wow CoT ghosts suck for a fire/dark tanker

Black Zot



if I can't hit I can't heal or get my endurance back

and whatever damage they do seems to go right through my fire shields

swarms of archers and guardians - no problem
a small spawn of ghosts and I get ripped apart



Very few AT/powerset combo's don't have some sort of issues with CoT, whether it's those damn ghosts or the mez-spamming spellcasters.



Word to the wise, don't go try to solo the Ghost Ship spawns until you're about +2 to them, they can be brutal.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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I've been spoiled by Invuln that gets the to hit buffs. The ghosts just don't matter much



The CoT ghosts have always given me issues. The Spectral Daemon Lords are the worst.



I've always had problems with the CoT spectrals on just about every character I've ever played. The only exceptions are energy blasters and corrupters that can take them down fast.

They pile on the -hit, have huge damage resistance to everything but energy, and dish out lots of damage. I put them ahead of scrappers on my list of most annoying foes.



My Dark/Dark defender agrees: CoT ghosts stink.
That said, I was very happy when the Undead ghost slaying axe was made a permanent item.

CatMan - some form on every server

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Healing Flames recharge so quickly - although yeah, in the lower levels I could see this being a temporary issue.

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Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
if I can't hit I can't heal or get my endurance back

and whatever damage they do seems to go right through my fire shields

swarms of archers and guardians - no problem
a small spawn of ghosts and I get ripped apart
yep. They are a pain in the butt for most ATs, especially at the low levels.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!