going on while people were gathering and during/after that it was impossible to keep up with all of it. It was great seeing so many names I recognized from the forums in one place!

    FWIW, There were nearly 150 players in RWZ right before the zone crashed. After recovering and giving people some time to log back in, there were 136 in the zone when we locked it and started the event.

    The normal zone cap is 50. The "OMG she canna take any more" limit for RWZ is 100...
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Also, I'm pretty sure BattalionUpsilon's universal translator was broken and he misspelled Battalion.
    Oooops! Well to be fair, I was M'rathix before you sprung the naming scheme on us at the last minute.

    And that happens when I type in a hurry... just look at how many of my posts here have "Edited by...:" at the bottom.

    If any of you saw a floating CamBot, that was me also -- had that on a second screen to use for helping set things up on the mothership and also going to RWZ 2 to ferry people in.

    That reminds me, I think we may have forgotten to make Samuraiko targetable again...
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Each of the Battalion characters seemed to have their personal version of Arcanaville's Battalion costume.
    Here's Battalion Upsilon.

    I'm glad that so many people seemed to have fun, despite things not going quite as planned.

    And thanks to Black Pebble for coming out to see the show and help keep the troops entertained.
  6. The gate to Perez Park and the underpass to King's Row work for exiting.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lionors View Post
    I'll resurrect the dead thread for something I didn't see mentioned.

    A friend today took us to a mailbox in RWZ that has a message if you click on it. Location is:
    774.8 42.0 120.2.

    Very neat!

    Speaking of easter eggs in RWZ, I just recently found out that the top-left drawer in the Vanguard base's morgue is clickable and gives you a message.

    317.9 -1188.0 -2057.1

    Any other easter eggs we're missing? Been to the Cryptic lounge in Faultline, the Developer's Dungeon in Grandville. We've had Spaulding covered in this thread.

    Originally Posted by Screamrr View Post
    I stumbled upon the cages in Nerva quite a while ago,
    Longbow also has some dirty secrets along the same lines in their base in Nerva.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
    If mmos didnt have Pvp how am I supposed to prove how much bigger my dick is than yours?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
    When someone says "this game is so awesome! look at the photo realistic graphics!" and when asked about the game play respond "but look at the photo realistic graphics" sums I what I don't like about the current (big title) game development trends.
    I know you're being somewhat ironic in that statement to begin with, but now in particular it's especially funny when someone says that a game is outdated because of "graphics".

    If anyone actually legitimately believes that a game has to have state of the art graphics to be a success... Minecraft would like to have a word with you.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
    And how was it perma-linked? I vaguely remember being in an SG that participated in PvP for a short time but wasn't that linked to certain items that placed inside the base? i.e. if you didn't use certain items, no PvP.
    Originally, the base editor enforced strict restrictions related to PVP. Certain items, such as power and control items, had to be reachable via a clear path -- no objects (even floor tiles counted) could stand in the way. Doorways were also subject to those restrictions and so much as looking at one funny could cause you to not be able to place anything nearby.

    All of that so that if someday, you decided you wanted to turn your base into a PVP raiding base, it would be "fair" to the opponents who raided it.
  11. Bad things:

    <ballmer>Currencies, currencies, currencies!</ballmer>

    Ambushes spawning right on top of you is terrible. Even spawning right in front of you is very immersion-breaking. I could have sworn that long ago the game would try to spawn critters out of line of sight and they'd swarm on you from around a corner, but my memory may be playing tricks on me.

    Bug fixes should have been a higher priority, especially for the longstanding ones.

    Release cycles being set in stone and issues going live with huge glaring problems that were reported many times in beta. My running joke was, "That's why they call them 'issues'!"

    Wasn't really a fan of the incarnate trial grind. I used to raid in WoW. If that's what I wanted to do, I would have stayed there.

    Crafting was interesting at first but quickly got tedious, especially when it came to incarnate abilities. In-game tools to streamline it would have been welcome.

