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Quote:Well, I'm happy to say my experience on these forums have been very different from what you've experienced. I can't say I've never seen someone being a jerk on these boards, but they seem to be few and far between. In fact I've often been amazed at how eager so many people around here are to help and welcome newbies.My observation of the forums from 2005 through 2011 is what kept me from posting.... It doesn't bother me if people are "rude" to me on a forum, but to say that new posters are always met with open arms here is a flat out lie...I have seen "noobs" torn to shreds for asking so-called "dumb" questions...not just here, but on every MMO forum I have participated in.
Again...nothing special about the CoH community - it's just another MMO community with decent and not so decent posters and everything in between.
I don't have enough experience with other forums to know if that's unusual or not. But I always thought it was cool, and made me want to get inovlved in these forums, not avoid them. -
Quote:You could have something there. I've always tried to be courteous and respectful on these forums, and other posters have been overwhelmingly courteous and respectful to me in return. Honestly, I can't remember anyone being outright rude to me, even when I was a newbie with dumb questions. I guess these forums are like anything else, what you get out of them is equal to (or at least strongly influenced by) what you put into them.Both of you have had some pretty inflamed posts in the past, more often than not. So have I. I've found that if you're a jerk, people are jerks back. What I find hilarious is when people who speak out in unfavorable ways get butthurt and yell at those who call them on being unfavorable and/or belittle the community because they can't take what they dish out.
I would play an emulator.
Whether or not I play it as much as I play City of Heroes now depends on many factors, the most important of which would be whether or not I'd be able to use the Titan Network's Sentinel tool to export my existing characters into the emulator. Other factors would be the general quality of the emulator and just how much of the original game was reproduced.
But regardless I'd definitely give it a look. -
Quote:Just people having a little fun. No one is serious about trying to sleep with a video game character. (Okay, maybe a few are serious)I never thought I'd say this but I miss the mods.
It bums me out that COH's memory will be tainted by a bunch of people who want to have physical relations with video game characters.
Why is this sketchiness being perpetuated?
I don't see much difference between this thread and the "where would you live if you could live somewhere in Paragon City" thread. What?!? Live in a video game world? Absurd! -
I've always had problems with the CoT spectrals on just about every character I've ever played. The only exceptions are energy blasters and corrupters that can take them down fast.
They pile on the -hit, have huge damage resistance to everything but energy, and dish out lots of damage. I put them ahead of scrappers on my list of most annoying foes. -
Quote:Unfortunately, only NCSoft knows for sure if they were ever seriously considering any offers or just "humoring" interested parties by going through the motions of negotiations. By acknowledging our efforts, they confirmed that they were indeed listening to us, but obviously nothing we said or did was enough to influence their final decision.Even on that level, what happened? Did they just up and decided they had enough or what? Or we became too much annoyance and didnt want to deal with anyone? Or they listened considered it and still said no? Or what?
It would be nice to hear the details of those "negotiations" from someone involved, just to know what specifically was discussed. But I doubt we'll ever get much info. -
That floating island with the waterfall in Ouroboros. It's a cool spot and it's in one of the few zones not overrun with criminals.
Of course I'd need my own helicoper or at least a jet-pack if I lived there. -
Who said things were "going well" or "looking good?" Alpha Wolf and Mercedes Lackey confirmed that negotiations were ongoing. A of people were encouraged by the idea that negotiations were happening at all, but I saw zero information regarding how well the talks were going or how likely anything was to come of it. About the most positive thing released was words to the effect that our efforts were helping and NCSoft was noticing.
This weekend I was taking screenshots of some of my characters and I decided to snap a pic of one standing next to the shark that's hanging on a hook in front of the building in Port Oakes where Mickey the Ear is standing. I got too close to the shark and knocked it off the hook!
I've run right by that shark for years and never knew you could knock it down. There's also a swordfish hanging next to it--I discovered that bumping into that one makes it swing but it doesn not fall down. -
I honestly think no.
But that hasn't stopped me from hoping. -
Sadly, I'll probably be working.
First Mercedes Lackey is accused of being a liar on the basis that she writes fiction for a living. Then she's called a liar because she made a mistake and confused revenue with profit.
Really, I don't expect anyone to accept a 2nd hand source as gospel. Until we have something more concrete, we should take everything with a grain of salt. But I don't understand the need to make personal attacks on someone who's gone out of her way to support our cause--and I don't care if it's a famous author or just someone ordinary Joe who wants to try to help. If it were me and I saw some of the things said in this thread, I'd say "screw you guys, I'm out of here." -
I would only invest in a lifetime sub if I had some kind of guarantee that the game would be around for a while. It would really suck to shell out for a life-time sub only to find out that the "life-time" only lasts another year.
