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  1. CatMan

    Last Dance

    Farewell Arcanaville, it has been a pleasure.
  2. I still miss malaise pants. Still have a character with them...
  3. CatMan

    coXso GTNwA


    The List:
    1, 3, 5, 7, 12, 13, 19, 27, 33, 41, 42, 47, 48, 53, 69, 75, 79, 83, 87, 88, 92
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    I explained the cultural aspect poorly. ...

    ... rejecting ideas simply because they hadn't thought of it first or have dismissed out of hand because it was suggest by a group of underlings who didn't have PhDs or MBAs or didn't attend the same elite universities or colleges that senior management had.
    In actuality, there is no difference between the two cultures as far as associative pride goes. The Anime matter required establishing a relationship. Your Euro/NA corporate culture example is another example of establishing a relationship.

    In either case you have people not taking another group of people seriously (for a variety of sub motives) because they are not a known entity.

    In the end we would like to see something where an idea stood or fell on it's own merits, not because the idea came from someone we don't know or didn't graduate from X.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    Kinda glad I no longer work for them (although as always, there are good stores and bad stores in each company... i seemed to land in a couple of good stores, where the management let me get on and do my thang...)
    Good management always understands that stressing your employees out by demanding upsales is not the best way to encourage effective upsales.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post

    Or, if you used to be here when the forums had star ratings: 5 Stars
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    That gives me the strongest position to convince investors to save the game, while also giving me a hail-mary shot to save the rest of the company that doesn't weaken my position to save the core game.
    If I were an investor, I would go for this. If things go to pot, I would clearly see where they are going and more efficiently cut losses.
  8. Well done, thank you.

    edit: It reflects greatly how I feel about the game then and now. Something to be missed.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Worked on it? He created it, it was his baby. He loved it so much that he made a horrible movie about it (which just shows you can't bring an editorial eye to something you love that much).

    However I'm not sure if a Kickstarter funded MMO like F2P game is actually possible. If it comes out I would probably be interested in it but right now ...
    I was going for understatement. I prefer people to do some discovery on their own if they need a nudge or two, then I'll add it.

    I can appreciate your not wanting to put money up right now for the game - having been burned by NCSoft.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    It's interesting-- a few of their pictures look startlingly similar to pictures from Wing Commander and Escape Velocity.
    The wing commander similarity should be familiar to you since he worked on development of the game.

    Given the recent 'fun' we have had with NC Soft, it occurs to me that some of you are most likely Science Fiction Fans. For those who have played games like Privateer and Freelancer, this game should have a nice warm familiar feeling. It is an MMORPG looking at a pricing model akin to Guild Wars but without publisher. There are some very good points it makes about the model they are using to build this game.

    Check the site out, the game information and FAQs, and if this tickles your interest feel free to pledge your support (the putting money where your mouth is) from $10 to $10,000+. If you see me in this game, you may address me as Rear Admiral. Considering the amount of money I have spent on games, this is a drop in the bucket.

    Personal points of interest:
    *Not only a main public server but private servers are allowed and supported.
    *Space Sim
    *players actions shape the universe.
    *unlike EVE, you can actually pilot your ship.

  12. Someone should patent "a method for creating vague patents and suing more substantive companies and/or individuals for infringement of that patent" followed by suing people like this.

  13. I would be all for it. City of Heroes must live... even if it has to live on each and every individual household server.
  14. It's the great thing about subjective opinions: They are subjective and personal opinions.
    Some like it enough to play while some don't and in either case and in between that is just A-OK.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avalar View Post
    Hey all. I was wondering if it was possible (or legal) to somehow acquire a sound file of the little boop that plays when you get a /tell? I really, really want it for my phone for when I get a text message. If anyone has the file or knows how to get it, I would greatly appreciate any and all assistance.
    should be possible and most likely legal under fair use laws in the USA. If you try to sell it or use it in something commercial, it would certainly be illegal. If you are worried, consult a lawyer.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ael Rhiana View Post
    The game can be likeable; it just needs to stop being compared to CoH because it will never *be* CoH, you know? I think most of us are so used to one thing now that it feels nigh-impossible to like or find the good in virtually any other MMO. At least that is how I'm seeing it.
    WoW and CoH could be compared to each other because they are MMOs and the comparison would be fare. Comparing CO and CoH is more than justifiable than even comparing DCUO with CoH because CO is related closely to CoH by benefit of Cryptic and by benefit that its story line is very similar to CoH's story line. While it cannot be the same, it has many factors that make is feel as if it should be the same.