    Soooooo many props that I wanted as a base item.

    A good thing:

    I'm probably in the minority in that I actually really enjoyed the Praetorian leveling experience. The whole package: the storylines, the side switching / double agent mechanic, and the increased base difficulty. I do think the mission designers overused ambushes, not because they made it too difficult, but just because by the end of it they became expected (and a bit cliché) and were no longer a surprise.

    Favorite GR moment -- running with my usual group of friends, doing a mission in Neutropolis, being warned that we needed to clear out of the lab before the timer expired. As usual, we intentionally waited for the timer to run down, because hey -- why would we want to pass up more enemies to get XP from? Then there was the big yellow text: "Anti-matter has arrived! Flee for your lives!" And sure enough, a Level 40 (!) Anti-matter AV showed up and wiped the floor with our level 18 team. We were laughing so hard about that message, "Flee for your lives! They really weren't kidding this time!".
  12. And just a couple days ago, I helped someone play their copy of MechWarrior 4 (which is protected by C-Dilla DRM, making it incompatible with 64-bit OSes) by recommending that they run it inside VMWare Player.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
    And no companies citing EULA's, saying, "Hey, you can't do that!"
    All three of the examples I gave were made possible by the cooperation of the companies involved. ID released the source for Doom and Quake to the community.

    When the long lost source code for Star Control 2 was discovered, the original authors (Fred Ford and Paul Reiche) released it and gave their blessing to the UQM project. The name was still trademarked and had been sold along with some other assets to the company that made Star Control 3, which is why it was changed for the open source version.

    As far as I know, EULAs have never been invoked against people playing old PC games in DOSBox, et al.

    Console emulators on the other hand have had issues, mostly because reading your own old cartridges isn't really feasible for most people, so they have to turn to underground ROM trading which infringes copyright.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
    Or for example, what happens when an old game you love doesn't run on your new PC because of OS compatibility, or graphics support or a myriad of other reasons?
    That's why projects like DOSBox exist.

    Games like Doom and Quake for which the source code has been released continue to be upgraded by volunteers to run on modern systems.

    See also: The Ur-Quan Masters, aka Star Control 2. Played through that one (again) not too long ago. Great game.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
    It has more to do with timing than content.

    Seeing something wrong and speaking out against it is admirable.

    Seeing something wrong and virtually ignoring it until it effects you, then clamouring for attention by stating that you are now speaking for the rights of everyone in your chosen demographic? Not so admirable.
    Which is why one of the goals of the movement is to raise awareness about this kind of thing happening.

    How many CoH players, especially those who had been playing since beta -- long before NCSoft was even a name that anyone knew -- were even aware how many had been shut down? The only one I saw firsthand was Tabula Rasa, and IIRC there was support from COH players (though everyone knew it had lost a ton of money so it wasn't too surprising). I had seen the Auto Assault name mentioned a couple times but had never even heard of the game other than that.

    Hell, there were players who didn't even know CoH was being shut down nearly a month after the initial announcement.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    While I might not condone every little thing that gets posted or done, I did foresee it and warn it would happen...
  17. I've learned from my time on the WOW forums that there can be only one possible answer to this:

    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    Vyver, can you, or can you not, express, with complete non-objectivity, the emotional and psychological reasons why someone, in a position such as they may have been, might possibly attempt to create such a scenario, negative or not (such as they absolutely did - if you're saying that they did not, even though they did, you're lying - so, don't even try to say that they didn't)? If you don't answer me with complete agreement to my points it will show just how phony and/or stupid you truly are.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
    Codewalker just managed to stretch "They don't" into a full sentence.
    I even included "they don't" as an optional short answer on one before going into a more detailed explanation of the reasoning behind that.

    I was also hoping that since I'm one of 3 admins there besides TonyV and Sekoia and pretty close to the "inner circle", it might make those answers a little more official. But since I don't go around loudly proclaiming that, I think the point was lost.