I'd gladly pay $500 if I knew the game would last at least another 5+ years. $1,000 would be too much for my current budget, but if I had it to spare, I'd be willing to pay that much too. Without any such guarantees, though, I wouldn't invest in a lifetime sub, but I'd always be willing to go for a monthy sub, no question. -
I understand not wanting to rely on a 2nd hand source for info, but I don't see how her profession should be an issue. Authors are inherently untrustworthy? Really?
Quote:He didn't say being a realist was pathetic, he said wanting "to come here and tell people how little you care" was pathetic. Harsh words, but I can see where he's coming from. I can't think of any siatuation where I'd see people feeling bad about something and feel the need to come tell them I don't care about it.I have had to deal with a barrage of (well intentioned perhaps) people giving false hope to far too many people in their time of need already to also put up with your guilt-mongering, not to mention calling me pathetic for being a realist.
And I don't see this false hope that a lot of people keep talking about. I don't see anyone making any promises. Looks to me like most folks know the odds are heavilly against saving the game. I've seen a few that are more optimistic than I personally think the situation warrants, but I've yet to see anyone who is convinced that a positive outcome is anywhere near certain. -
Quote:Read the OP again. He expresses several negative things about the game (and the playerbase) and very little fondness.Show me where those things occur. Show me where anyone is heaping derision or scorn upon the game. Show me anything where people are expressing anything other than a great fondness for a game that they play, and I will publicly support you.
It's his right to feel that way, and there aren't any criticisms there we haven't heard before, but again, maybe not the best time and place to rub it in. -
Quote:I don't see the contraction. He understands why some people aren't upset, but he doesn't understand why they need to advertise that fact to those who are. You can respect someone's feelings and still think that there are times and places where it may not be appropriate to express those feelings. I may have good reason to dislike my neighbor, but that doesn't mean I have to show up at his funeral and tell his grieving family exactly why I didnt' like him.Which is it at that point, Tony? Are you the reasonable man who says we're entitled to feel as we feel and you want nothing less or are you the more unreasonable man who has done an about face and demands of us to not 'advertise our apathy'?
Personally, it didn't bother me to see this thread. I know not everyone was crushed by the news and many are moving on and I'm fine with that. But I can see why certain people here would take offense. I would never to go a forum where people were sad or angry about something and start a thread telling everyone how much I didn't care. Seems kind of tactless, even mean-spirited. I'm not sure what the OP's purpose was here. -
Quote:And yet those same stuck enemies can keep hitting you with ranged attacks all day. How does that work?Enemies getting stuck in walls, especially when also becoming impossible to kill.
What I won't miss:
CoH spectrals. Not since Pac-Man have ghosts given me so much trouble in a video game.
Hostages that get lost easily and can't follow my character up or down stairs.
Having to return to Atlas Park or Port Oaks every month or so to pay rent.
Short list compared to the huge number of things I will miss. -
I don't mind admitting that I am upset.
I'm not angry. I'm sure NCSoft had reasons behind this decision, even if they aren't 100% clear to all of us. I do find how they went about implementing the decision a bit perplexing and even frustrating at times--but I'm certainly not mad enough to go all rage/boycott/revenge on NCSoft like some players have. I understand that in the end, corporations are looking out for themselves and their shareholders, and often this means making choices that customers don't like or understand.
But I am a bit distraught. I'm not a big video gamer and other than CoH, I've never been into MMOs. This is the only game I play, and for the last few years, it's been my only real hobby. I work a full time job and I have a family including two kids that I spend a lot of time doing things with, so I don't have a lot of "me" time these days. What "me" time I did have, I primarily devoted to City of Heroes. Designing and playing superheroes has been a great creative outlet for me in a life that doesn't have that much room for creativity anymore. It was something I'd really come to look forward to doing.
I'll get over it. In time, something else in my life will replace City of Heroes. But right now I'm sad. There are still so many things I wanted to do and characters I wanted to play, and I thought I still had at least another year or two to do them. I just feel I wasn't "done" yet. It may seem silly to those who think "it's just a game," but that's how I feel. -
Quote:/this, except for me, it was the only game anyone had that I'm interested in.I'm not refusing to buy any of their other games out of anger, but rather out of disinterest. CoH was the only game they had that I'm interested in.
Honestly, if NCsoft made another game that I liked, I'd probably play it even with them killing CoH. Refusing to play a game that I enjoy just to punish NCSoft would probably hurt me more than it them.
But CoH is the only MMO I ever liked. So when it's gone, that's probably it for me.