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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    Wouldn't that also be the official time that they are unemployed, and can thus make announcements about new directions?
  2. well figuring in the fact they are closing the game in a little less than a month.. i think it dampened the enthusiasm of many.
  3. who cares what the numbers are... the game is shutting down.. and they are not going to sell the IP.. NC Soft will never get another dime from me.. I dont even have the desire to log in anymore..
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by End Sinister View Post
    I just have to say one other thing: Tony V in that rumor article had said that he didn't want to divulge the names of the interest groups that were potentially looking to buy City Of Heroes. What point is there in withholding the names? I think he knows that whatever groups he knows of who have offered to buy the IP are not credible or such offers simply could not have been taken seriously.

    Paragon Studios was owned entirely by NC Soft and everyone at Paragon negotiating a separation of the studio from NC Soft was subject to a nondisclosure agreement because of his former contract. Other companies aren't subject to that agreement. Why would it hurt any company's image if the company simply stated that it had tried to buy the IP, but NC Soft wouldn't negotiate? The company offering would have nothing to lose in any such statement; there really weren't any bridges to burn in the sales talks.

    Whatever offers Tony V knows of seem incredulous at best. A medium to large sized studio would have been free to release some sort of statement when talks fell through or we would have heard something by now through the grapevine. At this point, if Tony's sources are credible, he would have nothing to lose in tarnishing NC Soft's image. Withholding the names of the interest groups just doesn't add up.
    If he was told something in confidence that it is not a good idea to reveal the sources that he received information from. In doing so you then put yourself in a position where people are reluctant to give you information or help you because you have betrayed a trust.

    In my industry because of the position I am in and because of my contacts I hear things all the time from various sources and I am often told.. You didnt hear this from me.. or.. This goes no further than this room ( in fact I had such a conversation just this Friday ) and if I went about releasing information or naming sources my channels would shut down and my name would be dirt..
  5. My dad told me when I was young.. You better learn how to fight.. cause you have a smart mouth, you dont take a lot of crap and you dont run very fast...

    I dont run.. I fight...

    My dad told me when I was young.. the guy in the crowd that walks around and talks the most crap is most likely the biggest punk.. punch him first..

    I know a punk when I see one NC Soft..
  6. This is the only one I was playing anyway...
  7. I would have to say my SS/EA brute.. He just goes and goes... pummeling everything in sight..Softcapped nicely.. Having a Footstomp down to a 6-8 second recharge depending on how many mobs are in range is ooooooooooh so lovely...
  8. No but it did help me deal with the passing of my mother.. Wife was away in college.. home alone a lot.. made online friends..
  9. The question for me is not why arent you playing one.. its WHICH one to play.

    Allow me to introduce my faction known as


    TASER (Tesla Armored Soldier w/ Electric Repulsors) Level 50 Elec/Elec/Elec Blaster

    AMPED (Accelerated Magneto Pulse w/Elecrical Discharge) Level 50 Elec/Elec/Mu Dominator)

    Shellshock- Level 50 Elec/SS Tank

    Rede Furashi (The Red Flash )- Level 50 Elec/Shield Brute

    Overload- Level 50 Elec/Psi/Mu Dominator

    I also deleted a Level 50 Elec/Kin Corruptor named Gigawatt and a Level 50 Elec/Rad controller named Lockdown ( The doms were much better than both )
  10. Are there different classes to play or species with different abilities?
  11. Is this game good? Do I need to purchase it and then its free or do I just download it ??
  12. Im going on record as saying I was never broken but im a little upset that I might not get better than I was.. I hope this game gets saved JUST for Issue 24.
  13. ME3 is so disappointing its not even funny.. I can barely make myself play through it once.. much less try it with different classes..
  14. None of us saw it coming but as heroes we fight against impossible odds every day.. Now is the true fight.. to #SaveCoh. Since you may have not been around for a while the community is undergoing a massive campaign to Save City of Heroes spearheaded by TonyV and others from the TitanNetwork. I would head over to their forums to see the latest news.. events planned.. The movement is getting some press throughout the gaming community and even mainstream media ( CNN has a small story on a page ). Join the fight...

    We have been saving Paragon City for 8 1/2 years.. Its time to do it one more time...

    We are Heroes... This is what we do....

    We are Villains.. Whats ours is OURS..


    Dont despair yet.. join the fight..

    Yesterday this community raised 1,000 dollars to treat the devs to dinner at a local restaurant in under three hours.. 1,000 dollars on a THURSDAY afternoon in under three hours to me is downright amazing.. I didnt even have a chance to donate and we had reached the limit...

    Again go to the TitanNetwork forums and join there if you arent a member to stay abreast of the latest news.. Next big event.. Sending costumes and capes to the NCSoft offices for Halloween.,,,
  15. Agreed this is awesome but it needs to go somewhere so it can be seen.. can someone with media cred push this into the right channels ??
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    You mean when you clicked the link to download it, it simply automatically opened the program? What web browser are you using?
    Yes thats what happened. I am using chrome but I have Firefox and IE ( which I never use )
  17. actually im just having an issue about how to download it.. the first time I did it opened up but I dont see the file on my PC anywhere.. I would have just saved it to desktop for simplicity but I didnt get the option to ever do so...

    again excuse my ignorance..
  18. Can someone post a step by step instruction of what to do with this program for the computer illiterate..

    Thank you...
  19. Yes I would.. but not to line NCSoft's pockets in all honesty.. new studio, new producer yes.. NCSift has gotten enough of my money and basically kicked me out the door...
  20. Im holding out hope that the game gets saved so I dont want to know anything !!!!!

    LA LA LA LA LA LA LA Im not listening !!!!
  21. 42... every toon I have is a 50... I wanted to have at least one of every AT @ 50. I dont have a Stalker, Widow, or Warshade. I have at least one of everything else.
  22. This is a question I had.. and this is a direction I was hoping things would go,