    Also... for amusement value only:

    [12:26:57 PM] Codewalker: So Tony, just out of curiosity, why do we encourage people to believe things that we know are false?
    [12:27:04 PM] Codewalker: People want to know.
    [12:33:36 PM] Guy Perfect: Me? I have made no illusions of Plan Z ever working!
    [12:33:51 PM] Codewalker: Is your name Tony?
    [12:34:10 PM] Guy Perfect: He answers for you often enough. Figured I'd mix it up
    [12:34:36 PM] Guy Perfect: If it is about Plan Z, I think Tony legitimately believes it can work. O-:
    [12:35:03 PM] Codewalker: No, we're a cult and Tony is our David Koresh, apparently.
    [12:35:23 PM] Codewalker: If you don't mind, I brought my own Kool-Aid, I'll pass on the house stuff.
    [12:35:41 PM] Guy Perfect: Whoid whoresh?
    [12:35:47 PM] eabrace: But the house blend is really good!
    [12:36:58 PM] Guy Perfect: The arsenic only has a mild aftertaste, but it's otherwise not bad
    [12:37:43 PM] eabrace: And it has this really cool greenish blue color from the cyanide in the rat poison!
    [12:54:57 PM] Codewalker: Aww, too slow Tony.
    [12:55:14 PM] Codewalker: I wanted to post the exchange, complete with Kool-Aid discussion.
    [12:55:29 PM] Codewalker: But the thread just got nuked.
    [12:57:39 PM] TonyV: Ha ha! I was just reading that thread, and doggonit, it got deleted out from under me as I was making my way through it. I got up to page three.
    [12:58:17 PM] TonyV: I think I'm going to PM Hit Streak to see if I can get a copy of it printed out to frame.
    [12:58:34 PM] TonyV: I've never been accused of being a cult leader before.
    [12:58:46 PM] TonyV: I'm SO putting that on my résumé!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Knight_of_Armor View Post
    See? /stuck totally works!!!!
    I laughed.

    But JKedan is right. This thread doesn't need to exist.
  20. Codewalker

    Ski Chalet

    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    I'm not sure the ones left manning the servers have the access to turning on the code to make the Chalet accessible.
    They do. It's a zone event script already in place that just needs to be triggered. Hit Streak definitely should be able to if no one else knows how, and it requires no higher access than spawning AP33 does. It's just a matter of if he sees this and has time to do it.

    I guess the first question would be "Which Server?". As far as I know, the Chalet wasn't open on all of them.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HighTech_Wonder View Post
    so will sentinel+ save your base info as well? plan b is a rather nice base...and although i could make a new base, (in the event that the game will actually remain playable in the unforeseen future), it would be nice if our bases were preserved as well.
    It doesn't save your base, but that's because the base isn't part of your character. There's a really easy way to do it, though.

    Just /demorecord inside base, even for a few seconds. That gets all of the base, including storage bin contents, saved into the demo file. You can even play it back and use the F2 free camera to look around your base later.
  22. Codewalker

    An Update

    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    You so need to watch Battle Royale.

    It's how I imagine high school was like for you. You know, that place you just graduated from last week.
    Not a huge fan of Battle Royale (the manga or the movie), but I've gotta give them props for using Verdi's Manzoni Requiem in the trailer. Just such an epic piece of music.
  23. The City of Heroes community is already dead. This forum is proof.

    Plan Z may or may not form a new community from some of the remnants, but it won't be the same either way.
  24. In case BP missed it in the other thread, congrats! (even if you had to move cross country for it). You can hang out with the other Tim Sweeney now.

    I used to know some of the Epic folks, they're good people. That was in the pre-Unreal days -- before they dropped the MegaGames part. I'm sure the company has changed as its grown, but with any luck they're still just as cool.
  25. Codewalker

    Fansy Returns!

    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post

    Sorry, I'll try not to do it in future.
    I make exceptions when the topic is about something that you made, like say amazing fan videos, so it's actually relevant to the content of the post.