More fuel for the Rumor Mill




Just saw this little tid-bit on the Facebook page.

Don't know if it's been posted as it's three days old, but it brings up some interesting notions of NCSoft possible parlaying CoH for a more profitable offer.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
Just saw this little tid-bit on the Facebook page.

Don't know if it's been posted as it's three days old, but it brings up some interesting notions of NCSoft possible parlaying CoH for a more profitable offer.
They themselves categorize this as a rumor only. That should tell you something. If NCSoft isn't going to sell to Paragon Studios, I doubt they'll sell to anyone. And if there was some real investor with the money to do it, why wouldn't they partner with Paragon Studios? What good is investing millions into a game without its original developers on hand to fix, maintain and expand it? It is incredibly hard for any pro devs to pick up other devs' code, and this "investor" would still have to pay *some* sort of team, so why not PS?

Any investor of the scope needed to truly work with NCSoft isn't going to do it without Paragon Studios.

I'm sure there are lots of dreamers out there, though.



There may be multiple buyers, but that is irrelevant.

What is pertinent is the fact that NCSoft already admitted they "gave up" as they said they have "exhausted all options." If they themselves are already saying they are out of options, then there is not much point in other buyers trying to acquire the IP and all other components.

However, if they are parlaying the game in hopes that they can get more money out of it from said potential buyers than they are offering, then it is a big gamble, since said buyers may not think that the game is worth the money they might end up paying if NCSoft's parlay tactic works out (which it probably won't).

In other words, with the closing only 41 days away, it's very unlikely some kind of deal with come of all of this. When the seller already admits defeat, it's extremely difficult to change their mind.



Even if the game were purchased, I would still see it shutting down for the sake of such a significant transition. A lot of detail would need to be worked out. We assumed the IP would be bought to maintain the game as it is. This may not be the case.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



The thing i just dont understand after saying 'exausted all options', why not give a single interview to any gamesite on the planet? If they are so certain its going down, why wont they just go out and tell so in interviews?

One option is to keep everything on a low profile and let the game shut down quietly, 1,5month passed and maybe the big sites wont put any effort anymore to get interviews..

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Honestly. I'd LOVE for CoH to be bought and brought back by someone. I would.

But I don't see NCSoft selling. To ANYONE.

Why? ****** if I know! You'd have to ask NCSoft about it.

If they think that, by closing the game, they're somehow multiplying the value of the property, they've been drinking WAYYY too much soju.

If they lock it away in their vault, the value of the property essentially equals zero. They have no community. They have no developers. They have no writing.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



NCSoft isn't interested in selling. The IP is not for sale. They made that very clear with their "exhausted every opportunity" post.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
The thing i just dont understand after saying 'exausted all options', why not give a single interview to any gamesite on the planet? If they are so certain its going down, why wont they just go out and tell so in interviews?
Then their claim that they'd 'exhausted all options' would be out there as a matter of public record, and anyone who'd approached them would be able to come forward and present their side, including details of what NCSoft had set out as a price, so they'd essentially be making themselves open game for proving their statement to be utter fewmets.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
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Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
NCSoft isn't interested in selling. The IP is not for sale. They made that very clear with their "exhausted every opportunity" post.
I suspect this goes beyond the business world. Only time will tell.




Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
If they think that, by closing the game, they're somehow multiplying the value of the property, they've been drinking WAYYY too much soju.
If they sell the property they have to report that it is worth what they sold it for.

If they retain ownership they can get creative with how much it's worth and claim whatever the hell they want when filing taxes and other accounting jiggery-pokery.



Or, it could just be that NCSoft is done supporting US and/or EU based games so they can shove their grind-fest POS's down our throats.

Honestly, if I wanted to play another Asian grind-fest MMO, I would head over to AeriaGames. They have plenty...And most (if not, all) of them are still in operation now here in the states and over in the EU.



You have got to be kidding me... really, Tony?

I hate to be coy about this, but I have heard that multiple publishers and developers have been interested in enquiring about City of Heroes, it isn’t just Paragon Studios at the table. Who? I can’t really say, but if there are they don’t talk to me directly.
Which is saying, to me anyway: "I heard from a friend of a friend of a brother who's married to a certain woman who happens to be from Bangladesh, and her childhood BFF moved to Seoul, and apparently emailed her that he heard from his current girlfriend who works at a Starbuck that there was this guy who was getting drinks for his bosses who worked at this company who is apparently possibly drawing up papers for NCSoft to sell something, which is maybe City of Heroes!... but it's just something I heard, as whoever is doing this negotiating isn't talking to me directly. But hey, somethings happening, so that's awesome, right?!?!"