    CO and DCUO just don't cut it in terms of the freedoms and content in CoH. The only other MMO I am playing right now is EVE online - mainly cause I love Science Fiction. I would have preferred playing Tabula Rasa, but a certain company also killed that game.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by End Sinister View Post
    Back in the day, an MMO could never hold my attention for more than a month until my sister introduced me to City Of Heroes. When I played the tutorial on Champions it simply didn't have the same wow factor as City Of Heroes had when I first played its tutorial.
    Before City of Heroes, I never played MMOs outside of beta testing. City of Heroes was the first MMO to grab me and has held me since. Well, until the August announcement that is.
  18. I re-downloaded the game and installed it. It has been a long time since I played so starting in the city was a bit different. This is intentionally brief.

    The main problem with CO is while it is different from CoH, it has too many parallels to avoid comparing each to the other. The character creation, the power selection, the character animation, the "freem", was a pale shadow of CoH.

    The boss fight in the tutorial was... well, lame. Sure, the guy talked, but he walked around like a robot in a power suit and more frustrating was that the more experienced member of my team - the NPC Defender, was busying himself fighting the little things and not assisting with the big bad. I'm sure this was intentional to give the player a boss fight experience, but it gives one a low opinion of the main hero of the city that he can't be bothered to assist a less experienced hero with the tough guy and then expects me to do grunt work of deactivating consoles while watching over my shoulder. The man is a fraudulent wuss as far as the story line has presented itself based on this interaction.

    I liked the blocking - simply as a mitigation factor any character can use.

    Sorry, can't play CO. It makes the impending loss of CoH more bitter grapes.
  19. My Dark/Dark defender agrees: CoT ghosts stink.
    That said, I was very happy when the Undead ghost slaying axe was made a permanent item.
  20. CatMan

    The anomaly

    This is a great topic. It can be anything we want

    Like about how tasty pigs in a blanket are with ketchup
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    That made me lol.

    As for that game, I quit it in rage after I got sick of having rather absurd downtime after every silly fight as a gladiator (?) while every high DPS class or ranged class would go, kill fast their target or kite it and face next to no downtime.

    Was absurd that one of the tanking classes had more risk of death solo than the ranged high damage "squishies".

    Would not be shocked if this was solved via nerfing kiting and high dps classes instead of making the tanks sturdier.

    Oh, and the flight timer was ridiculous!

    Ganking, I could handle. But Elites are stupidly ridiculous in this game - even when you are 20+ the elites level they will kill you sooner as look at you. It makes one wish for the original 'Purple Patch'.
  22. Congrats to you both on the marriage.

    heh, I forgot we were in the same group for the scavenger hunt at Hero Con, I see me there in the glasses.
  23. Over the years I have played this game, the support has always been top notch. Much thanks to all of them.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Last time I played WoW I'd noticed a CoH clan/guild. Can't recall what their name was, though.

    I've considered giving Pandaria a try, but every time I give WoW a chance I find I can't play it for very long without getting annoyed by the tedium. Back near launch I couldn't play for more than 14 levels or so. When I went back some time after the New Elf and Other Tauren (whatever they were called) were released I found I could get up to 27 or so before getting fed up. Maybe with the new expansion I'd find I could get up to the 40s...
    WoW is like smoking. You know it is bad for you and you have to kick the habit.

    Actually, in all seriousness - I am avoiding the expansion. I tried getting back into wow every now and then when the expansions came out and each time I found myself bored. CoH has only now let me down by being canceled.
  25. Love Torchlight 1 and 2. Very fun game.

    A CoH mod may be interesting. But travel powers will be... limited I imagine.