Quit it Tony. It's disingenuous to say "I don't want to be coy about it..." then proceed to be that exact thing. This isn't how heroes act, continuing rumors that are simply that: Rumors. If not makin' them up right off, which this sounds so very like.

Speak up when someone says "Oh yeah, we're talkin' to them. Hard. We'll get it. Hang on." Until then, just... don't. You undermine your own efforts, and it smells a little like desperation. Keep up the good fight, but doing this is screaming "LOOK AT US, WE'RE STILL RELEVANT!", but what it comes off as "WE AREN'T GETTING ENOUGH ATTENTION!"

Perhaps I'm mistaken. But I would rather know this or that party has NCSoft's ear. And why would it be such a big damn secret anyway? That is the dumb part of this, if it's true, that all the parties are being secretive about it. Why? What *possible* point is that? Keep NCSoft from being embarassed they shut the doors? I believe their actions in doing that, the way they did it, did that plenty enough, so what's a little more? When they sell, if they sell, it'll still be 'embarassing' to have done so, to which, again, the point of being secret is moot.

But what do I know. I'm just a raving, ranting lunatic who's kinda tired of all these rumors, surrounding me every day. Hell, I just heard my best friend heard one about me and the girl next door. Or so he says. Whatevers, she's hot, it'll keep people guessin' about me and how the hell I managed to acquire that target.


August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



NCsoft won't sell CoH for anything. They'll sit on the IP and let it die, why? so no one else can profit off it. I had a stray thought though, what if someone was to pick up the IP with the promise not to make a profit on it? make it a not for profit mmo? I know kinda weird, money comes in to pay the devs and maintainance, extra gets put into updates.

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Originally Posted by kangaroo120y View Post
NCsoft won't sell CoH for anything. They'll sit on the IP and let it die, why? so no one else can profit off it. I had a stray thought though, what if someone was to pick up the IP with the promise not to make a profit on it? make it a not for profit mmo? I know kinda weird, money comes in to pay the devs and maintainance, extra gets put into updates.
What's hard to understand is that they know this IP wouldn't really compete with anything they have coming down the pipe. Most of NCsoft properties are fantasy-based and are hardly losing market share to any of the other two superhero MMOs out there. Arbitrarily holding on to the IP for scorched earth sake really makes no business sense, especially considering the fact that the IP was still profitable. Also, even though GW2 is a Korean game, ArenaNet and Carbine Studios are located in the US along with half of their (non) Asian branch offices, so the idea that NCsoft is pulling out of the US market doesn't seem plausible either. There doesn't seem to be any slow down of the development of the new games they have coming down the pipe, so why avoid so many other low hanging targets for cutting back and focus on City of Heroes and Paragon Studios for the chopping block?

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
What's hard to understand is that they know this IP wouldn't really compete with anything they have coming down the pipe. Most of NCsoft properties are fantasy-based and are hardly losing market share to any of the other two superhero MMOs out there. Arbitrarily holding on to the IP for scorched earth sake really makes no business sense, especially considering the fact that the IP was still profitable. Also, even though GW2 is a Korean game, ArenaNet and Carbine Studios are located in the US along with half of their (non) Asian branch offices, so the idea that NCsoft is pulling out of the US market doesn't seem plausible either. There doesn't seem to be any slow down of the development of the new games they have coming down the pipe, so why avoid so many other low hanging targets for cutting back and focus on City of Heroes and Paragon Studios for the chopping block?
There are many companies whose primary business strategy is to eliminate competition. Just take a look at Microsoft - provide a product free as part of Windows, then when all competition has gone out of business, start selling that product. While NCSoft will not have a superhero MMORPG, in their minds (probably) an online game is an online game regardless of the genre. They dont want the competetition. And this game will provide profit to whoever picks it up.

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Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
What's hard to understand is that they know this IP wouldn't really compete with anything they have coming down the pipe. Most of NCsoft properties are fantasy-based and are hardly losing market share to any of the other two superhero MMOs out there. Arbitrarily holding on to the IP for scorched earth sake really makes no business sense, especially considering the fact that the IP was still profitable. Also, even though GW2 is a Korean game, ArenaNet and Carbine Studios are located in the US along with half of their (non) Asian branch offices, so the idea that NCsoft is pulling out of the US market doesn't seem plausible either. There doesn't seem to be any slow down of the development of the new games they have coming down the pipe, so why avoid so many other low hanging targets for cutting back and focus on City of Heroes and Paragon Studios for the chopping block?
I posted what I'm about to say in another thread, but, Anti, you have to look at it like this: Since NC Soft said the game was no longer profitable it would look insanely bad if they sold the IP and the new studio/developer made a success out of it, even if the success was a small one. Furthermore, if City Of Heroes were sold off, the new developer would know the exact number of how profitable City Of Heroes is. If there were any inconsistency with what NC Soft has announced publicly it would make them look very, very bad.

As for the rumor, I think it's just that. I've been following a bit over at the Titan forums and I remember Tony talking about getting private investors of players involved. If there were any offers, I highly doubt they were on the behalf of any serious player. A poster over on the forums had said that he, through his very small private studio which he owned, requested the sale price of City Of Heroes to no response. What developer would take such an offer seriously?

If there were any offers I'm sure that the serious studios made them very early on and as of yet we don't know to what extent and how many offers were made for City Of Heroes. My feeling is that the offers that Tony V does know of were of the not-so-serious kind. He said himself that he didn't have a direct line to Paragon Studios in several posts, so what makes anyone think that he would be in the know about the goings on about sale talks?



...which leads us right back to: "Money..... we like money, but not money generated by that particular game. I know! Let's permanently anger a large portion of those people GIVING us that money, with a no-warning, scorched-earth permanent shutdown! That'll teach them to give us money we don't want!"

In what universe do companies NOT like money... I. Can't. Even.



I just have to say one other thing: Tony V in that rumor article had said that he didn't want to divulge the names of the interest groups that were potentially looking to buy City Of Heroes. What point is there in withholding the names? I think he knows that whatever groups he knows of who have offered to buy the IP are not credible or such offers simply could not have been taken seriously.

Paragon Studios was owned entirely by NC Soft and everyone at Paragon negotiating a separation of the studio from NC Soft was subject to a nondisclosure agreement because of his former contract. Other companies aren't subject to that agreement. Why would it hurt any company's image if the company simply stated that it had tried to buy the IP, but NC Soft wouldn't negotiate? The company offering would have nothing to lose in any such statement; there really weren't any bridges to burn in the sales talks.

Whatever offers Tony V knows of seem incredulous at best. A medium to large sized studio would have been free to release some sort of statement when talks fell through or we would have heard something by now through the grapevine. At this point, if Tony's sources are credible, he would have nothing to lose in tarnishing NC Soft's image. Withholding the names of the interest groups just doesn't add up.



Originally Posted by End Sinister View Post
I just have to say one other thing: Tony V in that rumor article had said that he didn't want to divulge the names of the interest groups that were potentially looking to buy City Of Heroes. What point is there in withholding the names?
Maybe he was told them in confidence, and if he breaks the promises he made not to name names, he'll get no more news?

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Originally Posted by End Sinister View Post
I just have to say one other thing: Tony V in that rumor article had said that he didn't want to divulge the names of the interest groups that were potentially looking to buy City Of Heroes. What point is there in withholding the names? I think he knows that whatever groups he knows of who have offered to buy the IP are not credible or such offers simply could not have been taken seriously.

Paragon Studios was owned entirely by NC Soft and everyone at Paragon negotiating a separation of the studio from NC Soft was subject to a nondisclosure agreement because of his former contract. Other companies aren't subject to that agreement. Why would it hurt any company's image if the company simply stated that it had tried to buy the IP, but NC Soft wouldn't negotiate? The company offering would have nothing to lose in any such statement; there really weren't any bridges to burn in the sales talks.

Whatever offers Tony V knows of seem incredulous at best. A medium to large sized studio would have been free to release some sort of statement when talks fell through or we would have heard something by now through the grapevine. At this point, if Tony's sources are credible, he would have nothing to lose in tarnishing NC Soft's image. Withholding the names of the interest groups just doesn't add up.
If he was told something in confidence that it is not a good idea to reveal the sources that he received information from. In doing so you then put yourself in a position where people are reluctant to give you information or help you because you have betrayed a trust.

In my industry because of the position I am in and because of my contacts I hear things all the time from various sources and I am often told.. You didnt hear this from me.. or.. This goes no further than this room ( in fact I had such a conversation just this Friday ) and if I went about releasing information or naming sources my channels would shut down and my name would be dirt..

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

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Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
Also, even though GW2 is a Korean game, ArenaNet and Carbine Studios are located in the US along with half of their (non) Asian branch offices, so the idea that NCsoft is pulling out of the US market doesn't seem plausible either.
How is GW2 a Korean game? It was developed in the US and released here first.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
How is GW2 a Korean game? It was developed in the US and released here first.
I would say the association came from the NCsoft being based in Korea.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
I would say the association came from the NCsoft being based in Korea.
Then in that case, City of Heroes is Korean, Auto Assault is Korean....



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Then in that case, City of Heroes is Korean, Auto Assault is Korean....
Not arguing the absurdity of it.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
Not arguing the absurdity of it.
Good to know that you realised that your statement was kinda stupid